How to Make Instagram Reels That Get More Reach and Views

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hello you wonderful people welcome to or welcome back to the channel today we're hitting you with a quick tips video and we'll be talking about how you can create Instagram reals that get you more reach and retention which will help you get more views and we're specifically going to be talking about a tactic that we've implemented in the last 6 months that has greatly increased the amount of Engagement and Views that we get on our reals so let's dive in now again these are quick tips so we're just hitting you with the actionable things that you can Implement today but if you want us to Deep dive into anything just let us know in the comments the first way which will help you directly increase views is to introduce movement within the first second the first one second of your video now the reason that you want to do this is because you immediately want to grab attention when someone is scrolling through their phones you have to think about the way that reals are presented you typically aren't just going to someone's profile it's usually that you're scrolling through your feet or you're scrolling through the reel's feet and that reel pops up and you need them to stop in their scroll and stop on your reel you can do this through the way that your text pops up on screen and of course that text should be a hook so people know exactly what they're going to get out of the video before they decide that they're going to watch it and you can also do this through native text so whether that be popping it up but you can also do like typewriter text anything that immediately is like okay cool what's happening here I need to watch it you can also do this through movement in your body so that could look like stepping into frame or stepping out of frame immediately that switches to another scene this is very popular and it's because it really works well in getting people to stop because they want to see what's next it's all about telling that type of story and storytelling usually means something's happening next I want to know what it is or you're creating some form of suspense so whether that looks like opening your laptop up pouring coffee as you're speaking I've done something like that too we normally try to add some movement always in any videos we're creating for ourselves or our clients that could be zooming in and out or quick paced scenes all of these kinds of movement will help you catch the eye and get the viewer to watch which is what you need them to do of course so if you do want us though to go through an entire video on how to create reels and do a more in-depth tutorial just let us know because we haven't done that before but we totally be open to it the next way to create Instagram reals that get more views and reach is by using caption so if you are anything like me and I imagine you're pretty similar you would be watching your feed almost exclusively in mute that's what I do I very rarely would have the volume on just cruising so when a video has captions it's the best possible thing and it makes me I'll watch the videos nine times out of 10 just with the captions so if you don't have captions on there people are just going to keep scrolling and what does that tell the algorithm that that piece of content is not engaging it's going to reduce your views and then inherently it's going to reduce your reach and that is not what you want captions are by far the best way to do this we've tried a bunch of different captions apps and software and by far the best one is one we discovered very recently called submic this one is brilliant it's completely web based there is no app in personally that really appeals I find the apps really kind of fiddly and I can never exactly get what I want out of them they actually have predesigned templates that are kind of modeled after some of the bigger creators who actually use the app such as Alex hosi or Ali abdal oh yeah I love seeing that that was funny yeah like hosi style Mr Beast as well like the same font and then you can customize everything you can upload your own fonts there's a whole bunch of fonts to choose from you can choose primary secondary or tertiary colors so to change it up and one of the most funnest things about it that I love is that it automatically from the AI includes emojis per word well not every word but for the words where it makes sense I think that's really cool and then not only does it include it but it animates them so it kind of brings this extra bit of kind of like fun to the captions which I've never seen anywhere else and you can customize all of that you can change it very very easily you can add your own emojis remove the one that they had which I do a lot and add some extra ones that maybe the AI wouldn't pick up but really really been enjoying it we've been using this for probably all year I would say at least a month or two we've been loving it yeah and then Craig was the one that initially loved it and then we all started using it so yeah yeah whole team is on it right now so you can find the link to that in the description to check it out highly highly recommend it our easily our favorite captions app the next way that you can create is Instagram reals that will get you more views and increase your reach is all about retention this tip and that is by adding b roll and different angles so this is so key in resetting the brain so as we know attention is short but when you're able to add in different scenes and different angles to the footage especially if you're doing a talking head video like we're doing now and you're seeing b-roll Play It's because people get bored staring at the same thing it helps to reset the brain and reset the eye which will help you increase retention and retention is a clear marker in the algorithm as to whether