2018 AKC Royal Canin National All-Breed Puppy and Junior Stakes

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[Music] [Music] good afternoon everybody from the Orange County Convention Center I'm bill Ellis I'm here with Marissa's are back for a KC TV we are going to bring you the AKC Royal Canin National Hall breed puppy and junior Stakes this afternoon but you in part by Sprint a brighter future for all and that's exactly what you are looking at in the ring right now these dogs have just gotten in just about 20 seconds ago so we're really just getting started it looks like our judge is ready to take a look at that first dog we are starting with the working group this afternoon which is going to be judged by mr. Jay Richardson Jay Berta Richardson is from Elgin Illinois so let's have a little background here on the AKC Royal Canin national all breed puppy and junior Stakes that we're gonna watch these are are young up-and-coming puppy and junior dogs that are competing in this special event it's our second annual so every dog that you're gonna see today is between six months and 18 months old they all competed earlier in their individual breeds we're gonna have group judging live for you here this afternoon which is what we're watching now we're gonna end up with a best in stakes winner later so we'll talk to us a little bit about the difference between this versus what we saw yesterday the day before what's different sure so the last three days we saw regular all breed dog shows the three shows that make up the orlando cluster we saw the groups in best-in-show so we'll see a similar format here today there will be a few differences the first notable difference is that we're gonna have the couple groups going on at the same time so we are gonna be switching back and forth depending on where the action is we're gonna take a few breaks give you as much coverage as we can but we keep the action going and then we're gonna end up with a best in stakes winner this afternoon and that's going to be really unique because there's actually going to be judged by three judges we're used to just seeing one judge but now that judge is gonna get a nice look this will run the same exact way as the last couple days where the judge will get a feel of that dog before it takes the lap around the ring right yep exactly and these dogs many of them won't be as seasoned to some of the other dogs that we saw the last few days since they're a little younger a real celebration of the up and coming show dogs a chance for these breeders owners and handlers to show off their youngsters what's the age that we will see these dogs competing at so we're gonna see dogs that range from 6 to 18 months we call it puppy and junior sakes because we consider 6 months up to a year old to be puppies and then the 12 months to 18 month range to we consider to be junior dogs you're watching our judge Jay Richards then go over the kuvasz right now and for those of you just tuning in thank you so much for joining us I'm Marissa Starr back here with bill Ellis live in Orlando Florida bill and I have been here all week and we will be here throughout the weekend sue you are watching the first group of the afternoon the working group in the puppy and junior state so they'll definitely be some notable differences as we watch these dogs you can definitely tell some of them are younger this guy's really playful happy to be here usually they're just not as polished as our older mature dogs in the ring that'll be the case they just haven't had as much experience in the show rain but that's alright they're all out there learning some of these dogs will be on the older range of that 6 to 18 months and probably have been to more dog shows will probably see some puppies that are a little closer to 6 months old it's really just a great experience for them before they get to that next level it's a great experience it's a really fun unique event right now our judge is having a look at the boxer check out that movement these were really successful cattle dogs butcher's dogs had a nickname the middleweight athlete of dogdom so much activity happening around the building here today in Orlando there's all sorts of special events so we're bringing you the Pepe and jr. steaks the national owner handled series finals also judged today those breeds and those groups they're being filmed and they're gonna be available on demand on a KC TV to be able to tune in and watch those a little bit later when they're available on demand several special fees and group shows which are unique specialty shows are earth just for one breed we had a couple group shows hurting and working around the building today we're limited to just those hurting and working breeds and if you head on over to our a KC TV website you're not only gonna see what's here in Orlando but you'll also see everything else that our team works on good dog TV so meet the breeds documentaries good dog destinations we love that one that shows you great cities to travel to with your dog and what you can do when you get there so much here in the building has been set up over the last few days to all the meet the breeds boots are getting ready to go everyone's getting their booths decorated agility got started today with the agility juniors [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and we should mention too that that national owner handled series finals that I talked about being available on demand we will be bringing you Best in Show for the national owner handled Series finals live tomorrow at 4:45 it's going to kick off our coverage of the evening coverage of the AKC National Championship presented by Royal Canin that's gonna start at 4:45 p.m. tomorrow and Sunday so we'll have the national owner handled Series finals that starts tomorrow and four groups will be judged tomorrow as well as some different award presentations Sunday will bring the three groups and Best in Show end up with one national champion it's so exciting bill to see how many people have come and brought their dogs from not only our country but so many international dogs as well so exciting to see we've seen people from the Philippines we've seen them from Brazil we have seen them really from everywhere Canada and of course all across the United States which is so exciting to see everybody come together for such a big event dogs from all over the place [Applause] our judge Jay Richardson is going over the a Peter right now Akitas are native to Japan where they were developed as a guardian and hunting dog [Applause] and if you are watching live on social media thank you so much for joining us we are also on a KC TV and if you're on social media we would love to see your dog pictures we really just can't get enough of them we've been checking them all week use that hashtag this is a KC for the a KC TV team to be able to see that as well as the team from the American Kennel Club everybody is checking that hashtag you can even go on Instagram and follow that hashtag in particular so if anybody posts a picture of their dog you can see it too Marrissa I thought that you reposted one earlier it was pretty cute it was adorable those dogs were sitting at their table with breakfast plates in front of them and they said they were very much looking forward to watching AKC TV earlier and here you go now we're live this is what they've been waiting for I think [Applause] so these dogs are judged the same way as in any other dog show our judges and to judge them against their written standards which describe the ideal specimen for each breed so who's on comparing one dog to another he's really comparing each dog against their standard find which one he believes best fits that breeds standard so bill are we seeing any change in the written standard when we're coming we're talking about puppies versus mature adult dogs is there a change in that standard at all there's not a change in the standard same one that he'll look at for adults versus puppies but of course these judges know that these dogs are a little younger and they're gonna continue to mature maybe they just don't have the muscle tone yet that their adult sure would have continued to change as they get older but some beautiful puppies that we're seeing already [Applause] [Music] [Applause] just a great chance here for the judge to take a look at each dog as they take a lap around the ring [Applause] [Applause] we kicked off our day today with a fun show at 12 o'clock AKC TV live from the national championship it started a little after 12:00 today had some fun interviews got a look at some different rings we had a lot of great interviews we had so many of it from people on her set and what's really cool is that our TV set is right in the middle of all that action so we're seeing everybody as they pass by heading to one of the rings or heading back to the vendors so much going on here in Orlando [Music] so you can see the Anatolian Shepherd on your screen right now read originally from Turkey [Music] used to like many of these working dogs to protect livestock the Guardians they really are great for that because they have such territorial and protective instincts great watchdogs you can really see what these younger working dogs they're gonna grow up to be pretty big [Applause] bill will we see a lot of the same handlers or is it a different type of job to do a puppy stakes versus a regular we'll probably see some familiar faces and some new handlers is this a chance for new handlers to maybe get a start by doing the puppy stakes or is this should you really be experienced if you're doing the puppy stakes no we'll see it mix of both will see some experienced handlers we'll see some people who might be new to the sport and some of these puppies are a little inexperienced this is the Samoyed right now probably her first time in a big ring like this but she's having a really good time now and they do really look excited to be there which is so cute it's a big experience big ring on the carpet under the lights some cameras and honestly such a big crowd for them to do this in front of it's a lot to take in it is but they're doing really well if you're just toning in I'm bill Ellis I'm here with Marissa's are back for a Casey TV we're watching the AKC Royal Canin national all breed puppy and junior Stakes a special competition for young dogs between six and 18 months of age this is our first group of the afternoon the working group well see all seven groups judge this afternoon and best in States the groups are judged simultaneously between two rings so we'll do a little bouncing back and forth when the other ring gets started [Music] this youngster that we're watching right now is the Portuguese water dog very energetic athletic breed bred to help the Portuguese fishermen bring in their nets and now we're looking at the Komondor this is a really fun example of different look between puppies and adults the Komondor that we saw the last few nights during our live stream of the group's invest and show it cords this common door youngster they're really fluffy when they're puppies yeah they are that's working on developing those cords but that takes time so not judge any differently feynman standard and these dogs are actually considered a rare breed - it's about a thousand maybe 1500 of them registered in our country every year [Applause] naked through the Bernese Mountain Dog puppy jr. being judged and there is still so much action happening in this building right now rings being judged all over lots of specialties still going on in those group shows that I mentioned some dogs will be judged a few times today there were some breeds that had specialties and group shows probably some some of those same dogs and herd here in the puppy jr. steak so opportunities for some breeds to really get in the ring a few times and this is really their first opportunity to do this so far in Orlando yes the first three days were traditional all breed dog shows huge entries we have over 4,000 dogs just yesterday we did tomorrow we'll get started with the AKC national championship the build-up for this week really has just been incredible we've seen the crowd grow in size of course the number of entries the number of dogs here grow and the excitement is building for us over at a KFC TV because like we said we have our set right in the middle of all the action so we've been seeing a lot of people stop by I want to say hi of her say hi if you see us [Applause] our judges having a look at the new Tibetan Mastiffs right now and get his hands on the dog and feel underneath all that coat important for these judges to do that so they can really feel how these dogs are built and then get a chance to watch them move in this case watch them go down and back so that you can see the dogs move away and come back toward him and then he'll get a look at the dog moving around the ring from the side this dog originates way back way back in time