How to identify Your Shih Tzu Puppy is Pure Bred or Not

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there is a good chance your Shih Tzu is not purebred the dog is a relatively new breed that originated from a cross between the Tibetan Spaniel and the Lhasa Apso but she tzu dogs are known to be pretty and adorable but there are several different breeds how do you know if yours is a true purebred if you're good at telling similar dogs apart you can tell your shitsu is purebred simply by looking at its characteristics and temperament so let's start with purebred shih tzu size there are two main sizes of shih tzu there are the normal Shih Tzus and the Imperial shitzus which are a smaller version it is difficult to tell the difference unless they are placed side by side both varieties however weigh between 9 and 16 pounds and range from 8 to 11 inches tall number two ears the shitu's ears are large and heavily coated as well resting at the sides of the dog's head these are floppy ears instead of stiff ears that stick up like a German Shepherd number three eyes shiitsu have large expressive eyes the eyes are usually very dark except for the rare blue-eyed dogs the eyes are round and set a good distance apart number two nose sheets who are among the smooshed face breeds having squashed noses and wide nostrils the color tends to be black but is possible to be liver or blue colored if those colors appear Elsewhere on the dog number three tongue the Shih Tzu dog's tongue is comically long in pink and often hangs out continually many shih tzu dogs have a mild condition of a harmless condition called hanging tongue syndrome number four double coats shiitsu have double coats meaning their coats have double layers whether the fur is cut long and flowing for a show or short and dense for a puppy cut you can tell how thick the fur is number five temperament shitsu have distinct personalities that always tell them apart from other small breeds playfulness is a key trait shiitsu are outgoing and excitable making great companions for playful children their high energy levels contribute to this because of their high energy these dogs need a way to release usually by regular exercise and play times many times shiitsu use their energy as a way to seek attention shiitsu are also affectionate when they trust their owners they love spending time with people and can even be friendly around strangers this is another reason they make great companions for children number five identify the puppy cut not all Shih Tzu owners decide to give their pet this style but it is very common especially during summer a dog with a puppy cut has fur that is around one to two inches long if you spot a dog with short rounded fur and Paws it may be a shih tzu how can you tell if a puppy is a shih tzu or a Lhasa Apso because Shih Tzu was partially descended from Lhasa Apso some people have trouble telling them apart but Lhasa Apsos have only a few colors whereas a shih tzu can be any color Lhasa Apsos are typically gold black white red or a mixture of these colors DNA tests are a great way to find out more about the history of your dog's family tree as well as whether or not it is purebred the easiest way to tell if your dog is pure but it is to check its pedigree papers if you bought a puppy from a breeder you should have received its pedigree papers if you bought from a friend you most likely were not given papers thanks for watching don't forget to subscribe
Channel: Animal Guide
Views: 251,024
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shih tzu, shih tzu dog, Dog, Shih tzu pure bred, Pure bred dog, shih tzu puppy
Id: HgJnNRywu98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 57sec (237 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 26 2023
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