How to grow Pak Choy

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hi Parkins learn how to garden calm in today's episode we'll be sewing and discussing how to grow Pak choy or Chinese cabbage if you're not already subscribe to me at learn has gone there's a link just on my right right now click on that input your email address it means you get the free monthly newsletter you get told every time we put up a new film it also lets you get access to all the written blog posts that I do in between filming I'm here next to one of my 3 foot by 6 foot know dig raised beds and one of the best things you can grow in it is Pak Choi and the reason for that is it is a fantastic user of space and that's because when we sow this patch away we're going to sew it in drills about 20 centimetres apart and we can sew it quite thickly because after 30 days we'll be able to use those thinnings at about 7 centimeters apart and we'll actually then have gaps and those gaps will mature into semi-retire which we're about 20 centimeters apart and we thin those out to leave about 20 to 25 centimeters between our final patch away which can mature between 60 and 75 days so it's a really quick crop it's a quick return for space in our bed easiest way to sow it is to take a pointed trowel and make some drills across your bed and they want to be about nine centimetres apart and a tip is measure how long your trowel is because it lets you know roughly how far apart those drills need to be once you've made the drills you then water along each drill that's because the major failure of seedlings is running out of moisture so make sure the drill itself is well watered before sowing this bed had a dream manure growing getting over the winter and it doesn't need any fertilizer to grow this patch oi this is from seeds of Italy there are lots of different varieties of actually if you could imagine it's one of the world's most grown crops you can sow it in the UK or the northern hemisphere any time really between April and July so you can get quite late crops with it and it's quite big seed although having said that will be still wise to wear your glasses if you're as old as me we just come along trying to get these seeds but every 2 or 3 centimetres if they get closer than that you'll just have to thin them but as we've said the joy of this is that those thinnings are incredibly useful once the seeds are in just use the back of your hand to go across I don't know whether you can focus in on my hand or not but what we have here is one of those tiny yellow slugs these normally are under ground and these are the ones that do about 90% of the damage in your bed best thing to do flick it off the Robins will soon take care of them so just use the hand cover up this drill make sure that you've labeled it then water the whole thing in again as it starts to grow remember to weed between the drills use a hand reader and weed before you think you see seedlings with things like lettuce patch all ones like that weeds really will take over and dominate and take available nutrients from them so it's much better to weed often or hoe often really before you see the weeds growing and that's it we now just leave that 30 days we'll be taking the fillings out probably come back and see that and after 75 days we'll have big delicious pack chewy which you can eat raw or you can stir-fry thanks a lot for watching here and learn how to go
Channel: LearnHowToGarden
Views: 202,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pak Choy, chinese cabbage, bok choy, bok choi, pak choi, mark abbott-compton, learn how to garden, chinese vegetables
Id: J4MJOi5AhVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 54sec (294 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2015
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