Michell Evans Freestyle Shih Tzu

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we're going to do the head and we have lots of options here for choosing a style for the pet shih tzu head i think we just saw one with short ears so we'll do this one with long ears because we have that option this is a boy so I think that I would choose to do a straight ear versus a rounded ear to give him a little bit more masculine look and then I'm going to do his head with snap-on combs to give him sort of a smaller Asian style look on his head itself uh and I might leave him a little bit of a beard to start and then we can all look at it and decide if we think we should leave that or maybe we could take it a little bit more off once you go away from breeds breed standard grooming which a shih tzu would be parted and all to the floor you can choose whatever you want because you've gone away from your breed standard so now you can the sky's the limit you can do so at every turn you have choices with what you're going to do with the legs the neck the tail the head which we are going to do his tail today to soar this so by setting um your head in with snap-on combs you can determine specific lengths and what I think is really nice about that is that if you have a salon with many groomers and you keep notes of what you did then you can get a similar look each time the dog comes in versus each groomer has a little bit different style which is still going to come through but maybe a little bit less you cut if you blocked everything in with snap-on combs and major NIT notations of your legs so I'm using the andis 5-speed Excel with an ultra edge ten blade with the a chrome comb over top this is a plastic comb with chrome paint and so if I said in the top of his head with this and then just lightly scissor it then the next time the dog comes in the next groomer that does it he'll get a similar length for the top of this head in a similar look and then on the sides I'm going to change over to a two comb to get him down on the sides now these chrome combs attach just a little bit differently than others you actually put the teeth over first and then they snap on I'm going to take this coat off in front of his ears here start to get him down some of the characteristics of the more Asian style trims are that the head is very small the eyes are very accentuated and the ears are very they're folk they're a focal point of the head so we want to really accentuate the eyes and the ears I'm going to go up onto the sides a little bit that to comb and over the top of the ear right here because by setting that in around the top of the ear there's a little bit of a snag there in his hair that's going to make his ear pop so already his ear is more prominent see how I kind of carved that in so I carved the cheek out underneath and underneath the ear get that nice and short and we have sort of the foundation of like a very prominent year now we'll work on getting the eyes to be more prominent he's a little bit of spray for static so we all have a tendency to trim the bangs on when we are learning especially one of our first steps when we do bangs is we'll take our scissor and we'll cut straight across the front that's actually the last step that I would choose to do in my process do you have a little problem with that it's okay it's good so I'm going to go in underneath easy sweetie it's alright and I'm going to come around to the corner of the eye on this side and to the corner of the eye you see does it sweetie okay on this side so basically it's like I always explain it to students like I'm drawing the curtains around the outside of their eye and it really frames the eye and he has and you can see his eye from the side view so he has good peripheral vision and it just kind of opens up the whole thing but you notice I didn't trim the bangs so there's a couple of reasons I choose not to do that one is because it gives them sort of a surprised expression like they look shocked all the time and amazed and if I leave a little bit of bangs they will be back sooner so I like for my customers to come in regularly and then when they come in and trim the trim the bangs short trim the bangs short all the time they're getting a longer groom out of you so I so I like to try and leave a little bit I know my touchy clients I know the ones that I can push it a little bit with them maybe not so much with others but you see how bringing it in lemon on the side and leaving it and if you look at it from the top you can see that it's kind of a huge shade so it gives it just a little bit more expression but he can still see very clearly because I went underneath and took the lashes out and took everything out from underneath so then we can decide together how we should style his ears and beard I personally think that he would look cute with like his ears really bluntly trimmed and his beard really bluntly drowned I think that would give him a very masculine look maybe somebody wouldn't always assume he's a girl but typically they do always assume they're girls right so let's see if we can give him a very blunt beard line now even though I am going to trim his beard bluntly and leave it a little bit longer it's very short underneath here so that's going to reduce the amount I'm adding the amount of coat that the dog has are you going to go somewhere dip somewhere to be so I'm going to take just a flat straight shear take that off flat to give him a very very masculine beard and if I were to round that it would automatically feminized it a little bit with just a little bit of rounding it doesn't take much it's amazing the difference between masculine and feminine in terms of just a few strokes with your scissors and you can change everything so now he has a nice little flat beard and when we're choosing it's okay sweetheart it's okay you don't need to be upset when you're choosing the length of the ear you could either keep it exactly in line with the beard length what it's okay so but his ear leather itself is pretty pretty short so we could literally take his ear this short but I don't think that that would frame his face very well I think if we keep it just under this longest part of his beer that's gonna frame his face the best and I want to do it straight across and I would work with him to grow this out to be all one length and I think that would give it a nice hard I'd really frame it in at the top and then I'd have the hair all one length Bob it off and that's going to give you a really nice masculine look to that do the other side it's okay turn your head for me good boy thank you good boy so here's a trick for cutting two years I was just getting ready to try and guess how long I left the other one that's not actually the most effective way to do that um it's a really nice idea let's get for me to to look at them from the front and sometimes you have to kind of push their face in a little bit meaning I can pull it forward or push it back that's what I mean by that and I can look here if you'll let me and cut this one the same length is this one right across the front and that's a nice way to measure those instead of doing this