How To Hit Jumps on a Snowboard | Beginners Guide

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what's up guys Tommy Bennett here and today I'm gonna give you the ultimate guide on how to learn jumps now we're not gonna start by just sending you off a jump we're gonna be a lot more progressive with our thought process we're gonna learn some of our basic body positions right now in a stacked position then we're gonna take it down the hill and then we're gonna bring it into the park so make sure you stay tuned and if I forget anything at the end of the video make sure you leave me a comment and let me know all right guys we out no wait we're not out we're gonna go [Music] alright guys so when it comes to jumping there's a couple things that we got to make sure that we do now the first thing is our lead shoulder hip and board are all pointed in the same direction essentially our natural body position is to have our lead shoulder open and spin like this now if I were to jump straight up essentially my board will spin under me now let's say I'm going off a hundred foot jump in my shoulders like this well when I'm going off that jump I'm just going to be sliding or spinning sideways like in the air not ideal right so our shoulders our hips in our board are all pointed in the same direction so that's number one so once you understand that body position now let's add some movement to it so what I want to do is get my belly button in the center of my board I'm gonna now get low I'm simply gonna chip jump now this is really cool because you can check to see if your lead shoulders open or not so if I'm at a jump like this that instantly gives me feedback saying well my boards fun Y so that's number one if you're rotating and your boards going sideways it's most likely because your shoulders not pointing in the right direction after that we want to jump and we're gonna retract our knees so we're simply gonna bring our knees up and in front of us just like this now we want to learn that now so that we're in a more controlled and stable position in the air but this also translates to being able to do grabs down the road so might as well start understanding the body position now so we don't have to relearn it later looks like this honestly that's a bit of an advanced move but that's kind of the thought is I'm just essentially leaving my hand down bringing my knees up grab my snowboard feeling awesome and so let's go do a couple jumps then I'll talk about it after [Music] all right so we took like that movement that we learned up there now we applied it to down the fall line essentially I want to make sure that I'm popping and I'm landing with my board pointed straight down the fall line I can look back up and if I notice that my board goes sideways or that I'm landing on my heels or my toes that I'm in a twisted position so you want to make sure that everything's stacked you guys may be asking when do we pop verses when do we ollie now we pop which is a two footed extension off of the ground we do that more when you have side hits or an actual jump like an assisted like an assisted err where there's a jump there's something that's helping us loft in the air that's when we're gonna pop now if I have to generate 90% of that air time on my own let's say flat on the ground then I want to be able to do an ollie now if I'm taking this to a jump I am going to use the pop method know that there are the two options and know that when we're hitting jumps we are popping [Music] now we did touch upon all these real quick just so that we know what an ollie is versus a pup but we're gonna now try to find some side hits so that we can work on our pop before we enter the park so this ski doctor and I are gonna go searching in the woods for some stuff [Music] we're out here looking for Bigfoot that's alight so I'm out here in a mogul field and I'm trying to find moguls that I can practice that pop bringing my knees up and being in that strong position now yes this it is an advanced move so make sure you're practicing your pop in Ollie's and jumps outside but if you can take it in here which is really beneficial if you could take your pop into moguls why that's awesome because you're gonna have to learn how to exhort the terrain pop and then exhort the landing if we can do it in here and we take it to the park it's gonna feel so much more simple because you have a perfect run in perfect run out not as complicated if you need to skip this step totally cool this is a bit of an advanced move so if you're going to do this find moguls that are within your comfort zone you don't need to find the gnarly smuggles find some stuff that's mellow that you enjoy so we're gonna go do this [Music] [Music] after you build your confidence you're really feeling good about your body position which again is your shoulders hips and board going in the same direction you're not rotating in the air you're being able to take off flat base and land flat base super awesome there next thing you wanna do is go look at a map and try to find the beginner zone we want to find jobs that have the least amount of consequences so we can practice them without having a negative experience or getting broke off not awesome now their first run-through what you want to do is go scope the jumps know how big they are watch a couple people and see how many speed checks how much speed they're taking into the jump some jumps may require to go absolutely straight in where other jumps may take three or four speed checks so make sure you're understanding what you're getting into before hitting the jump when it comes to hitting the jump we're mimicking everything that we did out there body position pop off two feet the biggest difference is simply gonna be how much time you spend in the air all right so we're gonna go do that and we'll talk about it at the bottom [Music] [Music] you'll notice that I did take off a flat base as you get comfortable and you start hitting bigger and bigger jumps you want to get comfortable being able to get on a slight toe side edge we're just gonna allow you to get a little bit more grip off the take off especially if you're hitting like 50 60 foot jumps for now because I want to keep it as simple as possible bullies on flat base keeping our body position nice and strong alright so the next thing we're gonna get into is a little bit bigger of a jump essentially what we got to do is just take more speed into it and focus on those body positions bring our knees up feel good spot the landing we're gonna take it up a little bit after we go to a little bigger of a jump we're gonna learn our first grab and we're gonna get alright guys this is sick [Music] so after you've hit a couple really small jumps the next thing you want to find it's a little bit bigger of a jump now you're looking for a jump that has a little bit more of a lip and maybe a foot to two foot drop off and then or rollout you're not trying to find something that's super big and aggressive find something that's progressive you'll notice on the last set of jumps that I did I had to take more speed checks it does get more complicated with different jumps or with how much speed is available so make sure that you're dialing in your speed and I recommend about four board lengths prior to the lip make sure flat and then you can just ride straight out everything's super simple if I'm doing a thousand little speed checks up to the jump and through the jump you're just going to get confused so do your speed checks up here then go straight just like I did there now the harder you pop and the harder you push against the jump the bigger you're gonna go I don't have to immediately go to a next gnarly jump I can take the jump that I already have and make it bigger and start pushing off the ground and going bigger and bigger without like crazy consequences of another jump we're gonna hop on the trailer we're gonna go through the park again and now we're gonna add a grab so that's gonna be next alright let's get it after you hit the jumps a whole bunch of times you're feeling like a boss you feel like you're in control you're riding away every single time the next thing you're gonna want to do is grab your snowboard so I do recommend that you take your back hand and you put it between your bindings now if you happen to grab point it down here okay if you happen to drop here or here those spots are like the no grab zone like it's not cool so you do want to make sure that you're either grabbing the tip like the tip of your board either here here or you're grabbing between the bindings that's gonna be a more proper Grad so just low like I got you moment if you remember one of the first steps that we're talking about is being able to practice bringing our knees up now what the sickest thing is is I keep my hand kind of here at lazy and then I bring my knees up so watch this yeah pretty sick right you literally keep your hand they're lazy and you bring your board up to you it's really important that you bring your board up to you if you happen to break it the waste take your shoulders and lean over essentially what you'll do is you'll start to lean over in the air and you may end up on your face not awesome so spine upright bring your knees up grab your snowboard feel like a boss I'm gonna show you how to do it right here [Music] so when we first learned how to Indy we did it on a small jump big emphasis of bringing our board up to us now when we get to a little bit bigger of a jump I like to think about getting my belly button a little bit lower and then I can push off the jump that's gonna give me a lot more hang time that allows me to grab my board that allows me to like be patient and like make it feel good after that what you want to do is add some style to that so if you notice in this clip right here I'm able to grab outside of my knee around still in between my bindings but I'm able to do that and then what I'll do is I'll extend to my front knee super hard add a little bit of creativity add a little bit of fun to it remember we're staying away from those no grab zones but we are going around the knee grabbing between the feet and adding some style so sick alright guys so that's how I would progress you from never ever hitting a jump to hitting a jump and then as a bonus we added some grabs in there so we look good feel good right so if you guys are super stoked on the channel make sure that you guys give it a thumbs up you make sure you subscribe leave a comment down below if I miss anything now one more thing so I can't do these videos by myself so big thanks to the ski doctor Mike what's up guys all of this stuff is gonna be down below in the description so if you're in the Denver or Summit County area he can actually go to your house watch your board on the spot give it to you and you don't even have to think about he shows up you go watch Netflix then he does his thing and then knocks on your door he gives the board back and then you're Stokes for the next day so make sure you guys go check out his Instagram check out his website and hit him up like always you guys are amazing we're out of here
Channel: Tommie Bennett
Views: 258,206
Rating: 4.9563451 out of 5
Keywords: How to snowboard, Beginner snowboard, Beginner snowboarding, how to snowboard first time, how to hit jumps, how to snowboard jumps, how to hit jumps on a snowboard, snowboard jumps guide, snowboard jumps tutorials, Snowboard tutorials, Snowboard tricks, snowboard parks, how to hit jumps on my snowboard, snowboarding jumps first time, first snowboard jumps, how to grab your snowboard, indy grab snowboard
Id: HcJNeF9wtx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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