CMG Webinar - Builder: Geomodelling Made Easy

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hello and welcome to see em gee is webinar on builder geo modeling made easy my name is Anthony Kumar I'm the vice president of engineering solutions and marketing at CMG I'm pleased to introduce Adrian Thomas senior reservoir simulation engineer we'll be presenting today's webinar Adrian holds a Bachelor of Science degree in oil and gas engineering from the University of Calgary and has over nine years of industry experience prior to joining CMD Adrian worked as a result evaluation engineer with a consulting firm in Calgary since joining CMD about five years ago adrian has worked on many simulation consulting projects with the focus on unconventional reservoirs throughout Canada Vivian also has extensive experience in reservoir characterization and your modeling workflows at this time I like to inform you that there will be a question and answer session at the end of the presentation however you can submit your questions on the screen using a chat window we will also be posting the recorded version of our presentation on the website within the next 24 hours you may use your CMD a login and a password to access the material what you area thank you on Janee and hello everyone and welcome today's talk on jim modeling made easy using CMG's builder so a quick agenda for today's talk will first go over a brief introduction then the majority of the talk will focus on a live demo and then we'll wrap it up with the summary here a summary and then a question period so a typical workflow for jewel modeling may start with building yomo within agile geological modeling soft some sort of geological modeling software and that model you build might contain the grid and unit system reservoir properties geological units all surfaces and well paths then from that third-party software he may export that into a rescue format and that would be binary files which can then be imported to CMG's builder from there you may complete the data set where you put in your relative permeability curves your PBT any historical well production or information and then depending on your process you would run this in one of our simulators IMAX jammer stars and then we can view the results from no simulation right now with typically the typical workflow is builder the with builder the geological mall is already created however we can we can build at the gym model within builder itself and we can do that with three main steps the first step would be import where you can import your trajectory well-well markers well logs which may be correlated from core and then we can create we can create some contour maps or some structure and thickness maps we can then create a 2d grid and then we can assign that to grid to the their map to the grid to create a 3d model and from there we can also assign reservoir property distribution within builder we also have a powerful tool called our scripting tool and this supports automated workflows and calculations we can use this to create multiple geostatistical realizations automatically recalculate any predefined property formulas we can save multiple data sets and then we can also initialize all those data sets and run the simulation models from there we will get a output which we may use for geo geological ranking so in builder if you want to create a property distribution typically you start with our geo statistics window and we'd match a Verya gram and then we can create a property distribution using the scripting tool we again start with the geostatistics and match a Verya gram however now we can go to our scripting tool and use that to do a set up a quick setup for however many realization you want to create we'd click just the run script and we can automatically create multiple data sets with different realizing realizations so at this point let's move on to our demo and we'll focus on two main things the first one we being a guided task manager and a second being that scripting tool we just talked about so I've just opened up a builder and right now it's blank and we'll create a Jew model from scratch so the steps I'm about to show you can be done in any of our simulators whether it's IMAX cameras ours the specific models IMAX but the steps will not change depending on the simulator so we'll start by navigating through the reservoir section and that can be found in either at the top menu here under reservoir or on the tree view on the left in the reservoir as well and I'm just going to click this arrow to open up a new dialog and it will select the first option build static model with task manager the task manager will now appear and on the left you'll see a list of tasks which need to be completed to actually finish creating our geological model beside each task you'll see a dot referent color and the first one is highlighted in red meaning that section is mandatory and has not yet been completed another dot you'll see is gray indicating that this requires a prior tasks to be completed before can determine the status of this task as we move forward with this task manager you'll see the color changed to either green or blue green meaning that section has been fully or partially completed and blue meaning that is an optional task and there's nothing really required at that step so let's move forward with building our geological model and I'll continue with the first task which is import weld data the first option here is highlighted which is well trajectory wizard and at this point we're going to import some weld trajectories so it will look for the well path I'll just highlight well trajectory and click import there's a few file types available to you to import weld trajectories if I hit the drop down you'll see a list of all the formats we accept and for this specific demo I have my files in the table format in the top right you can select a unit system for both the X&Y so the horizontal direction for the directory and the vertical directions for the Z which would be in measured depth but click this drop down you'll see have the option for meter speed centimeters millimeters and so forth however I know my trajectory file has a header and therefore this should automatically be populated as long as I have that header in each directory file so let's now browse and find in that trajectory file and we can do that by clicking this button with the three dots here to browse and find our file and I'll just highlight my well trajectory file with the extension wdb which is a table format and click open now as mentioned did the unit system automatically change to meters because there was a header in its trajectory file let's move to the next step the second step of this of the directory import is selecting or deselecting any of the wells for import by default all the wells are selected and for this demo we'll select all the wells to import on this third step is if you have multilateral trajectories and typically your trajectory you have a multilateral you have the main trajectory which would be a parent trajectory and you'd have a branch for that trajectory and then the third column we can assign that branch to the parent trajectory to actually create the full multilateral trajectory the second column here is if you had wells already preloaded into builder and now we're also bringing in trajectories if you're a naming convention between a directory name and the well name are the same it'll automatically associate path trajectory with the well you currently have in your model if the what naming convention was different we can always make sure that the directory lined up with the well name by adjusting any of these cells here to match the correct well names the specific demo I'm starting from a new builder session and I didn't have any wells loaded in so there's nothing required at this step and we can click finish to finish importing all our well trajectories after I've imported these directories two things appeared and the first one is I now enabled options for well log wizard and well log mark well markers and second the import well data has changed from a red