How to Grow on Instagram Organically in 2024 | NEW Instagram Growth Strategies for Gaining Followers

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hello you wonderful people welcome to or welcome back to the channel today we are covering a topic that we haven't talked about in a dedicated video for a little bit of time it's been a bit and it's how to grow on Instagram organically let's dive in now this video is about specific tactics that you as a business owner or Creator can use to get more eyeballs onto your content and therefore more Discovery and convert those viewers into followers now we're not going to cover anything like profile optimization because that needs to be done before you get to the point where you're trying to increase your reach and we actually already covered it in this video so we would highly encourage you to watch that to get your profile entirely optimized then come back here and we're going to increase that reach there you go and another thing we want to say is this is not going to be the kind of video that is telling you to post 28 times per week or a reel every single day because I have a suspicion now which I haven't told you about yeah I have a feeling that they say these things to you because they know it's almost impossible so that way if you can't do it then yeah it's like oh you need to do all these things then you don't do it and if you didn't do it you didn't grow because that's why so it's like your fault it's kind of like just like saying to do something ridiculous or like completely unsustainable and then when you don't succeed it's your fault for not doing that you know so what we're going to give you is very sustainable tactics that are proven that we've used in our agency and with our clients including one that helped us get 2,000 follow followers in one day that we're going to cover as well so the first thing that you're going to want to do before we get to anything on the optimization techniques and a few things we're going to talk about is actually make sure that your account is set up for recommendations so that means that your account is eligible to show up in search places like search places like suggested profiles all these areas that will help you with Discovery including explore so how you can do this and why you're doing this is kind of in the shadow band category of a convers ation is just to make sure there are no markings against your account that will prevent this you can check that your account is in good standing by going to the settings in your Instagram account heading over to account status and under account status you want to make sure that you have three check marks just clear down the board to make sure that you're eligible for recommendations across all surfaces of the app if you have an X or any errors at all you need to dispute those errors because they are going to prevent you from being recommended and literally the whole point of everything today is to make sure that we're setting you up for Success so you want to make sure that you have that technicality cleared out before you get to the other steps the first way that you can grow Instagram followers organically is to understand the algorithm so if you're playing a game and you don't really understand the rules or the the way that things are set up you're putting yourself at a pretty serious disadvantage now fortunately we actually did this video right here which explains exactly how the Instagram algorithm works and all of the signals and markers and all those things and how you can create content to play into that so it works in your favor and two of the things that we're going to focus on that we touched on in that video which are super important in terms of optimization here are the types of information that you're going to give Instagram so it knows who you are and who to serve your content to and then relationship building and nurturing because those are signals again to the algorithm to serve your content to specific types of people so definitely recommend that you check out that algorithm video in full and that'll also help you understand why we're saying the things that we're saying in this video yes another way to grow your Instagram following organically is to optimize your profile posts for Discovery now what this looks like there's actually a key part that we want you make sure that you're not missing out on and that is suggested profil so another thing we're going to get you to do is go over to your profile right now hit edit profile you can do this from your desktop and just make sure that you have suggested profiles toggled on that means that Instagram based on the information they have about you will know who to recommend your account to if someone else follows that account so for example if you owned a bakery then they're going to know that you're also in baking or a baking account that might be in the same area and they'll suggest that profile if someone follows that baking account so that's also what's really important when it comes to the information we give Instagram and the relationships that we build with Instagram now on the post level there are a number of things you can do to give your post the best chance of being fed to more and more people that would include things like adding the location which is a pretty rare thing I would say honestly even not enough people do that not enough people do that it kills me really I'll say as a business owner or influencer it's important to have that when we were looking at influencers to hire just decide no the biggest issue we had was that people didn't have their locations and were like or their bio or in their bio or anything like that so make sure that your location is there and it matters because Instagram which you've talked about in this video has a full fee dedicated to just location so nearby so you have to have to make sure that you're adding your locations to your post especially if you're servicing like a specific Community but even if you're just a Creator in an area that's how you're going to get invited to events that's how you're going to get these Partnerships with local Brands it's super super important so yes yeah I forgot about that and I got triggered hard like drove me crazy it made it