How to Hear God’s Voice || Bianca Olthoff (Savage Prayers pt 4)

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this morning the waymaker is making a way for us to worship Him today and we're gonna open up God's house with the Word of God some you join me the scriptures are on the screen and Luke 11 where we have camped out this series is on the screen and these are the words of Jesus sa so I say to you ask and it will be given to you seek and you will find knock and the door will be opened to you for everyone who asks receives the one who seeks finds in the one who knocks the door will be open now wait a minute wait a minute if you've been with us last three weeks you know that that's where we stopped this verse reading but we're adding a week and adding the full context of this look at verse 11 which of you fathers of a son asks for a fish will give him a snake instead or hit me aspirin hey we'll give him a scorpion if you then though you're evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more how much more how much more will your Father in Heaven give you the Holy Spirit to those who ask him so to house of God we were asking for the Spirit of God to reign in here so before you sit down will you turn to your neighbor if you remember their name say something turn to your neighbor and tell them ask him ask him ask him and y'all could grab your seats [Music] yes Church yes Church well ah you picked a great day to be in the house of God to those on our online campus we love and appreciate you for those of our NorCal mints campus can we give it up for our online family who's been so faithful in being with us on this journey we have people from around the globe that are tuning in and watching our sermons online and so you are part of the fan BAM up in here now if it is your first time or you are visiting let me bring you up to speed we have been in the conversation for the last three weeks here at the father's house Orange County for the the word nerds and the Bible scholars and those that call this home what what conversation have we been having what series have we been in savage frères that's right Church and we believe that when we pray savage prayers or as faster Matt Todd as we pray with shameless audacity that our faith is changed and when our faith has changed our lives are changed the purpose of this house isn't so that you can come in here and tick off a religious obligation the heart the hope that the belief is that when you come in you will have an encounter with God that will so change your faith that your life would change so we've been asking we've been staking we've been knocking the last couple weeks and of the beautiful thing about what I get to hear on this side of the week the end of the week is amazing stories of life transformation I have heard from a number of people online and in person with this series is doing in their life and I'm not talking about like I love Jesus more I'm talking about some real life change y'all I'm talking about like like savage prayers like a mutter are savage prayers okay people who couldn't afford car payments had their car payments absolved people who were desperately waiting to hear back from grad school and scholarships and all this other stuff not just got a partial scholarship got a full grad school scholarship people that didn't have a job came back this week with a job this morning I spoke to a cat named Louis who serves on our team he was wait-listed for his colleges blew and overwhelmed and filling a little a little saddened about the news he prayed me pastor Matt and Matt had said what school do you want to go to he's when I applied to a bunch of schools and Matt said no what school do you want to go to he made him list the school his top choice and this week he got accepted into that College we have Monica who serves on our serv team here she passed the California bar up in here who needs a lawyer come on thank you Jesus but the beautiful thing is that there's some people that are still in the waiting they're still in the knocking and they're not stopping you know it gets me excited more than the miraculous which is beautiful what gets me excited is that people's faith is being reinvigorated they're believing in a God who hears them and so if you've been with us you know that we've been asking we've been seeking we've been knocking but the next step is what do you do when when wouldn't you asked and you've sought and you've knocked and it feels like there's a sense of silence what do we do and how do we hear the voice of God and maybe you are new to church you don't really have like a church background you're feeling confused like why would I need to know that have you ever had moments in life where you little confuse some what to do there are moments in life where you don't feel like working on a particular friendship or relationship maybe you don't know where you should move or what job you should get why not bring in the creator of the universe to speak to that situation so the question I pose to you is do you know the voice of God in your life now throughout scripture Jesus refers to it or which scripture refers to God as our Heavenly Father now this might feel layered and it might feel complex this concept of God as father if you don't have a good father if you've lost your father if you have an absentee father that skews our understanding of a good God but scripture tells us that we have a good good father that has good plans for you and he views you as his good son and