dot to a green dot indicating that this sections at least partially completed so this I can move on to the next task however I'm also going to import well logs and well markers as well so I'll select the second option which is well logs wizard and click import and here we also have a few file types available for imported logs and for the specific demo I'll choose the LS well log file and click open open up my LS logs I'll just highlight all the well locks import them all at once and on the left here we have a list of all the logs which can currently be imported and by default they're all selected meaning all the logs will be imported have option to deselect any of these logs for the import on the right is a list of all the wells which is associating the well trajectory with the well logged name and just like we saw with the well trajectories if the renaming convention was different I can hit the drop down here and associate this well log with any of the well sure that directory names on the left my naming conventions the same between my well trajectory and my well log therefore it's automatically associated the correct directory with the correct well lock and this last column here is listing all the logs available on a well by well basis so I just have expand this last column these are all the logs which are available to me for this specific level now the the naming convention for these logs are coming from the LS log file itself so these headers here for example have done to the porosity I've gamma-ray for gr and down here have SP for toxins montains potential so the naming convention is coming from the LA s log so that's all that's required at this step and I'll say in okay to import my well logs and I'll continue on with the third step which is importing well markers and I'll just highlight well markers and click import now again browse to find that file and I'll open that file and say okay to import the well markers so the while markers are actually indicating the tops and bottoms of certain formations which we'll use in a subsequent step to create contour maps so if I just move this task manager out of the way in the background you'll see what we have just imported the blue lines here are representing our well trajectories so the majority of these wells are vertical vertical wells if i zoom in here you'll see of some colors at the bottom of these wells these are the markers which were just imported indicating the tops and bottoms of certain structures and we'll use the and we'll use these markers to actually create contour maps in a subsequent task let me move this back into view and more this section has now been completed and we'll move to the next task so the the next task is selecting tops and this has automatically been filled out once we imported the well markers under geological units we can see that we have two formations formation a and formation B and we these well markers are represented in red orange red and orange for formation a and the top of a is represented in red and the bottom of a is represented in orange and formation be the top of B is represented in yellow and the bottom of B is represented in a silver color and these are the markers we saw when you looked at the directories in 3d so I can also at this stage I can also change how many geological units I want to move forward with these two automatically came from those I want to import those top markers I can change this number for example a geological units at the top here I can change this to 1 and if I want to can only import formation a and if I hit this drop down I can choose let's formation be to only be imported that can change this to the top and bottom of formation be or it can combine both formations and change it from forming the top of formation a all the way to the bottom of formation be and combine formation a and B into one geological unit however for this demo I'll leave it as two geological units I'm going to change these markers back to the top and bottom of formation a and the top of bottom of formation be beside each marker top and mark a bottom you'll see a number of wells these are the number of weld trajectories that actually contain those markers so there's 49 trajectories which contained a marker for top a formation the top of formation a and 49 markers which contained the bottom of formation a and so forth additionally if you have a predefined contour map you can also import those to define your your structure and you can import those under the second option here which is meshed Maps so if I highlight mesh maps and we can import two maps I have type map one which is considering the top map so the first map you import will always be a top map and under file map one if I highlight this cell I have an option to browse and I click that button I have an import wizard which pops up and I can import any of these map formats I'm going to click cancel cuz I don't have a map to import here however this first map file will be a top map the second map file can either be a bottom or a thickness map and that can be defined under type map - I have a drop-down available and I can choose whether this is a bottom contour map or a thickness map that I'm importing and depending on which I'm when I'm importing using the top map in file 1 and we bought a map whether it's a bottom structure I can use that to define the bottom structure and therefore the thickness of that formation or I can import a thickness map and use that along with the top map to define the bottom structure the specific demo will leave it as well markers and we'll create some contour maps so let me move back - well markers and this section has been completed as indicated with a green dot and we'll move to the next task this next task is called edit markers and you can see it's highlighted in blue meaning this section is optional so nothing's actually required here and we can move to the next task however I'll show you the value of the Edit markers in this section okay we can create a fence diagram between wells and we can also QC our data points based on those top markers and we can edit any of those markers if we see fit so let me just add a add a well to show you show you this in action so I can click Add weld button at the top here and a new drop-down pops up here how they did not selected and if I click under this non-selective I can pick any of my weld trajectories which have been imported in that first task so I'll just highlight the first well here which is a 112 we'll get a image of a the well whole 112 and I'll show me the markers for the top and bottom of both deformations so it has the same color convention we saw in the last step so the top of formation a will be highlighted with this red marker the bottom of formation a is highlighted in the orange which is not displayed here because the marker for the top of formation B is highlighted in yellow and my formations are continuous so formation a is on top of formation B and therefore it's only one markers displayed at this point I mean last marker here is highlighted in white or silver which is the bottom of formation B if I add an additional well so I'm just going to click add well again and I'll hit this drop down and select a second well which is five of seven in this case it'll automatically create a friends diagram which will show it will connect up the tops and bottoms of the structure so I can see how the structure is changing as I move from well oh 112 to 57 and the wells that are displayed are in the same order I've added them in which is oh one twelve and five seven so I can see that the top of formation a is highlighted in red here go to the top of formation a four well five of seven and the same with the bottom of formation a and the bottom of formation B as mentioned we can QC or edit any of these data points or any of these markers and we can also add in any of our logs which we imported to try to see the how well these pics were made so in the top here I have a box which is has all my logs which had imported and I can scroll down and select any of my logs so that's for example select and ger which is for a gamma-ray luck and