How to Create a Social Media Strategy from Scratch in 2024 (Step-by-Step)

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hello you wonderful people welcome back to another video today we are talking about something so critical to any success on social media and that is creating a social media strategy we're going to take you step by step through how to create an effective strategy that gets you results let's dive in so you might have heard people say like you need to create a social media strategy but you might not actually know what that is so what is a social media strategy essentially it's a road map that you follow that helps you fulfill all of your social media goals and it's what you're going to base all of your social media activities around just like with anything in life if you don't have a strategy you're not really that likely to succeed so really what it is is putting all of your goals objectives dreams all of those things in an actionable plan and then following that through with all of the different activities after that we've put together a free social media strategy template for you guys and what you could do if you want to follow along this video you can pause it right here hit the link in the description download the form and it's actually a fillable PDF so you can type everything right into to that PDF we ain't messing around but I also want to say the members got it first okay so they got that last month so if you're interested in having these resources available to you earlier some things that we release full publicly some things only available in our shop and if you want live Q&A actually going to be doing a live Q&A with the social media strategy and actually going through it a full run through with like a fake business you know pretending we have a different type of business so if you want to you know take advantage of things like that just check the link in the description box below not only for the PDF but for the membership come through now the first step to creating a social media strategy is to create clear social media objectives now these social media objectives will always ladder back up to your goals when you consider a objectives that means it's something that is measurable and manageable yes so for example if we owned a skin care product line our business goal would be to attract new customers the social media objective would be something that's more in the social media realm which is increased brand awareness it's measurable which is the key and then the measurement tools that we would use would look like or metric say would be reach uh which tells us about brand awareness could be engagement as well and it also could be followers and we would actually tie a number to that which would say we want to increase our reach by 30% or we want to grow our follower base to 5,000 or buy 5,000 what is really important here though is if you're starting from zero don't just throw like a random number out like like 500,000 be conservative because if you're not conservative you're also going to disappoint yourself I would say in the first year setting a goal for a th000 followers is incredible 1,000 followers is awesome remember that's a th000 people potentially in a room that would be interested in you you would need a massive room so that's a good number what you can also do alternatively if you already have some history and historical data you can look into your insights and use those as benchmarks so if you grew by 2,000 last year you might want to hit 10% more you might want to say 30% more however ambitious you choose to be and then you continue to check in on yourself as the year and as the months progress the next step in creating your social media strategy is to narrow down your target audience so as the old saying goes if you mark it to everyone you mark it to no one so what you want to do from the beginning is be extremely clear about what you do what service you provide and who you are servicing like what your exact audience is and there's a number of ways to look at that and to kind of measure the exact person or determine who that exact person is and that includes things like demographics so that is the age gender profession or those type of things what are their interest what are they into what do they like what do they do where do they shop what do they eat who or what else do they follow so you want to see what other brands they're following what other creators what are they actually engaging with and what you can do once you determine who and which other brands that they're actually engaging with you can sort of study the way that that brand or that Creator engages With Their audience and then you'll be able to get some inspiration from that so take a look at that because you will need some of that for the next section yes especially when thinking about content ideation for sure absolutely what other social platforms are they on obviously not everybody that your targeting is going to be on everything there's going to be certain places that people live every Niche will have its own place that they tend to congregate so definitely going to want to figure that out and think about groups too in that I just want to say too like Facebook groups are another thing don't sleep on that as well because there are real rich communities in there that are super active so want to throw that in absolutely uh another thing is what are their pain points what are they having problems with what do they need solving and essentially that comes back to what can you help them with so you want to align the solution you provide to the pain points that your specific target audience is having so take some time go through all of those points they're genuinely important and though whilst you're doing it for social media primarily it's going to help you in your business if you haven't done this already now if you have done it for your business it's highly probable that a lot of that information will carry across to social media but of course you need to look into those other things such as the other pages that they're following and you can check your insights as well if you're a brand new account probably can't do that but if you've been around