how to improve your handwriting | a realistic approach + free pdf worksheet

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hi everyone hope you're doing well as i shared on instagram this week i have a much requested handwriting video and this one is going to focus mainly on my regular print writing there is also a free pdf worksheet that i made and you can find it in the description bar below so firstly i'm going to go over some general handwriting tips and advice then i am going to do a writing sample as well as explain to you my personal handwriting style and then number three i am just going to roll a bunch of clips of just me writing and you can practice with me i guess a preface point that i want to make is that your handwriting is beautiful and is unique to you i don't think anyone should try to copy my writing or anyone else's writing but rather just experiment with the techniques that i use and improve your own and if you try to force your writing to look like someone else's natural writing it'll be more likely that you'll just get frustrated and completely give up so yeah just take things slow and focus on improving rather than copying so moving on to the tips the first one that i have is to pick a consistent pen and paper to use at least for me handwriting changes with every pen here in this video you can see that i'm using the exact same pen the pentel energel clenna which is my favorite gel pen but one is 0.5 millimeters and the other one is 0.4 millimeters and just a small variance changes the feeling while i write quite a bit and i also did some samples with other pens and each one just feels and looks very different so if you are set on practicing your handwriting i would just pick one pen to practice with so your muscles aren't relearning how to hold a pen each time you write my next tip is to focus on improving one or two letters at a time a lot of handwriting is just muscle memory so it's kind of ambitious to attempt to change all 26 letters of the alphabet at once and this is where you can perhaps look at my writing sample and for example if you like how i write the letter r you can commit to just mindfully changing or adjusting how you write the letter r until you are used to it and of course you can do this with any font or anyone's handwriting that you admire just try to pinpoint which specific letters you like about it and implement it into your daily writing and as you improve upon more and more letters you will slowly see a very big difference i also want to show you what my handwriting looked like five years ago when i first started instagram it looks like it was written by a completely different person so yeah i've made quite a bit of progress the next tip that i have might seem a little contradictory since i'm offering a pdf worksheet anyways but i recommend not to solely rely on worksheets or workbooks to improve your handwriting just practicing letters is great with worksheets you can practice getting your hands used to drawing the strokes but it's even better in my opinion if you're able to apply the things you're learning to real words and sentences so i encourage you not to only mindfully practice when you whip out your worksheets but rather do so whenever you're writing anything throughout the day that is more practical and then my last advice for you is to be realistic with speed um like for me i know my handwriting can be much neater if i spent a few seconds perfecting every letter of a word but that is just not feasible so yeah i encourage you to develop a neat handwriting that is actually feasible and practical for daily use i inserted some clips of my extremely messy writing and so you can see that it's not always as neat and there's always that trade-off between speed and neatness and if you are like me who values speed and efficiency especially as a student i need to write as quickly as possible um then don't be discouraged if your writing isn't as neat and pretty as someone who spends a whole minute on a single sentence and on the flip side if you have the luxury of time then you can spend a while longer perfecting your writing and don't be discouraged if it takes you longer to write something that you are proud of okay so moving on to the writing samples i am doing the entire alphabet in my normal printing now because this is a handwriting video that i am making regarding my personal style i do want to explain to you some aesthetic choices that i personally make that you may or may not find appealing but i think they are integral to how my handwriting looks so when i write words i like to keep the difference between the cap height and the x height as minimal as possible in other words i like to write my uppercase letters to be around the same height as my lowercase letters and same goes for the descender height for letters like g j y etc where i keep the distance uh minimal if that makes any sense so i just really like the uniform look of a vertically compact style [Music] do the other aesthetic choice i make when i am writing informally either in my planner or in my school notes is override grammar rules and mix uppercase and lowercase letters now this one is really hard to explain because my brain makes this aesthetic choice to switch instantaneously and i can't quite put into words why i feel like certain capital letters look better in place of lowercase letters in only a few words so i'm not so much giving you this as advice in fact it is a terrible tip for grammar to do this but i just want to explain the reason for why in my planner you may see me for example using an uppercase e in the middle of a word but sometimes not and i stick to a little casey it's really bizarre and i'm fully aware of that and it definitely will not suit a lot of people's styles but i also think that is another characteristic of my handwriting that um is a little bit more unique and for the final part of the video i have several clips of me writing a paragraph or two from a novel this one that i'm referencing is from 1984 and i'm sure many of you are familiar with this book anyways this is all real time so you can see how fast i generally write for school notes i write a little bit faster than this but this is the speed i use when i write in my planner i also included a zoomed out shot so you can see how i hold my pen if that helps you at all the way i hold my pen i have my middle finger as a rest my index finger as kind of like a stabilizer on top of the pen and my thumb kind of counters the force of my two other fingers um it sounds kind of weird but you can see it from the video and i find that this way i get the most control and i'm able to write a little bit smaller now disclaimer this is probably not the proper way to hold a pen but i don't really know what the proper way is anyways so yeah that wraps up everything that i have to say i am just going to turn on the volume of the music and you can watch or practice with me um as i mentioned there is a pdf link down below and if you happen to use it i would love to see what it looks like you can post it in our facebook group or on instagram thank you again for watching and i will see you all next week bye [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: TheCoffeeMonsterzCO
Views: 625,918
Rating: 4.964499 out of 5
Keywords: handwriting, printing, hand writing, improve handwriting, how I improved my handwriting, notes, studying, school notes, note taking, penmanship, bullet journal
Id: X6aGqcmnztU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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