How to Grow Greens for Chickens - Sprouts for Chickens

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hi i'm kelly from bakba bouquet and today i'm going to teach you how you can sprout your own seeds for your babies [Music] you're going to need to get seeds i got these off of amazon if you want to save more money you can buy in bulk but many seeds will work this is just all broccoli the last bag we had was a varied mix that had clover alfalfa sprouts some have peas any seeds will do the smaller seeds from the brassica family these small seeds they look a lot like like broccoli kale cabbage they all have these small seeds they sprout really fast so i prefer these ones little broccoli seeds very fast sprouting the smaller seeds you can use these for microgreens or sprouted seeds either way we've even planted these in our grazing boxes before we like to either do this or grass but today i'm going to show you how you can do sprouted seeds in your kitchen here we have some varied stages of the sprouting process here is about three four days two to three days and today i'm going to show you what it looks like when you start it the things you'll need to get going on sprouting your own seeds is a mason jar make sure when you're ordering these they come in regular mouth or wide mouth so make sure when you're ordering you're going to need a strainer lid for it you're getting the correct size i have here a regular mouth not a wide mouth so i made sure i ordered the right one because i like to use these to drink water so i always had mason jars handy i just had to buy myself a handy little strainer lid first step is a very small amount of seeds will sprout into a lot of sprouts so you don't need much i like to do just like two spoonfuls two tablespoons worth of seeds you're going to want to fill it up just make sure all the seeds are submerged and put a lid on it [Music] let this sit for about 12 hours sometimes we'll start these at night and then in the next morning we'll tend to the next step so let this sit for about six to twelve hours we got these stands off of amazon you don't need these you could just set a towel out and let this like drain upside down and i'll get to the next step so after you let it soak for about six hours the next step is you're going to want to put the strainer lid on there and rinse the seeds you're going to want to rinse the seeds two to three times a day very important step to this is make sure that there is some airflow here that you leave a little gap that not all the seeds are packed and jumbled right here that there is no oxygen flowing in there you want there to be moisture and also oxygen because if you're not letting any oxygen get in there the moisture trapped in there will create mold you'll come and you'll see the little roots that are sprouting out of your seeds or will be covered in little spider web looking thing of mold so make sure you leave little air gap here and don't worry if you did get a little mold just rinse it out it'll be fine usually it will not kill the seed it can recover but if the mold is left to sit there too long it will kill your seed but if you see a little mold don't fret just rinse it out and drain it and it should be gone by next time just make sure you're up on it just don't ignore it and see this one is packed to the brim this one we're going to feed to our chickens today we like to have them always going at varied stages so we always have fresh greens for our chickens they love it if you ever had your chickens escape and get into your garden you know how much they love greens so this is one of their favorite snacks if you live in an area where you don't have fresh grass or greens growing like the desert like us or if they're in the an area where the winter climate gets rid of all of your grass and this is a great way to give fresh greens to your babies and look this is packed two tablespoons becomes a lot look i can barely even get it out it is packed in there fresh greens for your babies and these are very delicious and have so many health benefits for yourself too you can sprout them for you and your babies really good on some avocado toast i love these and here you can see the multiple stages when you first start the seeds and when they're first starting it'll just see the little white root starting to peek out of the seed and then in the second stage you'll see some leaves forming and they'll be like a lime green color make sure you pop these in like a sunny window area because once the photosynthesis starts and the sun hits it then they will turn the true green so don't worry if they look a little yellow once they get some light they will turn green and then here you have the third stage packed full overflowing out of the jar ready to go so it takes about three to five days to get to this stage rinse two to three times a day and then you'll get to this now we're going to take these outside and give them to the babies [Music] come on ladies oh she bit my finger so hard here's some baby this is one of their favorite treats and it's also one of the healthiest sprouting greens grains seeds is a great way to give great nutrition to your babies and if your chickens are being fed superfoods their eggs will also be [Music] superfoods [Music] [Music] back up all right guys go back in there dang that's a big mouthful elvis okay more [Music] you
Channel: Bock Bock Bouquet
Views: 29,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to feed chickens for cheap, growing grass for chickens, sprouting seeds, sprouting seeds for chickens, how to sprout seeds, sprouting microgreens, how to feed chickens, growing fodder for chickens, chicken feed, chicken snacks, sprouting greens for chickens, greens for chickens, healthy chicken diet, over winter chickens, feeding chickens in winter, how to raise chickens, how to grow spouts for chickens, spouting grains for chickens, organic chicken feed, chicken treats
Id: hsli3EzXxx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 52sec (472 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 07 2020
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