How to Grow Peppers in Containers l Complete Growing Guide to Growing Peppers

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today's video is sponsored by black gold compost company i want to thank the good people over at black gold for the generous domain donation of all this beautiful black cow cow manure that we use in our video today and it's made a tremendous success in our garden i've been using black cow for uh many years ever since 1980 and it's always made a tremendous difference in my garden and i've been very pleased with our product i highly recommend it thank you black gold for sponsoring our channel well good morning homestead family today we're going to grow some zulu peppers it's a beautiful black bell pepper let's grow it together i'll be right back after the break [Music] well welcome back beautiful black uh bell pepper i just love the stuff that's a little out of the ordinary don't y'all this is kind of cool looking so uh nancy was wanting some for her spaghetti sauce and some other things that she cooks and i said can i grow this black one she goes okay so i guess it's gonna be black this year but i got these seeds at baker creek uh online very good place to get seeds if you've never visited the baker creek heirloom seed website go go check them out they got some really good selection of seeds and i think you'll always be able to find something out there that would go well in your spring garden so let me get these seeds put in the in the little seeds starting rack seed starting trays here if you've never grown anything from seed before don't let it scare you it ain't nothing to it it's pretty easy and you don't need a whole bunch of fancy equipment really if you just wait until the temperatures are warm enough you can do it outside and that's what i'm gonna do down here in florida uh it's march the first and we have plenty of sunshine at this point so it's time to go ahead and get these seeds started even though they're pepper seeds which usually take a little longer to germinate and grow but let me get these seeds in nancy wants to grow these in containers this year so we're going to grow them in a five gallon bucket and we'll grow them together so i'm gonna have five bucket fulls of these so i don't need a whole bunch of plants which is what i have a tendency to do over plant but i'm gonna make up a couple of little cells here of uh starter plants and we'll get them started and uh over in the seeds starting to rack and and um watch them grow all the way out until we harvest them so let me get started okay there we go i gotta let's see 12 12 plants uh cells seed cells planted i'm only going to need five of these plants so i always grow a few extra just to make sure i get a good high quality plant to put in the transplant to the bucket so anyway let me get these into the seed starting rack and let them get going okay zulu my bell peppers are in the rack off and running so we'll be back in the days ahead to watch the continuing development of these beautiful little pepper plants until we get them over into buckets out on a grow table and get them growing so we'll be back in a couple of weeks to watch how these little fellas are doing see you then well good morning well our zulu bell peppers have been growing for a little over a month and they've had a little bit of a struggle you know bell peppers or you know all peppers especially hot peppers but sweet peppers as well they slow slow to get started so um that's why a lot of people start them inside so they can get an early start but i don't do that anymore down here in florida i do ever all my starts outside so they struggling they they're real small but they do have some true leaves and they're getting getting some traction now we had a a rogue cold front come through here and we've had some very unseasonable cool temperatures for the last uh eight days and i mean we're talking about down into the upper 30s here in florida in late march and early april unheard of so they are really suffering and trying to get going but today's the last night was the last cold night and it's going to be more seasonable hopefully from here on out so what i'm going to do today is i'm going to take these little guys and get them out from under the uh the seed starting rack here and out from under this 40 shade cloth and get them over into the direct sun all day on the hardening table and give them a chance to really get some some nice warm temperatures on them warm warm up even the seed soil get it nice and hot and get these things growing so um we'll put them on the hardening table and and leave them out here for you know like a week so we can get some some some more growth on them so let's head on over to the harding table and take a look at them up close and you can see what i mean about how puny they are so let's head over to the hardening table well here's our zulu bell peppers got them out here on the hardening table let's let them get some sunshine come on up close and take a close look at these and you can see how they're doing well here's our zulus see as you can see they're really not very big at all they're only just about two or three inches tall so we're going to keep our fingers crossed and uh give them some more love and let them get some of this sunshine that's coming in now and i think they're going to be just fine i got in another another week or so so be patient with them and let's see how they do and we'll get these things growing in some containers here real shortly so we'll be back in a few days and we'll take another look at them well good morning friends it's been about a week or so since we talked to you last and uh remember the uh the peppers were struggling with this unseasonable cool weather we've had down here in florida and it's actually still a little bit cool but that's changing i believe starting today it's fixing to go into you know