How to Grow a TikTok Page in 2024 (Easy Mode ✅)

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we are in the Golden Age of Tik toac creators are getting hundreds of thousands of followers and are making tens of thousands of dollars every month but if you're feeling stuck even though you feel like you're doing everything right then this video is for you this is a five-step guide that will make gr on Tik Tac easy and no it's not to upload 10 videos per day these are actual steps that help me grow multiple pages to over 3.2 million followers in total and that helped my students grow as well so enough with the intro let's go step one algorithm manipulation it doesn't matter how many followers you have Zer 1,000 100,000 you need to do this step let's say for example that you are in the facts Niche like this page over here your for you page should be filled with facts videos that way not only you show the algorithm that you are in this niche as a Creator and this way you give more information to the algorithm and it promotes it to the Right audience but you also gain these three advantages you can get viral video ideas from your for you page which make your for you page an idea generat a machine you also see what hashtags and sounds your competitors use so that you can use them as well and generally it is very easy to catch up with the trends and updates by manipulating the algorithm like that and to achieve that you just have to go to the search bar and search for videos in your Niche and then interact with them like save share and copy link comment something like simply algorithm but never use your creator page as a personal page and now that we're talking about Trends let's go to the next step step two Master trending sounds the best way to find trending sounds in your Niche is like I said find pages in your Niche that are going viral go through their page and look at the sounds they use and save them I'll share with you a bonus secret tip at the end of this step another way is to find two to three influencers that always follow Trends you know like the Charlie dilios of Tik Tock and before creating your video go through their pages and look at the current treading sounds and they will be the ones they use the most in their last 10 posts and you can do the same thing through the for you page scroll through about 10 videos and when you see a sound being used more than once it means that most likely it is a trending sound so click on the sound look at the number of posts it has and if the videos under that sound are recent so now this secret bonus tip I have for you is to always find the sound you want to use first download it using SSS s. and then put the sound to the video while editing your video within your editing software like ccat Premiere Pro Etc then while uploading the video pick the sound through your saved sounds or you can pick a completely different sound that is trending right now and drop the volume close to zero but not zero it can be one two or three doesn't really matter but we don't want it to be zero because from my experience if you put the volume to zero it's as if you don't use the sound at all at least that's what the algorithm seems to think but if the volume isn't at zero the algorithm will push the video more probably this is not always guaranteed but we should also talk about the next step because I haven't heard anybody talking about it and it can't be the difference between 200 views and 200,000 views let's see step three caption strategy this is something new that I see happening more often lately on Tik Tok and it's probably because of Instagram so except for the hashtags and keywords this caption strategy will help you increase your watch time which is the most important metric for growth and monetization but how you may ask well look at this video for example let me tell you how to do it even better use the first line of the caption as your hook can be something simple like read more all caps with an arrow pointing downwards or maybe something like how I plan to become reach in 2024 now the main body should be valuable advice or a valuable story and in the end you should use a call to action and your hashtags now this can make a huge difference because if your viewers stay longer on your video to read the caption it signals the algorithm that your page is actually helping users stay on Tik Tok longer and in return they promote your videos more more it's ridiculous how effective this strategy can be and it is really really underused and if you find it difficult to write a longer caption you can use CH GPT and use a prob like this one which is what I use to write these type of captions and it has helped me tremendously but of course this is only one part of the caption the next step is going to cover something more step number four hashtag strategy I want you to understand that hashtags are not a magic tool that will make your videos go viral the role that hashtags play has changed over the years it is a keyword / SEO tool that helps the algorithm understand your target audience like keywords on steroids so using hashtags like hashtag for you page or hashtag viral video won't help and will most likely damage your reach we want to give the correct information to the algorithm and a good amount of information not too little not too much so we want to use around three to six hashtags that's where I found the most success and now it doesn't matter anymore how many posts a hashtag has use hashtags that make it easy for the algorithm to understand your Niche both onew hashtags and multi-word hashtags like when I used to upload creepy videos I used hashtags like #t creepy and #t creepy video or creepy Tik toac but don't use like five words into one hashtag of course and you can also use hashtags that are searchable if you want to optimize your video for the search engine for example if you make an investing video hashtag how to invest or # investing tips also I don't want you to look at bigger pages that don't use any hash TS they don't use them because they are established pages in some cases it might work so if you want you can test things out by yourself but the last strategy is the one that's going to make the biggest difference and gurus don't want to talk about it step five snowball strategy this is by far one of the best strategies on Tik Tac that is not talked about a lot so this is how I implement this strategy so once you get a viral video or a semi viral video or even a video that performs better than your average video I want you to create right away another video that is similar to that video or a sequel like part two and upload it by replying to a comment for example you make a video about Simpson predictions and it goes viral then the next video you upload Simpson prediction part two and you reply to the most liked comment and then you pin that comment or at some point I was making true crime videos I had a video with about 2.5 million views while my page was Shadow band and I wanted to revive it and then I immediately make another video about a true crime Topic in the same style as that one and I reped to the most like comment now why does that work because you're taking advantage of the video that went viral and you boost that new video by getting traffic from that Old video because you replyed to a comment and here are three ways this comment is useful first it appears in the beginning of the video and it can be used as a hook it's intriguing and gives another reason for the viewer to watch your video second the viewer from the first video will open the comments they will see the most like comment they will see your video reply and tap on it that gives a boost to your new video if the quality is good of course and lastly the algorithm understands that this video is similar to the last one that went viral you give the algorithm more information and you help it understand your target audience more so it tries to push it to the right people again so if the video is good quality and has a good hook it will perform really well by the way if you want to learn more about hooks have a free product with 80 plus hooks that you can use and with insights and a few tips in there as well is completely free and you also join my newsletter where I provide even more free value so make sure to use this strategy because it's your win condition on this Tik toac game I've had multiple videos go viral back to back and I guarantee you that it's going to help you as well so that's it now that you watched this video make sure to watch this video next which is a full guide on the Tik Tok creativity program see you over there I'm going to make a new video so please I want to reach 1 million so please s
Channel: Nikita Cheldiev
Views: 8,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to grow on tiktok, how to grow on tiktok 2024, how to grow on tiktok fast, tiktok growth, how to grow on tiktok in 2024, tiktok growth hacks, how to go viral on tiktok, tiktok growth tips, grow on tiktok, tiktok growth strategy, tiktok growth strategy 2024, how to grow fast on tiktok, how to increase followers on tiktok, tiktok algorithm 2024, how to get views on tiktok, how to get views on tiktok 2024, tiktok growth course, tiktok faceless page, grow faceless tiktok
Id: Ycd-atUqlUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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