one from this side and then this one from this side it's just a good time saver and you know cuz we know that we can waste a lot of time trying to get two years same like I used to as a competitor always make sure that I didn't have to do much ear trimming in the ring because I could blow the last 15 minutes of the contest just trying to get my ears the same length so you know and it's we're trying to make money so we want to do the most efficient thing we can thanks I've been throwing things all morning I don't know so now I'm just going to kind of blend it a little and this will soften it some this is our andis thinning shear I really like it it takes a lot of coat so it's it's almost as much as a regular shear like it has so many teeth and they're so close together that it takes a lot of coat eats with each one come up here under here make sure this line is clean it's okay sweetheart then I'm gonna work on his tail a little bit to tip away I think he's gonna prefer that he's gonna prefer that so now I'm going over this tail and I really enjoy doing a Portuguese water dog style tail on these little pets it cleans them up so nicely it keeps everything back here clean it's very neat looking I'm going to even clean this up a little bit more so that we don't have these pieces back here and I use the number two blade to do that on him and I just think that it just so oftentimes it cleans that up if you are going to leave your tail furnishing on there though you always want it as a last detail to your groom pull it up over the back if they carry their tail over their back and give it a couple shakes and anything that falls backwards go ahead and take that off because they're just going to go home and have this and you really want it to all be you know going in a forward motion so so if I'm not going to do a Portuguese water type tail then I like to make sure at least I clean the back of the tail up and then I'm going to just take my andis thinners here and my comb that I can't keep ahold of and that's a good question she asks how far to go with the clip ring for a true Portuguese water dog you want to clip to the ilium so you would put the tail up over the back in an arc actually not laying flat but arced over the back and you would clip it to the ilium 'z for this dog since it's not a Portuguese water dog I didn't go quite that far and I think I would actually if I had to do it over again maybe come off a little bit earlier even to leave this part of the plume coming off so I think you can choose again once you go away from the breed standard you can you have the sky as the limit I've seen some pretty amazing rooms it either customer requests or or this things that I've had to do to accommodate a dog or just new styles I'm loving some of the new styles right now I think it's important for us to stay creative in the salon and just keep trying new things and doing new styles so this dinner is going to be a really nice way to come up the back of the tail here and clean that up I could have used a shorter blade I could have used a seven or a four depending on the dog certainly if it's a dark colored dog I can take it shorter and not show you know the pink white I would go a little bit longer you know these are all things that we're deciding all day long as we're working is you know at every part we're deciding what's gonna fit the best so you can see that he had some pretty you know owner styling he had some owner styling going on when we got ahold of him that's you know what we see all day long every day in the salon and so can I get a slicker brush so we're just had to kind of even up what we have here to work with and one thing that I find to be very helpful is to just make sure that you're making parallel lines on the back of the dog don't think of it in terms of evening everything up to the shortest pieces but rather make a parallel line and if there's little divots and holes in your parallel line it's still going to create the illusion that the leg is what's there it's it's a really bad habit for us to try and scissor everything till it's smooth and then there's no hair left but it's really smooth but we've scissored it all the way so you your play yeah you Diane is amazing at keeping her Clippers oiled she oils her blades religiously she's very good at that and the life of your motor if you owe your blades and you keep those two pieces of metal that are rubbing back and forth on each other slick your motor lasts way longer because you're not trying to rub two dry metals together so it makes a huge difference well you're doing a great job yes I'm going to get up here on this front leg here now and just do the same so I made two parallel lines back here inside and out and then I'll come around to the front of the dog and I'll make two parallel lines inside and out and so I prefer to groom the dog doing two parallel lines on the outside and then the inside and then go around to the front and do two parallel lines on the outside and then the inside versus grooming the dog leg by leg which at the end of a leg by leg room can be somewhat disjointed and not really flowing but if you do it in this technique you tend to have a more well-put-together groom at the end so just the parallel line here straight down outside and inside then we're missing a whole bunch of hair right there that the owner kindly cut away for us apparently he was getting snow balls from where he lives and so there they were cutting and I don't blame them but so what do we do there do we do we blend to that point because if we did we might as well take the leg down with a four number four so I wouldn't I would kind of leave it and let it go and try and eat it up some and tell the owner I did the best that I could with with their help and you know thank you and we'll see you next month we see some pretty creative things so that's a little bit better I took it a little bit shorter above that hole and that fixed it a little bit but I still wouldn't go in and take the whole leg down just because there's a hole there now comb it down I don't know if you guys were seeing that I was basically combing the legs up to - he doesn't like that spray so now combing it down will give us the final evening process all right I think our time is up here so but hopefully you learned a couple of good tips on the head and with some ideas on how to manage that and you know you might initially when you do the visor what we call a visor here have some customers who come back who have helped you out a little bit and take in some of those bangs off but they do enjoy it after they get used to it and they get they sort of get accustomed to that better expression and and they do enjoy that so all right
Channel: GroomerTV
Views: 363,516
Rating: 4.0700822 out of 5
Keywords: Dog Grooming, Grooming, Pet Care, grooming your pets, grooming industry, groomertogroomer, groomertv, groomer tv, barkleigh productions, Shih Tzu (Animal Breed), michell evans, salon freestyle
Id: 8BK3C-m9lss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 0sec (1140 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2015
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