Google Maps: Creating, Saving and Sharing Custom Maps

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hello and welcome back in this video we're going to take a look at how to create save and share personal maps in Google Maps so if you looked at the upper right hand corner you can see I'm logged into an account this is necessary if you want to actually save these maps so to get started we're going to go to the upper left to find the hamburger and go to your places once in your places you're going to see four options labeled saved visited and maps we'll work our way right across so you can see what your options are in each case first you see that there's a home and a work address that are saved these are established by default so I can't get rid of these options although I don't need to populate them with data the advantage of populating these labelled places with data is that on a mobile device if I'm out and I'm using Google Maps they're just gonna automatically be available to me so in other words if I was somewhere and I wanted to go from there to home say I wouldn't have to type in my home address when I when I got my directions I could simply click on home and it would populate that information for me so if you want to add additional labels to home and work there are two ways to do it one is basically to click on a location that's already established on Google Maps so if I wanted Ramapo College of New Jersey that's already a link so I can click on that it will bring me to all the information about Ramapo and if I scroll down a little bit there's going to be an add a label option when I click it I need to provide the information and then say add a label and now if I go to your places you'll see that that's listed as one of those places and that will be a stored address that becomes available to me when I'm using maps with this particular label now if you're not lucky enough to have a spot that already has a link that's fine you simply click anywhere on and you're gonna establish a pin okay it's gonna find the closest address so right now this is 17-1 washington lane and Malwa and you can see that when i have that pin selected the information box at the bottom comes on and if i click the link and the name here is going to become a link i'm gonna get you know there's not a lot of information about this place but there is an add a label option so I'm going to just say random place there and I will add that as a label again hamburger your places and now I've got these four options now if I decide I don't want some of those options I can simply remove them so this random place I'm just gonna click the excellent will be gone and my advice to you would be when using these labeled places is to keep them to a minimum to keep them to those places that you use very very regularly such as home or work or if there are others you can add a couple but that way it won't become cluttered and it'll be more useful to you now if I do go to delete either my home or work address what's gonna happen is is that this is not going to delete it but it's going to wipe out the contents so right now there's nothing under my work address and if I wanted to create something I'd have to open that up and put an address in there so let me just you know that's a previous search that I did so I'll say that's my work address for now and now it's populated and it'll work for me as I've described okay next on the list is saved if you click on saved you'll see right now there are three lists in those lists if I click on them I'm not going to find anything because I haven't added anything to those lists as of yet okay so you can see that you can manage your lists and the places within your lists so let me just scroll out a little bit here and say let's just say I would like to put Ramapo College of New Jersey in my favorites okay so what I can do is I can save it and it's gonna ask me now where I want to put that do I want to put it in a starred place want to go or favorite so I'll just say favorites and here is RAM Valley Reservation a good place to go hiking so I'll save that one into my favorites and now if I do go to your places really my places in this case and go to saved and go to favorites these are just quick links for me to get around to some of those places that I bookmark basically you know you know that I want quick access to if I want to adjust my list when I'm here or when I click Save then I see my different lists I can come in here and I can say edit list so I use the three dots over on the right click on edit and now you can see I have the two places that I've saved I could actually put my own notes in here okay so I could put notes in there but if I do want to remove something from that list that's very very easy I just click the X and it's gone and then that list will be a you know will have only one thing and if I clicked it again it will be empty of course now I can also just click add a place here and I can do a search directly for a place so I can say sorry there's a restaurant and now they're both on there so if I go back here I can see now I've got Sonny Antonio's restaurant as well as Rama Valley Reservation so a couple of different ways to add to your list now if you do find something that you want a bookmark but these kind of don't do it for you you want to create your own list let's let's do that again so let's come in here and just search for Sonny Antonio's again okay and I found that on the map and I click it and now I want to save it you see whenever you do create a list you have this option to create a new list over here it's showing you a check so it's showing me that it's already in my favorites but I want another new list I want it on and I'm gonna create that as a list and now you can see it's saved two times so I probably don't want that that's probably not the best organizational strategy there but if I do come to save do you see favorite local restaurants is now here Sonny and Tony's is now on it and I could just go into favorites over here and edit in my list to remove it from that list okay so a good way to to just organize your favorite Maps or your favorite places you do have a couple of other options with these so here's my you know I think this is really a great list and maybe I've got a whole bunch of restaurants and I don't want to keep them to myself I could go to share list and here I could make this list public so now everybody in the world you know Google will find my list I mean it's not likely with the amount of content but it's possible you could search for and find this list or you could simply share it with this link and you can do that through Facebook Twitter as I've said previously Google+ will be going away for a lot of users so I might not do that but you can almost just email this to somebody on that's fine let me put it back on private for a second and the other option which can be a little confusing this is share list and this is sharing options so sharing options is just a way to set a global share on it and I could have done that through the other option as well so this is a little repetitive but here if I put it on shared anyone with the link can see it if I do it on the public it just becomes searchable so there you go and then I copy this link okay so copy the link and then I can email it to somebody so I have fewer options I can't come in here and directly put it on Twitter or Facebook whereas if I go to share list notice it shared the the settings have changed it's because I did it through that other link and I just have some more options here it's got