for all the way from the Himalayan mountains we're a protector and flock Guardian they're actually considered a source from which most of our modern working breeds come from [Applause] this young guy is the Great Pyrenees these working breeds are fun cuz some of these younger ones you can really see that they're puppies and the difference between them and the more mature dogs that we saw the last three days but it really goes to show how impressive these dogs are when they do mature to get into the regular breed shows and how much work it takes to get there these breeders owners handlers are dedicated and the groomers of course if you missed any of our coverage from the last three days or you want to go back and re-watch any of it it's available on demand on AKC TV visit our website which is a KC dot TV can also enjoy it on the big screen by downloading the AKC TV app on roku Apple TV and Amazon fire [Applause] these puppies are handling this big ring under the lights wonderfully we had over 1200 puppy and junior dogs start the day really impressive when you consider that they're all between the ages of 6 and 18 months [Applause] we're getting close to the end of the working group here you're watching the AKC Royal Canin national all breed puppy in Junior States a special competition limited to puppies and juniors between ages 6 and 18 months right now you're getting a look at our judge take a look at the Rottweiler [Applause] this time for another lap riding on the right really give the judge a chance to see full movement from every angle [Music] the working group is the first group of the afternoon will see all seven groups this afternoon and then we'll see best in States the group judging will happen in two rings at the same time so we'll bounce back and forth a little bit he'll try to bring you as much as we can [Music] [Applause] if we miss any of your favorites when we're moving back and forth between the two rings every dog will be available on demand on a KC TV you can see it there on your screen you can find a KC TV on Amazon fire TV Roku Apple TV and by visiting our website which is a Casey dot TV we have so much great content on there which we mean two breeds documentaries you can learn all about your favorite breed maybe you might even find a new one that you love could see our show good dog TV we have done that live here from Orlando we did a special edition where you ask the expert with an AKC judge that was mr. Dana Klein we saw him judging one of the breeds yesterday one of the groups and then we also saw him on good dog TV answering those questions that's available on social media all of our accounts Facebook Twitter and Instagram as well as on a KC TV our judge J Richardson has a beautiful working group of puppies and junior dogs to choose from he will place them 1st through 4th like we saw the last few days here in Orlando the winner will get to go on to compete in best in stakes walking down the line having another look at the youngsters here in the working group now he's had a chance to feel all the dogs see all the dogs up close get a sense of them going around the ring he's pulled out the Alaskan Malamute and the boxer it looks like he's gonna make a short list here and have another look at these dogs the Black Russian terrier comes out the Leonberger the Giant Schnauzer the Siberian Husky the Doberman pitch pincher Samoyed Portuguese water dogs st. Bernard Great Pyrenees Rottweiler and the Standard Schnauzer kept a lot of these beautiful youngsters out there competitive group lots of great dogs to choose from probably for it being their first time in a ring these dogs are so well behaved they're doing really well they're doing a great job [Applause] there goes the boxer we saw the Alaskan Malamute go around and here comes the Black Russian terrier [Applause] and the Leonberger [Applause] there goes the Giant Schnauzer and the Siberian Husky the Doberman Pinscher [Applause] Samoyed the Portuguese water dog [Applause] there's the st. Bernard [Applause] Great Pyrenees the Rottweiler [Music] [Applause] and our final dog in the working group is the standard schnauzer [Applause] [Music] another look down the line for our hour of Judge J Richard thin in the working group our first group of the AKC Royal Canin National all breed puppy and jr. stakes still a pretty big group even though this is a short list all right who's it gonna be looks like the Siberian Husky was chosen as the winner the boxer was second the Black Russian terrier was third and the giant schnauzer was fourth oh what a great shot at the Siberian Husky we're gonna take a break and we will be right back to continue our coverage of the AKC Royal Canin national all breed puppy and junior state this is a Labrador Retriever this is a golden retriever they may seem similar but when you take a closer look the details tell a different story these dogs eat digest and process energy differently at Royal Canin we obsessed so for these details so we developed over 200 specific formulas for cats and dogs because precise nutrition can transform your pet into a magnificent animal royal canin incredible in every detail is your pet trying to tell you something the pet comfort feeding system by WeatherTech 100% non-toxic and lead-free made from u.s. stainless steel and certified by the NSF designed to trap spills and messes trust the way you feed your pet choose the perfect size in color at pet comfort comm home is where family comes together home is where you go to relax home is where you feel secure with the AKC line of premium pet products you can rest assured that your pet feels safe and secure in their home to a KC because every home deserves a good dog and every dog deserves a good home a KC secure pet living products available at the Home Depot thank you so much for joining us again if you are just stopping in we have just seen the working group we are in the AKC royal canin national all breed puppy and junior stakes so these are the puppies that are between 6 and 18 months so a little bit younger than some of the other dogs that we've seen the past couple of days here I'm Marisa starback joined here with Zil Alice we are from a KC TV we are waiting on our second group to come in the rain right now and this is going to be the toy group the toy group is going to be judged by mr. Terry Stacy Terry Stacy's from Chapel Hill North Carolina [Music] if you are watching us on Facebook Twitter Instagram thank you for joining us we are happy to have you with us but I also want to make sure you check out a Casey TV our web site has so much great content anything that you want to see here from Orlando we are posting from right here in Orlando right there on our website so we have all the events here as well as meet debride documentaries you can get to know all of the breeds we have our show good dog TV we were lucky enough to have that live here in Orlando from our set a KC TV we are right in the middle of the action now just to remind you the group judging for the puppy and junior stakes does happen in two rings at the same time second ring hasn't started yet but it will soon and we'll be going back and forth between the two groups bring you as much action as we can but if we miss any of your favorites all the groups will be available in their entirety on demand on a Casey dot TV which is our website you can also enjoy them on roku Apple TV and amazon firetv search AKC in the App Store on those devices [Applause] we have a big group of young toy dogs that are judge terry stacy is getting a good first look at Marissa I feel like in the working group we we hit several that we could really tell where puppies yeah big size differences and you know what it is very true it's hard to tell of course the way the judge gets a look at these different jocks it's gonna be a little bit different than we saw in the working group so now we have brought the table in each handler is going to have their toy dog right here on the table so the judge can get a nice close look and then he'll walk over in just a second and feel the dog take a look in its mouth there we go so the pug is on the table right now popular little toy dog these guys make great family pets companions have to be ready for a little snoring I think but they're so cute you forgive it of course no I really are very popular now these dogs originated in China they're actually bred in the Imperial kennels they do there are some similarities to the Pekinese now our judge is gonna get a nice look at the pugs movement the AKC royal canin national all buried puppy and junior stakes is an event limited to young dogs just six to 18 months old all these dogs competed in their individual breeds earlier today and they were chosen as that's the breed and the puppy and junior stakes to move on to the group judging which we're bringing you live right now and then at the end we'll have best in stakes which will be really fun it's gonna be judged by three judges so a little bit different format later on this is the Havanese on the table right now a breed that continues to get more and more popular reminds it that we see the judge pick up the Havanese bill it just gives him a really up-close look and feel of the dog when he does that especially for size having either the national dog or cuba where they are originally from nice to have a couple of different names Havana silk dog Spanish soap poodle Rishon have a nice toy dogs were bred to be companions and a lot of them resembles some of their larger cousins like the Italian Greyhound here this is our second group of the afternoon we've just finished the working group a few minutes before this which was won by the Siberian Husky if you are just joining us at Marissa's are back here with bill Ellis we are from a KC TV you are watching the puppy and junior Stakes these are our six to 18 month olds by now this is the Italian Greyhound a historians actually debate whether they were originally bred in the companion or a hunting dog then became very popular overall very prized pets of nobility [Applause] [Applause] just to let you know the other ring that will be judged this afternoon will have the puppy and junior snakes groups there as well three groups will be judged in another ring so we'll check in there when that action gets started so if there's a dog you miss and you want to see him in action just head over to a key see TV both rings will be available in their entirety on demand so once we're done this afternoon we'll get all that posted so that you can go back and watch your favorites but for this livestream we're gonna bounce back and forth a little bit right now we're seeing the judge take a look at the Papillon and that means butterfly in French and of course that butterfly name really comes from those ears that you see and I guess bill will see that more in the adult dogs with the puppies I'm getting butterfly here I know nicely done does that what happen is that does that really grow the hair on their ears does it grow as they get older sure so as this youngster matures they'll get longer hair and they're here so that butterfly look will be even more exaggerated but I think we can get a pretty good look right now [Applause] now we see the toy poodle the smallest of the three poodle varieties they're all the same breed there's different varieties based on their size we see the toy pool here in the toy group the other two poodles are in the non-sporting group they're the miniature poodle and the standard poodle and all the variety is really considered one of the most intelligent breeds super easy to train and they learn very quickly [Music] and they do very well in the retrieving and swimming areas a KCTV went to the poodle club of america national specialty earlier this year and we actually filmed their spaniel hunt cats so a very different look at this athletic breed and have some great footage of them working out in the field hunting so athletic [Applause] this youngster is the sheep - on the table right now such a popular breed for a long time even still today they really were favorites even starting as back at the royal family back in the Ming Dynasty [Applause] [Applause] now we get a look at the Brussels Griffon on the table not for them as well will we see that coat really develop as they age well Brussels Griffon come in two different coat types so this is actually a smooth Brussels Griffon in the in the toy group the last couple nights we've seen the other coat variety which is the rough coat so this little guy is going to stay with this smooth coat [Applause] I think the toys are great for helping the puppies yeah we see a lot of a lot of toys a lot of squeaky entering tonight very motivating another ring next door to us here is also gonna have some group judging of the AKC Royal Canin National Hall breed puppy and junior sake so when that get started we're gonna have a look over there remember if you're not able to see any of your favorites during this live