How To Improve Your Handwriting Fast With Simple Tricks | Handwriting Improvement Tips | ChetChat

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hey in today's video i will show  you a seven day road map of how i   improve my handwriting quite  substantially so let's get going hey everyone this is chetna and you're watching  chat chat okay so grab a pen and a paper   and try out some of the stuff that i'm gonna  show you let's begin right away with day one   choosing the tools on day one all i needed  was a separate notebook for handwriting and   a perfect pen choosing a pen is a bit like a  wizard selecting their wand or a chef choosing   their knife do not underestimate the value of  the right pen and the paper for good handwriting   in my case i keep certain things in mind like  the ink shouldn't be too greasy or the writing   shouldn't be too thick and it should dry  immediately after writing i prefer a 0.5 mm   roller ball pen if i'm using a pen and 2b pencils  if i'm using a pencil okay with the width of the   pen i prefer a good grip so maybe you can tie try  out you know the slimmer pen and the thicker pen   and it all depends on your grip but i like  this kind of thicker grip now you tell me in   the comment section which is your favorite pen  and why you love it so much with the notebook   i always look for paper with a matte finish or  papers with certain rough elements on it kind   of instead of the shiny and glossy papers this  helps the writing to flow better so take your time   be selective and very specific about your magical  pen and paper and drop me a comment below telling   me which pen and paper you prefer using day two  flowing hands actually we are good at judging our   handwriting we know how the letters should look  but our hands refuse to move that way so today   i will give my hands a good warm up since they  are not used to writing on the first two pages   i started to draw circles circles of different  sizes to check the flow of my hands it was awful   eventually i started to improve because i use  the dot technique through the dot technique i   made a dot first and then made a circle around  it referencing it as a center point of the circle   now the next two pages were dedicated to drawing  waves i chose a particular wavelength maybe you   can choose like the gap between two lines and  i started to draw multiple waves while drawing   i made sure that every wave looked equal like  this i made a few more waves of different sizes   like maybe tiny letter sized waves this helped  me to check and improve the consistency of my   hand movement now on the last two pages i  made horizontal and vertical straight lines   it was tougher than i thought so i drew a line  with a ruler or maybe the margin of the paper   and the lines on the paper can be your reference  point and you try to go parallel to it basically   this is to check and improve the stability of our  hand movements that was it for the second day day   three pan grab on day three i started with an  english pan gram do you know what a pan gram is   no it's not some kind of pancake or snack it's  a sentence with all the letters of the language   at least once like an english pentagram  will have all the 26 letters in a sentence   i chose two such fun sentences the quick brown  fox jumps over a lazy dog packed my box with   five dozen liquor jugs i wrote them on the top  of two separate pages and repeated them on the   entire page this was to analyze my handwriting and  all the places where i needed to improve day four   the spoilers every person has certain alphabets  which completely ruin their words and sentences   in my case it was f r and s so on day four  i decided to improve my spoiler letters   now i'm in love with this font called comic sans  ms available on microsoft word it's kind of tidy   and it has a nice cute look so i took the  reference of my spoilers from this font i didn't   copy the entire font as i have my unique font  called the chetna print i just took the reference   to create my new spoiler letters but if you didn't  like comic sans font i have two equally amazing   fonts called lobster and pacifico and if you have  some other mesmerizing fonts let me know in the   comment section below so on the next three pages i  just wrote f r and s again and again i also tried   a different way of writing g and just had some  fun experimenting with the letters initially it'll   take some time to implement the new letters in the  words so try to write slowly to create the habit   i did the same and it was already looking much  much better day five was spacing on day five i   started working on my spaces and implemented four  tips i'm gonna share them with you one by one   the first tip i used was to separate each  letter in the word like the comic sans font or   sego print this made my letters more visible and  clearer now i could see how much space each letter   was consuming and as i trained my hands for  consistency making waves i could easily assign   equal spaces to each letter in the words  between the words follow the lady finger rule   as tip number two a space equal to a lady  finger i'm sure you won't need to measure   after a few days of practice tip number three is  spaces between the lines the best way to measure   the space is to avoid tangling of letters from  the top line to the letters in the bottom line   and the fourth and last step for spaces is the  overall paid space no matter how beautiful you   write if it looks congested on the entire page  then it kind of looks messy so try keeping equal   spaces from all the four sides of the page like  how you write drawing margins ideally take about   one and a half centimeters of space on all sides  make margins and that works best on notebooks   day six this is when i decided to work on  the geometry of my words i realized that   when the size of the small letters kept half  the space between the lines it was kind of   it looked nicer than any other size maybe a little  small but not more than that i decided to stick to   the size for the small letters and double the size  for the capital making it a ratio of two is to one   now the tilt of the words is where a lot of people  mess it up i prefer straight on 90 degree with no   tilt but if you prefer some other tilt make sure  every word tilts in the same direction and angle   i rewrote the panoramas and implementing  the geometry principles it looked completely   transformed now it was time for the test day 7  the ultimate test on day 7 i challenged myself   with two ultimate tests test number one was  to write an informal letter on a plain white   sheet of paper without any lines i wanted to see  how well i could align my words and sentences   and test number two was to write a japanese  pangram to test how well i could flex my fingers   to draw words of my choice i thought i did  decently well in the first test drawing vertical   and horizontal lines help me to maintain my  alignment and if you can write this japanese pan   gram i'm gonna put it right here click a picture  tag me on instagram here's my instagram handle the   second test gave me confidence in my handwriting  making circles initially gave me the required   skill to confidently flow my hands play with other  languages as well by the end of the seventh day i   couldn't stop writing with my new handwriting and  before leaving i would like to remind you what   steve jobs had said once learn continually there's  always one more thing to learn so never stop the   hustle to improve your handwriting it's an art so  keep doodling whenever you see a new font pattern   or even repeating this seven-day process if you  feel the need and finally practice makes perfect   the more you write the better it'll become so  that's all from me and if you like this video   don't forget to press that subscribe button and  the bell icon right here and see you next friday
Channel: ChetChat
Views: 379,501
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Keywords: how to improve handwriting, handwriting tips, improve handwriting, improve your handwriting, how to improve your handwriting, neat handwriting, handwriting improvement tips, handwriting improvement, how i improved my handwriting, improve your writing, how to improve handwriting in english, handwriting practice, handwriting tutorial, handwriting kaise sudhare, cursive handwriting, chetchat, chetchat latest, chetna vasishth, beautiful handwriting, improve your handwriting fast
Id: xsJVDNCfbJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 33sec (573 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 15 2022
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