a two ways almost of almost doing the same thing one with more options okay if I don't like this list I can always delete it you'll note that if I come to some of these other lists I don't have that option I can edit them I can hide them change sharing options but I can't delete them because these are the these are the basics the default options that come with maps next we have the visited tab which I am NOT going to address in any kind of detail if you really want to see where you visited and your if your location services were on you can check your timeline and that will give you you know our detailed and more accessible view okay that brings us to maps as you can see I've stored a series of maps in this section but let's look at creating a new one so I'm gonna say C go to the bottom see all your maps and that's going to open up this additional area these are my existing maps and here's the option to create a new map so let's start by taking a look at what a map might look like so here's when it was created in 2015 I'm gonna open that one up and I'm now in an area where I can add features to a map and save it the types of things that can be added or pins to mark locations driving directions to show connections between locations you can also add just lines as a couple of examples we're polygons to this and you can save the map and of course you can share share this map with other people so come back here other options you have here's an untitled map so I'm gonna see what options I have for that oh I could move it to the trash I could make a copy of it or I could open it so I'm just going to move that one to the trash and I'm gonna move this one to the trash these are basically two of the same you can see that this is it's a tea shelter so these are shelters along the Appalachian Trail okay let's create a new map so click the Create new map button it's going to bring you to this this map here and you can search for a location that you'd like to that you'd like to map out so here I'm going to say okay Rome Italy and it brings me to a map I'm going to close that for now I'm going to zoom in here a little bit see if I can find something interesting which shouldn't be too hard okay there's the Colosseum so I'm gonna click this is the Colosseum and I'm going to add that to my map now let's take a look at the information on the left first of all up at the top you have untitled map so I want to change that I can click on it and I can say tour of Rome Italy and I can give a little description this tour includes highlights some of must-see attractions okay and then you want to be the highlight must see or to hyphenate there you go so now you can see that I have a title in the description at the top all changes are saved in Drive so these maps are actually going to be saved as files in you Google Drive so if you notice them appear there you know don't be surprised and while I'm clicked on that point change the position a little bit here you can see that the information that was already available for the Coliseum has been added in here and perhaps in this case I don't want that so I'm just gonna remove it okay I've got the Colosseum listed up here if I click Edit I could change that I could also add a description here and save it okay other options you have while you're here while you you're selected on this pin would be to change the color of the pin okay see that change you can change some of the popular icons so I can say that I'm gonna say that in my tour this little house means places you should visit and maybe this this will mean restaurants or something along those lines more icons you can go in there and you can find additional icons where you can use the custom icon button to import them so if you download an icon set from the infant that you can import those into maps and use them here there are older icons listed and you can also search by category and you have those categories for older icons and also for newer icons so I'm just gonna cancel out of here okay in addition you have this in image or video link so when you click here you can add an image you can do it from you can upload an image directly from your computer so I'll pop over here and I'll say I'll spell that but luckily and then won't worry about it because Google is very good at picking those up I'm going to go to images to do this correctly I should go to labeled for reuse so I'm not violating anyone's copyright and I like this image except that it's huge if I mouse over that you can see forty eight hundred and twenty seven pixels that's kind of a big file not to take too much time let's take this one I'm gonna save that a little slow this morning and I'll call that room 101 okay so I've got that in a particular folder now when I select files for my computer yeah I could find it by starting the names and said know what it is and upload that directly in there so now I have a nice you know nice image there somebody clicks on it they're gonna see an image of that I can click the plus sign and I can go get more so I could use a webcam I could use an image URL I can go to my photos I can also go to YouTube so I'm going through well that's a YouTube URL so in that case I'm gonna have to go to YouTube I'm gonna search that ancient Rome in 20 minutes that looks like a good one I am going to go to share and grab that URL paste it right in there and select it so now when somebody comes in to that point they'll start with this nice image without the option to go to this video and save both the directions we're going to handle in a different way and then there's also delete feature so if you no longer want it on this map if you don't want this Colosseum you can just you can just open it and delete it directly from here if you like okay now we have one point on our map but while we have a name a good intuitive name for the overall map we don't have one for the lair now you can do multiple layers and generally you do that to put in points of interest in one layer and maybe driving directions if you want those in another layer a lot of different ways to do it to organize it but let's come to the layer itself and rename it and we'll say save okay and now I've got a lot of my housekeeping done the bottom there's a base map feature so I have the standard map here but if I want I could switch that over and you get this nice satellite image map and there are some other choices as well as more of a topographical you know topographical features included in there these are just different styles of map perhaps I'm going to leave it on on this one for now okay let's say that I wanted to add an additional feature so there's the let's say that I wanted to add this Basilica so I can simply click on there add it to the map again come in here change whatever color I want change an icon if I choose to I'm going to remove it and I'm not saying you have to remove this information but that's one thing you can do I'm going to edit this and this is where and previously I didn't put a lot of text in here but here's where I could give a lot of information over to my students okay I can you know put multiple paragraphs in here this is a great way to pass information so it's a great way for your students honestly to pass information back to you so let me save that for a second and this is the move a little bit so I can see it okay so maybe here's a website that I want to share with somebody how am I going to get a link to this web website in to go back and get a better one it's a little slow and I can just copy that address bring it back edit this information and put a