How to Import a Google Map into Sketchup

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Hey Design Nation today we're going to learn how to import a Google map location into your sketchup model. So currently I have open and if you want to search for a particular location you can type in and that will bring you to a particular location so if there's a site that you want to bring into Sketchup and you sort of want to browse around for the site or see what it looks like in Google Maps you can do that so that's actually what I'm going to do today. For instance if you know the location of the address of the site that you want you can type that in to this portion here, hit 'search' And it will bring it up. This little icon down here will bring up a satellite view so you can see the site that I want to import into Sketchup it actually isn't this it's a little bit over... it's right here. This site here. so if you right-click on this you can hit 'what's here'. So let's say you're just searching around a city or something and you find a location... If you hit 'what's here' it'll pop up the address. So my address is a little off so I'm going to copy this and we're going to import this into Sketchup now. Once you have Sketchup open if you go to file let's scroll down to geolocation there's an option for add location so if you click on that it's going to pop up essentially Google Maps this is actually I think Google Earth this is where this is taken from and you can actually easily import from Google Earth if you use that so I'm going to paste in my address looks like I need a little bit more information so I'm going to hit Search it brings up my area so what you do now is you can zoom out and you select the area that you want so the further in that you zoom the more detail you're going to get further out you zoom the less detail you're going to get but the more information site information you're going to get so I'm not going to go all the way in here I'm going to just sort of leave this here but I'm going to select this region just move these little pins and then hit grab and it's going to import into my Sketchup file now if you go to file and scroll down to geolocation now there's an option here that says show terrain so if you hit show terrain it's going to add contours to the site which is really helpful for you if you're modeling it's rough on the systems accurate as a survey would be but it gives you a decent quick overview of sort of what the site contours look like if for any reason you might want to add on to this let's say there's a I don't know what's over here but I want the next your neighbor's house you can go back to file geolocation add more imagery and it'll let you you can sort of rotate around let's say I want this blue house you can select this region hey grab and it's going to add that to my site so if you toggle you can see this is contoured right now if you want to show terrain you can turn that off depending on how much you add this can really slow down your models so you want to be careful with how much information you are importing but this should help get you started modeling your site or modeling your building on your site and it actually is really simple from this to import into Google Earth so you can show clients what their building looks like in context we'll go over that in another session if you have any questions feel free to leave a comment if you'd like to see the full write-up of this tutorial head on over to WWE Tag Team forward slash Sketchup Google Maps until next time happy hacking there's anything in here so they click I can't find anything it's going on but if you whew I'm gonna hit job tree so there's all these little things
Channel: Designer Hacks
Views: 546,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sketchup, google sketchup, sketchup tutorial, sketchup terrain, sketchup topography, google map to sketchup, google earth to sketchup, google earth to sketchup terrain, contour, google earth, terrain, sketch up, topography, sketchup site, sketchup site contours, modelling, tutorial, contours, survey, map, learn sketchup, how to, learn, how-to, model, tips, design, free, to, create, how, google, sketchup modeling, tricks, maps, 3d, howto, google maps, help, earth, how to make, site, modeling, landscape
Id: ZE6lOXsrbbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 39sec (279 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 17 2014
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