Growing Bok Choy from seeds (with actual results)

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so it's the beginning of fall and it's a perfect time to start your bok choy seeds so here i have the seeds and here i have a seedling planter in which i have taken one part coco peat to keep the soil moist one part compost to give it nutrition and little bit of pearlite for good drainage and also the planter has good drainage at the bottom so i'm going to just take a few seeds and put in each of these pots going to cover it with soil so rule of thumb is to cover it with four times the size of the seed i am going to water it so for seeds to germinate they require moisture and they require warmth so i'm going to keep it at a warm place where it gets direct sunlight and i'll keep the soil moist and as they start to grow i'll keep you posted it's been a week that we planted these bok choy seeds and so many of the seeds have grown and now because it is quite cold at night so i bring this planter inside at night and in the daytime i leave it outside in full sun so that the seedlings they grow strong otherwise they'll become leggy and they'll not be good so it's been about six weeks that we planted these bok choy seeds and they have grown well now they have the true leaves also the first two leaves that develop in a seed they are the seed leaves and then the true leaves come so before transplantation you should make sure that the true leaves have a come so these these leaves are the seed leaves and then the straight ones are the true leaves and also before transplantation always acclimatize your plants because you know if they were sitting inside and now you suddenly bring them outside and it's too cold or too hot or whatever you know they get that shock so acclimatize them first and transplant in the evening so that you know they get about 12 hours without any direct sun otherwise you know the sun may uh wilt them away so i'm going to just remove some of these okay so just push this and look at the root system here so i'm going to separate these out and just plant them so in this planter i have you know good amount of compost and some you know dry leaves at the bottom which get composted slowly and then it has good drainage at the bottom and this gets about uh three hours of sun in the morning and about one hour in the afternoon so let's separate these out and just plant them bok choy is a cooler weather plant so it is a great plant to grow in late summer early fall in winters or in springtime it grows pretty fast you know within two months you can have a a whole bok choy plant ready so if you want to have a container supply you should plant it like every two weeks it is a biennial plant so in the second in the second year it will uh bear seeds by the way bok means white and choy means vegetables so bok choy means white vegetable i mean it it only has you know the only the middle portion is white so i don't know why it is called bok choy but you know that's how it is since it is a leafy plant you know it does well in partial sun if you have too much sun then it may not grow that well and again just like any other leafy plants you know the soil should be moist or it should be watered frequently there are some varieties which are taller some are shorter you know depending on what you get you know you can plant you know for any vegetables you have to make sure that the soil is rich and the plant or wherever you plant them it gets lot of sun and if you have not subscribed to my channel yet please do so now and don't forget to press the bell icon next to the subscribe button so that you get notified whenever a new video is uploaded so i'm going to water it now and we'll keep you posted so if you look at our bok choy plants you know they were doing great except that these squirrels you know they have been just digging up all around and so i have covered the planter with this chicken wire mesh and hopefully the squirrels will stay away now so i planted the remaining bok choy saplings also in this container because squirrels were just digging it up and eating it up so you can still see that there are holes you know i put this um chicken wire mesh here but i think squirrels are still getting it uh but that's fine now i can see growth in there so they are doing fine now and this uh container gets about four or five hours of direct sun so probably from ten o'clock to three o'clock it gets direct sun so it's getting lot of sun and i keep the soil moist and they are happy they look happy to me look at these bok choy saplings now they are growing so well you can see that they are so healthy and new leaves are developing so it's been a few weeks that we planted uh the seeds of bok choy and they have been growing very nicely they get a lot of sun and you can see how healthy they are and you can see the shape of the bok choy plant it's shaping up nicely so now you can start harvesting them so there are two ways of harvesting so one is that you start cutting the outside leaves of the plant so for example if we look at this one so i just cut you know one leaf and you just keep pruning and from outside and it will keep growing from the middle the other way is that you completely cut it off like this here you know now i have cut all the leaves so only this middle portion is left but within few days this will start growing again so up to you um if you want just a few leaves and there are so many plants growing you can just take the outer leaves and you should be fine but if you want a lot of it in one go then you just cut the whole plant and then this will start to grow within a few days so i'll show you how it grows so it's been a few days that we cut this plant here and you can see that it has started growing from the middle so it's not going to grow too big it's the second time or the third time but it does grow so uh you can just keep pruning from the side or you can prune the whole plant up to you and if you prune the whole plant the best is that you keep planting new seeds every two weeks so that you have a continuous supply of bok chai so i hope this video was useful to you if you have any questions leave a comment and i'll try to answer as soon as possible if you like this video press the like button subscribe to our channel and don't forget to share it with your friends and family and i'll see you next time happy gardening bye you
Channel: Easy Peasy Gardening
Views: 94,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bokchoy, BRASSICA RAPA, Cruciferous Vegetables, pak choi, white-vegetable, leafy-vegetable, container-gardening, home-gardening, sustainable-gardening, outdoors, annual, gardening-tips
Id: b8m9f0vYXEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 26sec (566 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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