stream everything is being taped and it will be available on demand on AKC TV just as soon as we finish up and we can get it posted for you yeah we've been seeing questions about that a lot on social media people nervous about missing something or not being able to tune in exactly then that goes live but that's the great thing and that everything is going to be available on our website everything is gonna be available on demand yeah right now you're looking at the very recognizable Chinese Chinese Crested and of course these cubbies all between six and 18 months old [Music] so now we're having a look at the hurting group coming in in the ring next door to us here the AKC Royal Canin National Harbor puppy and junior stakes the hurting group is judged by mr. Williams Stebbins from Port Saint Lucie Florida he's just bringing him in one at a time a nice chance for each of these puppies to go around and he can have a look at each of them [Music] [Applause] looks like we're seeing our judge who's got a first look around here herding breeds were all bred to gather hurt and protect a livestock but they're very very versatile breeds we see a lot of them trained for police and protection work and they excel at different AKC sports such as agility obedience rally and of course hurting but of course you are watching the puppies so these guys probably aren't doing too much work yet but one day but if you are just tuning in thank you so much for joining us you're watching the AKC royal canin national all breed puppy in jr stakes I'm Marisa SAR back here with bill Ellis we are from a Casey TV very happy to have you with us if you're just joining us on social media Facebook Twitter Instagram so happy to have you with us there but we do want you to check out the website a Casey dot TV that is where you will find all of this content you can see it right there on your screen you can download our apps Amazon fire Roku and Apple TV looks like we are going to take a short break stay with us that will be back in just a minute this is a Casey TV [Music] [Music] this is no ordinary puppy and this is no ordinary story this is the tale of a hero in the making he is born raised and fed to make the impossible possible because he is no ordinary dog he's a Eukanuba dog feed the extraordinary in your puppy and make your dog ru canoe paddle parties over six legs she's got some para canal some para well it's empirica is what kills take some fleas like us studies show at the end of the month it kills more ticks and less time and frontline plus end next guard yes see you never Roxy you simp Erica with caution in dogs with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders the most common side effects are vomiting diarrhea and lethargy say goodbye to ticks and fleas with month lease empirica chewables welcome back thank you so much for joining us we are right now looking at the toy group you're watching the AKC Royal Canin National all breed puppy and junior Stakes these puppies are between 6 and 18 months old so we're switching back and forth right now so we have two rings going so right now you're looking at the toy group we will switch back to the herding group eventually don't worry you won't miss anything we have both both rings being filmed and we will have all of this content on demand if you feel like you missed your favorite dog i'm marisa sr back and i'm here with bill ellis we are from AKC TV happy to have all of you with us today getting so close to the weekend and all the festivities here so much action happening today here in Orlando we have this AKC royal canin national all breed puppy and junior six that we're watching right now we also saw the breeding group judging for the national owner handled series finals which is a competition limited to owner Handler so the handler of the dog has to be their owner really a great chance for them to bond though it's a great opportunity for our people who show their own dogs to have that additional competition the top ranked dogs in the national owner handled series are invited to compete here in Orlando they competed in their breeds and groups today and tomorrow they will kick off our live coverage of the evening at 4:45 p.m. with the Best in Show for the national owner handled Series finals the group judging which was earlier today will be available on demand on AKC TV which is our website so make sure you head over to a KC TV or all that on-demand content that'll be available you can also find us on roku Apple TV and amazon firetv you can see those right there on your screen so you could download them and not only will you see everything from today yesterday the day before and it'll be like Bill and I have been here for a while and we'll be here throughout the weekend too we have other great content that we really want you to see our meet the breeds documentaries you can learn learn all about the different breeds of good dog TV we've even had a special episode from right here in Orlando on our AKC TV set we had a Casey judge mr. Dana Klein join us and then yesterday we had the privilege of seeing him judge a group as well we have lots of live coverage planned over the next two days too we'll have our show AKC TV live from the national championship on tomorrow and sunday and live coverage of both evening groups and best-in-show starting at 4:45 getting a good look at the young Affenpinscher on the table right now sometimes referred to as the monkey dog they have that monkey look these dogs have been around for over four centuries they can trace that ancestry back to Germany schnauzers and a pinchers and they may be little but they are great farm dogs love that wagging tail I know we've seen a lot of that in the puppy stakes which is so great to see the excitement here and of course that energy from the crowd helps if you did miss it we on our earlier show today from about 12 o'clock 12:15 we had dr. Jerry Klein on to talk about do's and dont's here at dog shows which is great for anybody who is new to the dog show world get some great tips from our resident vet expert [Applause] the miniature pinscher is about to go down and back in the toy group for our judge mr. Terry Stacy and Bill this is just the exact same thing we'll see with any of the other groups right for the puppy's sakes is the judge wants to get a feel wants to get a look wants to get an idea that movement exactly same process what will be fun is best in sakes later because we'll have a panel of three judges who judge that so now we haven't seen anything like that no it's special unique to this competition so that'll be fun to watch [Applause] you're watching the second group of the afternoon in the AKC Royal Canin Hall breed puppy in junior stakes this is the toy group we saw the Siberian Husky win the working group and in the ring next to us the herding group has gotten started so we'll check in there in a little bit both rings are being filmed and will be available on demand once we get finished up here for the afternoon we'll make that available on HK CTV as quick as we can our team works very hard to get all that on the website for you so if we don't get to see your favorite here on the livestream it'll all be available on our website and we are following along on social media we love to see your comments by the way if you're posting any photos of your dog on social media make sure you use the hashtag this is a Casey yeah that lets us know that you're out there now you're listening that you want to be a part of this if you post on Instagram you can actually go ahead and follow that hashtag so that anybody who uses it and post a picture of their dog you'll get to see there's two great way to interact with everybody we have seen a lot of great pictures and a lot of those pictures involved dogs watching a KC TV which we love the silkie terrior is going to go down and back right now in the toy group [Music] really great little dogs they have such such a high energy level we could even almost say energy despair great with retrieving games they love to go for walks and they are actually a fairly new breed [Applause] here's the pomeranian on the table right now in the toy group once again this is the AKC Royal Canin National Harbor puppy and juniors sake so all the dogs that you're gonna see here between the ages of 6 to 18 months old so their youngsters just getting started I'm sure we'll see some very young ones close to 6 months old maybe some of their first dog showing will probably see some a little closer to that 18-month mark who might have a little more experience what's really interesting to bill is to see the difference in just the different types of breeds in how they mature like the Pomeranian here already has that full coat whereas we saw some of the breeds like the Komondor really don't mature with those cords until later in life yep every breed is a little bit different mature is a little differently this Pomeranians having a really good time tonight [Music] and however judges selected for a puppy snakes versus a regular all breed show no change just selected by the club in this case this is the American Kennel Club event judges are chosen in the same way the toy manchester terrier is on the table right now one of two varieties of manchester terrier the toy is the smaller variety the standard manchester terrier is seen in the terrier group same breed same standard just a different size these are super loyal dogs and very very quick-witted they make very excellent watchdogs [Music] [Applause] [Applause] this little guys having a good time this afternoon bouncing around a little bit this is the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel on the table I feel like this breeds become very recognizable they've become very popular it really happened a lot of people love them as family dogs that's because they have such a great temperament group judging is happening in two rings here in Orlando at the same time so we're gonna be doing a lot of bouncing back and forth try to bring you as much action as we can if we miss any of your favorites or you want to go back and enjoy any of the coverage you can head over to a Casey TV later both rings are being filmed and you'll be able to watch all the group judging and best in States in its entirety you can also find a KC TV on Amazon fire TV Roku and Apple TV and this little cutie is the Pekinese [Music] Mystikal breeding has been around for such a long time they had to do DNA studies but it showed that this breed the Pekinese has existed for over 2,000 years as it's very distinct breed you can hear our judge making a little noise there to get the dog's attention so he can see their expression probably something that the judges have to do more in the puppy stakes it's really the judges discretion sometimes they'll do it in the regular brew I think some of them are probably just in the habit of doing it [Applause] [Applause] that's our last dog in the toy group we're gonna stick around here see who wins and then we'll head back over to the other ring our judge Terry Stacey is gonna pull some dogs out to have another look at he's got the Pug the Havanese when the Italian Greyhound so far here comes the miniature pinscher the Pomeranian and the Manchester Terrier toy Manchester Terrier you might not be done either pulling for that short so looking around we'll see if he had anybody else so it looks like he's just gonna have those dogs that he pulled out back up a little bit so that the remaining dogs can go around does this mean he doesn't feel like he got a great look the first time they don't know I think he's got a really good look I think this is a nice opportunity so to just have another look so he pulled out his favorites and he might add two then as he watches these dogs go around he might just work with the ones that he pulled out but this is a nice opportunity for these dogs to get a little more experience in the ring get a few more minutes to go around [Music] so he added the toy poodle to the group of toy dogs that he pulled out originally [Music] I think he's got seven out there that he's having a look at really you can just see the concentration there in the judges face he knows who's got a lot of great quality puppies here yeah so he's just gonna move the group around so he can see them all again [Applause] looks like the toy dogs are just going to go around one at a time while our judge Terry Stacey makes a decision and picks a winner like it really must be easier for the judge to just get a nice look when they go one at a time while it's nice to see the move as a group when you get one at a time he really gets to take a few moments and just take it all in yeah they're advantages to both we're gonna do our best to get back to the herding move once we have a winner here in the toy group remember if there's any part of the AKC royal canin national all breed puppy stakes that you miss that you want to go back and watch we maybe we missed your favorite it's