How To Grow Garlic Indoors Anytime Anywhere

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now that we're on the cusp of winter it's so nice to look at the progress of the fall garlic that we planted about six weeks ago but what do you do if you didn't plant enough of it or worse you forgot to plant it all together is it really too late yep i'm sorry to say it is can you really grow something like garlic indoors well yes you can and it's actually pretty easy provided you observe a couple of key steps i'll cover it all beginning to end and it starts right now [Music] before we can do anything we have to subject our garlic bulbs to a process called vernalization sounds overly complicated but it really isn't it just means that we have to artificially expose the garlic to cooler temperatures for a defined period of time that is stick it in the fridge for a month to six weeks with our garlic chilling let's go over its life cycle so as to understand why we grow it like we do in cool regions garlic cloves are planted anywhere from four to eight weeks before the first fall frost the goal here is to get established root development with minimal shoot growth before the plants go dormant for up to three months in the spring the garlic has grown for another three to four months until the bulbs reach full size and the shoots begin to fail it's at this time that garlic is harvested and cured for extended storage great now that we know how garlic is traditionally grown we can now see that need for that artificial cooling period for the indoor version planting your chilled garlic is going to be identical to how we'd be planting it outside that is we are going to need a rich well-drained ph neutral potting soil and your container of choice indoor garlic growing usually defaults into container garlic growing simply because most people don't have raised beds or garden plots inside you can grab any of the commercial mixes from the store add in about 10 percent sand and you're good to go i myself have been having a run of bad luck lately with any of the indoor mixes that i bought you know be it from spider mites or just poor growth altogether so i've resorted to making my own it's essentially a 50 50 mixture of compost and coconut fiber add in that 10 sand like we talked about before and then some optional amendments but if you're a diy kind of guy or gal i'll throw a link in the description below on how you can make this potting mix yourself right at home garlic needs a spacing of about four inches minimum between each clove without that spacing you can definitely stunt the size of the bulbs that you're trying to grow so it's really important keep them at least four inches apart with garlic being quite a shallow rooted plant the depth of the pot really doesn't matter anything six inches or so and above you'll be perfectly fine fill your potter container all the way to the top with that soil mix that we talked about before and then compress it down about an inch we're now ready to plant so let's go prep that garlic prepping a garlic ball for planting only takes a few seconds new garlic bulbs are grown from the singular cloves of an existing bulb this is what makes them so easy to grow all we do is separate the individual clothes from the main bulb and remove all the paper coverings except the inner one that's covering the clove itself leave that intact try not to overly pry off those clothes that seem stuck simply move around the bulb to find an easier one eventually they're all going to loosen up and be able to pop off almost on their own i should note that for many of you your garlic may have sprouted at this time don't worry that's completely normal i have some that do some that don't it's not an indicator of a good crop or a bad one now that the garlic cloves are prepped we're ready to plant intuitively garlic is planted root side down that is pointy end up blunt end into the soil plant your cloves by pushing them into that wonderful soil mix that we have about an inch deep with no worry of frost indoors there's no need to plant any deeper again observe that four inch plus spacing pinch the holes closed and our garlic is fully planted fantastic i do tend to mulch my garlic at this point it's an optional step but really it's good gardening practice indoors or out and it does help with mitigating water loss due to evaporation speaking of water go ahead and complete this celebratory last step and water your garlic one good soaking should last your garlic six to eight weeks roughly two months later use the finger test to see how moist the soil is or if you have a moisture meter use that too too dry is better than too wet especially with indoor garlic so keep that in mind within a month you'll likely see your garlic start to sprout if it hasn't already this is great and a sure sign that your cloves are viable at this point the planted garlic will be hanging out with you indoors all winter long [Music] as such it's going to advance far faster than its outdoor counterparts who will likely be in a growth stasis until the spring thaw you can continue to grow it indoors or move it outside once the spring truly hits and you'll be pleasantly surprised when your indoor garlic is actually ready for harvest upwards of three months before the outside stuff your growing buddies will wonder how the heck you're getting garlic bulbs ready for harvest in april a lot of times with gardening growing crops indoors can be more trouble than they're worth it's sometimes easier to simply take the loss and plant the crop on the next go round of its cycle fortunately with garlic the opposite seems to be true it's an easy and low maintenance crop to grow indoors that's actually coupled with an earlier harvest it really makes you wonder if growing garlic indoors isn't actually the superior method in the first place i could literally talk about the ins and outs of garlic growing all day long if you're a garlic lover like me make sure to leave a comment down below and also share it with all your garlic loving friends also if any of you are on facebook head on over and join our gardening group called growing better the group has grown phenomenally fast yet it will never lose its sense of community or its welcoming feel if you're passionate about growing epic organic fruits herbs and veggies for you and your family the growing better group is a great place to hang out share learn and grow hey thanks for watching guys if you're getting value in this and the other series that i'm doing on youtube hit those like share and subscribe buttons if you'd be so kind and i'll see you in the next video you
Channel: The Ripe Tomato Farms
Views: 360,818
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Keywords: garlic, how to plant garlic, grow garlic, how to grow garlic, growing garlic, growing garlic indoors, indoor garlic, indoor garlic planting, planting garlic indoors, how to grow garlic indoors, how to plant garlic indoors, the ripe tomato farms, garlic plant care, garlic planting, planting garlic bulbs, planting bulbs, growing garlic from store bought garlic, self sufficient me, self sufficient living, self sufficient homestead, growing food
Id: bQycnA7Tpsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 43sec (523 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2020
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