How to Grow Green Beans, Seed to Harvest || Black Gumbo

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welcome to Black gumbo Southern gardening today we're going to learn about growing green beans from seed to harvest let's go [Music] well in this video there's going to be some footage that if you subscribe to my channel and watch many of my videos maybe you've seen it before we planted green beans in a former in a previous video I showed you how to sow the seeds how to build a net trellis well I'm going to put that in this video as well and we're going to do a seed to harvest video and just use that footage so I don't have to do it over so yeah green beans man they're awesome and I want to show you mine I've got some nice soil here that I've fluffed up with my Stirrup hoe and I've broken up the surface because I didn't mulch the Winter Garden the surface where it is exposed to the sun has become kind of hard and dry and coarse so what I did I took my scuffle hoe and I brought up some of that good soil that's down that fine soil down below we've prepared three rows here I'm just going to grow three rows of beans I find that that's plenty for our family it keeps us into beans for a long time three rows is sufficient we'll put a trellis and net trellis over these rows but first let's get our beans in typically you plant a green bean directly in the soil when the weather is warm these beans prefer 65 to 70 degrees that's that's the lowest that's what it says on here and they will produce until it gets up into the 90s and then they won't like it so much and they'll look pretty pathetic when the heat comes on but in between then and now we've got plenty of time to get some green beans so let me make a Furrow here in my rows maybe a little less I'm spacing my rows pretty close some people have said that I spaced my beans too close and that's not the case I've found that when they're this close together about what's that about two feet when they're two feet apart there's plenty of space in between for me to get in there and harvest and since the sun transits this way it covers all of the covers all my needs I like Johnny seeds but you can get your seeds from virtually anywhere if you want to support an excellent Seed Company go over to seeds for Generations use my link down in the description box and that will be supporting our Channel so I'm just placing these seeds about five inches apart read your seed packet for spacing information any of these seeds that look damaged I'll throw out and I'm just going to put these in like I said about five inches apart the seed packet tells me that we should be eating green beans in about 55 days that's pretty quick all right let's get on the other side [Music] and that's all there is to Annette trellis our beans when they sprout they'll find this trellis we'll find it quite quickly actually and we'll begin their Journey upward they will get to the top and kind of fold over on themselves if they're particularly vigorous and that's when you got to get out here and kind of deal with that all right these beans need a lot of water to get going so don't be skimpy on them I'm gonna put this entire two and a half gallons on this side and then another two and a half gallons on the other side we want that soil to settle around those beans hydrate them and get them germinated quickly we want to come out and do this every day until they come up keep your beans nice and watered [Music] check it out we've got some little ones here higher up at the top way down here we have some green beans that are perfect size for harvesting that's what I'm after right there so I'm going to harvest some green beans I'm going to show you how to top these things so they'll uh well they've maxed out the trellis and they're kind of going crazy so what do we do when they get to the top of the trellis let me show you all right these Vines are already at the top of this trellis this is a rather short trellis now I could let them go and Tumble back down and you know just kind of tangle but what we can do is top these and they will that will encourage more growth more budding and more flowering and more fruits or pods down below so you can do that you can top your Vines and as with any plant that knocks back the apical dominance and tells the rest of the plant well we got to grow we got to grow outwardly rather than upwardly so you can do that or you can just let them go let's pick some beans the smaller the green beans are the more tender they are obviously and I like these young small beans some of these down in here though are actually just perfect just the right size just what I'm looking for I mean perfect this variety is new to me last year I grew what was it rattlesnake pole beans they did well they were good but they still had a bit of a string I'm looking for a True stringless Green Bean something that does not have any kind of string whatsoever and this was recommended to me this is Seychelle and it's a hybrid and I'm going to pick as many of these as I can find that are the right size the more you pick the more you get keep your green beans picked and they will keep producing for you at least these Vining types now when we're talking about green beans you can get bush beans that don't need to support like this trellis and those bush beans will keep producing for you too if you keep them picked now a lot of folks question my spacing these Vines are so close together but the sun transits this way and you can see they do just fine beans grow close together like this they're not a dense plant so they get plenty of sunlight and you can see I can reach in here and I can get the beans that I want no trouble at all perfect and there's a lot of beans in here that I didn't see before that's the thing about these green beans is they kind of hide from you and while we're in here we can pull up the weeds that we see along the way and it's natural when the when the beans get mature for these leaves down at the bottom to Yellow because they're not getting sunlight it's those beans uh those leaves up above are getting most of the sunlight and so your lower leaves naturally are going to turn yellow die off that's just nature look at all these beans wow if you like them really tender get them young and get them small because beans will grow quickly and quickly turn on you into gigantic string filled Beast so keep them picked and they'll keep you into into some beans yeah look at that this one's doing real good over here well I know what we're eating tonight I like the smell of fresh picked green beans when I was a little boy my neighbors had a garden and they grew green beans and it was always fun to go into that Garden we'd go in there and play and hide in the beans and pick them and they always had that that fresh green bean smell and every time I pick green beans it takes me back and I remember the taste of these green beans and the smell and I was fascinated that wow this this family's just growing food perhaps that's one reason why i garden now who knows once again weed while you while you go all right I think we got them all oh no there's some big ones down there wow now if you remember we planted these beans and put this net trellis in here and I didn't do anything to direct the beans to the trellis they found it on their own that's typically what happens with these climbing beans these Vining beans they're so easy you don't even have to do anything well there it is our first green bean Harvest check it out that's enough for my family fresh green beans you can't beat it say shell variety a hybrid from Johnny seeds we're going to enjoy these hey thanks for joining me today on black gumbo Southern gardening I'm going to get cooking and I hope you get to planting hope your Garden's doing well please subscribe and like our videos we'll talk to you next time bye-bye [Music] thank you [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Scott Head
Views: 24,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gardening, Vegetables, Texas Gardening, Zone 9a, Black Gumbo, IV Organics, growing green beans, pole beans, how to grow green beans, how to garden, organic gardening, growing beans, harvesting beans
Id: Yub2oTkYxfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Tue May 02 2023
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