How to Import Map Data into Google MyMaps

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hello everybody my name is Brandon with TECA and in this video what we are gonna be doing is I'm gonna show you how to import location data from spreadsheets into Google my maps that before you get into it Google my maps is an absolutely fantastic service for any type of location data organization whether it be property management it could go as far as planning vacations anything to do with location data organization now this is only gonna be covering it general importing and some of those features so later on I will have a full-fledged tutorial on how to use Google my maps which will be more helpful for people using it to plant vacations but this is for people with already existing data spreadsheets that they want to import and organize now this isn't my data I just pulled this from a open source website a government website Colorado Department of Education I just pulled a mailing list for their school districts and this is what it is so we will be pulling this whenever you have data it is important that you have two things the first thing is the actual address this is what it's going to use to pinpoint the locations on the map and the second most important thing is something to give to the title or the title of the place marker those are the two things that's gonna ask you for when you import it something else that's gonna be kind of important just to make it look prettier is something to go off of to group locations together whether that be through zip code the actual districts themselves cities or one thing I do for my job is if I have a lot of properties kind of together that are related I'll call it a region I'll make a whole column with the regions so they're kind of grouped together and you'll see what I'm talking about in just a sec so getting into it first I'm gonna kind of clean this up a bit so I'm gonna get rid of things that we don't really need for the video so this I believe is irrelevant so we'll delete those columns you have the mailing Zipcar faqs district size and district setting so I'll get rid of districts setting two to delete column so anything that is important to you when it comes to mapping of this and it may not seem important but things like the phone number district size that's not necessarily important in mapping but when you have the place marker you'll be able to see that data so we're gonna go on jump over here all you do is create a new map and you click on import now here we're going to just download this really quick so file download download an Excel version and save the file now you can't import this from Google Drive but I just wanted to do it this way you're real quick and we are gonna drag and drop this right in here you could do CVS excel and a couple other different spreadsheet files it's gonna upload and as I was talking about earlier we're gonna choose a column to position your place markers now you can't select multiple columns so for this example I'm gonna be selecting the mailing address mailing city mailing state and the mailing zip code click continue and then you're going to want to choose the column to title your markers now this will be the organization name if you were doing like property management for example you that would be either like the apartment complex name or the community name but for this it is the organization name which you can see right here those are all these school districts for Colorado we're gonna hit finish that's going to refresh because that is quite a bit of data and boom this is all of the school districts for the state of Colorado now what I was talking about earlier with all the additional data is if you click on one of these place markers you see all that data so you have the county the organization name all your mailing info the phone number fax and district size so this is just good information to have handy now what I was talking about earlier with the grouping by color is this right here this is the uniform style that's what's currently selected but if we click on it we can group places by and that right now it's uniform style so everything is the same if we click on that you can select a column to organize it so every item with this specific piece of data will be grouped that way so for this I would assume that the county might be a good one so we'll click on County and then it has organized the by county now why some of these are gray is because there's too much data there's too much colors you can see all these different counties right here and other or no value is these because there's just so many different ones that there's not enough colors to do it now this is the districts for an entire state I'd assume that if you're doing this for yourself for a small operation you're not gonna have over seventy three different values that you're gonna need to work through but we'll zoom in over here just so you can kind of see how it looks so all of these by Colorado Springs they're part of the El Paso County over here are the Kit Carson County so it just kind of makes it look pretty prettier if you wanted to go through all these other values you could give them their own color and you can change the colors of these by clicking this or going over here this is Washington so you can change colors that way but there's only so many colors that you can do and once it runs out of colors it's going to make everything great or make you go through and change it so if you only have let's say five different items that you're basing these on you're not gonna have a problem there's quite quite a bit more than that here I would say there's probably about fifteen or twenty different color coded items how do you everyone I just wanted to pause my original recording just gonna show you an actual map I work with every day this looks a lot better than the example that I was giving in the video because this is my actual data for something that I do you can see instead of over 74 like we just saw I have one two three four five six seven different things so there's plenty enough color codes to go around and overall it just looks good I have the different regions which I was talking about earlier in the video sectioned and everything it just seems to blend together really well and for my purpose it is absolutely perfect but that is essentially how you import data other things you can do which will I'll go over in much greater detail in the full tutorial of Google my maps but you could go through and you can edit this data directly on the map so if you notice that an address is wrong you can move it through there just by double clicking on it clicking edit and making any changes there if you have images you could go ahead and add images so you can do a google image search and you do call over at OU and something will come up his select save and then that will add images to the specific data set so you can add for like this you could have like a picture of superintendent for the district or whatever you'd want for your relation to doing this additionally you could come over here you can change the names of any of this right here this is important 21 rows couldn't be shown on the map fix errors highlighted in red on the data tape so that means that Google had an issue pulling some of the data so you could either ignore this or you can open up the data table doing that it will bring up everything on the data table that you can make edits through and you're going to want to find the items it's probably gonna be under mailing address so will shuffle through here and try to find any errors right here you can see all the errors for this RPO boxes that makes complete sense Pio boxes aren't really generally locatable on unless if they're set up to be through the postal service so these are not that's fine if you have an actual error that you know what the issue is you could go through just click and start making some changes so you can with whatever the address is and work from there so that is how you import data into Google my maps and kind of get started on organization there's way more to this piece of software you can scroll way down you could change the base map here so you can make it look a little different so we go like that doesn't actually Colorado so let's do an elevation do they have an elevation terrain that'll do so you can see where all the mountains are and everything like that if you have more spreadsheets to add you can add a layer and what that will do is will give you the option to import more data into this map and well you're smooth sailing from there like I said though be a more in-depth tutorial on all the features for this in the future once I upload it there'll be a link down below in the comments if you have any questions or comments feel free to leave them down there too if there was something important that you think I missed please let everybody know if I helped you in any sort of way please don't hesitate to hit that like button share this video and subscribe I upload general computer and software tutorials all the time as well as general software overviews product reviews and things of that nature once again have a great day and goodbye what I think are the two best platforms that you can use as a way to backup photos and videos primarily on mobile devices automatically through an app now both of these services do way more than just that they're loaded with features they're loaded with advantages and disadvantages and those two services that we're going to be talking about is Google Photos and Amazon photos
Channel: TechHut
Views: 38,160
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Id: -v1e-bS-T34
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Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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