for a bit you can check your insights and actually see who is engaging with you and use some of those learnings to determine your exact target audience in a little bit more granular detail the next very important step is to develop your content pillars so content pillars are the topics or subjects that you'll be creating content on and be talking about that directly ladder back up to your social media and your business goals very very important and a common misconception that we see is that you know a Content pillar is inspirational as a Content pillar or educational as a Content pillar or entertaining those are not pillars you're right to have this mindset and be thinking about that but what that actually represents is more the theme or tone or feeling behind your content every piece of good content should be one of those things that's what valuable content is that just overall is good content but when we're talking about content pillars that means you should have something that potenti could be a tip you know like for us for example content creation tips or Instagram for business tips is a Content pillar and in that we can have fun with education or we can do memes which is under the entertainment or we could just inspire you to create which would be inspirational that's the feeling the theme the tone of the piece of content but what those do are ladder back up to our agency services that we actually provide another example using the skincare line that we talked about earlier when we were talking about social media object Ives would be all natural ingredients would be our pillar so what that would look like is that we would highlight the ingredients through perhaps inspirational content but the content's inspirational the pillar is the allnatural ingredients we might also educate our customers and potential customers by letting them know about the farmers or whatever places we're actually pulling these ingredients for so that's what you want to be thinking about it's inspirational is the theme and tone and then the actual pillar is what am I talking about that's the topic that's the subject once you've gotten those content pillars together you're going to want to sit down and do a full ideas dump now we recommend only three to five pillars because you want to keep your content consistent and you'll notice on the PDF that we gave you that you're going to see that there's only up to five spots there for that reason then we have a few pages where you can go in and just dump a bunch of ideas and that's really going to help when you start saying like Okay when I want to put my calendar together what can I actually put on the calendar and you'll have a bunch of ideas to pull from the next step in your social media strategy is to decide on the content types and formats all based on your content pillars so a content type of things like say a meme a get ready with me A Day in the Life a behind the scenes and then a format uh reals Carousel image stories Etc so all of those can come under that pillar and then when you go to create the content you already know that okay okay well under this particular pillar I know that I'm going to be doing a day in the life log once a month and then you're able to create that immediately and it's going to be a real buom and you know what you're doing super simple and for the types of content like we mentioned earlier about researching other brands and creators that your target market follows and other ones that are performing really well in your industry and Niche see what types of content they're creating and what's performing really well because that will guide you as to which types of content you should be creating so if you're in a niche where reals are killing it it real as it is carousels are doing amazing in a lot of niches right now and we recently did a video this one right here which go through a study that shows the reals reach is going down and the carousels are on the rise y'all and stories and stories as well of course and DMS all those things are absolutely dominating on Instagram and that's what we think is going to happen this year so check that out if you want to learn a bit more about that and also keep in mind the different types of content that can be cross promoted or cross posted so obviously if you produce a short form video say for a real you of course can post that on Tik Tok YouTube shorts and Facebook reals and Pinterest and Pinterest of course and you can put on LinkedIn too if you really want but you could also do that with carousels they work really well on Facebook obviously on Instagram and and Linkedin and other different formats so definitely keep that in mind when you're picking your content types the next step to creating a very effective social media strategy is to choose the right social media platforms so these are the platform that you are going to decide and commit to showing up on and it does not need to be every platform we want to make that super clear you don't need to do that you just need to be where your audience is based on the discovery that you did when we talked about the target audience section there so what we recommend is that you have primary platforms and you have secondary platforms the primary platforms are the ones that are going to get a lot of your time and effort and attention they might be the ones that you create net new content for and then your secondary platforms are the ones that you can repurpose to so for example that could look like Instagram and Pinterest being your primary platforms and then your secondary platforms being YouTube shorts because the discovery is like 1,000% on there so good on YouTube shorts and then maybe Tik Tok and Facebook or LinkedIn just depending on where your audience actually is the next step in your social media strategy is to decide on your posting frequency so your first step is to decide how many posts per week or per month that you'd like to do we would strongly suggest that you pick a consistency and a Cadence that you can keep up with so don't go doing five posts one week no post the next week one post a week after do something that you can stick with so if that's one post a week so be it that's okay you know maybe you can