the 80s upper 80s and um down into the low 70s at night starting tonight so this is you know i hope is the end of that rogue cold front that came through but if you take a close-up look at these zulu peppers you can see they've just about doubled in size since you know the last time we looked at them and they there's pretty slow growers to start with so really you got to be pretty patient with peppers whenever you're growing them but today what i want to do is i want to grow three peppers and um five gallon buckets um these put out a lot of pepper soda there's really no sense of seeing how many i can put out there you can only eat so many so what i'll do is i'll grow three and then the other ones i give to other folks that want to try to grow these for their self that you know live in our area we we just share them and give them away so anyway um let's go ahead and get these into into some five gallon buckets and get these over to the grow table because i'm kind of looking forward to getting these black um bell peppers i like the unusual stuff so let's get started okay i've got my container mix in the buckets i fill it up to about two to three inches below the rim of the bucket and if you want to make this container soil at home we have a video on our channel called how to make container soil at home go check that out nancy will give you a link to it it's very easy to do and it'll save you a little bit of money so go check out that video alright so i got my my buckets filled up with my container mix next thing i do is i add in three tablespoons of bone meal bone meal that adds plenty of phosphorus in there which is going to promote lots of healthy roots as well as plenty of blooming next thing i want to add in is some blood meal which gives me plenty of nitrogen same amount three tablespoons plenty of nitrogen to help with the foliage and that will produce a very healthy plant overall with the phosphorus and the nitrogen working together the next thing i want to do is flood that container up about two to three inches of water standing in it so i can pre-soak all that brand new container mix that i put in there most of the way down through the container all the way down okay it was pretty dry when we made it up so i always do this to help promote that moisture in the lower end of the containers so we'll be back in about 15 minutes let that soak down and we'll take it to the next step okay all of our buckets have soaked down all the way down through the bucket so they're ready to go all right next thing i want to do is add in some more of my container mix and bring that soil back up to within one inch of the rim like that as it sunk down a little bit after uh we watered it in right so now we got it up there at the correct level next thing i like to do is i put a hole in each of the pots from the tip of my middle finger to the center of my palm that puts in really the perfect hole for me i've done it that way for years not real scientific but it's accurate there we go first thing i want to add in is some blood meal i'm going to put in three tablespoons of blood meal in each of the holes that's to promote lots of good healthy foliage to to you know provide plenty of photosynthesis for the plant as it's growing and the overall healthy plant the next thing i'm going to do is add in three tablespoons of bone meal this gives it plenty of phosphorus to last throughout the life of the plant which is going to promote lots of healthy roots as well as plenty of blooms next thing i do is i pick out my healthiest looking seedling put it right in the hole collapse the sides of the hole around it and then pack it down a little okay let's do another one and a healthy seedling and the hole collapse the sides pack it down let's do the last one [Applause] the best looking one collapse the sides pack it down okay at this point i've mashed this the soil level down a little bit so what i want to do is i want to bring that soil level back up to about an inch below the rim like we had it before i packed it so i add a little bit more soil see it doesn't take really a whole lot okay now let's take these plants over to the uh five gallon bucket grow table we'll take it to the next step okay we got our pots over here on the five gallon bucket grow table and if you haven't ever made anything to you know to support your buckets out in your garden you might want to build one of these little five gallon bucket grow tables they're very handy and they're very easy to do nancy can give you a link to this video on our channel on how to build one and you can have one yourself so anyway go check out that video the next thing i want to do is i want to add in three bamboo canes around each one of these little seedlings to provide some support and i trapped the plant inside that triangle pattern the reason for that is is you know this time of the year the plants are still small and you usually get a lot of wind in the spring and a lot of heavy rain so the good thing about these little bamboo steaks is it'll give us some support to keep the plant from getting knocked over you don't want that so go ahead and put these little bamboo steaks in there to give it a little help okay the next thing you want to add is a tomato cage you can get these little cages anywhere they're very cheap lowe's has them any garden center really and what you want to do is put this right over the whole top of the plantal while it's at this stage right when you plant it you don't want to come back later and try to add in the cage after plants starting to grow because then you end up breaking a bunch of leaves because it's kind of i mean limbs because it's kind of hard to get on over the plant so what you want to do is put the thing on while the plant is small and it just slips right over and then the plant can mature and cascade into the cage instead of trying to come back later and installing