I'll just enable this by clicking this checkbox and beside each well it'll show me my gamma-ray log for the interval between my formations and I'm seeing that for both wells here the first of all or 112 and the second well here five of seven and I'm just going to zoom in by just by scrolling on my mouse and I can see this marker here which is the bottom of formation a or the top of formation beam and if I click this marker I'll get a little image or just show me the TVD for this marker and the MD for this marker this the unit system which I've I'm using for a builder is currently in an SI unit system therefore these pics here are in meters if it was if it if it was an imperial units this would be feet however the specific one is in meters by highlighting this marker I can look at my any of my logs which I cancel us enable at the top here and I can actually drag this my to edit at this point depending on depending on my log so if I believed this marker was incorrect I can drag this marker up or down to actually edit any of these data points and I can do that for any of the wells this was for well one of 12 and this was for well 5 of 7 I've currently added in the gamma-ray lock I can add in as many logs as I see fit so let me scroll and find another log and I'll add in the density porosity log and another image is displayed beside the gamma-ray log and again the logs is in the same sequence which we've added atom in so the first log is beta is going to be the gamma-ray and the second log displayed is going to be the density porosity to distinguish between the two logs I can adjust the line style so let me jump back to the log selection and under the second column here there's a line if I click into the cell a new button appears and I'll click on this button and I can adjust the style of this density porosity log so let's make this a perforated line and we'll change the color from black to red and I'll change the weight to 2 and I'll say ok so the second log now has changed to the color style or the least outline style and the color which I've selected and the second log is represented by the density porosity and the first one is the gamma ray so I also have the option to add as many wells as they see fit so you can add in an additional well and of course select and the other well here and it will show me the well path from o1 12 to 5 7 to the third well which I've just added in as Oh 6 13 and it can add in as many wells as you see fit to create this fence diagram and I can of course remove any of these wells as as well so again this section is actually optional and nothing is actually required if I did want to edit any of these markers I have that option by just selecting the marker and dragging it up or down so that completes the Edit marker task and we can move on to our next task we're currently under the create horizons step and you'll see here we have our three tops and bottoms which is the top of formation a highlighted in red the bottom of formation a highlighted in orange which is the same as the top of formation B and the bottom of formation be highlighted in silver at this point we're going to create some contour maps and the contour maps will be the structure the structure for each of the formations top or bottom and we'll start by clicking on the create map button a new dialog will appear and will automatically be prefilled because we had imported the world trajectories and the weld top markers in the first column you'll have a list of wells and then the second and third column will be the XY direction of those top markers and the last column world is listed as value which is going to be the TVD pick for that tops for that top structure in this case it's the top of formation a because I've clicked on the create map button for the top of formation a unless currently listed is the TBD we can move to the methods tab now to choose our calculation method for creating the contour maps under calculation method if I click on this drop down I have a few options available to me for calculating the contour map I have a few estimation techniques such as inverse distance ordinary kriging ordinary kriging or secondary variable or koch rigging trend estimation and you do have available gaussian geostatistical simulation because we're creating a top structure typically we're going to be using an estimation technique and typically you'd use ordinary kriging for creating that map however using ordinary crating will require me to use a very gram and we'll discuss the very room and subsequent steps a step four so for creating this contour map I'm just going to choose inverse distance for the time game so the only other thing required at this step is to input a relevant name for the contour map which will be created so I'll just click this browse button and I'll put in a relevant name for this top map so I'll call this formation a top dot mesh and I'll save this file so I just have a relevant name and I'll click save file a status bar will appear for a few seconds and mean and once it's disappeared it means the map has been created and also this button who originally said save file and now a change to update file meaning this contour map has been created so let me close out of this dialog and in the moving back into the task manager I'll expand on this last column here and you can see I have a path location for my contour map which was just created called form a top mesh while I've created this contour map I display in the background has also been created for that contour map so let me move this task manager out of the way so in the background we're looking at a 3d view for the contour map that we'll just created and that's highlighted in this red horizon the blue lines again are representing our wall trajectories and the red dots here are representing the top markers which were imported which are representing the top of formation a so let's this is a 3d view so let me change this to an aerial view just so it can be a little more clear what we're currently looking at so I'm going to change this from a 3d view to a IG ij2 the aerial view so we can look at a top view so now we can see we're looking these red lines here are representing our contour map so of each contour line so for example this first lock this first contour line is representing negative 170 the next one is negative of 175 and the third one is negative 180 and so forth and these contours were created based on the location of the wells and specifically the top markers for formation the top of formation a and these blue dots here are representing our vertical wells and these blue lines are representing any deviated or horizontal weld trajectories so the actual contours were based on the location of these wells and specifically those top marker pens let's create a contour map for the bottom of formation a and the bottom of formation B as well so moving the task manager back into view we'll do that exact same step for the other the other two structures so click on create map for the bottom of formation a again the information has been pre-loaded because we've imported trajectory and therewell markers and the value here is representing the TBD in this case of the bottom of formation a under the methods tab again can change my calculation method but I'll leave it as inverse distance and I'll just give my give this a relevant file name and I'll call this the formation form a bottom dot mesh and I'll save the file so again I actually to actually calculate the contour map I'll click save file a status bar appear for a few seconds and I'll click close to exit out of this dialog and again a map has been created and we'll continue on with the third strip the third structure which is the bottom of formation B and they'll repeat those same steps so create map information preloaded I'll move to the methods tab and under calculation methods I'll leave it as inverse distance estimation and I'll again give this a relevant file name now call this form D bottom dot mesh and save again click save file to actually create the contour map close out of this dialog and three maps have now been created by move the task manager