ramp it up later once you get into the batching which is actually the next part and manage your expectations I just do want to say that if you do Post once a week you have to manage your expectations that you likely won't grow fast so that's why your social media objectives are important there because if you produce more you likely will see more results cuz you just have more content out there which is more opportunities to increase your reach or increase the your likelihood of having someone follow you so all just manage your expectations yeah no great point and also though there is a top end to that often so maybe you might produce too much content and it just stops performing so there's going to be a sweet spot and that just comes with testing everything as we always say always be testing yeah and then the next part is to figure out when you're going to actually create that content and we are evangelists of batching uh it's the only way to do it efficiently so it doesn't always have to be in the same day you could have one day for Concepts one day for caption writing one day for scripting if you're going to be doing videos Another Day for shooting another day for editing whatever it is whatever works for you but see if you can plan ahead and you know right now whatever month you're in look to the next month and you want to be creating for the month ahead you really want to be getting ahead of time just to make it as easy on you as possible so that you can have the content created captions written all scheduled you're all good to go and then you can worry about what's happening the next month now not all Industries allow for that and definitely understood so it's not the end of the world but as far ahead as you're able to batch it's just going to take a bit of a weight off your shoulders so see what you can do minimum a week minimum a week for sure you don't want to be otherwise you're too stressed it's too much and then you go into that in action again and I know that happens a lot for a lot of folks according to our comments and I completely understand so batching is the answer to that in action yeah Thursday and a Sunday look just two days we just gave you there boom there you go boom easy so to keep things simple those are the main elements that we want to discuss today those are the key elements and that's what we've included in the PDF for you but some things that you could also add would be what tools you plan to use so for example that could look like plan which we've talked about on the channel before or later these are both scheduling tools meta business Suite is a free scheduling tool but of course it's only on meta platforms so you'd only be able to use Facebook and Instagram you might also want to include what equipment you're going to use for that too so you know are you looking to purchase a camera all the equipment we use is in our description box below but you can you know list out these things as well to help you as your go-to of what you want to do notion for example something we love it's where we plan our content calendar as well another thing that you're going to want to do that we didn't include here is to track your metric so that's really important particularly once you've started posting you're going to want to know how things are performing cuz you might be able to identify that maybe carousels perform better than reals or Day in the Life logs perform better than something else so you want to keep an eye on that now if you want to actually take some notes and jot down some metrics we actually have a metric tracker in our digital store which is linked in the description below so you can grab that and you can pop in all of your metrics for the year and you're able to basically have a look at that at a glance and know exactly what's going on another thing that we also include in all of our client strategies is our influencer strategy so what's that going to look like we didn't include that here because everyone might not be ready for it it's not something we've really talked about in full on the channel so if you do want influencer content you know like how to find the right influencer what to look for what type of script to send them what to ask for what analytics to track definitely happy to do that just let us know because we like to create with things that you actually want and need you know not just things that we just randomly want to throw out there so let us know because obviously influencers are a really key part of any strategy when it comes to increasing your brand awareness and it has been a massive strategy for us in terms of getting some really great results for our clients as well so that's a section that you could add or something that you might want to note as well if you plan to move forward with an influencer strategy so that is it again you can download the PDF in the description box below it is entirely free and you can fill it out it's really really simple once you have everything mapped out and laid out in front of you it is so so important to do though you should not be posting without a strategy you are wasting time we can't say this enough because you need to understand what's working and what's not working you'll only be able to manage that and measure that with something to actually refer back to yeah so if you like this video give us a thumbs up thank you so much for coming back to watch another one and we definitely recommend you check out this one next lots of good stuff in there for you we'll see you in the next one peace
Channel: High Season Co.
Views: 15,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to create a social media strategy, what are the 7 steps to creating a social media strategy, how to create a great social media strategy plan, how to create a social media marketing strategy, successful social media strategy, how to build your social media marketing strategy, how do you develop an instagram strategy, how to create a strategy, what should be included in a social media strategy, what is a social media strategy, write a social media strategy, high season co.
Id: d-nDgTm82As
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2024
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