almost impossible to find people so many people who lost out on opportunities to get a paid cuz we didn't have time to go back and forth and decide where you are and reach out to yeah we just move on it was enough time so you just move and move on there's a million people um also things like the keywords alt text topics and also toggling on so that you can be suggested in Facebook reals which is super super key now we have a bit of a freebie that can help you out if you hit the link in the description it is a Instagram reals checklist that will give you all of the main things that you need to do to make sure that your post is as optimized as possible to be shown to as many folks as it can of course and that covers real specifically but in the end majority of the steps are the same in terms of optimization and another key thing that you want to make sure you have is a call to action a CTA on every single post we never post and don't include a CTA of course that CTA needs to ladder back up to what your objectives are but the reason why you want to have that CTA is because you're trying to get an interaction and engagement that will push you up in the algorithm so for example saves the reason that you would ask for saves is because if someone saves content that's a signal that when you check out that algorithm video you'll see why we're saying this that is a signal that Instagram uses to say this is valuable content we need to show it to more people or when you tell people to share when you're asking them to share that's increasing your reach because if I share with Craig then Craig is a new eyeball and then he potentially might follow if he likes the content that I've shared with him if you've ever shared a meme or done anything with any of your friends or shared any post you know what happens usually they just end up falling the account because you guys have the same interest so you want to create those relationships and give Instagram that kind of information so it knows to share your content to more people and the type of person to share it to another phenomenal way to grow your followers organically on Instagram is by using proactive targeted interactions daily this is something that we have spoken about ad nauseum since beginning the channel and it is so deeply important as time goes on I feel like less and less people are doing it too people are getting lazy want yeah messing up big time this is such a huge way to grow that gets overlooked and it's like the fundamental of Instagram 100% yes absolutely and what it really is doing is telling Instagram about the relationships that you're forming within the algorithm with other accounts and within your Niche so one of the best examples for example take a cafe what we and we've had Cafe clients in the past and we did exactly this so you would follow other cafes in your city in your area wherever it is maybe a little broader you would follow Roasters Not only would you follow those accounts because you are interested in them and you want to keep an eye on what your competitors and peers are doing but also you're going to want to comment on those posts letting the algorithm know that hey we're a Cafe and they're a cafe and we're commenting and we're engaging and we're in DMS with each other and it just keeps giving the algorithm more and more signals that hey these are cafes and anyone like me I've got a few friends that I share coffee reels and stuff with every single day so that means that it's indicated that somebody like me is going to be interested on hearing about a cafe particularly if it's say in Toronto so they would be fed out to us and that's really what you're trying to do is truly establish that relationship like concrete and aggressively and proactively and you need to do this every single day yeah and when you really think about it when you go to someone's post and you always see like three comments you either get like one to three comments depending and especially if they pin them so that is already one a version of visibility that you're going to get so if you're one of the comments that are either pinned or just on there when I scroll I'm going to be like oh what's that Cafe commenting on my other favorite Cafe then you click that so that's one area of visibility and then again the relationship signaling that you're creating and if you are for example in an area that's more competitive say it doesn't have to be a competitor it doesn't need to be like another Cafe for example that's why Craig mentioned like a roter but that could also just be somebody like a restaurant because in the end we're both in food and beverage that's enough for the algorithm to understand okay these are local businesses so if anyone else is interested in these local businesses they might be interested in your account as well and if you are a Creator and you're looking to build an audience that's going to be very important too to connect with other creators that's how so many creators and influencers that you follow blew up per se because they're all in on each other's post always interacting with each other so the algorithm could understand that they were in the same Niche and another important tactic that we would recommend here when we're looking at what that daily proactive targeted interactions look like is to comment on larger brand accounts that are in the same niche of your target audience so for example if I owned a children's clothing brand something that I would be doing is commenting proactively on like large meme mom accounts a lot of brands have done this very well where you'll see that like you'd be like why is Chipotle in the comments of this thing and it's because the content is Chipotle's audience so even if it's not the content itself it's who the content is speaking to and that's why they're all up in the comment section is because they want you to see that whether it be funny whatever aspect it is it's driving attention to you and usually when it comes to larger Brands they're not able to engage in the same way as you are so if you're on a massive meme account or if it was a publisher for example with the children's clothing brand if I was following like parents guide mom's guide obviously I don't have children I don't have the I don't have the