a piece of content is interesting specifically whether a real is interesting so retention if you're not aware is how long someone spends on your video even better if they replay it and that's why you'll see that a lot of creators will create short form videos that will have a lot of scenes and then can be easily Rel looped and replayed and that's to of course get more views so when you're shooting any video content consider shoo shooting it from different angles so do a wide angle shot and do a close angle shot that's just two easy angles that you can do you can do over the top but when you're filming consider like okay can I show this from different ways so that I can re-engage my audience and so that they're interested in wanting to see more of the video and then especially if you're doing a talking head video include Boll where you can and this also helps to reinforce the words that are coming out of your mouth too the next way that you can increase your Instagram reals views and reach is to increase your quality of both your audio audio and video of your re so when people are scrolling their feet and they see a highquality reel that sounds good that looks good immediately you're sort of naturally gravitating towards that it's it's a sign of professionalism and that someone who takes it seriously there's obviously the Tik Tok side of thing where it's sort of you know just slap anything with your phone and the screen the camera is all smudgy and all that stuff that's cool but really we're talking to mostly business owners here and creators who take their craft seriously so really increasing that audio and video quality is money and there are a few simple ways to do that one is just by using the back camera on your phone as opposed to the front-facing camera so that's going to immediately increase the resolution and it's going to look better sharper and clearer off the rib ooh and we do have a video where if you are using an iPhone we broke down how you can record with your rear facing or back facing camera and still see yourself cuz usually that's the push back where it's like I don't know what the scene looks like so we talked about two hats for that in this video that will um link up here for you absolutely so if you're not using your phone you could of course use a DSLR camera preferably 4K so right now we're using a Fujifilm xt4 that's something that we wanted to invest in a few years ago and it was just because we're doing so many YouTube videos we just wanted something that was higher quality than what we had previously so you don't have to get a full insane you know four5 $6,000 camera or or more you can get some incredible stuff for you know at least thousand yeah I think so too some really good ones and often they're okay that would be the optimal situation as opposed to just HD but there's a lot of great options you can use a mic now different ways to do this we have chosen to go these Shaw sm7b which is kind of like the podcasting mic cuz we use this for multiple purposes and I just think they look cool in the video I kind of pressured Tiff over a while to yep get them and now she sees the SE the I love them um but you could also use the lapel mic you can get lapel mics for like 30 bucks on Amazon like you can get really we had a client too that they were creating like tennis videos outdoors and it's just like obviously of course wind all these things there's so many factors and when we started working with him one of the first things we were like was like okay use your rear facing camera that's going to level up your videos when you're giving these tips and just get a lapel mic so that way it's just strapped on here so that's just a portable mic that's just sitting here and it's going to capture the audio so much better and it leveled up the video so much exactly and there are a bunch of other different ones if you're using a DSLR camera you can get shotgun mics that uh attached to the top of it so it captures audio directly in front and ignores things to the side so it's a little clearer you can get the boom mics it kind of like just out of shot multiple ways to do it but a microphone would be a great idea tripods obviously the best case scenario we obviously have one here for this camera we also have one for our phones so whenever we're shooting our reals content it's always on a tripod and you can do it while you're standing we can shrink it all the way down and put it on a desk if you're sitting down there's so many options you can just get even a little stand which is another thing that we have just to keep our phones on on our desk but we use that for filming sometimes so tripods very cheap very affordable super easy win and of course always always always present your reels content in fullframe vertical with no borders we just had to say that again just because we still see reels go out that have like borders square and it's just not 9 by6 it has to be full frame vertical has to fill up the screen yeah super important and then everything we mentioned is going to be linked below as well so everything we're talking about whatever we say we're going to make sure that we have them linked Below in the description box for you too we have amaz on storefront which has all the stuffff in there exactly and another thing also that would be a really good tool to consider especially if you give talking head videos and maybe you're not as comfortable to really speak to the camera or it's just like you have a lot of notes and you want to make sure that you get it like 100% teleprompter apps are really really great or getting an actual teleprompter if you're also considering filming uh full length videos too the next way that you can create Instagram reals that get you more reach and more views is to ask for engagement and this has been the strategy for ourselves and our clients that has greatly increased our views