How to Grow Chicken Feed

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well good morning our little chickens are twenty four days old today and this is from one of our Rhode Island Reds and they're getting up there pretty big now they're going to be graduating out of the brooder and heading over to to pull up in next week and that's where they'll grow out until you know the end of the summer we'll take them over to the chicken yards and out in the chicken yard they're going to want to be real chickens and actually go around and forage and look for bugs and scratch around you know all the fun things they like to do during the day so what we're going to do today on this video is we're going to sow some seeds that will make a nice forage for the chickens so when they get over there in the summertime they'll they'll have something to scratch around and dig in that'll be healthy for them be a nice treat so be right back after the break and we'll get busy on our seeds [Music] you [Music] this video covers chicken forge patch well welcome back got our chicken flourish see then we purchased this from urban farmer online urban farmer calm I go there and check it out if you if you want to do something like that this is where we bought this this is the pakka seeds that I got it's a five pound sack of seed and this seed has got some good stuff in it for the chickens to forage on ascot annual ryegrass perennial ryegrass buckwheat flax millet forage peas red clover and alfalfa what a blend that's a pretty good little treat package for them so we're going to be sewing this today this five-pound bag of seed right here or cover about 2,000 square feet you know that's you know to put it in terms that you can relate to that be about ten feet wide and about twenty feet long so that's a pretty good sized area and I've got a nice area right behind our arm watering and feed shed that I think would be a good spot to lay out this area and so this seed in there so they have a place to go over and forage and pick around and pick out some of these treats so these things are going to contain high levels of nutrients it's very good for them I get about a eighty-five percent germination rate with these seeds so that's really good and the way I'm going to do this is I'm gonna go out here to the area and I'm gonna cultivate it with my 4 inch cultivator to get it fluffed up about four inches deep then I'll grade it out with my grade and rake and great great in some grooves and then I'm going to sew all the seed in there and I'll take my seed roller you know I don't know if y'all remember that I bought it from Johnny seed calm while back I used it for Nancy's wild flowers but it's a real good roller to roll the seeds down and pack them down because they really only need to be planted about a half an inch deep so I don't want to get them too deep but I think if I grew them with it with my heartbreak and soften up the ground when I roll it the roller issued mash them in just right so I want to do it like that the best time to sow these seeds is April through August this is Memorial Day weekend here in Florida and so I'm figuring by the end of August this stuff is going to be grown out pretty good that's just about the time we'll be bringing the the chickens out of the pull up in the grow pen over during the barn and they'll be going in to their new home here at a permanent home of the chickens building out here in the chicken yard so they'll gradually find their way over there to this this forage patch I'm making for them and they'll be able to enjoy this at will so that's a good thing in it so let me get started we'll be working around on this right now and I'm getting this ready to go and I like where I'm putting it because I have my water supply here to water my chickens and I can just quickly water it by hand real quick in the mornings and keep on going with my morning chores so let's get started [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] well that wasn't so hard I got this seed sown into the new forage patch for the chickens I got it in a sunny location where it gets plenty of Morning Sun and some midday Sun and then after about two o'clock in the afternoon these trees right here will start to shade this area because I don't want it to get too much Sun because you know it is is it's not that you don't want too much Sun on this six hours of Sun a day with some partial shade in the afternoon perfecto so there we go I got the seeds in I watered it in and I'll come back in a few days and we'll check on it and see how it's progressing and we'll watch it all the way up until the chickens get to come out here and do a little munching so we'll be back in a few days well good morning our chicken forage Pass has been growing for two weeks now it germinated actually in three days so it was really a rapid germination and it's a really a pretty good germination rate as you can see it's been two weeks since we sowed the seeds the forage patch is thickening in really well really nice and I'm going to keep it watered and you know about a couple of months when the chickens are ready to come out of the pull up pen and come over here and graduate to the to the chicken yard this will be ready for them so let me check back with you we'll look at this in about a month and see how much difference is growing just in just another four weeks so we'll see you back here in four weeks well it's been about three weeks since the last time we showed you an update on the forage patch it's really growing you know it's already knee-high to me so you know that's tolerable chickens so a Bingbing don't seem to have any trouble going in there so I don't reckon the chickens will either so anyway we'll um we'll be getting back to this and about one more month the chickens starting to graduate out to to the chicken yard here coming out of the pull up pen and they got this nice forage patch to play in and get them some some scratching done so we'll be back soon and we'll watch them enjoy their little treat so you say well the chicken girls have enjoyed this forest patch they've already devoured a good deal of it and they they're working there we're still working on it every day so we've enjoyed bringing it to them and I think they got the easy girl you got plenty more to eat in there and out in the chicken yard so they're all pretty happy so anyway I hope you enjoyed watching this little chicken forage patch video with us and enjoyed that journey with us so until me and Nancy see you next time always remember Maya's hands where you're fed give us Lord our daily breath amen [Music] [Music] thank you for watching our videos we love making them if you like our videos we ask you to partner with us in our mission by sharing our videos from YouTube and post on Facebook to all social medias it really inspires and encourages us some great places to share is Facebook Twitter Instagram please like if you like this video subscribe click the notification button so you never miss another video click below for products 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Channel: Hollis and Nancys Homestead
Views: 74,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chickens, backyard chickens, chicken, chicken coop, raising chickens, backyard permaculture chicken coop, composting chickens, chicken house, chicken compost, chicken (animal), healthy chickens, urban permaculture design, organic gardening, organic chickens, free food, free chicken food, free feed, free, diy, hollisnancyshomestead, chicken food, natural, forage patch, chicken feed, homesteading, how to, howto, grow chicken feed, how to grow chicken feed, chicken forage patch
Id: RvbtPiXffWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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