even one example to give you but you know accounts that are larger and you want to be interacting with those in the comment section as well so that means liking and replying to comments when it makes sense specifically on larger brand accounts because it's less obvious that you're poaching followers on a massive brand account another way to increase your ranking in the algorithm is to engage with your current audience and one of the best ways to do that is via story so all the other tips that we were just talking about are about growing and attracting new audience which is fantastic but you do have to nurture the audience you already have one of the easiest ways is via stories for example whoever you have in stories that come up on your the top of your feed definitely engage with them respond if it's if it's cool even if it's just an emoji sometimes they might have a sticker where you can actually respond with Q&A or something like that but what that's actually telling the algorithm from their account and typically you might even get into a DM conversation is it's going to continue to show your account to those people that you're engaging with so what this looks like tactically is going in and actually like liking their story because your little heart will come up and again Instagram is like cool there's a relationship here so when this account posts we got to make sure that it shows up in their feed so it could be in the DMS and stories and that's because it's highly prioritized which we talked about in this video but what it also looks like is going into your feed and liking posts in your feed as well what you're just trying to do is making sure that you don't just post and disappear that's the worst thing you could do you want to keep nurturing the relationships you have in addition to attracting new people to your account so that way your account continues to stay in algorithms of various people whether it be new followers or current followers as well if you're wondering what that looks like timing wise we would recommend you taking 30 minutes out of your day but even if you only had 15 minutes we would say divide those three tactics into three so 5 minutes is spent in engaging and commenting on your Niche so with people in your Niche like the local cafe like we talked about and then another 5 minutes is spent on large brand accounts commenting on their accounts and also getting into the comment section and engaging with their followers and fans so you can bring them over and then another 5 minutes would be scrolling through your feed and liking post and commenting where it makes sense and doing the same in stories as well hopefully bringing people into your DMs another way to grow your Instagram followers and it's very important is to study your competitor so think that list that we justed of the people you're doing proactive tet engagement with they also the people who want the same audience as you are attracting that same audience so see what's working for them this is really important find out how the content is resonating which you generally can know by the comments and see how you can bake that into your content strategy as well we're not saying plagiarize we're not saying to steal there's actually the concept of steal like an artist and it means basically like you transform and you mix and rein content you're sampling right you're sampling you're not taking take time to actually write down 5 to 10 competitors or people who are attracting the same audience as you and then study their content consistently and save those pieces of content that you feel stand out more directly in Instagram or in another app that you're using in order to like save content ideas another way you can grow your following organically on Instagram is to collaborate with influencers or other relevant accounts in feed and one collaboration for one of our clients actually resulted in was it over 2,000 followers it was over 2,000 followers that we got and that was from like a hotel tour for example and that was in one day and that was in one day this of course was a macro influencer so someone really massive it's just illustrates the impact of what happens when you tap into someone else's hyper engaged following and Hyper relevant to your nation so it all makes sense now that was a macro example so therefore there was some money involved now it doesn't always have to be that way we've talked at length on the channel about micro and Nano influences which is probably where most of the viewers were going to be at as far as who you could work with so that usually is like a a trade like an in kind thing so maybe you might send your product to somebody who would do a video explaining how to use it or an unboxing or something like that and then they tag you as a collaborator so it appears in both of your feeds essentially doubling the reach the idea being that you as the business owner typically are going to take advantage of the Creator's audience and then they're going to be if they're interested in the Creator which is your Niche they're very likely to be interested in you as well so hopefully that converts in followers at the very least it'll be some engagement and some brand awareness which is always a great thing 100% And I think with influencers too this is huge as well so it works for business owners but when it's creators that's what you also should be doing again if you have the same Niche and you want to grow together make sure that you're engaging with people in your Niche and creating those relationships so you can actually collaborate together so whether that looks like actually going out and shooting content together and then posting that in coll collaborating but it could also be like an online collab or it could be a live remember when you have a live you can get up to four people on that too so that's something to really pay attention to as well and we will be doing a video on how to select the right influencers based on the feedback that you all gave us in the last video or in our social media strategy video you all said you were really interested in learning more about how to select the right influencer perhaps how to pay and then how to pitch and what insights to look up so we've run over 400 influencer campaigns