out of the way you'll see three different you should now see three different colors representing those contour maps for each structure and in the task manager I can deselect or select any of the maps for display so for example if I want to remove the last two structures I can I can display only the top of formation a if I see fit so again I did that under the view column just selecting or deselecting any of the contour maps let's move the task manager back into full view this section has now been completed and has a green dot and let's move to the next task so so far we've imported well trajectories we've imported well logs and we've imported the well top markers we have the option to edit any of those markers and q-see them next to any of our well log data and then we've created our Maps based on those top markers which we've imported the next task is actually to create a 2d gritting system and here we have we can input the X origin the Y origin input a rotation for a grid we can change the size in the x and y direction and we can input the number of blocks in each direction with the X and y direction so by default it'll create a boundary for our 2d grid which can be edited as we see fit so let me just move this task manager out of the way and in the background you'll see a boundary which has been created for our 2d grid by default the 2d grid is trying to encompass all the weld trajectories within the boundary so if I wanted a bigger section I of course have the option to expand this boundary or I could shrink this boundary as well if I don't want to clewd some of this area but then my current boundary is this section highlighted in black here back in the task manager we had an X origin and a Y origin and that is in reference to the top left of this boundary so again this black line these black box here a rectangle is my boundary and the actual origin it's displaying is the top left corner here so this corner right here is my origin point so of course I have the option to type in any of these values so just for example I will put in 1,000 for the X origin and let's say 8,000 for the Y origin and I'll put in a rotation of 30 and once I hit apply at the bottom here and back in the task manager that origin has now been adjusted so moving this task manager out of the way just to see the boundary a bit more clear I can adjust this boundary here so you can see the origin point is the top left and have added in a rotation and of course changed the X&Y location for this boundary I can also edit this boundary by with clicks from my mouse and back in the task manager moving this back into view there is a option for Mouse editing if I select Mouse editing just make sure that's enabled and move the task manager back in out of the out of this display using the shift key and the left mouse click I can drag this boundary to anywhere within this display so if I click hold shift and drag with my left mouse click I can now drag this boundary to any location I see fit I can also change the rotation and again that rotation is based on the top left here and holding down the ctrl key and dragging with my left mouse click I can change the rotation of this boundary system okay so shift to move this a boundary left right up or down and actually changed the rotation it would be holding down the control key okay so for this demo I actually liked the original pic done by the software so again it automatically tries to create a boundary that make sure all the directories you imported are within that boundary and it'll be over on top of the map which we've created so let me move this task manager back into view and I'll input the original original origin which was roughly 410 in the x-direction and roughly 4925 in the y-direction and i'll put in put a rotation of 0 and to actually bring it back to the original location i'll just click on the apply button so the last step is actually deciding the amount of blocks we want in the X and y direction and that's determined in the second section here size x and y is determining the full boundary in both directions X and Y and Delta X and Delta Y is the size of each block which will determine the number of blocks in each direction so Delta X let's say I want a block size of 100 meters in the x-direction and 100 meters in the y direction as well so as I input 100 for Delta X and Delta Y the first thing that will happen is size X will automatically change so it's perfectly divisible by Delta X and the same thing for Delta Y so that adjusted to 7800 and 4,400 in the Y direction and NX is determining the number of blocks in the X direction a number of blocks in the Y direction because we haven't input a the number of vertical directions this isn't it's only showing us one horizontal direction at the moment so if we're only looking at one horizontal this is a number of blocks in the x-direction never blocks in the y-direction and here's the total number of blocks per one horizontal per one vertical layer joshua sign this gritting system we can just click apply one more time i'm moving this task manager out of the way you can see the gritting system which we've now created so we've defined our origin which is in the top left and we each block here is represented by a hundred meters in the x-direction and hundred meters in the y-direction for a total of 78 blocks in the x direction so there's total of 78 blocks here and a total of 44 blocks in the y-direction so once we're happy with our gritting system we can now move to the next task and I'll move this task manager back into view and this section is highlighted with a green dot indicating it's fully completed and let's click on the next so now that we've created a 2d gritting system we can also create an additional boundary within that 2d gritting system and I'll move this task manager out of the display just to show you how this boundary can be created so within our grinning system we can create additional boundary and we can do that by highlighting this with by clicking on any of these any session within the grid so let's click on the top left here I'll create another point and it's highlighted with these red dots I can click somewhere in the middle and come up I'll move over and I'll complete my boundary with another red dot so anywhere within these red dots is considered my active which will be considered active blocks and this will these red dots will represent my boundary anything outside of these red dots will be considered no blocks and therefore inactive cells so this section all this section here if I move forward with this boundary we'd be considered no blocks and will not contribute to your flow simulation so the in the task manager it'll give me an x and y location of each one of my cliques arawa each one of those red dots and to actually complete my boundary I can just click this close button once I click that close button I will now have a data point at for Row 1 which will be identical to row 7 so see it's roughly 417 in the x-direction and roughly 4925 in the y and that's the same for row seven which is 417 and 49 20 roughly 49 25 in the y-direction and therefore I've completed my boundary for this demo I'm going to move forward with the full gridding system as my boundary and therefore I'm going to remove the boundary this additional boundary we've just created however of course we can keep this boundary by moving to the nest next task to remove the data points I can remove each individual data point by clicking remove last however I'm just going to clear everything to make my full 2d grid my full boundary so moving this task manager out of view this will be my full boundary and I'll use my full 2d grid what she created in the prior step this section again is optional we this additional boundaries not too required which is highlighted with a blue dot here for create boundary let's move on to our last two tasks this section will create a 3d grid system and we have two formations which we've imported which is formation a and formation B and we'll create the boundaries for those formations by the top maps which we created in Prior in Prior steps the under the column for top