World's 🌎 Best way to grow HUGE Tomato Seedlings 🌱

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what is going on Patriot gardeners it's your buddy Murdoch and today we're back with another Garden Adventure talking about the best way in the world to get your tomato starts going and get them to grow absolutely enormous to give you a rundown this plant here is about oh I'm going to want to say about 30 days old now uh 30 maybe 31 32 days old this is a Brandywine variety uh heirloom and wow they really really like this so we're gonna go ahead and we're going to talk about what we've got going on and why these tomatoes are doing so good I mean out of the cups these things are every bit of 8 to 10 inches just standing here tall and I haven't even super cropped these things which is uh coming up in our other video we've got a couple more right here there's one and we've got another one right here look at this So today we're going to be planting some other tomato varieties we're going to be doing some Abe Lincoln some Garden leader monster some super Sue and this neat little guy this Jubilee kind of an orange tomato looks kind of cool so we've got all of our cups going on and if you look really really close there's even a single seed sitting there waiting I was kind of wondering how I was going to throw this video together and open seat packets and sit here and you know dig holes in dirt and stuff like that so I got everything kind of set up and uh we'll do a quick rundown uh the planning part is the really really easy portion um it's a couple of things that we're going to go over and uh to give you the the jump start that you're going to need right now to get your tomato plants enormous and not only enormous growing them in this one little tricky method is going to give you two to three maybe even four or five times the root mass of growing them in just a little cup or in a little planter or a little seed start tray or something like that if you ever see any of the other videos online then I'm not knocking anybody else because everybody needs to learn to grow right now you'll notice that their plants are really tall and spindly and they look sickly and well these leaves were almost as big as my hand so that's not the the case here they're a little bit sad right now because I lifted up their lights um to do the video and whatnot but yeah so what makes this so special like what is the what's the deal here it's actually the Double Cup system that we're running um and what it is is just two red Solo cups and on the inside cup if I can get this guy to come apart here on the inside cup we've just drilled about oh let me see if I can get this on here oh about three four five holes whatever you know that's comfortable on the bottom of the cup if I can get the camera to focus there and um that's going to allow for some drainage and this Double Cup system gives me a couple different benefits um number one you're going to see in just a second number two it's very clean in the grow room um you don't get a bunch of draining stuff going all over the place um it contains everything it helps you to control the moisture inside your soil so you're not constantly watering things are drying out you're going back and forth it helps to keep the plant evenly watered and maintained the other neat benefit of doing this that will have you outgrow everybody with the exact same plant in a the same size container doing it with this Double Cup system is that if you grow in a pot or if you were to just plant in one of these cups without the secondary cup as your plant would grow up you know start out to be a little guy like this and start growing his first Roots down and it would hit the bottom of the cup and it would start poking those roots out the holes and it would go Ike's there's no more dirt and it was stop and so the top of your plant yeah just grows up but down in the cup what's going on is those roots are actually turning upwards and they're starting to spin around and get you know root bound and what it's telling the plant is well we're not going to have a whole lot of room here so guess what you're not going to get very big so that's how we get these monsters because when we grow them inside the Double Cup system what happens to the plant let me get this one apart is that it doesn't realize that that's going on and The Roots look at that isn't that amazing literally grow out the bottom of the cup and we'll begin to fill the bottom of the Basin of this other cup utilizing the rest of the nutrients in the water to get stripped down in there and the plant itself goes oh we've still got plenty of room to grow and up it grows in the same amount of time in the same space with the same diameter of a growing area you will get twice the plant growth as you will growing in a pot or anything else like that just by doing this to get your starts going and everybody knows with tomatoes Bean and the nightshade family they've got all these little wonderful hairs that are all over them if I zoom in here you'll see it you see all those little hairs that go up and down that stem any one of those hairs that makes contact with the soil they will begin to turn into roots and actually root this plant that is how important the roots are to the development of a tomato plant and these run all the way up the plant and that's pretty much because in the wild as this plant were growing it would naturally grow up it would fall over hit the ground and it would root itself along the ground to grow more fruit and to continue to grow here in the Urban Garden we actually stake them up really nice you know tie them up you know people put up trellises however you're going to tie them up and get them to go upright so that never really happens but that root mass underground is still very very important so instead of having a tomato plant that's root bound what we have is a tomato plant that has never had any kind of root binding to it and we get to keep