daughter we have a good good father and if you still are like hesitant or reticent about accepting God as your father I have an epically awesome dad and you can borrow my dad okay but to be in our family you have to know that whether you are his wife or his son or daughter or even his dog he is a particular way of communicating okay and so if you come into my family you will know very quickly that my dad has a particular whistle my dad's particular whistle at various intonations times cadence and and loudness will indicate what he's trying to do so this is the whistle that little whistle with oh wait his is louder than mine clearly and when it's loud he indicates hurry up and get in the car if it's a medium-paced whistle he's telling you I see you I got my eye on you if it's a low he's letting you know that his presence is there so if I'm on the soccer field and I hear my dad is letting me know I'm here and I see you if it's a really loud one I know he's angry get your butt in the car hurry up to this day we have family photos just yesterday until this day there's like 75 of us cuz you know Latinos world deep we got lots of kids and all this other stuff I hear my dad's whistle across the park and we come up laughing like dogs where's dad where's dad where's dad because we know his voice we know the sound of that whistle we know what that whistle indicates no here's the thing if you understand the voice if you know the voice if you recognize the voice you know how to respond and we can have a very similar relationship with our good good father who also refers to him in addition to good father but also good shepherd and a good sheep nose the Shepherd's voice so I want you to pull in notebook pull out your Bible turn with me to John chapter 10 my hope my earnest desires that you brought your notebook you brought a pen and if you didn't bring a pin we got a fancy TF hoc pin right on your chair for you and if you're paid the pages of your Bible light up that's okay but I firmly believe that bringing the Word of God to the house of God will sharpen and change you okay so in verse 1 of John chapter 10 we start off with Jesus speaking to some religious folk also known as the Pharisees and this is what he tells them very truly I tell you Pharisees anyone who does not enter the sheet but climbs in by some other way is a thief and a robber the one who enters by the gate is the Shepherd of the sheep the gatekeeper opens the gate for him and the sheep listen to his voice he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out when he has brought all out all his own he goes on ahead of them and his sheep follow him because they know his what church mm it's 11 o'clock you had your espresso you had your macchiato you had your Starbucks I'm gonna say what and you respond with the answer that's on the screen because they know his what but they will never follow a stranger in fact they will run away from him because they do not recognize the strangers voice jump down to verse 27 my sheep listen to my voice and I know them and they follow me I know my sheep and they follow me throughout scripture we see Jesus teach people using various examples okay various examples of let's say vines grapes wheat sheep and during the time of Jesus people would have been able to identify when he used this story known as either a parable or a metaphor a story to explain a teaching point people of the time they would have known Oh sheep we got that oh we understand Oh whines oh yeah yeah we got that but how many of us really understand sheep herding okay um I by a show of hands how many Shepherds do we have in the house today great I know we have thousands of people that are watching online some ask our Norco prison campus um that's our online campus raise your hand if you're a shepherd I highly doubt that we've got a lot of Shepherds that are tuning in and so what I want to do right now is kind of break down what we just read in John chapter 10 and because you are awake and because you are caffeinated because you love the Lord God with all your heart mind soul and strength I need you to play with me in this moment listen when a shepherd little baby lamb they keep it close to its chest so they could hear its voice so we see in the passage that we just read will you take your hand and put it over your chest that we are his sheep so a Shepherds gonna hold us in his bosom thank you for playing with me and then I want you to take your hand to put it over your ear and as his sheep we hear him we hear him and guess what the Shepherd knows us we put your hands on your head the Shepherd knows us and then we will follow the Lord we will follow the Lord so hand on your chest we are his sheep we know his voice our Shepherd knows us and we follow him y'all give me chills today because you came to play thank you for making your fats are happy okay now as you are learning this this is important for me because sheep aren't stupid sheep just take a little bit longer in identifying the Shepherd's voice so the reason I'm giving you hand motions is during the week you will forget that you are a loved beloved chosen daughter and son of the king but you you are known by the shepherd the Shepherd knows you and you hear the Shepherd and you when you hear the Shepherd you remember that the Shepherd knows you and because the Shepherd knows you you will follow him so I want us to be good sheep today I want us to dive into the pages of John chapter 10 and I want us to kind of envision this moment on an Israeli