so of course quality we've already been pretty specific on quality so all the tips that we've given you that's what we've done and that's why we've been able to see great results but this in terms of how we do it is newer so like say in the last 6 months and it has been a game changer and that's specifically because when you really think about it Instagram is telling you what they want and what they're interested in when you're looking on the right hand screen of any Instagram real or it's the left hand screen I think it's the right hand screen depends I think it depends too because I think you can also change them around so either way on the screen there Instagram is telling you what they're interested in they're interested in likes fine right that's a good one comments is specifically highlighted and that share button is specifically specifically that paper plane icon is right there and it's there for a reason because these are social proof elements that are going to get other people to watch but it's also because Instagram obviously values these comments and shares so if you want to increase your comments and shares you have to ask people to do that so a huge way that we've been doing this is through many chat it's an app we've talked about multiple times on this channel we have a lot of videos about it that we'll leave in the description box below but essentially it's an automated software that will automate engagement for you but it's the engagement that you specifically ask for through the use of keywords so saying things like comment below for X so on the comment side we are delivering resources to our audience and we're having them comment on our videos and when they comment on our videos many chat automates a response and then takes them to the DM to give them the resource so we are getting engagement in two ways already on the actual post and then adding engagement in the DM so this is really revived accounts that we've worked on it's really incredible what many chat does in this space and then if you're not even using something like many chat you could do this manual yourself too right and you should be asking for that share so if you're not asking for a comment specifically ask your audience to share it with somebody who also would find that valuable and the reason that you want that share is because these are indicators to the algorithm these are the signals they use to let them know that content is interesting it is engaging and it needs to be shared with more people so we'll leave a link to many chat in the description box below and some of the videos that we filmed on it so you can learn more about it because this is a quick tips video so we're not trying to get too deep into it but you want to be asking for the engagement that you seek people love Direction they like to know what to do next so direct them there and be intentional with it so that it helps your real get served to more people the next way to increase your views and reach on your Instagram reals is of course by using Instagram ads now ads are probably not for everybody they're for a very specific niche of people who want to actually leverage their views and reach on their reals for salees essentially to really make it worthwhile you want to convert if you're going to invest money in you want to get an Roa so therefore you're going to want to be selling something for the most part so what ads actually do it doesn't just give you views or reach or comments whatever for no reason that's actually creating what's called a warm audience for you guys so you can actually remarket things to them later so when they first get attracted to your real and they engage with it whether it's a view comment or something else then they go into that little wonderful little uh bucket I guess that they create to then re Target later for future sales and to bring them into your sales funnel at least within Instagram ads and you can take it further via email now Tiffany out resident High season ads expert did a video on that which we're going to put up right there if you want to learn a little bit more about doing Instagram res ads but that will require a budget and bit of a Time investment as well so once again not for everybody but if it's you know if it's serious and you're running a business and you can actually benefit from it add the most effective efficient way to guarantee your results mhm and you can do ads that will run from your feed so actually posts that you've shared you can run ads on to increase your views but then you can also just run ads that are actually just ads you create that don't even appear on your feed which can be very efficient if you're looking to leverage those views or you're just looking to drive conversion so definitely recommend all right that is our quick tips video basically quick because we want to hit you with all the tactics that we're using to increase reach and retention and then views on our reals for ourselves and our clients thank you so much for watching we definitely think you should check out this video next it is actually a playlist of reals tips and tutorials that will help you further in your reals journey we'll see you in the next one bye peace
Channel: High Season Co.
Views: 18,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make instagram reels that get more reach and views, how to make viral instagram reels, how to make instagram reels, how to make reels on instagram, how to create reels on instagram, how to explode your reels on instagram, increase reach with instagram reels, instagram reels tips, increase instagram reels views, how to get more views on instagram reels, how to get views on instagram reels, how to skyrocket your views on instagram reels, increase reels views, high season co
Id: 9qQPeNsDzng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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