How To Hang Wallpaper! It Is So Easy You Will Love It!

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hey welcome to home renovation my name is Jeff I'm a general contractor and in this video we are going to be teaching you guys how to hang wallpaper now generally on our channel we are here to help all kinds of homeowners do all kinds of projects whether it's renovation or remodeling or decorating and so we're tackling this video because I think while paper is going to make a resurgence I might be wrong but there are tons and tons of really awesome prints out there that'll give you great texture in your room now in this particular project we're gonna be building a custom walk-in closet dressing room okay so the idea here is there's only a couple of exposed walls there's only a mirror on this side but the wallpaper is going to be in behind all of the custom shelving and closet hanging areas and I think it's going to add a really cool dimension to the project special once we get all the pot lights in here and dialed in onto that those cabinets so we're gonna just jump right in on the other corner and I'm going to show you how to get started we're gonna show you tips and tricks how to make it easy because wallpapering today is made really easy gone are the days where you have the big bucket of water and you gotta soak your wallpaper to activate the glue now it is just so much easier to do I'm going to show you all those tips and tricks so that you can feel comfortable doing this at home and dress up any room in your house so wallpapering nowadays is it really as simple as just having adhesive the right cutting measuring tools and the right plan for application so the old days they used to have the adhesive on the paper itself and you cut the length and then you roll it up and then you dip it in water and you try to get it in there for the right amount of time then you'd pull it out dripping water and glue everywhere just slap it on the wall it was really quite a mess now one of the changes that they've made in the industry is generally all this stuff now you put the adhesive on the wall and then you apply the paper and the truth is does that makes the application so much easier if you've ever tried this before and you were disillusioned because of the the paper had the glue on it try it this way and you're gonna notice a difference so basically you get this white pasty glue okay and I've set it up in my paint roller tray and I've just got a little 3/8 nap on there and we're gonna just paint the wall with adhesive right we're not trying to be cheap with this either because this is one of these situations where less is more is not the case all right you're gonna get about the width of a roller for every application loaded up the secret is if you have lots of adhesive on the wall it's a lot easier to work with the paper and to be able to move it around all right okay we're just gonna go through a little bit wider here now there we go now right at the very top I didn't have any adhesive because I'm using a roller so for that I got a 3-inch brush and I'm just gonna slap and drag okay try to leave as much of that adhesive as I can up there don't worry about getting it on the ceiling or other walls it's water-based and we have a sponge in a pail here so we're done with our paper we can go back and just clean off any of the extra residue now if you're new to this channel you might not have seen one of these before but if you're not new to the channel you know I love my laser lines okay so the idea here is in a lot of the instruction manuals out there they'll tell you to get a big long ruler and a pencil and draw a line on the wall but if you have a laser line you slap one up there put your roll into the corner laser went off the edge BAM there's your line resist the temptation to start in the corner because it's never going to be straight I'll show you that right here I'm in the corner at the bottom I'm in the corner at the top but look how much the wall is bowed and this is the danger if you start using the edge of the wall here as your guide you're in trouble so we're just going to throw a laser line right here now if you're concerned about this because you're gonna do the whole room and you move your laser line in about an inch or so start off this line and then come around the corner all right for us we're actually installing different shelving units here I'm not concerned about the gap so I'm gonna make my life simple go right off the edge okay now we're ready to hang so we'll just go over the tools real quick so we need one of these plastic things this is just a flatter when you go in to buy your wallpaper there's a whole section of tools and equipment you need a bucket of adhesive and it's right there's wallpaper adhesive you're gonna want to get one of these little sponge things this is great for smoothing out all the bubbles and then it won't wrinkle the paper you're gonna need a straight edge like this because when you're cutting wall paper you don't want to do a freehand you always want to have a metal edge holding the paper against the wall because what paper likes to tear a really nasty like and then you need a straight little knife like this I'm not using my age be knife today like normal this is a mini thin alpha it's really sharp and really lightweight and that's really good for getting into all the nooks and crannies cutting things perfect no all we do is get up on our ladder here and you'll see I can drive this paper anywhere I want to go well there's my laser line right there right I'm gonna start I'm gonna try to manipulate this design that gold line to be at the ceiling okay and there's my laser line to do did it do know where we are all right there so what I want to do now is come down here couple of feet okay hold this off and stretch this into the line okay so now that's my here's my edge okay and I'll run the paper to the left if you need to manipulate it you just peel it off okay there we go now we're going to take our straightedge run it right up in there on the ceiling and we're going to slice right through okay just going to run this around a bit here to get rid of the bubbles in this area no no I get off my ladder and so again we're gonna pull this paper loose find our laser line press it right to the line all right now we're down near the bottom now in this particular project I don't have any baseboards down here if I