it indoors for a couple extra weeks just before you know winners over with to give it that last little bit of jump start and instead of coming outside and having you know like something like this on the first day of spring well you can walk out and wave to the neighbors and say how do you show them your tomato plants and that's what's up so we do the basic soil mix and if you've never seen that I'll give you just the basic rundown on what we got going on with that it's going to be 50 of our Kellogg raised bed potting mix 20 Kellogg premium indoor potting mix 20 compost and I did make that myself thank you very much five percent Pro mix uh Sunshine mix and that's what the mycorrhizae I've covered that in a few other videos I like the uh the sunshine mix but you can get any Pro mix from any Nursery or any grower um it's basically the same box stand stopped that the nurseries will buy to produce their plants in it's an already uh how should I see this a well-produced medium it has peat moss cocoa peat uh it has perlite it has the mycorrhizae it has all the good stuff but it doesn't really have a whole lot of nutrient value it's more of a bodybuilding material for the soil and then I also add about five percent per light um and that's just to give some extra drainage and you can see that in the soil right here but it does it really gives you a very let me see if I can zoom in on this a very nice organic soil there we go and the plants really love it with tomato plants you know you're going to want something a little bit hardier in the some of the strawberry videos we've done some of the lighter area mixes that drain really fast and with tomatoes you really want some meat on the bone they're a very heavy feeding plant and that brings me to my next little point a lot of people will say do not feed your seedlings when you first put them on the ground and that's okay there is plenty of stuff in this dirt to feed those seedlings but in about two weeks if you haven't already mixed some in to the soil you're going to want to go ahead and give them some food and this is the stuff I use here it doesn't have to be this brand I kind of bought this because it was on sale and it's organic that is very very important uh and if you look right here there is a couple little things that make this neat it's I mean it's actually formulated for the flowers and vegetables but right here it has the soil micros and the mycorrhizae and we talked about that before the my car is the fungus and the nariza root so a fungus root that's the symbiotic root fungus that works with your plants to help them uptake nutrients and feed them so you get really nice beautiful tomato plants like this so we mix up our soil get it into our cups we want to build up about 75 percent because we are going to add a little bit more as we go along in about two to three weeks to build up um here for our enjoyment we've got some like I said the Abe Lincoln's and all I've done here is just taking my finger made a little tiny depression you know about a quarter of an inch I'm going to reach up here grab my seed drop him in there and all we're going to do is just cover them up that's it there's nothing special to this it's actually a couple things it's the genetics of the plant you're growing it's the soil that you're putting into it because remember like in our last video If you put in Joe Dirt you're going to get out Joe fruit so always remember that and the third thing is the Double Cup system which allows the plant to get air you can see I've kind of offset the top cup and turned it just a little bit so it locks in there you can put a piece of tape around the inside cup around the upper lid like right you know right here and uh then the cup won't sit tight down inside the next one and that allows the air to get down in there to feed those roots so they can get the oxygen they need but still be secluded enough they don't dry up and die or think they're outside and exposed air um so after we've done you know that we're going to go to our next one get our next little seed here drop them down in this little hole cover them up pop on your tag and you know there that the planting of the tomatoes there's really nothing to the planting of the tomatoes itself like I said it's your soil it's what you're putting it in and it's your genetics once you get that stuff going I mean the lights and the temperature yeah you know that all good stuff but this is the three key things that are really really really get you some Monster tomatoes and then we'll continue this series as we take them outside and uh put them in the ground and then there's only one last thing that you have to do to make this whole thing work and that's take your handy dandy little watering bottle with all the little pin holes in the top there and just water it well and watch it grow that's it well I hope you have enjoyed ladies and gentlemen we have quite a few tomatoes that we just threw in the ground we've got some of our uh what do we got here Brandywine Peaks we've got some of our Cherokee purples our Giant belgiums oh and some more of our these little guys here Brandy one so it looks like we're going to be having a lot of tomatoes and I highly suggest to everybody to get growing even if you've never grown anything you can you can get some red Solo okay look at this and you can get going don't let anybody tell you you can't especially nowadays you really really really need to get growing and get some food going get a garden going start digging up some of those lawns in the backyard I know some people might not agree with that but you will thank me very very soon ladies and gentlemen I hope you've enjoyed this little video I love you all God bless Murdoch out
Channel: Murdocks Madness Patriot Gardeners 🌱
Views: 498,014
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Id: ls-CeStbdU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 02 2023
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