we have been in it deep but we really believe in the power of it especially when you have the right one so definitely subscribe if you're not subscribed yet cuz that video is coming out very soon the next way to grow on Instagram is to leverage other platforms this is another underrated tactic and it's one that we are using to grow and honestly if you follow YouTubers you will likely notice a lot of the times that they have a large Instagram following usually it's like the YouTube comes first and then the Instagram comes it's actually harder to grow in the inverse like it's harder to be a larger instagrammer and then get people to go instagrammer like Creator or have a large account and then get people over to YouTube It's usually the opposite way that's a tactic so what that looks like is making sure that your profile or any important content pieces are leveraged on other platforms especially SEO Rich platforms so when we're saying this we're talking about Pinterest and YouTube Pinterest is another SEO platform that uses keywords for Discovery it's we're going to do a video on on Pinterest as well because the power of Pinterest is incredible but if you look at Pinterest for example you're able to publish your Instagram post directly on Pinterest or just link your post out to Instagram so you could re-upload and you'll see if you check out our Pinterest we re-upload content there and then we direct people to our Instagram if it's not directing to our YouTube then when you think about YouTube all of our links to follow us on social are in our description box and they're also on our homepage so that you can click off to Instagram so these are two really strong platforms that are SEO Rich so with searchability which is so key that can drive to your Instagram as well definitely don't sleep on that and then of course the other I'd say more minor tactics would be like putting it in your signature you know like people usually mention that or in your Lincoln bio that's fine too but leveraging searchable platforms to drive people to your Instagram is going to be the best way another way you can grow organically on Instagram is to check your insights that's all of the data you're going to need right there so if you're able to look up your Instagram insights and then take a look at some highly successful post the ones that performed the most preferably with saves and shares are the main ones but it's always good to see which ones drove a lot of comments or even just likes in general follows of course and follows of course profile visits you can look at all the stats and if you're able to identify any patterns replicate it lean into anything that you see that's working until it doesn't work and then keep trying there's no right answer for all of this but at the very least it's datab backed decisions that you can take from your insights and apply it immediately and hopefully see those results straight away steal from yourself that's literally all you're doing it's a huge part of what we do too we look at insights we look at what performs the best and then we just replicate that content in a different way we repackage it up and reuse it you know it's your own content it shouldn't only be used once so definitely definitely an important tactic another quick one because it's so important this is why we left it to the end though because if we left it to the front you would just click off because everyone gets annoyed by this but it's true with all things commit to being consistent you have to be consistent with anything you are working towards in life you need to be consistent to see results this actually goes in tandem with the next tip so we'll just group them together which is deploy patience so be consistent and then deploy patience and when we're saying be consistent that means decide on a schedule we actually created that social media strategy for you that had frequency in it it'll be in the description box below definitely recommend you download that free template if you haven't but decide on a schedule and commit to being consistent in the content creation and the content distribution because when you continue to distribute content you're going to be able to refine it because you'll understand what works and what doesn't when you're checking your insights and evaluating your audience feedback but also you need to keep putting out content so that people can see you regularly so you increase your opportunities to reach new people the more you post the more you're going to reach that's why we don't say oh you need to post 28 times a day because it's not feasible however the more you do post the likelier you are to reach new people because that's just how it works when you distribute content so keep that in mind but commit to being consistent and then be patient with the results absolutely all right everybody that is it for today thank you so much for coming back to watch another video if you have questions for us directly if you ever need support you want profile reviews you just want like more of a you know dedicated space with us a little more personalized check out our membership Channel it is in the description box below it is $5 a month at the time of recording this video and in it we do live q&as bi-weekly and we give free templates and resources every single month in addition to a bunch of other fun stuff so definitely check that out below then we recommend you watch this video next because we think you will love it we'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: High Season Co.
Views: 68,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to grow your business on instagram, How to grow on instagram, grow on instagram 2024, how to get new followers on instagram, How to grow a small instagram account, Gain active organic instagram followers, How to grow instagram followers, Organic instagram growth, Instagram growth tips, Instagram growth strategy, get more followers on Instagram, get 1000 followers on Instagram fast, how to get more followers on Instagram, gain Instagram followers organically, high season co.
Id: 1-QcVCTqxxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 48sec (1248 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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