did I would just set this on there run that down with a baseboard edge okay and then I'll take the knife and I would cut it at the baseboard but for here I'm just gonna run a mom on purpose and I'm gonna install the baseboards afterwards all right always smooth out all your bubbles there we go now we're done with the laser we won't need that again because we're just gonna follow that line all around the room the only other thing we need is a bit of a wet sponge all right okay that's just to get rid of all of the adhesive on the edge hurry oh okay no next roll we're gonna do a few rows here and I'm gonna show you how to cut around the windows and kind of match up your joints again make sure you're plenty of adhesive on the wall where you're making your joint that'll make your life a lot easier if you go to dry when you put the paper on it just clings to the wall and you can't slide it around at all and without that ability to manipulate the edge you're in a lot of trouble there we go alright last step make sure we got lots of adhesive at the ceiling here we go now this is where it's fun because you can actually pull left or right and get this the roll lined up right on the edge okay so if I pull left or I pull right I manipulate where my role is the key is to finish at the top right where you want it okay and you want to smash up your reoccurring pattern here's the trouble with that I'm going to demonstrate how difficult this can be there's my pattern right there alright now what all this extra paper up here tomorrow how much I press this on while you're working and smoothing things out it's gonna have a tendency to want to just fall right off the wall of course it's not doing it but I'm starting to go now so before you go lift this up the best plan is to find the reoccurring pattern measure it off and cut a little bit of excess so it's a little bit easier to manage here we go now we're coming back with this little tool okay you want to get in behind and just line up the pattern nice and tight because we're not doing too much manipulation we're not stretching the paper you're just putting it right where it needs to go here we go that's a little bit loose you can see I can just push it because I have lots of adhesive no we're gonna just come across here now nice and gentle like working that paper in the right direction start to develop any kind of a crease we'll just lift it off okay stretch your back out again all right work that into the ceiling you can start to see that this can get moving pretty good if you get proficient it really is one of those jobs you can do a whole room in just an afternoon especially if you had a helper okay again we're just going to line up our car design [Applause] okay so now we're gonna talk about going around obstacles bump bump bomb versus again the rule with obstacles is lots of adhesive having the ability to manipulate to peel it off and put it back on again still get ahijon is key don't worry about overlapping the glue on the old paper we're gonna be washing all of that off later okay now we're gonna get this all over the place here alright alright so this time we're gonna identify our pattern reoccur in here that's my line there we go same thing just gonna pull this up and put a pattern in place first we're gonna rough to meet this okay so here we go I've got my pattern in place now now the trick here is you want to find that edge of your casing alright okay you want to get it to a point where you cut this back to where the joint is yeah okay we want to finish our whole seam first before we worry about all the details but you want to just get that cut so that it's free to be applied properly if I left it connected I'm trying to do this joint down here everything starts stretching on you that's just gonna make a huge mess so last time our primary goal was the ceiling right get that joint cut before we move forward now we just have to get everything in position so we can identify where our casings are [Music] here we go it's a little bit of surgery right so I'm gonna work left to right fall down this casing here we are I'm gonna take this here [Music] oh you bad boy [Music] very nice just going to get my real line adjusted here a little bit perfect [Music] [Music] okay back up to the top [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] we have here it is just a little bit dry at the time okay we would wash at the top there make sure the trim is clean make sure the joints is clean it's all about the quality of the joint alright here we go nice alright so let's just go through this real quick lots of adhesive use it laser line be patient make sure all the bubbles are gone before you walk on you know like anything in construction if you're happy with what you've just done then you can move on but don't move on until you're happy now the tools for this project I think all together $20 I mean it's disposable stuff not a big deal $20 and he said $20 of tools a couple hundred ollars for wallpaper and you've got a brand new room just a few hours if you're a DIY or and you're new to our channel then I'm gonna encourage you to subscribe and then hit the bell notification so that you get notified every time one of our videos comes out that way we can help you out week after week after week to renovate your house alright listen we just want to talk about this project here it's a custom closet walk-in dressing room it's gonna be absolutely gorgeous and to follow along this project gonna click this playlist right here we're gonna show you how we did the flooring how we build the cabinets and brought this whole dressing rooms / walk-in closet together thanks for joining us we'll see you in the next video
Channel: Home RenoVision DIY
Views: 508,453
Rating: 4.9070654 out of 5
Keywords: homerenovision, renovision, wallpaper, how to hang wallpaper, best wallpaper, best way to hang wallpaper, how do i hang wallpaper, how to, how to install wallpaper, home improvement, how to hang wallpaper with paste, cut around sockets, how to hang wallpaper with adhesive, how to put up wallpaper, wallpaper accent wall, removable wallpaper, jeff thorman, accent wall, feature wall, hang wallpaper, how to install wallpaper around a window, accent wall diy
Id: 3zdrt1N8VQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 58sec (1138 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2020
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