How to handle Full Body Tracking Issues (Basestations)

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hello everyone this is a quick video where I want to address all the issues I personally had with my full body tracking setup and maybe one of the two fixes or some fixes that I did can help you as well so let's start off first you hear it in every video that regards tracking issues and for body tracking issues cover up reflective surfaces if you have a window in your room or a mirror make sure to put something over it and then you won't have tracking issues because of interference with that or reflective surfaces second dongle placement make sure that your dongles are placed flat on top of the surface not tilted or something it should be flat if you have Tundra dongles they should be facing with the logo upwards sometimes I forget to place my dongles properly and they're just kind of lying around somewhere and I immediately notice a lot of drift and tracking issues so really make sure that they are placed flat on the surface also make sure that they are not on top of each other right way you don't need a huge space between them but make sure that there's a couple of centimeters between them and then you should not have issues that they are interfering with each other one morphing you should probably try to keep them a little bit further away from your power supply of your computer maybe don't place them on top of your computer because that can also cause some interference which could cause tracking issues third USB issues my personal enemy if you always have the very same tracker seemingly randomly drifting away even though it is in Clear Sight of a base station you have all dongles placed properly all reflective surface is covered then it's likely an issue if your USB bandwidth this is especially a problem the more trackers you have if you only have three trackers it might be fine I have even more with elbows as well so that causes even more issues more trackers you have the more USB bandwidth issues you might have how do I check that so there is a tool called USB view I put the download link in the description as well where you can see what the USB controllers you have in your PC setup so on my main board I have two USB controllers and you can also see One external card which I'll get to later and if you have issues you should definitely try placing your dongles around on different USB slots try spacing them around on the controllers that you have so that maybe two trackers are on this controller and two trackers on the other controller so that each one has about the same data if you have two it might not be that they're equally powerful for example on my main board I noticed that one can handle four or five trackers without too many issues and the other one already struggles with two or three so really make sure to just play around and see if any of that helps if you think that your issue is related to USB bandwidth but you've tried every combination and nothing works you can buy a PCI USB extension card which I did I bought this one I also put the link in the description and so far it works pretty well don't really have any issues with it and that's really good okay further troubleshooting and very specific issues I had a lot of those so it is possible that one of your trackers doesn't go well with one of your dongles but in any other combination it might work fine so how can you check which tracker is connected to which dongle and how do you specifically say this tracker should be connected to this song Land not that one so the easiest way to see which tracker is connected to what dongola is just unplug the Domino see which tracker goes from green to blue and then you know what is paired to what if you want to specifically pair one tracker to one dongle I'd recommend you to go to this path in the steamvr apps there's a tool called Lighthouse console.xa you need to launch that as administrator and there type unpair all what this will do is it deletes all the connections from your dongles to your trackers and everything will be reset there will be no connections at all after you've done that you can launch steamvr only plug one single dongle in turn one tracker on pair it and then you know that this dongle and this track are paired together plug in another dongle turn on another tracker pair them and that's how you can specifically decide which tracker is paired to what dongle personally I use all of this so that I have my hip tracker paired to one dongle that has its very own USB controller and that has very good position because I really don't want my Yip to just my Yip my hip to just gee the way which is very disruptive so I want that to be very very stable so this is the way how you can do that and one more very specific issue that I had is when I had my Tundra trackers on the elbow like one two and the index controllers in my hand paired to the very same Tundra dongle that can hold four trackers I had issues when they're on the same height level I felt like when it was sanding here index controller Tundra dongle at Tundra tracker Tundra dongle and the same path was interfering I don't know if that makes sense but it felt like that to me as soon as I paired them to different dongles so 200 tracker Tundra tracker going to this dongle index controller index controller going to that dongle over there the issue was gone and yeah happy end good if you have any other big brain ideas knowledge about tracking issues feel free to post them in the comments below there's likely five billion other things you can try I just really recommend you to mess around with USB stuff because that has been my main issue um I hope I could help you maybe you can recommend this to somebody else who has tracking issues and I hope you all have a good day bye bye
Channel: Airbee
Views: 4,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Airpaca
Id: 1tqrasQb5UA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 25sec (385 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 21 2022
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