all gonna be available on demand on a KC TV we've two rings going on at the same time doing our best to be in two places at once but all this content will be available on our website a KC TV and on the AKC TV app which is available on roku Apple TV and Amazon fire TV [Applause] our judge is gonna have a look at the miniature pinscher go around really nice that he's giving all these young dogs a really nice time in the rain chance to show off [Applause] [Music] [Music] there goes the Pomeranian [Applause] and the toy manchester terrier is going around and the toy group the puppy in junior stakes here in Orlando Florida such a fun day here with all these special events not only is there the puppy news Junior stakes happening today we had the breeding group judging for the national owner handled Series finals the top dogs of the national owner handled series our compete invited to come and compete here in Orlando those groups will also be available later on a hazy TV and Best in Show for the national owner handled Series finals we'll kick off our live stream tomorrow evening at 4:45 for the AKC national championship tomorrow evening will also feature the non-sporting group the Hound group the toy group and the sporting group looks like our judge is going to make some decisions here in the toilet the miniature pinscher got pulled out first followed by the toy Manchester Terrier the pug and the Havanese and that is it the miniature pinscher is the winner the toy group at the AKC royal payment on national Aubree puppy and junior stakes and we're gonna check in next door with the herding group once again our judge in the herding group is mr. William Stefan from Port st. Lucie Florida the same thing is gonna happen over here the judge is gonna get a look inside the mouth feel each dog individually when his hands down the neck the back each of the legs this is all before they get to take a lap around that ring just so the judge can see how well they move now this judge is not comparing any of the dogs in the ring against each other the judges are always comparing these dogs to their written standard to see how well they do as a breed if you are just joining us thank you so much for doing so you are watching the AKC Royal Canin national all breed puppy and junior stakes I'm Marissa SAR back here with bill Ellis and we are in the herding group we just switched over from the toy group we are doing our best to switch between the two rings [Music] this is the cardigan Corgi in the herding group right now gonna go down and back for our judge cardigan corgis of the core piece with the tail Pembroke's do not have a tail will see the Pembroke Welsh Corgi next there are some other differences like size of your shade that separate the two breeds we will be with you live all weekend we'll be bringing you our live show from here in Orlando a Casey TV live at the national championship as well as coverage of both evening group and Best in Show judging on Saturday and Sunday starting at 4:45 p.m. and the agility finals which are on Sunday evening at 6 o'clock so much to look forward to here in Orlando we've seen two groups judged here in the puppy and junior stakes so far we saw the working group which was won by the Siberian Husky and we just saw the miniature pinscher win the toy group and while we are switching between those two rings looks like our Theriot group is just about to start yep terror groups coming in the other ring we're gonna stay with the hurting group here's our judge Williams Devin's picks a winner pulled out the German Shepherd dog and the Belgian Malinois and the herding group the bearded collie and the bear je Picard there's the Australian Shepherd the smooth collie the miniature American Shepherd and the Cardigan Welsh Corgi see if our judge in the herding group wants to have a move again he'll probably have them go one at a time around or maybe around as a group we'll see it looks like we're gonna go around one at a time there goes the German Shepherd dog here comes the Belgian Malinois [Applause] [Music] the bearded collie [Applause] here comes the Bears a Picard I'm such a sucker for those that feared in those eyebrows on the Bears a Picard the Australian Shepherd [Music] there goes the smooth collie the miniature American Shepherd is going around [Music] [Applause] and the Cardigan Welsh Corgi [Applause] [Music] looks like the Australian Shepherd is the winner of the herding group the bear Jay Picard a second the smooth collie is third [Applause] and the bearded collie is for it [Applause] we're going to take a quick break and we will be right back with continuing coverage of the AKC Royal Canin national haul breed puppy and junior states [Music] humans know they are paying too much with Verizon no they just don't know that Sprint's unlimited plan gives you five lines for just $24 per load for line wow that would save us nearly a thousand dollars what about the network now Sprint has lte-advanced it's up to two times faster than before no way robots don't lie the man and the mom jeans is correct get up to two times faster speeds and see how you can see nearly a thousand dollars of a Verizon and AT&T with Sprint join a Casey TV live through an all-access pass at North America's largest dog show get all the latest dog news from diving dogs to agility and obedience to Best in Show a KCTV live at the AKC National Championship presented by Royal Canin beginning Friday at noon only on 8 KCTV this isn't just play this is your puppy becoming a dog he's growing building muscle developing bones and royal canin we obsess over every detail of how dogs develop so your puppy can get the nutrition he needs to become magnificent royal canin incredible in every detail welcome back thank you so much for staying with us if you are joining us on Facebook Twitter Instagram or a KC TV we thank you for joining us you are watching the live stream of the AKC royal canin national all breed puppy and junior stakes were currently watching the terrier group and me these little guys are still puppies 6 to 18 months old our judge is making his way around taking a look at every dog some of them will be on here on the table so he can get or a ramp just to get a closer look taking a look inside the mouth and feeling all the way down the back and on each of the legs you see right there we are switching between two rings as these puppy and junior shakes go on throughout the afternoon so far we've done the working group the toy group and the herding group we are now watching the terrier group all to get two best instincts [Applause] if you are joining us on social media thank you for being there but we would love you to check out a KC TV like we said we're switching between the two rings so if you download us on our apps Amazon fire Roku or Apple TV you won't miss a thing as we are rolling our cameras are rolling on all of these rings so if we switch back and forth and you miss a dog that you wanted to see in a certain group you will be able to see that on demand all of that content will be on for you fortune on demand and of course I am Marisa SR back sitting here with Bill Ellis they're from a Casey TV happy to be here live in Orlando till we got to see the Siberian Husky when the working group already just saw the Australian Shepherd when the hurting group we saw that toy group was won by the miniature pinscher shaping up to be a beautiful group of dogs that will compete for best in stakes later which will be really fun it's going to be judged by a panel of three judges very different we haven't seen that yet [Applause] we still have the sporting group found group to come the non-sporting group is coming in in the other ring right next door to us here remember if you are posting on social media we would love to see your pictures you guys have done a great job of sharing them so far don't stop now keep it going this hashtag this is a Casey you can even follow the hashtag now on Instagram which is really great because then you can see not only your pictures and the AKC TV pictures using that hashtag but you can also see everybody else who's posting using that hashtag sharing pictures of their dogs sharing pictures from right here in Orlando I've seen some really great ones we saw one from st. George Utah which was really cool to see somebody so far away we've seen all of our dogs here in Orlando that have come from far away they've been posting pictures made one from Puerto Rico whose dogs really coming from all over to be here today [Applause] so again you are watching the terrier group our judge for the terrier group is Peter Green pretty legendary handler particularly with terriers showed several top dog the only handler to have long bets in show at Westminster Kennel Club four times four different dogs very impressive and really an honor for these puppies to be able to be shown in front of him they're having a good time so you're watching the terror group right now next door to us is the non-sporting group we're gonna switch back and forth a little bit I am bring you as much action as we can anything we missed will be available on a KC TV on demand you'll be able to watch all the groups invest in steaks in their entirety so much content will be available from this fun weekend here in Orlando we saw the national owner handled series final group judging earlier those were filmed and will be available on demand and they will lead off our evening coverage tomorrow starting at 4:45 p.m. with the national owner handled Series finals best didn't show you're looking at the Glen of them.all terrier on your screen right now it's one of the four native Irish terrier breeds the thing I love about the puppies is they're so new to this so they're very inquisitive they're really are interested in what that judge is doing so many wagging tails [Applause] these drugs are really great spirited loyal companions I'm going to say they have no trouble relaxing after hours but they are all business when it comes to work they have a great work ethic [Applause] so right now you are looking at the Manchester Terrier give the judge a great look before they take a lap around the ring these dogs are extremely quick quick witted very observant very alert great watchdogs we saw the toy manchester terrier in the toy group this is the standard manchester terrier exact same breed two different sizes though they're shown in those two varieties embell is it more difficult to tell when they are puppies between the standard and the toy or is there still a considerable size difference no there it's very very clear as to which variety is which [Music] this is the American hairless terrier on the table right now and as you see really no coat there so not much grooming involved that means you might want to knit this dog a sweater for those cold months of course right here in Orlando we don't have that problem [Applause] [Applause] and Peter Green is gonna have a look at the Wire Fox Terrier right now he knows all these terrier breeds very well like he showed many top wire Fox Terriers this is Bill Macpherson bill 1 the terrier group last year here in the puppy jr. say to a Wire Fox Terrier we'll see if he can do it again this afternoon [Applause] now these dogs in the early days were used really in combination with fox hounds for hunting also just general vermin control grate and stables grate and kennels [Applause] and of course most of the dogs we'll see here in this Terrier group very high activity level it will be active sorry Marissa just a reminder next door is the non-sporting group we'll bring you a little bit of that shortly try to bring you as much action as we can from the puppy and junior stakes here in Orlando right now you're looking at the Welsh Terrier which is being shown by Tracy Czarist we saw Tracy go Best in Show on Wednesday night here with a Welsh Terrier we'll see if she had the same success with the youngster we saw The Wire Fox Terrier a couple minutes ago here's the Smooth Fox Terrier different breeds this young guy might win for most wagging tail very happy to be here if you're just joining us I'm bill Ellis I'm here with Marissa's are back for a KC TV you're watching the terrier group at the AKC Royal Canin national home breed puppy and junior Stakes so far we saw the Siberian Husky when the working group the miniature pinscher when the toy group and the Australian Shepherd when the herding group I'm just a reminder because this is the puppy in Junior stakes you're watching these puppies that are between 6 and 18 months so a little bit younger than a lot of the others that we've seen in the past few days yes this is a really fun event here in Orlando for all these breeder owner and handlers to show off their youngsters it's really fun for us because we have our a KC TV set up right in the middle of all the action here in the convention center so we can see everybody passing by especially when we're doing a show on set which is awesome [Applause] our