Brilliant Way to REGROW Garlic for FREE Every Year!

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today me and tuck are going to show  you the lazy way to regrow garlic for   free every year no curing no  storing no problem let's go! garlic is easy to plant but it can be expensive  if you have to buy seed garlic every year if you   don't save your own for instance this bag of  garlic right here it comes with about four or   five bulbs they're not even that big cost it$  22.75 it's worth it the first year to get some   good varieties like this one the music garlic but  technically I don't even need this new seed garlic   because look down here this is music garlic that  I planted last year it's regrowing I'm going to   be able to plant this I didn't have to dig it up  I didn't even have to store it last year in late   fall I planted this lower tier of my bed with  garlic I do square foot gardening so I like to   plant four garlic cloves per square foot then I  covered up my bulbs and put some leaf mulch down   and let the garlic slowly Sprout and grow through  the the late fall and winter by the time spring   came around the garlic was growing beautifully and  I was looking forward to a harvest in June I went   out and cut the Scapes off of a few varieties of  my garlic so I could use them for cooking and also   to redirect the growth energy from the Scapes to  the bulbs then on June 24th I started harvesting   the first bulbs and they were massive the thing  is I didn't Harvest all the garlic this is where   the lazy trick comes in I left a few bulbs in  the ground the whole year now now you can see   the bulbs I left in are regrowing I didn't just  plant one garlic clove and get one clove back   instead I planted one clove that clove grew into  a garlic plant which then formed a bulb at the   bottom just like you see here I then left that  bulb in the ground all year and then come over   within that bulb each garlic clove that formed  regrew into their own plant so you can see we   have multiple garlic plants here now I can just  carefully dig these plants out and Transplant   them into locations where I had garlic growing  in the summer that I harvested this method makes   planting fall garlic so easy so quick and a  lot of fun to be honest it allows you to skip   curing and storing let me show you how I do it  now and I know this method works because I did   it last year in a different section where I plant  my tomatoes in that trellis between the tomatoes   I plant garlic I did this method and it worked out  fantastic so I figured I'd try it again this year   come over here the best time to do this is when  your garlic is just sprouting out of the ground   this way you're not like messing with it too much  when they get taller like this one right here you   could still transplant this garlic but I like  doing it when they're just a little bit younger   so we what we want to do is dig these out and  be super super gentle cuz we don't want to we   want to damage as few Roots as possible so I'm  going to go really deep under there use my hands   it's nice when you have some good soil just like  this we're going to really get deep in there get   my string out of the way and get as many of the  roots as we can so timing for this is important   too we want to make sure we're doing this when we  have like a few nice days in a row we don't want   to have like a frost the next day because these  plants are going to take a few days to adjust   to their new home so what we want to do is get  these all dug up and then start separating them   and we want to make sure we're planting the  biggest healthiest cloves so we'll be able to   look through these this is a really good one  right here so I'm just going to separate it   a little bit try to keep as many of the roots  as I can look how healthy that looks then I'm   going to go over to the spot where we're going  to be planting it I'm going to plant four per   square feet foot for my square foot planting  method so I'm just going to dig a spot right   this corner right here dig in and just plant it at  the same height that I pulled it out at it's got   a lot of root so I want to get deep in there get  all the roots that I can just plant it just like   that it's just peeking out of the ground like  like I took it out beautiful we're going to do   the same thing with these other ones and we're  just going to pick again the biggest healthiest cloves take it out with all the roots I'll plant  this corner now going to get this nice and deep in there just like that beautiful and we're going to do the same  thing with the other two in this section there   we go all four are planted now let's add  some fertilizer I'm going to use some my   own fertilizer JP secret stuff not a lot just  a little bit we're going to sprinkle on top   just to give some uh nutrition because we  grew garlic here last year so uh a lot of   the soil nutrition is depleted just mix it in  just a little bit like that then I'm going to   add some mushroom compost on top we're just  going to lay this on top because over the   fall and winter this will break down and seep  into the soil going to do that not a crazy amount then I'm going to water this section  in just because we just transplanted this   stuff so we want to make sure we  set the roots in so let's water this let it all soak in nicely next we're going  to add some Mulch on top I'm going to use some   leaf mulch rip it up a little bit but this mulch  can be the leaves can be kind of large for this   because this isn't something like lettuce which  can't push through mulch the garlic will really   push through this mulch pretty easily so we don't  want them too big that they're going to mat the   ground out though so that's good like that so  this way of regrowing garlic works really well   and it's different than a lot of the ones online  that I've seen that they don't make sense in my   opinion because a lot of times like they show  the regrow garlic hacks but they don't allow   the plants to overwinter so a lot of varieties  especially the hard neck varieties of garlic   need to go through like uh overwintering or  like a cold process in order to properly grow   and form bulbs this is known as vernalization so  so many of the different methods out there they   don't show you for a lot of the varieties like  the hard neck ones that they need to overwinter   so when we're using this regrowing garlic hack  it's still going to work really well and we're   still going to get bulbs because these are going  to overwinter plus it's like a lot less work we   don't have to dry or store them we're just kind of  transplanting the garlic from one spot to another   in my opinion this probably isn't the best way to  grow garlic but it does work it's super easy and   super convenient the best garlic I have ever grown  is just doing the standard process of curing and   storing my own garlic and using it as seed garlic  the next year or buying some good seed garlic like   the music garlic and it's October right now but  the most ideal time that I have found for growing   garlic around here and planting it is like late  November or December because because what we want   is we want our garlic to root into the ground  and not have a lot of top growth before a hard   Frost