hillside with green lush pastures I want Brooks of bubbling cool water and with the Dunas of the morning to be on our little paws as good sheep following the shepherd now don't be a bad sheep okay you have to follow the Good Shepherd you guys didn't like that I worked on that okay nine o'clock left better whatever I want you to be good sheep and I want you to humor me for a moment because for us to understand that God is our good shepherd we have to understand what it's like to be a sheep now at this time the people listening to Jesus would have known that during this time shepherds would congregate together but each Shepherd had its own individual flock it was believed during that time and even till today that a shepherd could be responsible for up to 100 sheep this is why when Jesus says the parable that he left the 99 for the one how many sheep is that church mathematicians norcold prison I hear you too yes 100 sheep so here's our Good Shepherd with hundred sheep but Shepherds rolled together and said they invested in what would be called a sheep fault basically it's like a sheep hotel at night it is a large area a large expansive area with either a stone fence around it or wooden fence around it there'd be one entrance in and one entrance out with no door why because 10 Shepherds would roughly come together and congregate in this this is how many sheep 10 Shepherds each having a thousand big each having 100 sheep a thousand sheep so a thousand sheep would be in this sheepfold one of the ten Shepherds would stay there at night and the nine other went back to their homes went back to the cities and each Shepherd would be responsible from thieves from robbers from wolves and what we see here is at this Porter the night Shepherd this Porter would be right there at the door to protect the sheep well in the morning when the Shepherd would come back the Porter would have to identify do I know that Shepherd if I know that Shepherd then I can allow the true Shepherd to come in and let me tell you something of a thousand sheep in this sheepfold when the Shepherd comes in 100 sheep will be able to recognize the Shepherd's voice and come to the Shepherd it didn't matter if there was a black sheep or a white sheep it didn't matter if it was a skinny sheep or a fluffy sheep it didn't matter if it was a tall sheep or a short sheep it didn't matter if it was a cheap sheep or a rich sheep it didn't matter if it was bad and bougie all broken busted sheep when they recognized the voice of the Shepherd and knew that is my shepherd I belong to that Shepherd that's all that matter McCann verse 3 the sheep listen to his voice he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out I'm a city girl never born in the country I wear makeup fake eyelashes high heels and never have owned a lamb but I got a chance to learn some sheep culture I was in Germany speaking at a women's conference and I met an English Shepherd like a real Shepherd in fact his family had been in the sheep industry sheep herding I don't know what it's called cheeping for the last hundred years and so I began to ask some probing questions and he was one that changed my mind on the Brill hints of sheep he said most people think that she for done but they're actually very very intelligent for the last hundreds of year the bust hundred years that his family have been sheep herders he said that for as long as we can remember it's very common in Middle Eastern culture as well so in Jesus's time the shepherds would spend hours upon hours weeks upon weeks days upon days years upon years speaking to the Sheep holding the Sheep close to its bosom so the Sheep would recognize the Shepherd's voice the Shepherd would actually named the Sheep so when the shape heard it's voice it would respond in fact he said that when the true Shepherd would come into his sheep fold out of thousands Sheep the Shepherd can make one noise say one phrase or say a name and that one sheep will come to it why because the Sheep knew the Shepherd's voice he also said that it was a lost art of today that we don't have time or we don't make time - sheep herd like this because now we have helicopters we have technology where we could geotag the ear of a lamb and track it online there's electronic fences there's a lot of technology that we don't need to do that process anymore and he said tragically that it is a lost art but it's interesting to me because aren't you glad that though times have changed and technology has changed our Good Shepherd hasn't changed and his desire is to speak to you his desire is for you to actually know his voice I'm gonna be bold and daring and say that I believe that God can speak not just to holy people or righteous people I believe that God could speak to every single one of us here in this room why because he knows you the Good Shepherd knows you he knows your name he knows your ticks he knows everything about you you don't have to be a seminary student to hear the voice of God you don't have to be a worship leader to hear the voice of God you don't have to be a pastor a preacher a teacher or an evangelist or an apostle to hear the voice of God you don't have to know Scripture you don't have to memorize Scripture you can be anywhere in between why because he knows you and he loves you he knows you when you were a sinner and he knows when you're trying to be a saint he knows when you memorize Scripture and when you fake it he knows when you come with the stanky heart he knows when you got a full heart