judge peter green is looking at the Karen Terrier right now the Karen terriers history really traces back to the working Terriers of Scotland those Terriers were used for hunting companionship vermin control and a lot of our Terriers they come from the United Kingdom area yes that's a common theme with these carriers almost all of them are originated in the United Kingdom [Applause] [Applause] [Music] the Seelye Ham Terriers on the table right now and go down and back for our judge Peter green in the terrier group nice terriers come from a combination of the west highland white terrier The Wire Fox Terrier the bull terrier and even the dandy Dumont terrier basically the goal was to create even a hardy or terrier they're hearty nicety have that typical Terrier personality very spunky are very spunky Peter Green's looking at the parson Russell terrier right now see him get a really good feel of the dog on the table important for these judges to examine each dog individually by putting their hands on them and then watching them move judging each dog against their written standard which describes the ideal specimen in each breed not comparing these dogs to one another really just comparing them against that standard and finding the one that he believes best represents that standard in parson Russell terrier introduced back into America in the 30s it was originally recognized as the Jack Russell Terrier but that name changed in about 2003 this is the Lakeland Terrier right now that's about to go down and back in the terrier group it's funny the breed has really never been too popular as a pet but a lot of these dogs have actually really stood out in the show rings around the country this is the west highland white terrier Westy for short Westies always come in this beautiful white color and we're so cute so self-confident spunky really determined but a great happy nature just to remind everyone you're watching the terror group in the AKC Royal Canin National all breed puppy and junior States I'm bill Ellis here with Marissa star back in the ring next door to us we have the non-sporting group being judged right now group judging for the puppy and junior Stakes happens in two rings simultaneously so we'll do our best to bring as much of the action as we can if you miss anything any of your favorite breeds so you want to go back and watch any all of the group judging and best in states will be available on demand on a Casey TV in their entirety once we're done for the afternoon I know our team will work as hard as they can to get it up there as quick as possible for you this is the Chesky Terrier on the table right now Ches a Terriers are very unique they have a very different coat texture than a lot of the Terriers many of these terriers have a harsh coarse coat Chesky Terriers have a softer silky coat that is clipped different grooming and many of the other terrier breeds [Applause] and this little guy is the norwich terrier Norwich Terriers have this characteristic quick gear at one time Norwich and North folks Terriers were the same breed nor folk Terriers have ears that fold over there are several other differences they are two distinct breeds now it's breed really bred for ability rather than uniformity in terms of look either especially with these long coats we see the judge is really going to lift up the fur to see underneath check out the eyes have a look in the mouth if he's got a feel underneath all that hair get a good feel of how the dog has built their structure you even feel the texture of that coat sky carriers long low and level as you see here lower to the ground twice as long as they are tall with level top lines they are heavier boned they have very powerful legs and feet miss Breen is actually one of our more rare terrier breeds considered one of the rarest in both our country and in England [Applause] [Music] but those short little legacies he move in there they were very ideal for digging and that protective double coat super impervious the harsh climate where they come from in Scotland [Music] [Applause] here's the Norfolk terrier we saw the Norfolk terrier Winston when the terrier group last night and go reserve Best in Show it's done very well we'll see if this little guy I can one day have a career like Winston then join a snack they're having a really good time it is great to see the puppies enjoy it though I want this to be a great experience for them they're definitely all having a great time [Applause] nice dogs are such natural hunters they have such a strong Prix Drive they do really well in a lot of our dog sports like tracking agility earth dog [Applause] right now we're taking a look at the Scottish terrier we did have a very famous Scottie in our country that's really how they became known it was actually Franklin Delano Roosevelt's dog pop quiz bill do you know her name we've never gonna have a contest with all the presidential dogs Lebanon was follow I would never have this dog is having a really good time this is the Australian Terrier on the table right now we are getting close to the end of the terrier group in the AKC Royal Canin National Albury puppy and junior Stakes hopefully we'll be able to switch over and jump to the next ring after this if we have the non-sporting group going on next door gonna do our best to get over there at the completion of the terrier group right now you're taking a look at that Australian Terrier go up and down in front of the judge they were first officially recognised in Australia and was back in the 1800s [Applause] and here's the rat terrier on the table these dogs are extremely athletic they excel at many other AKC sports like agility if you want to put them to work and they love that traditionally a farm dog but they've always been used as watch dogs hunting dogs they can do a lot some people now use them as a companion but they definitely need their exercise like anything else in the terrier group our last dog in the terrier group is the dandy Denmark terrier [Music] till you know you have a fact thing you want to share with everybody I know I've said it but everybody loves this back dip you've been hearing it on social media the old agree that bird named for a fictional character they're named for a character and diamond rings novel excuse me Walter Scott's novel guy Mannering our last dog in the terrier group will see our judge Peter rain wants to pull out some favorites he's gonna have another look right now [Music] [Applause] so many beautiful terriers for our judge Peter green to pick from as he walks down the line and has another look I could see him do a few things we could either see him pick right now or he could make a shortlist we've seen judges do both looks like he's gonna make a shortlist I'm guessing as he pulled out some of the terriers that he likes there comes the Bedlington Terrier to join the American Staffordshire Terrier that he pulled out the Wire Fox Terrier is going to come out with the Welsh Terrier the border terrier the Seelye ham the sky carrier the Norfolk Terry and the Scottish Terrier all coming out [Applause] they're gonna go around one at a time for our judge Peter Green to have another look here in the terrier group watching the AKC Royal Canin National Hall breed puppy and junior States am staff went around the Bedlington The Wire Fox Terrier is gonna make a lap around the ring Welsh on the border terrier gonna go around [Applause] the Fila ham [Music] the sky terrier went around the Norfolk terrier in the Scottish terrier now our judge Peter green will get to pick his winners have another look at all of them the Bedlington is the winner the American Staffordshire Terrier is second border terrier looks like his third the Welsh Terrier is fourth nicely done by the bedlington terrier we're gonna jump over next door check in with the non-sporting group our judge Jaclyn Stacey has been over all these dogs Jaclyn Stacey's from Chapel Hill North Carolina we saw her husband Terry's Stacey judged the toy group we'll see if she's gonna make a short list here in the non-sporting group and of course if you feel like you missed something from one of these groups because we were in a different ring we promise you will still be able to see it it will be on a kc dot TV you can stream it there I'll have all that content on demand looks like our judge jacqueline things he's just gonna have a look at a couple dogs at a time go around the ring to the other side probably something to look at a couple of the dogs that she liked when she judged to them individually remember if you are following on social media thank you so much for doing so on Facebook Twitter or Instagram you can find us follow us on any of those platforms but we would also love for you to head over to a Casey TV we have all of this content that we keep talking about on AKC TV for everybody to see it's on demand all the time so our judge Jaclyn Stacy had the dalmatian the cholo eat squint Lee the Kaizen and the Chinese shar-pei go around to the other side of the Ring she's looking at the Lhasa Apso and the feesh on free say go around right now there they are remember you are watching the AKC Royal Canin national all breed puppy and junior stakes so these puppies are between 6 and 18 months now the French Bulldog and the Boston Terrier going to go around in the non-sporting group she's given these non-sporting dogs a really good look and it looks like she's pulling out the French Bulldog to be the winner followed by the Boston Terrier the Kaizen the shallow eat squint Lee and that is it the French Bulldog has won the non-sporting group at the AKC Royal Canin national home breed puppy and junior stakes we're gonna take a quick break be back in a moment we're gonna see the sporting group and the Hound group home is where family comes together home is where you go to relax home is where you feel secure with the AKC line of premium pet products you can rest assured that your pet feels safe and secure in their home to a KC because every home deserves a good dog and every dog deserves a good home a KC secure pet living products available at the Home Depot is your pet trying to tell you something the pet comfort feeding system by WeatherTech 100% non-toxic and lead-free made from u.s. stainless steel and certified by the NSF designed to trap spills and messes trust the way you feed your pet choose the perfect size in color at pet comfort calm this is a Labrador Retriever this is a Golden Retriever they may seem similar but when you take a closer look the detail is still a different story these dogs eat digest and process energy differently at Royal Canin we obsess over these details so we developed over 200 specific formulas for cats and dogs because precise nutrition to transform your pet into a magnificent animal royal canin incredible in every detail welcome back to the AKC royal canin national all breed puppy in jr stakes here on AKC TV we are just starting the sporting group sporting group this afternoon is being judged by mrs. Carolyn McAteer from Pinehurst North Carolina sporting breeds fall into a few different categories you're watching the Irish setter right now we have a few setters and pointers they mark the game for the hunter we have spaniels who flushed the game and retrievers who go get it [Applause] just a reminder to everyone the puppy in Junior stakes it's being judged in two rings at the same time I'm gonna do our best to bring you as much action as we can once everything has been judged our hard-working team will get it available on demand on AKC TV as quick as they can you will be able to watch each group invest in sakes in its entirety [Applause] we've seen a few groups judged already this afternoon we started with the working group the winner was the Siberian Husky we saw the toy group which was won by the miniature pinscher the herding group which was won by the Australian Shepherd the terrier group we just saw was won by the Bedlington Terrier the French Bulldog won the non-sporting group we have the sporting group in the ring right now we have the Hound group coming in next door [Applause] once those two roofs are judged we'll get to best in steaks will be really fun and we're gonna have three judges for best in states so it slightly different format [Applause] this is the pointer that you're watching go down and back right now for our judge Carolyn McAteer [Applause] if you are just joining us thank you so much for doing so we would love to see your dog pictures we have been saying that all day we've been saying that all week you can share them Facebook Twitter Instagram make sure you're using that hashtag this is a Casey that hashtag on Instagram you can actually follow it and if you do you won't you see your pictures you won't you see our a KC TV pictures if you follow us but you'll see everybody posting on that same hashtag so that is this is a Casey this is the flat-coated retriever we're looking at on our screen right now [Applause] like