comes ideally we want to plant our garlic  again get those roots and then kind of just sit   there like that and then in the spring it'll just  explode into growth we don't want it growing and   then dying back and then regrowing and then dying  back too many times so I'm going to show you how I   plant garlic just regularly and go through a few  mistakes you really want to make sure you don't   make so when it comes to planting your seed garlic  like this the first thing you want to do is get   the plant the biggest healthiest cloves because  the biggest cloves will form the biggest bulbs in   the future you also want to make sure that you're  always planting the garlic flat side down these   are where the roots are going to come out from so  you need to plant that flat side down this is how   I do it it's really simple we'll just take our  clove garlic I mean our clove right here we'll   bury it relatively deep about 4 in or so in the  ground like that Pat it in again we'll pick the   four healthiest clo cloves the ones that are the  largest put another one in the corner here drop   it in another one here drop that in and then here  and drop this in so you can see this is easy to do   but the method I showed you you just don't have  to worry about curing it and storing it you can   just transplant it which is super easy a few other  mistakes we do not want to make is we want to make   sure we're giving some nutrition so we're going  to add a little bit of fertilizer not anything crazy and we're going to make sure we add  some compost too we want to add a little   bit of this just going to put it on the top and  then water it in just like we did for the other one and when it comes to Growing your garlic  you want to grow the right variety for the   location you're in you don't want to make the  mistake of planting something like um hard neck   garlic in in the South because we have soft neck  garlic and hard neck garlic soft neck garlic it   can grow basically anywhere that's a variety  that they sell in the grocery stores you can   pretty much plant that no matter where you  live but when it comes to hard neck garlic   that's really for tempered and cold climates  so where I'm at now the hard neck garlic grows   well where I live look at tuck looking around  for some snacks so you got to make sure you're   planting the right kind of garlic another thing  is you want to make sure you're getting some   good varieties you don't want to just go to the  store and buy the garlic that they're selling   and then plant that a like the music garlic  is one of the best it's a hard neck one but   it's so great so you need to make sure you're  taking advantage of good varieties and order   your first round of garlic from a reputable  company and if you do it right you only have   to pay for it one time you'll have garlic  forever after that so let's water this spot in it's only October here and I have found that  in the past like I mentioned the garlic rolls best   for me in like November December I just wanted to  show you how I do it but for the rest of the seed   garlic that I have I'm going to take that inside  put it in a dark dry place and then I'll come out   like late November December and plant the garlic  then that's when I've got the best results and   it's uh it's the best way for me to do it although  I do like to do the method I showed you sometimes   and again it's quick easy and convenient and it's  uh the laziest way that I know of doing it and it   still works well again when it comes to our garlic  we cannot forget to put a mulch down it's going to   get very very cold so we want to make sure we're  protecting the soil even just a leaf mulch like   this will protect the soil from uh will protect  the roots of the garlic from freezing badly so we   don't want the leaves to be too big and Matt out  the ground too much but like I mentioned earlier   Garlic's pretty strong it doesn't mind just kind  of pushing up through this uh mulch right here   check out this bulb of garlic right here and  now it's actually separating it cloves look   at the size of them so this is a garlic bulb that  I harvested in the summer I then just dropped it   back down into the soil and it's rooted so I'm  testing this out and see how it works it looks   like it's working really well I may try to plant  garlic just like this next year regrow it and   then transplant it similar to how I did here but  I think it's going to be less stress on the plants   like this look how cool that looks and just look  how Hardy and amazing garlic grows it's such an   incredible plant and it's easy to grow so that's  why this little hack and this regrowing garlic   method works really well because garlic it's not  too finicky it's not too picky and I still a lot   of plants that I can regrow here that's today's  video Growers thanks for watching we hope you   enjoyed it we hope you got something out of it  me and Tuck had a blast out here like usual look   at this guy he's looking for a snack he's getting  a little hungry he didn't have any fresh carrots   or any cucumbers or anything this video even  though we still do have cucumbers growing the   sun's going down the days are getting shorter but  that means it's like the perfect time to get your   garlic in the ground although like I mentioned  I do like planting mine later so we hope you got   some value out of this video we hope you enjoyed  it we hope it gave you some like kind of different   ideas and you know sometimes the lazy method of  doing things is just easier and more convenient   for some people I like doing both Styles and I've  gotten a lot of luck with growing garlic both the   way I showed you transplanting it like this and  also just uh planting seed garlic but sometimes   you know you just you want to get eat some fresh  garlic and you end up eating all your seed garlic   and you don't save any to replant the next year  but if you leave some in the ground you can't eat   them because they're still down there and you  could just transplant them out so me and Tuck   wanted to mention to check out the merch down at grab a sow with the flow shirt   some of our new merch we're really happy with  the way it came out and uh be part of the team   we also wanted to mention a thank you to one of  our new channel members Michael D thanks for being   a part of Team grow thanks for having your hand  in everything we're doing out here little homie   wants to thank you guys too he hasn't bid in the  video that much but I can promise you he's been   working he always has my back he's always uh  watching over everything that's why he's the   guard of the garden so spam some hearts down  low if you love seeing the young king in the   videos we had so much fun we love being out in  the garden and we hope you guys truly got some   value out of the video if you did share this video  with your friends it helps the channel a lot and   uh besides that it's time to head out tuck and  James we be back at you again real soon we out
Channel: The Gardening Channel With James Prigioni
Views: 81,944
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Id: b-ancLrZ9zM
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Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2023
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