he knows when you're obedient he knows when you thick-headed he knows you and times and technology have changed but our Good Shepherd hasn't changed he knows you he sees you he actually loves you and I firmly believe right now I'm filling in my heart and filling my chest that you're sitting there some people might be sitting there not believing what I'm saying because your heart feels calloused like a brick wall I want to just pause for a second and speak to make that person who just feels I don't hear the voice of God today in this moment will you begin to flip the script we begin to tell yourself I want to hear the voice of God here's the thing in our modern society with technology and developments we have become the most efficient generation of all times we have more access to access we have more information at our fingertips than any other generation before us but I think our efficacy has messed up our intimacy we are the most efficient generation and yes we lack the most intimacy not just with God but with others as well and our Good Shepherd he knows you he calls you by name and do you believe that Jesus loved you enough to die for you but then don't believe that he loves you enough to speak to you where is your heart today do you believe that God can speak to you because I believe that it is high time that TF hoc changes I don't want us to be people that come in and take a religious box of like I came to church today I throw in $5.00 into the offering bucket no I want people to be so savage and believing that I will ask I will seek I will knock and I believe because he has given me his spirit that God will speak to me we put our faith in Jesus Christ we have the honor and the privilege of hearing God the Father now this relationship with Jesus isn't just being a good person or communist this is putting your faith and your trust in a good God and I know this sounds crazy the fact that like I'm talking about that God could actually speak to us but I firmly believe that God can speak to us and there will be people who tell you that he can't that he doesn't and that he won't I've read books on it I understand the theology of it but but verse 27 tells me that he speaks to me and I hear his voice see I grew up going to church I went to Sunday school I went to midweek Bible study I went to Vacation Bible School I went to a winter camp I went to summer camp I knew John 3:16 see I knew God I knew God but I didn't know that God could actually speak to me and listen I know this is gonna sound crazy I believe that you've actually heard God speaking to you but you didn't identify or know but it was actually God speaking to you when I was 18 years old I heard the voice of God for the first time in my life except I didn't know I was hearing the voice of God I was in Mexico and I want to let you believe that I was there serving God on a missions trip but I was 18 years old with a group of my friends and we decided that we were in college and college kids you know anything break on the rules or whatever and so I was like let's go to Mexico and we went to a club in Mexico and on the second story of a seedy club in Tijuana Mexico with my girlfriends people with whistles are putting tequila down people's throats music is blaring girls are wearing nothing but a ball of yarn up in there and I tell you I tell you I didn't know what this was but I heard a voice say get out of here it was so loud I want to turn around is my mom here like who was that and in that moment I didn't know the voice of God that a kind of sense that God didn't want me to be there and I made a bold promise I said God if you get me out of Mexico with me and my friends safely I will never come back to Mexico now I was on hunch but what do we do about that in-between well you're like not too sure that it's actually God speaking to you the funny thing I'm gonna put a pin in that for a second the next time eight years later I drove by that Club it was with a van full of youth group kids from my dad's Church and I looked at that and I laughed that somehow God could take a moment of clarity of me not knowing that was him but kind of guessing it was him hoping that it was him and that using this opportunity to invest in the next generation to teach them at an early age how to hear the voice of God can I get an amen for that one now the beautiful more ironic hilarious thing to me about this whole trip is that one of my friends that went on that trip to Mexico is now serving in the church and is producing the service Briana don't try to hide it was you right but this is a testimony of all God doing okay he turns it all around for his glory okay but during that time I was told that I couldn't hear the voice of God that God only spoke in particular ways to particular people in particular times but then I came across the words of Paul in first Corinthians 2:14 when he says this don't turn there it's on the screen the person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them what bullishness and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit and some people will say that you can't hear the voice of God but because of John 10:27 I believe it their own my sheep listen to my voice I know them and they follow me so the question I ask you is do you know the voice of the Good Shepherd the only way you're gonna hear the voice of the Good Shepherd's through a relationship with Jesus Christ and we are told that when we receive Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior that His Holy