Qatar retrievers are enthusiastic workers and have amazing retrieving skills a very athletic breed all these sporting dogs are very athletic if you're watching on Facebook or checking us out on any other social media Twitter Instagram we definitely urge you to head on over to a KC TV we have all of our content there you can download the apps there right there on your screen that's Amazon fire Roku and Apple TV you'll get to see all of this as soon as it is over if you missed anything between the two rings I know we've been switching for the puppy and junior six it's because we have each of the groups going on and rings right next to each other so we're trying to keep on top of both here but if you feel like you missed something make sure you check a KC TV after this is all over they will be up on the website [Applause] the Vizsla is going down and back right now in the Sporting Group these also have another name they were also known as the Hungarian pointer I were developed back in medieval Hungary [Applause] excellent pointing and retrieving ability and this youngster is the Irish Red and White setter a reminder all these dogs that we're seeing this afternoon between six and 18 months old competing in the AKC Royal Canin National Harbor puppy in Junior States a really fun and exciting event for everyone here to show off their youngsters we had so many fun events happening today in Orlando we had the national owner handled Series finals bringing group judging those seven groups will also be available on demand on a KC TV that's our website as well as on roku Apple TV and amazon firetv lots of specialties going on around the building some group shows a hurting group show a supporting group show junior agility got started today everyone's getting their booths set up for meet the breeds we're gonna have a really large meet the breeds event here tomorrow and Sunday and of course we kicked off our live coverage today with our show earlier a KC TV live at the National Championship we had some really fun guests over the weekend there will be lots of AKC sports that we are filming and making available on demand including some coverage of agility and obedience rally this is the golden retriever on your screen right now I'm speaking of golden retrievers we actually had a very very sweet golden retriever on our show at noon today that interview was amazing this dog is a therapy dog and he went to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in parkland Florida after the shooting and he was able to help those students and parents and teachers get through that time and it was just incredible to hear that story that interview really great you won't want to miss it you can find all of that content that interview anything else that we've covered here in Orlando and we have a lot of it that is all on the website a KC dot TV this is the Gordon setter on your screen right now Gordon setters are the largest of the setters heavier boned more body than the other setters they were developed that way based on their origin [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] we're getting a look at the curly coated Retriever right now one of the oldest retriever breeds [Applause] these jobs are judged in the same way we saw them judged the last few days each breed has a written standard that describes the ideal specimen for each breed the judges will use that standard and judge the dog against that standard instead of comparing one dog to another make a decision based on which breed which dog they feel the best to meets that breed standard for this breed you notice that very interesting distinct curly coat really water-resistant super great in tough weather [Applause] another breed with a dense protective coat this is the Chesapeake Bay Retriever developed right here in America just to reminder to everyone this is the sporting group that we're watching right now in the AKC Royal came in national all breed puppy and junior stakes next door we have the Hound group these groups are judged two at a time and two different rings so we're doing our best to bring you as much coverage as we can they are all being filmed in their entirety and they will be available later on demand a kc dot TV give our hard-working production team some time to get them posted later once the sporting group in the Hound group we're done we're gonna have best in steak you know I did see somebody asking on Facebook who took the toy group that was the miniature pinscher we also saw the working group won by the Siberian Husky and the terrier group won by the Bedlington Terrier the Australian Shepherd won the herding group and the French Bulldog won the non-sporting group this is the benoni italiano the judges going over right now Timbo for a lot of these puppies this may be their first time in the show ring right it could be my guess is that many of them have been shown before I'm sure we have some who are really young close to that six-month mark and I'm sure we have some who are on the other end of that spectrum at the 18 month mark have to be between 6 to 18 months to compete here in the puppy and junior stakes [Applause] [Music] this is the German Shorthaired Pointer that we're looking at right now very versatile hunting dog popular buried within the top 10 most popular breeds in the country we can see why they're so personal they do really well as hunting dogs show dogs just regular companions they do well really in everything [Music] great watchdogs here is the Gray Ghost the Weimaraner always this striking gray color another very versatile hunting breeds we have lots more live coverage to bring you the rest of the weekend including our show a Casey TV live at the national championship very excited for that that'll be tomorrow and Sunday both at noon we'll have a live coverage both evenings of the group and Dustin show competition starting at 4:45 both evenings tomorrow we'll see the AKC national Hohner handled Series finals Best in Show and then we'll see the non-sporting group the Hound group the toy group and the supporting group Sunday night we'll see three more groups in Best in Show and also on Sunday the National agility Invitational finals will be live starting around 6 o'clock so much going on here in Orlando and we are right in the middle of it live streaming all the events we have everything on our website a KC TV but also we have our setup for a Casey TV right in the middle of all the action here in the convention center so we hope that if you see us you stop by and say hi or also if you're posting any pictures please remember that hashtag this is a Casey we want to see those dog pictures we've seen so many so far and there's never enough really we're watching the Labrador Retriever right now the most popular breed in this country I have a lab at home who better be watching Tegan Teagan's lab you can follow Tegan on Instagram be in the lab and she will be using the hashtag this is a Casey and all her post [Applause] and this is the English Center love all these sporting dogs but I might be a little partial to the English Setter have a lot of them they're a fabulous breed the most moderate of the four setters they have this really sweet laid-back disposition but they make wonderful companions in the field they are very talented hunters I do really well in a lot of our dog sports to obedience and agility in particular great family jobs and they can do very well as therapy dogs [Applause] if you're just joining us I'm Marissa star back here with bill Ellis you are watching a KC TV this is an exclusive stream of the AKC Royal Canin national all breed puppy and junior steaks so these are our six to eighteen month old little pups currently and the One Ring here we have sporting in the ring right next door we have the Hound group which we will transition over to once this group has finished up but don't worry you won't miss out on any of the action we have our cameras rolling on both since they're going at the same time then we'll be posting that as soon as this is all finished on a KC TV this is the Barbie that you're watching right now they are actually in the miscellaneous group breeds under the miscellaneous group before they become fully recognized by the American Kennel Club but we welcome the miscellaneous breeds here the AKC Royal Canin National hungry puppy steaks and they compete in the groups in which they'll be assigned to once they become fully recognized so a really fun look at a lesser-known breed [Applause] and it's just great that we get that here in Orlando we really have breeds from all over the country in the world it's very exciting now we get to see the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever in the Sporting Group a reminder the Hound group is being judged next door Judd groups are judged two at a time the AKC Royal Canin National Harbor a puppy and junior Stakes we're doing our best to bring you as much of the action as we can each group and best in stakes will be available on demand later on AKC TB to our website right now you're looking at the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever such an alert hunter with such a strong desire to play as you can see that never very interesting water repellent double coat too and here's the wire-haired pointing Griffin that characteristic harsh dense coarse protective coat and of course that adorable beard and eyebrows got to be ready for a wet beard if you're gonna have one of these guys around [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] now we get a look at the wire-haired Vizsla we saw the beach 'la earlier this is the wire-haired isla they're different breeds few differences between the two but you can see if we get a good look at this youngster you can see that little beard why recoat that's a little different than the smooth haired visually that we saw earlier thank you so much to everybody who is joining us on Facebook Twitter Instagram and a KC TV I'm Marissa Starr back here with bill Ellis we are covering the AKC Royal Canin national all breed puppy and junior Stakes these are your 6 to 18 month olds so far we have gone through the working group which was won by the Siberian Husky the toy group taken by the miniature pinscher herding group the Australian Shepherd the Bedlington Terrier took the terrier group the French Bulldog in the non-sporting and right now we are watching these sporting just down the ring from us the next ring over we have the Hound group as well we will try and check in with them as these are going simultaneously but we'll try and check in with them as soon as we have a winner over here of course you will not be missing out on anything if you just wait till everything is over and then you check back on AKC TV we'll have everything put up as the two different rings so you can see everything that you missed [Applause] we're looking at the German Wirehaired Pointer right now in the Sporting Group [Music] germán why her pointers have this weather-resistant coat that we've seen on a few different sporting breeds so made them really popular as a sporting dog back in Germany four years before they were even officially recognized very talented and efficient hunters [Music] we are very excited to be bringing you this coverage live here from Orlando Florida a Casey TV right in the middle of all the action and we have all of these live schooling live streams exclusively for you on our website of course tomorrow we will also be holding our noon show to show you what's going on around the convention center will be having at as well on Sunday and then 4:45 for the rest of the action Saturday and Sunday our judge Carolyn McAteer is looking at the lagotto romagnolo in the Sporting Group right now we had a very sweet lagotto romagnolo on our show for good dog TV this week we also had that live here from Orlando he was a very fun guest thank you she was so sweet and he really loved our guests which was mr. Dana Klein a judge here from EA Casey and we got to see in action yesterday [Music] [Music] so we're working our way through the Sporting Group at the AKC Royal Canin national All Breed puppy and junior stakes through the Hound group getting judged next door we have two groups going on at the same time so we'll make sure all that's available on-demand later on a KC TV for you to go back and watch this is the American Water Spaniel the judge Carolyn McAteer is going over right now American Water Spaniels were developed in this country in Wisconsin if you see that hashtag on your screen that means we want to be seeing your pictures that is this is a Casey put that on any picture that you post please if you're here in Orlando post those in use that hashtag if you're not here in Orlando we still want to see your pictures especially those of you who have seen dogs and humans watching our shows on a Casey TV great to see those Phil and I have had a fun time searching through those photos and we've even shared a few of those on your TV so