it then the last thing i want to do i want to lightly water it in remember when we over there planting these i already pre-moistened you know the bottom 75 percent of these containers so it doesn't really take a whole lot of water after you get them in i just want to get the roots moist to try to reduce that root shock keep them cool so they can go ahead and get started today growing so they look like they're all just right a little small but i think now that the weather's straightening out we'll be able to make some progress so we'll be back in the days ahead and we'll watch the progress of this beautiful zulu peppers as they grow all the way to harvest see in a couple weeks well today's 72 days since we started our zulu eggplant from seed very cold spring this year very unusual for our area but it's finally starting to warm up and they are starting to get some traction now they're showing a couple of little blossoms in a couple of places so it's really not going to be long now and they will get much larger than this they just took a while to get going and i only planted three buckets and as you can see one of them really had a hard time probably not going to get much out of that one but at least i have two of them here that will be good producers they look like they're doing well so it's always good to plant a couple of extra just for that reason so anyway we'll be back in the days ahead and we'll watch the progress of these zulu bell peppers and i can't wait to see them up close and then the big beautiful pepper that they make so we'll be back in the days ahead and continue to watch these until we get to harvest them see you soon well good morning homestead family 90 days these zulu peppers have been growing today since we started them from seed and they're now starting to produce the um the beautiful uh dark colored sweet peppers and i thought today i'll just give you a little update the plants are doing like really good they got the warm weather on them now we got past that really cold um cold and dry spring and the the weather has got up into the 90s now like it's more seasonable and we actually got some rain last night we've been very dry this um this spring as well for 2021. so this is june the 1st 2021 and they've uh they're starting to do something even the little runt remember when we started out i didn't think this one was going to even make it but it's starting to get some life into it now and it's getting somewhere so these are the plants the three that we grew come on up in here and you can take a look at um one of the plants up close and i'm seeing in here i'm looking in here is one two three four five six six peppers just on just on this one plant let me go ahead and get this this one big one out of here it's kind of growing straight up anyway i want to get it where they can hang down you know this one's kind of stuck in here let me get this one out and there we go this is really the color that i'm looking for they're they're starting to get dark and uh i'll take take a a pepperoni for miss nancy to do a little taste and taste test on it tonight and maybe she'll cook something with it so there you go so anyway we'll be back in uh we'll be back in a couple of weeks ahead here and as these things start to further further uh mature and uh we'll get some more of these beautiful zulus and i'm sure nancy will have a nice recipe for you so we'll be back in a couple of weeks well good morning homestead family our zulu peppers have uh really been producing and boy has nancy been enjoying them she comes out here and gets them quite often and uh and her mother likes them a lot too but anyway we got some today um i think they've already picked off all the real big ones but i'll just grab a couple of these small ones she wants a couple for lunch today but i just wanted to show you the the beautiful peppers and they have done well and they've got a really unique color to them which i like i just love the unusual stuff you know i got a couple here and these look pretty good so let's go over to the harvest area and clean these up a little bit and get them ready for nancy to enjoy for lunch okay there we go there's our zulu peppers you can come up take a little bit closer look at them these are um small compared to what they actually get but i just wanted you to see the color beautiful dark dark purple and let me answer the question i know most of you is going to have do they stay purple after you cook them no they turn green but anyway they um they do have a very good taste and i thought you might enjoy these um growing them in your garden this year these um these things really get about twice as big as this they get just as big as any other green bell pepper that you grow in the garden these are just um you know laid in the harvest nancy's been keeping them picked pretty clean but her and her mama just loved these things but anyway they're um they're a good little pepper that you might want to grow in your garden this year for the spring garden well i hope you enjoyed growing these zulu peppers together with me this might be something you want to give a try so i hope that our videos brought a smile to your face and some joy to your heart and a little peace to you today so until me and nancy see you next time we want to thank the lord for these beautiful peppers buy us hands we are fed give us lord our daily bread amen have a blessed day [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Hollis and Nancys Homestead
Views: 61,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hollisnancyshomestead, how to grow peppers in container, zulu peppper, complete guide to growing peppers, complete growing guide, how to, garden, gardening
Id: nbcjoku9hvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 37sec (1357 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 17 2022
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