Spirit comes to have residents within us in fact Paul says in Romans the same spirit that resurrected Jesus Christ from the grave is alive in you you don't have to live dead in your trespasses you can be awakened to the things of Jesus Christ why because his Holy Spirit takes residence within us and the Holy Spirit is not a ghost it's not a wind it's not a fire it's not a dove he's often symbolized by these things but that is not what he is the Holy Spirit is the third member of the Trinity not third because he's less than but third because he is the last revealed in the pages of Scripture but all the greatness all the grandeur are the goodness of our Heavenly Father resides within the power of the Holy Spirit so the Holy Spirit resides within us the power that Christ possess lives within us if you were a believer that means that the Holy Spirit takes residence in you and he begins to mess you up when the Spirit of God comes within you you start being convicted not condemned convicted condemnation swen says you are bad conviction is when you hear somebody say you are doing something bad now you are bad you're doing something bad when the Spirit of God comes in you won't be able to have the conversations that you once had you won't be able to hang around people that you once hung around to things that you downloaded the things that you snorted tune it slammed drugged up guess what the Spirit of God will change you in from the inside out now this is a long process don't worry don't freak out if you're still I won't still a jacked up person it's okay we all are in fact my Bible boyfriend Paul the Apostle he said it this way and if Paul the Apostle struggled to get his life right with Christ I'm a good company he said the things that I want to do I don't do and the things that I don't want to do those are the things that I do oh what a wretched man that I am but here's the thing when the Spirit of God comes within you you will possess the strength to actually change now the people in the Old Testament sometimes I mean me personally I look at how God spoke in the Old Testament and I'm like that would pretty pretty awesome like God can you send me a burning bush can the sees parts can you leave me by a pillar of fire at night in the cloud during day like that would make my life super easy in fact since we're at it why do you bring like a little dove to come on my shoulder like Cinderella with a scroll in its mouth and tell me what I'm supposed to do with my life but I believe that the people in the Old Testament would rather what we have in our possession today what we have in our position to possession today is the close Canon of Scripture it is the active breathing Living Word of God you want to hear God speak to you crack open your word why do you think I nag you about bringing the Bible to the house of God because Hebrews tells us that God word is like a sword so when you go to battle do you have a little toothpick as your sword or do you want to have one of those elfin swords you know from like Lord of the Rings like this is the Word of God go back to the Word of God test God's Word and number two we see that that we have the possession of the Holy Spirit see in John 14 jesus said he made a promise he said I'm not leaving you his orphans I'm gonna give you an advocate I'm gonna give you a comforter that's the Spirit of God well that promise became a presence in Acts chapter 2 and what the Old Testament church didn't have but today's church does is an indwelling of the Spirit of God now this is it stands in stark comparison to the Old Testament well what's the old testament if you're new to church don't freak out it's the first portion of the Bible the first 44 books from Genesis to Malachi or if you're Mexican mulashi somewhere in between there okay the Holy Spirit was was revealed to certain people at a certain time for a certain role and when that role is complete or that person fell into sin the Spirit will be gone that's why the psalmist says do not take your spirit from me but guess what as believers in the New Testament church we get to have the Holy Spirit live within us so ask and seek and knock and the Holy Spirit will be given to you then you might be sitting here thinking well you don't understand my life I'm an angry person I'm angry my parents are angry their parents were angry I'm Irish I'm predisposed to be angry I'm gonna tell you today that imbued with the Spirit of God that God can take your anger and pull it into joy God can take your anger and turn it into happiness but I can take your anger and put turn it into forgiveness why because Paul speaks about the fruit of the Spirit so if the Holy Spirit is in me the through I'm producing of my life the manifestation of the Spirit of God in me is love joy peace patience kindness goodness all of these things so I'm the Spirit of God is in you he could take those things of your life that you feel will not change and begin to change the theological word for this is sanctification so if you are a word nerd you can write that down sanctification is us turning into the likeness of Christ to the power of his spirit and here's the important part as a shepherd of this flock as a teacher of God's Word it's super important and I want us to know that we can hear the voice of God for our own life because there's a big difference between deciding between good and bad I want you to be so attuned to the voice of God that you could know good and not so good see the difference between good and bad is I