you've been seeing those pictures who knows you could see your photo up there we've even reposted a few [Applause] they'll really a theme here we're seeing in Orlando these are such big groups of dogs we have so many dogs here and such high quality we do over 1200 just puppy and junior dogs today so the puppy in Junior stakes so many there's a welsh springer spaniel on the ramp right now isn't very happy to be here I think all the puppies are happy when you hold that trailer right in front of their serious wagging tail there they were like I will stand here for anything if you have that treat [Music] we have over 5,000 dogs entered at the AKC National Championship with which kicks off tomorrow that will be tomorrow and Sunday our live coverage includes our show a KC TV live from the national championship tomorrow and Sunday during the day we will be have bringing you live coverage of the evening group investing show judging starting at 4:45 in Saturday and Sunday and then the agility finals Sunday beginning at 6:00 [Applause] so we just saw the welsh springer spaniel this is the English Springer Spaniel on the ramp right now really when we see these dogs go up on the ramp or up on the table it's just to give our judge Carolyn a better look at these dogs right yes allows her to go over them very thoroughly what she needs to do which with with each dog each breed enormous breed here the English Springer Spaniel exceptionally intelligent they're often trained for detection work I could search for weapons drugs explosives they're super versatile we had a very sweet English Springer Spaniel neighbor in New York City for a long time that lived did you next door - I did Tegan hang out with them thinking about hanging out with anybody taking the labs never been a stranger it's a good way to go through life yeah a guard dog she is not she might guard us against the squirrels a new breed to the American Kennel Club just earlier this year they were recognized in January this is the nederlandse Quaker Hansa we call them Quakers for short we recognized two new breeds this year at the American Kennel Club Quakers were one the other one was the grande Basayev their home on the Hound group all those gbg DS these Quakers are considered white the true sporting dogs - they're interesting traits energetic friendly ready for work they can really have such confident personalities [Applause] we're getting close to the end of the sporting route here at the AKC Royal Canin National Hall breed puppy and junior stakes through the hound roof going on next door hopefully we'll get you over there I'm gonna do our best and then we will have best in steaks so far this afternoon we saw this Iberian husky when the working group the miniature pinscher win the toy group the herding group was won by the Australian Shepherd the Bedlington Terrier won the terrier group and we saw the French Bulldog win the non-sporting group we're gonna look at the Hound group right now just for a moment there's the PB GB on the table back over to watch the end of the sporting group with the cocker spaniel cocker spaniels come in three color varieties same breed the three varieties based on color this is the ass Cobb Cocker Spaniel which stands for any solid color other than black the livestream that you're watching now is the same livestream that's available on a KC TV and on roku Apple TV and amazon firetv once all these groups are judged and best in steaks our team will get to work to make sure that all this content is available on-demand for you that'll be later but you will have the opportunity to go back and watch all the group judging invest in steaks in its entirety so if we miss any of your favorites you can go back and enjoy them those apps are right there we're just right there on your screen also available on demand is our live streams from the last three days the shows in the orlando cluster as well as the national Hohner handled Series finals group judging which was earlier this afternoon the AKC national owner Hindle series finals Best in Show will kick off our evening coverage tomorrow which begins at 4:45 on the AKC TV [Applause] this is the black cocker spaniel [Applause] [Applause] my favorite description of that dog is that we call it Mary perfect description really is and our third variety of cocker spaniels is the party color cocker spaniel [Music] party colours are white in any combination of the solid colors you can see our judge Carolyn really getting a nice feel of the legs she'll take a look at the back run her hand down there check the back legs especially important to do that in any of these breeds that are heavier coated like the cocker spaniel she's got to feel underneath all that coat there is a lot to get through with those goes the party color Cocker [Applause] [Applause] that sweet face is the English cocker spaniel in this country we have cocker spaniels and English cocker spaniels and the rest of the world they have cocker spaniels and American cocker spaniels funny how it changes where you go from these English Cocker's really easy to train very cheerful and sweet but with this breed we do say the personality can vary a lot between them they did quite well in a lot of our dog sports agility tracking obedience flyball [Applause] all the dogs are seeing this afternoon are between six and 18 months old competing in the AKC Royal Canin National Hall breed puppy and junior stakes we're nearing the end of the sporting group we have the Hound group that's getting judged next door once our final two groups here are completed we will have bested stakes for you we'll have a little bit of a different format it will be judged by a panel of three judges and why is that that we choose to have three judges for that just a nice way to make it a bit of a different experience really is a really great experience for these puppies as they're kind of entering the show world yes it is a really fun event you can tell they love it even here it's just everybody's wagging their tail [Applause] and our final dog in the Sporting Group is the Sussex spaniel Sussex spaniels always have this longer lower build originally developed in Sussex England they have a really distinct color you see it there almost like a golden liver color it was actually one of the first breeds recognized by the AKC [Applause] [Applause] now the sporting dogs will line back up and the puppy and junior stakes here and our judge Carolyn McAteer will have another look at all of them walk back down the line give everybody a another look we get a chance to see if she'll either make a short list or maybe she already has an idea of what she's thinking if you're watching us on social media thanks so much for joining us be sure to check us out a KC TV as well you'll have all of this posted the judge is gonna pull out some of her favorites to have another look at including the Irish Setter the Brittany and the pointer the golden retriever the Chesapeake Bay Retriever the German Shorthaired Pointer [Applause] it was the lagotto romagnolo welsh springer spaniel the party color cocker spaniel nine sporting dogs out there to have another look at [Applause] they're gonna go around one at a time there goes the Irish Setter the Brittany [Music] there's the Pointer golden retriever everyone's excited hmm the Chesapeake Bay Retriever there's the German Shorthaired Pointer he lagotto romagnolo the welsh springer spaniel and there is the party color cocker spaniel so what exactly does this give our judge a chance to see this last lap around the ring right so she was able to pull out her favorites right based on what she saw himself during their individual examination and this gives her a chance to have another look remember what she saw on those individual exams and then choose her favorites pulling out the pointer the German Shorthaired Pointer the party color cocker spaniel I was better see if that's it and that is it the pointer is the winner of the sporting group we're gonna get you over to the Hound group next door so that we can watch the completion of that group as our judge is it finishing up there the judge of the Hound group is mrs. Patricia crews from Gorham New York our neck of the woods [Music] she's finishing up the Hound group judging with the dachshund varieties I believe she's on her last one right now once we have a winner in that Hound group we will get two best in steaks and just to give you a recap here so far we've seen the working group borne by the Siberian Husky the toy group the miniature pinscher herding group the Australian Shepherd me terrier group was the Bedlington Terrier the non-sporting group the French Bulldog and the sporting group just now we saw the pointer so now we are in that bound group [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and there you can see all the hounds lining up for our Judge Patricia Cruz a very full ring over there lots of beautiful young hound for her to choose from remember this is the AKC royal canin national all breed puppy and junior Stakes so these are our six to 18 month old puppy in juniors she is pulling out her favorites right now with the Saluki the Irish Wolfhound the Bloodhound the Afghan and the bluetick coonhound there comes the greyhound and though with it the basset hound looks like coming out beagle TV GB excuse me no PBG be just the basket down there at the end there go the hounds around the ring one more time for our judge Patricia Cruz to have another look as she decides who will be her winner [Music] there was the Whippet she's pulling out first the basset hound is getting pulled out next there's the Afghan and the Irish Wolfhound and that's it the Whippet is first the winner of the Hound group and we are all set for best in stakes [Applause] we are going to be back in a few moments with best in steaks see TV we all want more time quality time to spend on what matters most to us at the canine health foundation we're committed to helping dogs live longer healthier lives that means more playtime more walk time and more love time visit us to learn more party's over six legs she's got some para canal some para whoa it's empirica is what kills ticks and fleas like us studies show at the end of the month it kills more ticks and less time and frontline plus and next guard see you never Roxy use empirica with caution in dogs with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders the most common side effects are vomiting diarrhea and lethargy say goodbye to ticks and fleas with month lease empirica chewables this is no ordinary puppy this is a hero in the making he is born raised and fed to reach his mental and physical best Eukanuba gives him the animal proteins and DHA he needs for a strong body and mind feed the extraordinary in your puppy and make him a Eukanuba dog welcome back you are watching the AKC Royal Canin national all breed puppy and junior Stakes this is our puppies are 16 18 months so they are our young ones we are just waiting now every group has finished up so we've seen the working group the Siberian Husky had that won the toy group won by the miniature pinscher the herding group the Australian Shepherd the terrier group the Bedlington Terrier in the non-sporting group the French Bulldog in the sporting group we had a pointer and in the Hound group we had the Whippet [Music] sorry about that I said the French Bulldog is the non-sporting group I believe I said sporting that is the non-sporting so best in six is going to be judged by a panel of three judges this afternoon which will be a very fun format for us something a little bit different our three judges are elegant Weiss Edie Bevan and Dennis sprung Dennis sprung is president and CEO of the American Kennel Club from New York New York Eliot wife we'll be judging Best in Show at the ACC national championship Sunday evening here and head biven will be judging best bread by exhibitor at the AKC national championship [Applause] for those of you just joining us thank you so much for doing so we love to see you on social media we would love to see your posts as well you see their hashtag on the bottom left of your screen this is a KC tell us and show us what makes a KC for you what makes this great are you in Orlando or you somewhere else in the country or somewhere else in the world we have a lot of great people and dogs here from all over many different countries which is so exciting but we want to have a place to see all of your pictures and we can do that by seeing that hashtag this is a KC especially on Instagram there's an easy way if you type that in and then click tags it'll pop right up with all the pictures that people have been posting using that hashtag this is a KC a great way to organize that and we have been looking at those pictures I've been very excited to see them build the entire a KC TV team and the American Kennel Club team it's awesome to see everybody so involved and we know you are so proud of your dog so we want to see those