it's holding the location of formation a top map which we created from those top markers the bottom of the structure will be highlighted by the formation a bottom mesh map and the difference between these two maps will give us the thickness for this formation for the second geological unit which is formation B there's nothing highlighted in the cell for the top map the reason being the bottom of formation a is the same as the top of formation B so it's just going to use the top up formation or sorry at the bottom of formation a map to determine the thickness for formation B with in conjunction with the bottom of formation B map it's going to use these two maps formation a bottom and the formation B bottom to determine the thickness for information B at this point we can also decide how many vertical layers we want for each formation the default is 1 vertical layer for each formation let's decide how many vertical layers we would like and let's say we would like 10 vertical layers for affirmation a and 5 vertical layers or formation B this would give us a total of 15 vertical layers for our entire model to assign the vertical areas we'll just click on the apply button and a display should be in built a 3d display of our grading system should now be in builder and I'll move this task manager out of view to see the 3d grading system which we've created so in the background we see a 3d grid which was created based on the contour maps we had created and also the hour the difference between those contour maps and also the 2d gritting system which you've added in and then the vertical layers which we just assigned it in that last step you'll see a red horizon here this is representing the top of formation ape and these blue lines are representing our well trajectories and if i zoom in you'll also notice some red dots here which are representing the top markers for formation 8 however let's remove those additional displays so we can see our 3d grid to remove the trajectories and the horizon I can do that under the properties and I'll just right click on anywhere in builder and I'll navigate to the properties section and a new dialog will appear and I'll navigate to wells and weld trajectories and I'll turn off show well trajectories and under Model View and maps I will disable show map and I'll hit a plot I'll hit OK so I've now removed my trajectories and the well Hara and the horizon which was our weld map and I can see my 3d grid which we've created so I can also let's just put this into a 2d cross-section so we can see more clear the vertical areas which we just added in and I'll change this from a 3d view to a k2d cross-section let me just zoom in and this is a cross-section of my current model and 15 vertical layers so you can just represent it with these blocks here 15 vertical layers and the first 10 it will be for formation a and the last five will be for formation B so this section now that we've created our 3d grid this task manager has now been or at this section now been completed and let's move to the last task let's move this task manager back into view and the sections been completed highlighted with a green dot and we can move to the last task in this section so we've now created our 3d grid system so therefore we can now assign some sort of profit reservoir property distribution all the logs which we've imported have now have now are now displayed and it'll give you a min and Max value for each of those logs and it also in the column for a number of wells it'll display the number of wells which contain that log so for this demo we'll do an example of a property distribution which will be porosity so I'm going to use my density porosity log which current currently has 47 wells with that log information and we'll click the geo statistics button beside it the first thing I'll need is to input a relevant name so I'll call this poor O sim so for porosity simulation and say ok because I've loaded my well trajectories and the logs in the first task this section has been is now automatically populated in the first column I'll have a list of my wells I'll have the X&Y location and a Z depth for the porosity pick in relation to the vertical layer and value because I the value will be the number coming from whichever log we are importing in this case it's the value from the density porosity log so this depth is in relation to the vertical layer one and you'll see here we go from layer 1 to layer 15 and this is all for the same well so for well Oh 112 is showing me a prosecute for a layer 1 haproxy value for layer 2 all the way to layer 15 and it should repeat for all the wells which we are going to which we're going to use for the property distribution the next step we have to we're created via geostatistical object which is called por el sim and now we have to actually assign this to a CMG property and we can do that with this drop down at the top and we have all the reservoir properties which we can which this property can be assigned to if I scroll down because this is a prosody property I can actually assign this to porosity however for the specific demo I'm going to put this into a custom property and it'll explain why in a in a few seconds so to assign this to a custom property I'm going to scroll through the top and the very first selection is called add new custom property and I'll select this option a new window will appear and I'll give this a relevant name for a CMG custom and I'll call this poro sim and say ok the reason I'm putting this into a custom property is under the values column you'll notice that this seems to be in percentages remember we're trying to do a prostitue distribution and these all go higher than meaning that the value here is in percentages the porosity property within builder is actually held as a fraction and we will run into issues if we try to assign a percentage into the porosity property which would which should be held as a fraction and we'll take care of this in a subsequent step so for now we'll just import this into a custom property called the moral sim so we'll move to the methods tab and you may notice that this looks very similar to the create map option we again under calculation method have a few options and if I click the drop down menu we have a few estimation techniques such as ordinary cooking and Koch rigging and now we have a few more options for some simulation techniques such as unconditional gaussian simulation gaussian doodle statistical simulation Gaussian simulation with a secondary variable and object modeling so for this example we will use the Gaussian geostatistical simulation to create a distribution for porosity since I'm using a simulation technique I'm now going to be looking at matching a very grand to assign this property distribution so under the very ground parameters I have a button for click to match very Graham if I click this button a new window will appear which shows my model fit to my empirical very aground by clicking on that button the software automatically tries to create a fit between your your model and the experimental the empirical data points for my very ground in this display the data points are these green dots which are coming from the log which we imported in this specific case it's our density porosity log and we're trying to fit a curve to these data points which is represented with this blue curve here at this point we can manually edit any this model fit by dragging the this model based on these three data points here you'll see a point this blue dot here you'll see a blue dot here and another blue dot here these represent the the nugget the sill and the range for the model fit and let me just create a a better fit for this model to my very gram so the first very Graham we're looking at these green data points here are representing our horizontal Vera Graham so this is looking at data points away from well each well is during the prosody information and we're looking at the data points in a horizontal direction because we have the well path and we have a log in relation to those wells we also have very grams in the vertical direction so we may want to match