How To Grow Beans (ADVANCED) Complete Growing Guide

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well good morning and glad you stopped by because today we're going to plant some snap beans oh snap you good morning friends today we're going to plant some bush beans cuz a lot of people call them snap beans that's what we call them cuz this year we're going to plant a bunch of purple whole piece and we like a little some snap up some green beans to mix in with them and it tastes pretty good as a mix but we call them peas and snaps so these are actually the snaps or green beans or whatever you want to call them now let me show you the ComicCon put in this is just our bush bean it's just a plain old green bean and they're very easy to plant and we direct so these right into the garden and they only take a couple of months and you want to be sure that you get full Sun and leave them plenty of room to mature they'll they'll mature up about 18 inches high and maybe that in diameter as well but these are easy and I like to put them straight into the garden instead of starter cups so let's go and get started ok we're ready to get started with our beans one good thing to remember is when you get ready to direct sow seeds in the garden it's critical that the talk of soil temperature is warm enough to support that or your seeds are just rocking the ground and a lot of people have different ways that they check it they say if you can go stand in the garden in the dirt barefooted and you're comfortable then it's okay some people say well if you can't make a snow angel out there then it's pretty good but the best way I found to do it is I deep till the garden in spring to get rid of all the winter weeds I cleaned that out and I wait to see those little springtime summer weeds just start to emerge out of the dirt if I see those weeds germinating that I know that my regular vegetable seeds will germinate easily so at that point I go back and I'll prepare the ground for planting and the way I do that is I do it one row at a time and I'll take the little cultivator and I'll go over what I've already deep tilled I'll cultivate it again and then I'll grade it out smooth and then you've seen in our other videos how I use the string to mark mark my rows and I'll string it and then I'll use my seed a hole maker to do that the seeds holes and then I'll finally drop in the seed and God does the rest from there so let's get started way I put my seeds in is once I haven't been the hole all I do is collapse the sides of this hole together with my hand and I Pat it one time with my back of my hand and that does a perfect you see what I do got my seeds in the hole well I do is I collapse it smack it one time well our green snap beans been grown for three weeks now and I wanted to show you what they've done you take a look down the row right here you can see that they have emerged and they've put on some good leaf growth and at this point I'm not really worried about the birds damaging them anymore so I can take up all these pie pans and CDs all these bird deterrents they're really not needed anymore so we're off and running with the green beans and we'll come back and check on here a couple more weeks all right good morning our green snap beans been in the ground for a month and they're looking great if you saw how beautiful the plants are I wanted you to notice one of them in particular there's several of them now that are getting the blooms see the beautiful little purple flower on here that's going to be beans and if you look down in it there's a lot of them on there so there's going to be a lot of beans on that plant so these plants are good they're off and running they don't need to have anything done to them they're doing what they need to do so it's been a great journey from direct sowing that seed to now and ain't nothing left now but to pull off some beans and snap them and put up into your stomach so we appreciate you watching if you like our videos we invite you to subscribe to our channel we'd love for you to be a part of our YouTube family and always remember buys things we are paying give us lower I can't anyway amen have a blessed day you thanks for watching our videos we really love making them if you like our videos please like our Facebook page to get the latest tips and tricks please subscribe to our YouTube channel to get the newest video like it it would really inspire and encourage us but most importantly share to encourage others will welcome your comments in question thank you have a blessed day
Channel: Hollis and Nancys Homestead
Views: 227,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grow green beans, grow snap beans, grow seed, how to, grow, plant, organic, non-gm, heirloom, potatoes, containers, grow cucumber, potatoes container, grow table, how to build, harvest, strawberry, pepper, garden, carrot, vegetable, homestead, okra, bean, onion, turnip, spinach, tomatoes, squash, eggplants, cucumbers, lettuce, cabbage, cauliflower, backyard, radish, collard green, urban, fall vegetable, food, green, cooking, kitchen, spinach harvest, USA Kimchi, Hollis and Nancy’s homestead
Id: IqnnKuB3jVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 32sec (452 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 07 2016
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