pictures we've even been sharing some of them and some of them have made their way onto your TV screen so you never know when those could pop back up you know we've been talking about that a lot this week but we want you to keep using it even after the show is over here so that we can continue to see them hopefully we'll get a chance to feature them on a KC TV even after we're done here in Orlando because you can never have too many dog pictures we're gonna get started with best in steaks the pointer the winner of the sporting group is first in followed by the Siberian Husky [Applause] here comes the Australian Shepherd from the herding group [Applause] there's the Whippet the winner of the Hound group [Applause] the Bedlington Terrier from the terrier group there's the French Bulldog the winner of the non-sporting group [Applause] and yeah we get a look at the miniature pinscher from the toy group there are seven dogs for our best in steaks at the AKC Royal Canin national all buried puppy and junior steaks as a reminder all the dogs that competed today were between the ages of 6 and 18 months youngsters getting started looks like our judge is ready to have a closer look another pointer once again we have three judges for best instincts little different than what we saw our previous three days in Orlando each one judge will have the opportunity to go over really great opportunity for all of these youngsters though you know to have three judges in the ring still very important for each judge to get the chance to go over each dog and bill we will see everybody do a lap as well yep everyone will move individually for our panel of judges and all of these puppies really doing so well the puppies and juniors now the pointer will get a chance to move for our three judges and goes the Pointer down and back from the sporting group [Applause] [Applause] [Music] as a reminder a KC Royal Canin National Harbor puppies stakes puppy and junior stakes groups were judged in two different rings at the same time so we weren't able to bring you every dog but our team will work as quickly as they can to make those available for you on demand so that you can go back and see any the groups that you might have missed or re-watch your favorite moments also available on demand from today's show will be the groups from the national owner handled series finals and the best way to see all of that content you just go straight to a KC dot TV or you can always download the apps Apple TV Roku Amazon fire all of that content will be on demand for you if you missed any minute of it this is the Siberian Husky the winner of the working group each judge once again have a chance to go over the dog reminder we are now in best in stakes of the AKC royal canin national All Breed puppy and junior Stakes these are our six to 18 month olds we have three judges in the ring taking a look each individually at each of these dogs and the Huskies trying to go down and back for our judges [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we will be back with you again tomorrow with lots of live coverage from the AKC National Championship including kkc TV live from the national championship our fun show that we had this afternoon as well lots of great interviews and updates from around the show and then the evening coverage will begin at 4:45 on a KC TV we'll get things kicked off tomorrow evening with the akz national owner handled Series finals Best in Show and then we'll be bringing you four groups then I'm sporting group the Hound group the toy group and the sporting group looking at the Australian Shepherd right now the winner of the herding group Australian Shepherds despite their name were actually created right here in this country it's an American breed you are watching the best of steaks exclusively on a Casey TV happy to have you with us I'm a restless are back sitting here with Bill Ellis we are ringside covering the event Australian Shepherds like many of the herding breeds very athletic smart easily trainable they are very successful at many they KC sports including obedience rally agility herding the list goes on there's a sport out there for every dog there are a lot of them going on here this weekend in Orlando we'll be checking into agility obedience rally diving dogs trick dog over the weekend all of our meet the breeds boots are getting set up which is really fun to see like our judges are ready to see the Australian Shepherd move going around the ring having a little fun [Applause] and here is the Whippet from the Hound group built for speed one of the fastest breathe we've seen the whippets doing really really well this week yep whiskey the Whippet one the Hound group at all three shows here in Orlando that we brought you live previous three nights he would Best in Show two of those three days so a really stellar week for whiskey and a great kickoff to the AKC national championship each of our three judges mr. Dennis sprung Elliot Weiss and head Piven will have a chance to go over each dog [Music] [Applause] [Music] whippets might resemble a smaller gray huh but they're a distinct breed established in northern Britain [Music] [Applause] whippets are friendly gentle and affectionate as long as they can get a good run in once in a while they're pretty happy to just lay on a soft surface like a your couch or your bed [Applause] [Applause] next up is the winner of the terrier group the Bedlington Terrier very dedicated groomers here these Bedlington Terriers make a lot of work and a lot of talent you'll notice the judges looking at certain dogs up on the table and then some they're able to see right on the ground but really that just depends on size of a dog how well they're able to see it either from the ground or right from the table and you know just each judge go over check the mouth check the face really run their hands down feel the coat as well as the back Bedlington they're extremely athletic they have a distinctive arch that you see over their back enables them to [Music] sprint and pivot on a dime like many of the terriers they are tenacious and temperament fun-loving cheerful a breed that does not do well if they are bored so many of our breeds material groups they need that activity they need that outlet all that energy for sure and our Bedlington Terrier taking a lap around the room just I mean the judge is a chance to see that movement and again not compare it to any of the other dogs in the ring but really just compare each one against its written standard if that was a good shot at the debt Bedlington going down him back there give the judges a chance to see them moving away and toward them even here you notice the judges moving around the dog just to get every angle that they need yep they've really given each dog enough time to stand on their own really gives the judges a good look now the Bedlington will go around the ring give the judges a chance to see that outline from the side [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now the very cute French Bulldog we had some so happy to be here I know they are sweet we had some lovely French cheese featured on our show good dog TV just a few weeks ago French bulldogs have grown in popularity they ranked within the top 5 most popular breeds in America this year playful and sweet they make great companions great choices for people with smaller homes or apartments not a terribly high activity level if you are watching right now and you have a picture you'd like us to see of your dog please use that hashtag we keep talking about that's on your screen right now this is a Casey you'll get a chance to organize those photos on Twitter or Instagram give me a chance to look at them give bill a chance to look at them and of course anyone else here in Orlando we're all over who wants to take a look at any of those pictures if you use that hashtag it'll organize them so that everybody can see the very cute pictures that we know you take of your dog as a reminder this is best in stakes for the AKC Royal Canin National Oliver puppy in junior stakes special event here in Orlando for young dogs between 6 and 18 months old and we have a panel of three judges so a little different than normal we're joined by Edie viven Dennis sprung and Elliot Weiss for our three judges for this evening thanks fungus president and CEO of the American Kennel Club at biven is judging best bread by exhibitor in Show at the kkc National Championship and Elliot Weiss is judging Best in Show on Sunday and these judges have already gotten a look at most of the dogs here for best in steaks we have seen here in the ring now the Siberian Husky from the working group the miniature pinscher is up next from the toy group we've seen the Australian Shepherd from the herding group Bedlington Terrier just now from the terrier group the French Bulldog from the non-sporting group and we pointer from the sporting group go whip it from the Hound group and here we're looking at the winner of the toy group the miniature pinscher more min pin for short and this is our final dog here invest in steaks each of our three judges is going to get a chance to look at this dog Miniature Pinschers are an energetic breed very inquisitive you can see that each judge comes up I would describe them engine here as inquisitive [Music] each judge gets the opportunity to go over each dog invested stakes [Music] on the Min Pin we'll get to go best-in-show I'm sorry the Min Pin will get to go down and back Miniature Pinschers have this characteristic hackneyed gate that high-stepping gate that you see there and remember we were watching both rings here simultaneously so if you missed a breed or an entire ring that you feel like you need to see we do have that content for you that will all be available once this is completed and that's not a KC TV we have all that content for you on demand our cameras have been rolling in both rings now the miniature pinscher gets to go around the ring for our judges to have another look and this is our final dogs [Applause] looks like we're gonna go around one at a time each dog gets another chance to go around the ring a panel of three judges will have another look at each of them we saw the pointer go around here comes the Siberian Husky the Australian Shepherd from the herding group [Applause] there goes the Whippet the winner of the Hound group really each lap here around the ring just gives the judges one final look and gives everybody here a last chance to make a great impression there's the bedlington terrier the winner of the terrier group and the French Bulldog from the non-sporting group and there goes the miniature pinscher the winner of the toy group [Applause] looks like the judges are discussing our three judges will talk about who they all agree on is the winner of best in steaks at the AKC Royal Canin Nacional all breed puppy and junior steaks very fun and unique experience to have a panel of three judges really amazed this decision especially for these dogs who are so young so new into this they're gonna have to whip it go around the ring again and the crowd is still very invested here we love it thank you so much for tuning in you are watching this exclusively on a kc TV and there goes the French Bulldog going around so winner than on sporting group [Applause] judges are gonna discuss a little more seems like they might have narrowed it down to between the Whippet and the French bulldogs since those were the two that they had another look at we'll have to wait and see looks like they are definitely ready to make some decision made a decision so they'll go back and write down their winners mark the judges book there's a nice look at all of the dogs left in the ring here for best in steaks what a great great great end of the day great group of young dogs puppy and juniors [Applause] Eston steaks does get a nice cash prize as well as $1,000 from Royal Canin generous sponsors mr. sprong looks like he's gonna award best in sake for the Whippet the Whippet wins the second annual a KC Royal Canin national all breed puppy and junior stakes so excited to see this here live in Orlando Florida thank you so much for tuning in we are on a KC TV you have been such a great crowd we appreciate you tuning in on social media as well as online remember check us out on a KC dot TV for all of our content that's on roku Apple TV and Amazon fire you have been with Marissa star back and bill Ellis here ringside remember download there right there on your screen we have been so happy to have you with us we'll see you back here tomorrow 12 o'clock for a KC TV as well as 445 for the evening group judging that's it for us have a great night [Applause] [Music]
Channel: American Kennel Club
Views: 606,463
Rating: 3.8004987 out of 5
Id: EM0L8uUGmmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 196min 51sec (11811 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 14 2018
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