don't feel many of us are wrestling with like whether or not we should kill that person we could all say that that is bad but what happens in those moments where you question should I go out for that job promotion should I date that person should I move to that house these are the places and the spaces that we need the active living word of God to be displayed and when God speaks so we're here asking God to speak when God speaks what is our appropriate response Church our appropriate response is obedience when God speaks to us we simply obey and delayed obedience is still disobedience I don't know who said that I would give them credit but I'm just gonna say delayed obedience is still disobedience God doesn't speak to be heard God speaks to be obeyed it is our responsibility to obey Him and let me tell you something when we hear the voice of God for our life and we obey Him it's not just for us it's for the freedom of others so I want to try to make this as simple as possible last week I came in hot I came in like let's get ready to rumble okay I want you so desperately to be praying big hairy audacious prayers to a good guy but today I want us to leave with some practical handles of how we actually hear the voice of God if you're a note taker I want you to jot this down number one literally as in the literal word of God you want to hear God speak crack open your Bible John 1:1 says in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God hallelujah amen you want to hear from God crack open God's Word he has answers in here for your problems a second way that we see is corporately what is this gathering this is a corporate gathering of the church in fact scripture says where two or three are gathered I am there in the midst that is Jesus guess what you could hear the voice of God here in this body of believers online and in our prison campus we believe that you are part of what God is doing here and you can hear the voice of God corporately what about communally I firmly believe that God speaks in the midst of community when you gather with other people that's why here at this house it is a big value for community groups we don't want you to sit like you know come in on a Sunday and bounce we want you to be in community and we have 16 groups meeting in 16 cities around Southern California and let me tell you something God is on the move y'all I am like shook at what God is doing as a woman of faith I shouldn't be surprised at what God is doing but I was surprised of what God is doing I have stories coming in of God moving and here's the two just because they're interconnected Trisha is someone who serves here and she oversees a community group in the city of your Belinda Trisha is a single mom and a widow and she has a teenage son well on week one of savage prayers I told a story about my mom pulling a piece of butcher paper and taping it to our kitchen door and us writing savage prayers on this door well the very next week Trisha took a piece of butcher paper taped it to her kitchen door and she took her community group and she invited them to write savage prayers on this door well one of those prayers was for her son Robert now Robert has been desiring to go on a missions trip through this school but the trip was completely full but by faith Robert still kept on going to the interest meetings believing that something was gonna happen well the trip was $1500 and on Thursday of week 1 of this series Robert finds out that there's a spot for him but is $1,500 Trisha had said we can't pull that off well Trisha told Jamie another girl here to church Trisha told me she talked up of people we told a couple people we took a hold a couple people and we told a couple people and guess what Robert didn't fundraise $1500 Rober fundraise 1830 c'mon Jesus and with the eggs for $300 he's giving it to the children the Appalachian region where he's gonna go serve and this is the power of what happens when God's people come together and pray audacious prayers and lastly individually and this is the one where I think most of us get stuck we believe I can't hear the voice of God that's not for me I'm not that spiritual but look at verse 4 of John chapter 10 he goes on ahead of them and his sheep follow him because they know with his voice I want us see no God individually I believe that you can and I believe that your life would be different and changed when you begin to hear God for your life and when you begin to hear God for your life I believe that God trusts us to hear him for others lives as well and so very quickly I want to go through this I believe many of us hear God and haven't recognized that it's actually the voice of God we have something some theologians referred to it as like prophetic personalities like how we interpret and how we receive how we hear from God in different ways now when people would say oh I heard God say this or I heard God say that I felt like they were on FM 102.9 and I was on am 6:40 okay like I did not hear the voice of God when people would talk about it I just thought it was for those spiritual weird people but not me but then I began to study God's Word and realize that there's different ways that we could hear God some people maybe this is you you might be a knower you can't explain it but it's that gut feeling where you just know that God is speaking to you guess what begin to trust that last week we spoke about when the door knocks what would it look like if you were to trust that knowing trust that gut feeling and step