link in there when I save this that'll become an active link so when someone actually sees this they'll be able to click on it and bring them right out to their to that site okay so you can see now how you could pass a lot of information on I haven't added an image here and I'm not gonna go through that process again but that's something that I should do it should download an image of this so that when somebody opens it up they're provided with both visual and textual information you can use the preview button and this will show you what you user will see okay so there's a Colosseum in Rome with one photo sauna and there's my description there's a link that opens up so this is the this is the user experience what what did my user is going to say okay there's a share option here so this is where you can share it with individual people you can give them view or edit privileges I in your district you should check to see if a groups are available to you so you can share it with an entire group of people to make that a little easier but your other option is simply to come in here and say anyone with the link or if you're in the G suite district which most of us are anyone with the link from within the district those are those are good options and then people are going to get access to it especially if it's if it's not something that has any sensitive information now let's take a look at some of your options the toolbar up on top so let's just say that you wanted to point out a great ice cream shop that's just right in this area but it's not something that's that's listed already with it with attack so in order to do that you can simply click the addmarker button find your location and click on it and it will pop you up it'll pop you up a box to the exact the exact same information that you were doing with pre-established sites okay you can do the same thing you can add a picture here you can add text you can add links so very useful that just adds it as as if it were any other point that you picked on the map when you do that you're going to get this full set of tools you can trash it here you can add the images you can go back and edit it just a way to add those points now if you if you don't want this point you can always click on it and hit the trash over here to remove it okay other things that you can do is you can use this line tool and you can add a walking or you can add the line itself and we'll look at how to add a driving route or bike route or something in just a minute but if you selected on add line or shape you can just say as the crow flies let's double click that make it a single so you can see that this line has been added I can edit that to say there you can see that the distance is 0.99 miles okay so very very close to there very very close to a mile exactly that's as the crow flies if I didn't want to do that I could go back to the tool and I could actually you know follow a route you know I'm not doing a very good job here but let's just save it but that's dude I want when you get to the end double click it's gonna you select it little hard to get those aligned so I can zoom in that'll make it easier okay when I edit that I have some different options with a line I'll call this and when I do go into the Paint Bucket here I can adjust the line width as well as the color so those are very handy features if you are drawing a line on the on the map itself so there you go that's might be a bit excessive but depending on how far you zoomed in we're not zoomed in it makes more or less sense okay the other option that you can do with this draw a line is to actually make it into a shape so let's just say that this is maybe a partner or something so I can draw the contours of that come back to my original dot and double click and now what I have is a polygon so park a little information about the park maybe a hyperlink save it I can go back and add a picture to it or multiple pictures of videos I can always edit that if I come into here I can set a transparency level on the polygons to see how dark or light how much of its in the show and I can put a border width on there to make it stand out a little more I can change the color so a little visual adjustments to make it more usable now if you look here it's going to show you both the perimeter and the area so a nice tool that you can use with students when students are doing their own work a nice tool for them to be able to do some mathematical calculations and you get a sense of how big or how much area a place that they're working with actually entails okay the last one here is to add directions well I should say the second to last one this tool just so that you know is a quick tool works a lot like the line tool and it allows you you can see it's updating my direct my distance there and now it's got my area so it's giving me an area and a perimeter but this is temporary this is a tool you can use to make calculations but it's not going to save with the map so you know users aren't going to be able to see this if you want them to see it you're gonna use this polygon draw a line polygon tool over here okay so now we're going to talk about adding layers now I could just click the add layer button here and that would make a lot of sense if I was going to just add a separate grouping of attractions but I'm going to try it up here so I'm gonna say add directions from the link up there notice what it really did was it added a layer separate layer because these driving directions can't be in the same layer as these points they have to be two different ones and I can start by renaming a layer okay and so I've renamed it and directly in here in this box I can search for the location I'd like to start with so I want to start down there at one church okay so showing me now how to get from the st. Peter's Basilica how to drive across to the Pantheon in Rome I can add an additional destination here is it the right one there you go okay so now it's wow it's driving you all the way around here and taking you down let me zoom out there a little bit okay so there are my driving directions if I don't like the order if I want to add something maybe insert it Midway or whatever I can always just click on these and drag them around so now I'm going from st. Peters to st. Paul's and back up to the pen if you mouse over any of you stops you see you do have edit and the options and that's simply so that you can change the name of the location it's you know your formatting options etc are extremely limited here under the layer you can delete the layer if you don't want it you can rename the layer and basically that's how you build your Google map remember to share it there sharing options are the typical options you'd have in Google Drive environment and that will give access to your students to view it now what I would like to keep in mind is that we've been approaching this from the building and map perspective ourselves and that's one way to do it to distribute information to to package information for students but remember that students should be able to do this also and I think there's a lot more power in having them look at this alternate representation or off alternate way to organize and distribute information to other people I think it's a good tool for use in that way
Channel: Tools Vis
Views: 103,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Google Maps
Id: ZdPj6sOB_K8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 47sec (1907 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 15 2018
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