a model to those experimental vertical very ground points as well this vertical Vera Graham is represented with these green dots on the y-axis to bring this into into closer view we can remove the horizontal very Brown and the data variance so let me remove the data variance display and the horizontal Vera Graham display and currently I'm have only selecting the vertical Vera Graham to to view and again I can move this this data point here to try and get a little bit better fit for my vertical Barry Brown so once I'm happy with a fit for my vertical Vera Graham and I'm also happy with my horizontal Vera Graham fit i can select enable the horizontal display again here's my horizontal Vera Graham display I can exit out of this window so I should mention at this point that CMG does offer a 1 D our one-day geo modeling class which discusses four which we'll discuss in more detail the different calculation methods for example the difference between estimation technique and a simulation technique and when to use either of those techniques and also matching the Varia Graham different ways that are different techniques in trying to get a better fit for your variable so moving on we can create a geostatistical realization at this point however I do want to show that you can you have another option for matching your Vera Graham under the horizontal Vera Graham I have another button here for click to edit Vera Graham data another display will appear and there's three sections the first section here is representing the actual empirical Vera Graham so those green dots we saw on that last display how those green dots are actually determined is governed in this first section here this next section here is based on your interpolation so actually when I create my property distribution how this how this information actually been used to assign to be assigned to the grid is governed in this section here and the third section is actually my model fit so the blue curve that we were adjusting to try and match to those green data points that blue curve can be adjusted by typing in any of the values here for a model fit so I can deselect or select any of these boxes here to change the values for any of these parameters again team B does offer a class which discusses all these data points in more detail so for this demo I'm not going to adjust anything here because we adjusted those points when we look at the very Brown fit and I'll just cancel out of this window and we have that option for the vertical Garrigan as well the same three sections so to actually create a realization we've already assigned this to a property and you can just click the Run button at the bottom here and the status bar will appear which is actually giving you an indication of how far it's calculated this realization should take a few seconds and I can just say okay to exit out of this window back in the task manager the last two last three columns should now be updated to say that we've created a realization we have a Geo object which is called poro sim which will be assigned to a property which we've called UC mg/l custom underscore polo sim and this exists is set to yes because we've created that realization so this should also be updated in the Builder display so I can move this task manager out of the view and in the background I can see my 3d model and I currently have a distribution for my prosody based on the log which I've imported which is density porosity and my very gram v using a V Gaussian simulation technique this is currently held in the CM GL custom Poros in property and I currently this is my color scale from 0 to 31 percent for the proxy so at this point I can if I'm happy with this realization I can end my tasks and move to either creating another geostatistical realization or or for a different log or I can create a new realization specifically for the porosity and we can do that by back in the task manager if I again click on the geostatistics button for the density porosity without changing our adjusting my very ground match I can click on the Run button and in the you'll see the distribution for porosity actually update the reason being is we're using a simulation technique and which inherently has a random random randomness built-in suite I might click run I'll create a new distribution which is representing a new realization for the porosity property so let me just move this out of the way so everyone continuous a bit clearer if I click run again you should see this distribution update a new realizations been created I can say ok and I can say ok so once I'm happy with my distribution I again can create another G of statistical property for any of the log in which you've imported for this specific demo we'll end it at creating and distribution porosity and all our tasks have now been completed or at least highlighted in blue meaning that pass has been optional and you can represent it with the blue or green dot and that completes our task manager we can click close so our geo model has now been created we created a 2d and 3d greeting system we've assigned some structure based on contour maps and we've created a property distribution one additional step I want to show is we have a distribution here that's in percentages from 0 to 31 and I just want to show how we can change this to a fraction and assign that to the porosity property that can be done under our formula manager and that can be found under the tool section in the top menu so in this top menu I'll select tools and an empty drop-down I'll choose formula manager a new dialog will appear and I have to add in a new formula with the button at the bottom and I'll give this a relevant name and I'll call this poro fraction or a fraction and I have to add in the independent variable which I want to include into my formula under the display that it will appear it will I'll select the custom property which is CM GL custom pour l sim say okay in the bottom section here is where we're all right to my formula the first thing I'll do is include my custom property so just highlight this and click insert selected into formula and I'll divide this by 100 to change this from a percentage into a fraction I'll click apply a new message will appear just saying that this formula needs to be applied to a property to actually calculate and we'll say ok and I'll say ok again to exit out of the formula manager window so you can see from our color scale nothing's actually been calculated we're still going from 0 to 31 let's assign this formula to the porosity property in the reservoir section I will click on the specify property button in the top here to open up a new dialog for property specification in this dialog I will hit the drop down and navigate to the prosody property so click this drop down and I'll find the property I'm interested in which is prosity because I want to update this formula for the entire grid I will choose the whole grid's whole grid cell if I want to only calculate this for select layers I can also add in this formula specifically on a layer by layer basis however I want this update for the whole grid so under the whole grid cell I will right-click and I'll navigate to formula a new window will appear and I'll click on the formula button and I will make sure the formula I'm interested in is it's currently highlighted which is called the poro fraction and say ok the button should now be updated with the formula name which is Orel fraction and I'll say ok so actually now have to assign this formula to the process to the porosity property which means I need to calculate this formula I can just say ok to update the grid I'll say ok I want to update porosity and I'll say ok and let this calculate so the distribution should look identical the difference here is the property has now been updated to porosity originally this was displayed as custom GL custom underscore poro sim for our custom property and the color scale went from 0 to 31 percent which you can see now it updated from 0 to 0.3 one indicating it's been adjusted as a fraction so at this point we can move forward by filling out the rest of our reservoir