through that door because when you are able to discern that you knowing is that that's God moving in your life they'll be little to stop you from believing God maybe maybe you are a seer maybe you can explain if you have dreams or maybe have visions or maybe to see things as you're driving like like you begin to daydream what if you were to trust and say God is this you speaking to me will you go back to God's Word and have his word confirm it maybe you are a here maybe you you actually hear God whispering to you would he begin to write that down would begin to trust that go back to God's Word and had it be confirmed in his word or maybe you were like me maybe you are a feeler I am totally a feeler I believe that we have like a primary way that we hear in a secondary way that we hear primarily I'm a feeler secondary I'm a seer I'm telling you right now I have seen but this church is gonna be I know that people's lives are gonna be changed around the world I've seen it but I'm a feeler and last week at the end of second service if you were here this is the first time that have been so brazen and so bold but I'm tired of letting the enemy win I'm tired of let the enemy rob so many people of the God call over their life and let me tell you something last week at the end of service I began to pray through when I heard in worship I sat there and worship and I felt this overwhelming sense of shame I thought this overwhelming sense of embarrassment and the phrase that I felt the phrase that I heard God uses loss of innocence and I knew it had something to do with molestation and inappropriate behavior taken against someone in the room as a child but this phrase loss of innocence was when I wrote down I wrote down I believe that there's someone engaging in relationships specifically sexual relationships that it feels like drinking salt water you leave sticky and there's nothing to satiate it and quench it and there was a third word that was listed at the end of service I connected with the prayer team and every single word was confirmed because when God hears you and you are obedient to speak it forth it's not just for you it's so for the freedom of others I want this house to be used amazing ways but this is what we're gonna do for the last four weeks we've been talking about this masking seeking knocking now inviting the Holy Spirit to speak to you on your seat is an index card and we're gonna put this into practice I firmly believe that every single person in this room and our Norco prison campus I believe that y'all is here the voice of God for your life and so Taylor and the band say you can go ahead and begin to sing over us they're gonna begin to sing over us in this moment and this is what I want on that index card for some people you are more prone to hear the voice of God go ahead and be at liberty write down a phrase reverse or a word or maybe a word picture a mental picture jot that down this card is for you this card goes in your Bible this car is put on your dashboard this card is put on your bathroom mirror to remind you of when you heard God speak to you this kit is a gift for you to document with the Spirit of God is whispering to you take this time seriously and then this this is what we're gonna do to end the series to celebrate what God has done to celebrate but you were going to hear from God whether it's a word a verse a picture even in the silence write that down and then we're gonna celebrate by inviting us partake in communion the far ends the auditorium right down here in the Senators there's communion why is that revelation 3:20 says here I am Jesus said I stand at the door and knock if anyone hears my voice and opens the door I will come in with that person and we eat with them Vey with me this act of communion is is done the remembrance of God I want to celebrate what God has done in this church this is his body broken for us this is his blood shed for us in addition to this the prayer team as always it's going to come forward and be available for prayer we do not want to preach about savage prayers we want to be savage in our prayers so the prayer team can come forward the communion team can come forward we're gonna begin the band's gonna begin to worship over us and when you are ready when you're done with that card you're invited to partake in communion or come forward for prayer spirit of God we invite you into this place I am believing that right now even against the lies of the enemy telling people what they are not and what they can't and what they won't do I believe that those voices are silenced in the name of Jesus and that you the Good Shepherd bring them into your chest and whisper the truth of this season whether it's a word for the season a promise for this season hope for this season I pray that your Ward Pierce hearts today and Jesus mighty hi my name is matt whole top from the pastor's here at the father's house thank you so much for watching our youtube channel but don't stop here be sure to subscribe below so you don't miss out on a single service you can also support this ministry by clicking the give Now button and help us continue reaching and inviting people around the world to discover freedom and life in jesus thank you so much for watching god bless [Music] you
Channel: The Father's House OC
Views: 21,093
Rating: 4.9502664 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 34sec (2314 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 25 2019
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