How to Improve Your Handwriting | 7 Quick and Easy Tips for Nice Handwriting

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hey and welcome back today i'm going to give you an actual list of some of my tips for better handwriting so let's just jump right in so this template is the lined small and this first tip may seem like a no brainer but it is having a flat and easy surface um try to eliminate like riding in your car or on a train maybe on your couch you're holding it at a weird angle just laying it down flat is going to be really helpful in the long run number two is slow your writing down and what i mean by slowing down is slow down for now it doesn't always have to be writing very slowly and meticulously it could just mean you know while you practice slow down so you get the shape right and your form right in order to go fast in the future and make sure that your handwriting just still holds up number three is what we consider to be good handwriting is actually just consistency the height and spacing between each letter is more important than the shape so i don't recommend you take on someone else's handwriting or for example look at my handwriting and copy exactly how i make my ceo and you know etc i recommend that you keep your own unique font and then work on what is my fourth tip of sizing and spacing exercises so when you practice this sometimes it's just me doodling but you want to make sure that the height of each letter is consistent so this is just a quick little scribble but you see how it's all the same length that's important then with spacing you want to make sure that it's able to be red so and you can practice this by doing the same letters over and over again so like a a a a so make sure it's decently apart and then also the same height so there's a lot of different things you can do another one that is kind of relaxing is cursive l's that really helps okay on to number five look at what kind of writing tool you're using so one thing i actually don't like is using a mechanical pencil which kind of is the fine liner here so um it would be to use a thicker tip use a thick tip and let me show you this in the calligraphy in medium let me just make sure that was still in calligraphy yeah so use a thick tip and even though it's the exact same handwriting obviously well for me the thick tip looks a lot better than this fine liner so it does matter what kind of pen or pencil you're using and if all else fails use all caps this is something that i've actually always used within this notebook right here i love using all caps it makes my handwriting look very consistent and i can easily read it and i would say if you aren't able to do some of the spacing and other types of exercises all caps usually just makes your handwriting look consistent number seven finally this is the biggest tip of all do you have a pen and paper out right now because nothing changes unless you're actually practicing it like right now you're only wasting time if you're only watching this and you're not actually trying out how to write some of these things down so i hope this was helpful for you this is just what i use i'm sure there are a million other tips but these i think are the biggest and feel free to let me know what other kind of content you'd like to see subscribe down below
Channel: Monsty
Views: 12,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reMarkable, reMarkable 2, handwriting, legible handwriting, neat handwriting, tips, improve, nice writing
Id: KF7AWduJ1hM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 59sec (299 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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