properties we can put in our permeability and those sort of things Rock compressibility and so forth in the reservoir section we can completely dataset by inputting our pvt our rock fluids for relative permeability curves initial initial conditions and update our well information with our constraints and any historical production injection information however this will complete our geological build for this demo and let's move let's move forward by showing you the last part of this demo which will be the power of our scripting tool and I'll bring in a pre-loaded data set which with all the sections pointed to show you these descripting tool so let me move to and a dataset which has been preloaded and which is already all the other sessions have been completed so this is very similar to the data set we just created with through the task manager in this case all the other section have been completed represented under the tree view here with green checkmarks so all the sessions have been completed and to actually now find our scripting tool can be found in the top menu under the file the file option will click on file and navigate to scripting in the scripting dialog I have to add in a new name and it can do that by clicking the triangle on the right here and the new option will appear and I'll choose new and I'll give this a relevant name and I'll call this poro script and say ok and now I have a few actions which I need to input to actually update my script under Row 1 because I'm going to create multiple realizations the first thing I want to input it will be a repeat loop so under Row 1 I will right click under the first cell and I'll choose repeat action loop the first row will be updated with repeat and I have to input a value and the result will be a loop the valuable input is how many times this loop or this whatever I input under the script will be completed in the sense of updating our geostatistical distribution this and this means how many geological realizations I would like for this script you create so under values for this demo I'll put in input 10 which means we're going to create 10 different dual statistical realizations based on the very ground we had matched in the previous step so now we have to decide what's going to what's going to happen within the script or within each repeat loop and under Row 2 I will right-click and choose the Geo statistical calculation so a new row will appear for geo statistical calculation and under values I have to select any of these your statistical calculations which I have created in a prior step and we'll select the one we've created based on the density proceeding log which is poro sim and the results meaning it will output this distribution into a custom property called paulson because the distribution will be created in a percentage and we want to adjust this to a fraction and then assign that to the actual porosity property we also have to update that formula or calculate that formula to assign that to the gridding system so I'll add in an additional row so under row two I'll right-click and choose insert row and in this new row I will right click and choose calculation from specification a new window will appear I'd have to indicate which property I want to be recalculated and it will choose porosity and say okay so app so this repeat loop so far it will calculate our geostatistical calculation based on our very ground match will create a realization which will be input into the poro sim results and then the porosity property will be recalculated to change that value from a percentage to a fraction however I want to still decide what's going to happen once this once you've created this distribution so let's add in an additional row and I'll right-click on for and I'll choose save as dataset in this new window I can choose the base name which is by default the name of my file which is currently Jul model Jill modeling completed and I have a sequence number two I can change the sequence number or the start of my first realization so I'll just change this from zero zero zero two zero zero zero one so the first as it as I run the script the first data set that will be completed and saved will be named Jill modeling completed underscore zero zero one and it'll the next dataset that we created will be zero zero zero two and so forth all the way to ten because I'm creating ten realizations I can also input any titles for these data sets which are completed I'm going to I'm not going to input a title for this demo however you have the ability to input any titles and I can choose to input the sequence number held within the data set today's date the data file name or the script name will automatically be implanted into the into any of these data sets that were created let's say ok so once the data sets saved I now can run the data set whether I just want to run the initialization or run the full simulation for this devil will run an initialization so add in an additional row so under row at row four here I'll right click and choose insert row and I'll right-click on row five and choose simulator initialization a text file will automatically be created once these data sets are initialized which will store some of our poor volume information I can once the script is completed I can automatically open up that information in Excel a text file will still be created now each time the I run in the realization I can choose to overwrite the file if it exists or I can append judi file so each realization information is stored if I run the script again that same file can be updated for as many times if they love the script I'll just leave it as a default append the file and say ok so that's all that's required let me run this script and I'll discuss the different options as the script is running so let me actually move this slightly out of the way so you can also see this update in the background just click run script' at the bottom here you will get a status of what's currently happening so again what's happening is it's just running through each repeat loop so again we have the first roll we set a repeat loop meaning we're going to create ten realizations the geostatistical calculation will be performed which will be output to a custom property and then we will update that the porosity property which is just changing that poro symptom a percentage to a fraction and you can actually you may be able to see this in the background a distribution for the porosity is actually changing as the script is running then it will save a dataset it'll want that same data set will then be run in the simulator depending on which simulator you're currently using I'm XJ more stars once it's that simulations run currently this is only for initialization so it's running one time step and then a text file which will be created which will output poor volume information and that information can may be used for maybe geological ranking between all your different realizations so this script has now been completed so done running script you can see here as the last line and I should expect ten different realizations to be created let's just say ok to exit out of the scripting tool and let me minimize builder and so we can view the we can go back to launcher to see the data sets that have been created so let me move to back to launcher and in the location would save my data set I can see this with my original data set geo model and completed dat I then run the scripting tool and the first realization which was created was jus modeling completed underscore 0 0 1 dot dot I then have output for IRF log M ur F meaning that this simulation has been run this was an IMAX data set so this was one using IMAX and I can see the next data set was uncreated which was jewel Mullen completed underscore 0 0 2 dot dot and as I scroll down I can see 3 4 and so forth all the way to the 10th data set so ten realization that are created because I inputted value of ten for the repeat loop a text file should have also been created let's open up that text file so let's open up this in a text editor and it will give me a list of all the realizations so if Jim modeling