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hey everybody welcome back to my channel um today's video we're not going to be talking about training we're going to be talking about grooming so if you do have a yorkie and you want to save some coin definitely invest in some grooming material um i bought a grooming table that has a hook like so so that way you can have like the full professional grooming experience without breaking the bank you pretty much gotta get your dog to like the scissors and i know it's kind of weird the trick is to basically let them get used to the noise so you know go like this in on around their face and give them a treat so that way they know it's okay so desensitizing is like the best recommendation in getting to groom your dog um today i have clippers that i bought on this is one sound dog clippers um but it is one of those chargeable clippers and it comes with attachments i like the shortcut so a lot of you guys asked me how do i cut evie's hair um what do i use and etc but pretty much i just use the shortest setting or just no attachment when i get the hand the hands and the legs and the butt especially the butt because with yorkies their hair gets matted in their butt and when they poop it could be like a horrific experience just like what she just encountered so that's the reason why we're growing her today so let me get evie and um we will i will show you how i grew her or do touch-up groomings and i have a double brush so one side has a detangling and then the other side has the brush so i'm not bringing any treats what i'm going to do right now is detangle because her hair is so tangly good girl evie i'm sorry you're so tangled so do you bathe her before or after what i do is after because i'm gonna get hair all over me and she's gonna have hair everywhere so i groom her after i mean i wash her i bathe her afterwards so we're just gonna detangle okay good girl evie and then um the top of her head i actually like a little bit of hair on top it's very natted though i'm sure baby you got tears on her face so i just like to detangle that portion i'm going to shave it off anyways okay i'm sorry you guys can't really see but this is what i do and for training the sound of scissors like she's not frantic anymore because she's used to it but just make sure you do this around her ear so she knows the sound and then give your yorkie uh tree okay she's i mean she got hair but it's not so bad but i like her like it's summer time i like shortcuts and then i give her her um fully antique treatment you know after her bath okay so we got so what i like to do is i like to take the attachment off when i work on her face and her eyes because her eyes has so much gunk you're supposed to put this over her head not too tight though just like that and then we go in good girl right at the eyes good girl right at the eyes get all that gunk out and then when you bathe her it will be a lot easier wait evie good girl wait eve i promise i won't poke you i promise i won't you got to get them used to that see i think we could see your eyes a little better even though so gunky i think we can see your eyes huh you can see your eyes right just make sure there's no like filth we're just going to brush a little bit just right here brush it and then brush it over here just get all that little gunk out of her face and a disclaimer i'm not a professional groomer okay with covid you know this is definitely a good skill to learn because some of the groomers weren't even open but i think they're opening back up the only thing i honestly can't do is her nails like oh my gosh i cannot do a dog's nails okay now we're gonna put the attachment back or your preferred attachment i like her hair short this is just a touch-up this is a touch-up cut i know there's like professional groomers that are probably going to bash me and be like you're not doing it right you're not supposed to you're supposed to go with the grain look okay i'm an amateur all right i'm a rookie i'm an amateur i'm just telling you what i do for my dog on a budget-friendly basis okay if i have money to go see all professional groomers i sure would but i don't got the money to be blowing on no groomers so honey's gonna have to learn how to do it herself okay and with these small dogs spending 70 dollars a grooming trip is is is not really satisfying my mental state so i'm gonna learn how to cut cut a dog's hair okay we're gonna we're gonna learn how to cut this dog's hair this is a small dog a very small dog all i did was invest in a grooming table the grooming table cost me well like 46 okay these clippers cost me 30 okay and then the scissors cost me about what like 16. okay the amount of what i ch would i get charged for a yorkie to get groomed at pesmart that's 68 is comparable to what i paid for all the equipment okay so if i could do it you could do it too we just getting out of here again i like the top of her hair because i like to put little ponytails on her i'm like putting some ponytails on there i know some of y'all probably like why are you driving upward because when i go with the grain it just doesn't take as much air off i mean maybe i'm doing something wrong y'all groomers that are watching this video now give me some tips send some tips my way okay this is the amateur grooming experience that's why teacher the weight command stay command so they can stay good girl see i'm getting some fur off stay evie wait now evie is almost one she's gonna be one very very soon very soon and i like to get her chest like not too much but just some just a good amount good girl my love good girl that's where all the poop be at okay yeah gotta get her butt he probably look at my face like yo because i am like [Music] i know i don't like her legs too skinny but whatever come on baby come here baby face so we're gonna get the top of her head evie look up here good girl i just get the top right here just to be a little even just to even it out a little bit good girl it's a little bit it's a little bit like that girl i don't like your beard so we better just cut a little bit of your beer okay i don't really like your beard at all her face is good let me show your face her face is pretty good okay i'm gonna bathe her so bathing is the last part but what i do is i i need to clean her ears too so i am going to open this up grab her ear and fill it up feel her ear up and then squish it squish your ear like this squish it squish it squish it and then i'm gonna take this and clean the outside or ear and scoop up it's like you're just scooping up get everything out i like to scoop any type of dirt get the second here fill it up squish it squish it and sign come here baby good girl evie good girl and then we're gonna clean i'm not irritating her she's just like oh there's water here okay good ugh you didn't have that much filth okay there we go big we are going to put her in the tub and then i'm going to wash all this eye mucus out of her her face i'm going to um wash her butt because she's still got poop in here and her butt and that's pretty much the grouping how i groom her without the um the nails being done if you guys are interested in watching the final cut outlook i am gonna be right back okay we are back um she's bathed i already blow-dried her hair and right now i am just applying her um treatment fully antique treatment for the month and i'm just going to might not even need to just oh shoot open this up and then have a lining you know at the bottom [Music] and the top of her neck you know you gotta apply this like directly to her skin okay it's just like one line so that way the ticks don't come to her there we are there you go she's got her dress and then we're gonna put a matching pink bow she don't really have too much hair up top that is like just enough hair boom okay and here she is evie is all done all fresh and clean she got her treatment in and if you guys like this video make sure you put a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe to our channel bye bye
Channel: Jasmine Giles
Views: 72,371
Rating: 4.8553309 out of 5
Keywords: yorkie grooming, Dog grooming, puppy grooming, Yorkie hair cut, yorkie puppy, best yorkie videos, new puppy owners, yorkie tips, yorkie tricks, how to groom a puppy, how to groom a dog
Id: fAbd8ZWa-Fw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 07 2020
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