Growing Picking and Canning Blue Lake Bush Green Beans - Homesteading To Grow Your Own Food

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there she is the bean picker well hey friends and neighbors this is chuck out at sheraton park farms welcome back to the farm today we're out in the garden and there's no chickens no pigs no sheep out here but we do have a lot of these and these are our green beans uh we planted beans about eight weeks ago and it's time to pick so uh today we're going to pick some green beans we're going to talk about the variety that we grow and why we grow those we're going to talk about how we grow and then we're also going to show how we can these beans and put them back for the winter so hang out with us and let's talk about green beans and let's see how many cans worth of green beans we end up with hang out so the variety of beans that we grow we grow blue lake and a couple reasons that we grow blue lake green beans number one it's a bush bean so they grow just in short bushes kind of like what you see here typically about knee thigh high um and you don't have to trellis you don't have to put poles in you don't have to put strings in they just grow in a in a bush style secondly they they don't have strings on so when it comes time to break beans and get them ready to go in the can you don't have to worry about strings every once in a while you will find a little bit of a string on one but that's pretty rare so what we done this year we bought a uh eight ounce bag a half pound bag of the white corals um blue lake green beans and the instructions on the bag say that these are appropriate or that they will a pound the instructions on the bag say that a pound will do one 100 foot row so let's take a look and see how many feet of green beans we planted with uh not quite half a pound so in our garden we grow in raised beds these are ten foot long by four foot wide raised beds and thinking about maybe changing this up a little bit next year but um not entirely decided on what we're going to do saunder's not very excited about what i want to do but we'll we'll see who we'll see who comes out ahead in that deal she's in the background saying no but again the the instructions on the bag said that one pound of bush bean seeds would do a 100 foot row so we were able to do four one two three four we were able to do four boxes with two rows per box of green beans and still had some left over so we have essentially 80 feet of green beans when i was planting these beans i sent a picture of how i was planting them to my dad and he texted me back and he said uh instead of putting where you're putting one put three plant them heavy your granny doesn't agree with it but plant them heavy so i followed dear old dad's advice and planted three seeds um where the instructions were saying one and we still ended up with this and you can see these things have come in super super thick a lot of beans i don't know if you can really tell in the video but there's a whole lot of beans in there they've just done excellent um so on our garden also i want to point this out we don't use any chemical fertilizers no herbicides and no pesticides so these beans are for all intents and purposes 100 organic they were planted in compost and then we let them go we didn't go back and hold them we didn't go back and weed them we just let them go and the only real problem that we've had is on some of these leaves we've had some of these guys i fell off some japanese beetles that have eaten on some of the leaves but they seem to have left the beans alone so i think for no pesticides no herbicides and no fertilizer um i'm pretty happy with what we got mystery is how many do we have i think we're going to get a good picking out tonight there are some that are still small so we'll come back into a second picking probably in a week 10 days we'll see how they do but uh so far we've been pretty happy with the way the beans done so let's get to picking [Music] [Music] all right so we're done picking uh the green beans and we ended up with probably about a bushel and a half of blue lakes and these beans are really nice very very few almost no bug bites on them good size and they're still enough out there we'll probably need to pick again in two or three days and then we'll probably get a third picking off of them because there are some that are still blooming and i've got some real small baby beans so this is what we ended up with these are the the two basket fulls um saunders got a pan there we're gonna start breaking here in a minute and we'll break them then we'll take them in and wash them uh pack them in the cans and uh again we're gonna show the canning process here in a minute so hang around for that i'll show you how we do the the cannon of the green beans but uh pretty happy with what we've got so far and again pesticide herbicide fertilizer free beans so these are about as organic as you're gonna get so let's break some beans now [Music] so before we start packing the cans um we're gonna wash the beans and we use this turkey fryer um with the strainer basket that comes with it this works really really good we just put the beans down in there and run the uh run the turkey fryer pot uh about halfway full of water maybe not quite just enough to cover the beans we'll run them twice uh through the water and just make sure we got all the dirt and grime and all that kind of stuff off and that they're really clean and ready to go in the uh ready to go in the jars so wash the beans next okay so we've got our beans that are picked and broken and washed and we've got our cans sitting over there on the big joe and we sterilize our cans in the oven 250 degrees for about 15 minutes and then we're just gonna fill the jar up to about the shoulder give it a little tap on the bottom and just fill the jar up to about the shoulder and then we're going to put a half teaspoon of salt in the jar and then we're going to fill it up so the beans are covered with water we just fill it up until the beans the top of the beans are covered with soap covered with water and then after they've got the beans and the salt and the water in i'm just going to put the seals on top and add the rings [Music] ready for the candle okay so we got the pressure canner loaded and what we're doing is we're trying to bring the pressure up to 10. it's at about five right now and once it gets up to 10 this little doodad right there we'll start jiggling and then we'll turn the heat back and we're going to try to maintain the pressure right at around 10 for 20 minutes excuse me 25 minutes for 25 minutes and so waiting on it to come up to uh come up to pressure right now all right so the camera's done and we're gonna let the pressure off yeah we've already let the pressure off yeah yeah do not take do not try to take the top off of this off of these canners with any pressure left on it so you can get hurt seriously injured or even killed i see that and there they are all right so now what we do is we just take the uh we got a jar gripper and we just pull the can out [Applause] set them over to cool so far some of these jars were old and we've had three that have failed so we'll see how many we end up with that are good jars and how many that we had failed and we'll give you a final count here just a minute okay so this is the next to the last batch in the canyon and we got three cans left so there are 25 here three there it's 28. there's seven in the counter it makes 35 and then we had three cans that failed so all together 38 quarts of blue lake green beans out of eight 10 foot rows about a half a pound of seed no fertilizer no herbicides no pesticides so and two pickings to go yeah so uh it's uh well after eleven o'clock this is ended up being a day and a half project um between picking and breaking and washing and getting everything together and had to make a run to town and get another case and a half a jar so all together ended up with 38 quarts of green beans so i think that's i think that's gonna do it appreciate y'all watching if you're not subscribed hit that subscribe button follow along with us we got more gardening stuff going on and chickens and pigs and sheep and just all kinds of all kinds of stuff happening here on the farm so appreciate y'all watching we'll see on the next video thanks
Channel: Sheraton Park Farms
Views: 51,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: homesteading, self-sufficient, homesteaders, organic gardening, growing vegetables, grow your own food, grow your food, living traditions homestead garden, green beans, canned green beans, canning green beans, pressure canning green beans, blue lake bush beans, blue lake green beans, blue lake green beans growing, how to cook green beans, green beans recipe, picking beans, breaking beans, canning beans, canning jars, pressure canning, pressure canner
Id: bxpyg-K5hgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 05 2020
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