completed underscore zero zero one dot dot all the way to jumong completed do is your zero zero ten at and then it should give me a summary of my total oil in place my total water in place my total gas in place a hydrocarbon pore volume and total pore volume and this information can then be used for some geological ranking which you may move forward with your p90 P 50 P 10 into your simulation data sets so that completes our demo for the task manager and the scripting tool so let's just move back to our presentation and wrap up this this talk so in summary builder contains basic tools to aid in model construction and manipulation the geo statistical tool can be can help account for uncertainty in your models and we can use a scripting tool to quickly and efficiently create multiple realizations which we can then use for some geological ranking and move forward with our full dynamic simulations so now I'll pass it on to Anjali Thank You Adrienne I do realize that we have gone a little over our allocated time for the webinar and I do understand that some of you may have to leave because of other prior commitments we will be staying back to answer some of these questions because there are a lot of relevant questions that I can see on the screen here also for those of you who may have to leave we will be posting a recorded version of this presentation online within the next 24 hours so you can reference to that as well and if you do want to send your questions then send it to us at sales at CMD or RCA they'll get back to to the questions here a lot of people are actually asking about how to model false and the false be edited what type of faults can we actually model in using builder okay so if you have contour maps created with the fault already within the map once we assign the map to the grid that fault can automatically be created and added into your into your geological model on top of that within builder we can create a fault using transmissibility barriers so we can edit any section of your model and adjust the transmissibility to create let's say a sealing pulp or a leaking fault and so forth third in the text file you can also use the trans F keyword to create a fault for a different section of your reservoir and again we can assign a transmissibility which will indicate either a ceiling fault or leaky fault and so forth the one thing that we didn't show in this webinar because a time constraint was how to trace a fault path and grid around the fourth there is a workflow available to handle that that we cover in our one day or a 2-day extensive geo modeling training that we do in-house so we can send you more information by email as well the other the next question is can you correct the surfaces once created that is editing your surfaces using mouse clicks in in builder there is an option to edit your structure in 3d where you can select the nodes of specific grids and drag that up and down to edit your grid cells however this is typically for very localized grid structure edits I wouldn't recommend this for changing your grid everywhere of course we can also change the top structure by putting in a depth or if you had additional contour maps which you want to update that contour map you can do that once you've assigned a cut prior assigned a prior contour map as well the next question is from sailing and the question is what is the default technique used for upscaling the well logs if I remember right in the log import which when you go through the geostatistical window specifically you can also import logs there there's an option you can choose depending on how you want to average the log per layer the default I believe is just straight arithmetic but you do have a few options for changing the averaging technique the next question is from Sydney and the question is can we do upscaling here in terms of grades of scaling in builder yes you can upscale you can in the vertical direction you can upscale within builder unfortunately at the moment we can't combine layer or grids in the horizontal direction however we can split grid planes and we can add refinement as well now the next question is from miner and the question is different realizations or philosophies are important but permeability is much more variable can scripting manage that as well yes so typically you may have some function which will update permeability based on your proxy distribution which we would assign in F formula manager which I've shown you for adjusting the probability a percentage to a fraction now in the scripting we chose the calculation method to update the porosity property if I had a formula for the permeability as well I could just choose permeability to update the permeability distribution based on let's say the distribution of porosity and therefore both can be updated to un sequence the next question is from Collins and the question is can the generator grid exported to a third party software yes just how in the when I started the presentation I talked about a workflow from a third party software into rescue and then we import that into builder in builder you can also export that into rescue which can typically be imported into a third party software you can also export property arrays in a text format so let's say a proxy distribution I can export that into an text array format which hopefully may be imported into a third party software the next question is from yes here and the question is how to add an LGR yeah so in in builder let me just bring up an example here so back it in builder at the top under you'll see a few options for example under this initial conditions I have a few buttons and the third one in here is called edit edit grid if I enable that button I'll get a new window that appears and we can just say okay for the type of editing plan to do and under the reservoir section if I can navigate to edit grid and I can choose the refine wells and the refine blocks currently the refine blocks just isn't enabled because I've used still have the scripting tool enabled however typically this option here will be enabled for it refined blocks the next question is from Bob can be scripting to be used with C most yes the scripting tool can be used with C most we in C most you have to add in a jscript UJ scripts or on algorithm to actually call the builder call builder silently to update the script depending on what you're trying to do but yes it is possible to update use the script within C most there are several questions coming up but out of respect of everybody's time we will end the Q&A here but we will definitely get back to individuals with your responses to the questions within a couple of days so I hope you have gained a better understanding of how to use builder and its advanced your statistical feature to generate geo models CMG does offer multiple training courses that video skill levels on on view modeling as well as other topics we also offer customized courses the specific to to company needs as well I'll refer you to look at our website at CM GL Darcy s last training to look at our training calendar and our course offerings and if you have any other questions related to the material presented today or we like to know more about our product offerings please do not hesitate to consult us at the sales at CMG l dot CA and just to to let everybody know that we did release our updated version of our 2016 version of our software suite on our website yesterday so do download it and and try it out and send us any feedback I will really appreciate it so again thank you all for joining us for today's webinar on builder your modeling made easy thank you
Channel: Computer Modelling Group Ltd.
Views: 6,417
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CMG, computer modelling group, reservoir simulation, CMG calgary, geomodelling, geological modelling, geostatistics, reservoir modelling, CMG Software, CMG simulator, Builder, IMEX, GEM, cmg webinar, webinar
Id: WvY2yEJmt38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 25sec (5065 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 09 2017
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