How to Grind welds on sheet metal

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hey fitzy here back at the game with another one on this episode we're going to be covering the basics of grinding wells stick around [Music] [Music] okay i've been asked numerous times about uh grinding wells now you would never think that uh you could actually make a video on just grinding of your wells but yeah it's a technique i take it for granted uh something i've done for years it's something that you had to you know figure out and do on your own i don't see a lot of it i see a lot of fellows showing how to weld and you know how to cut steel how to shape steel but grinding metal now this is the way i do it there's many different ways of doing it if you went down and see other fabricators they use different style of tools this is what i've been using for the past 30 years it works for me what works for me might work for someone else so what works for them might work for me it's all got to do with a comfort level so what i'm going over here is just the stuff that i use and uh what i use it for and how i do it okay i got the big one here it's a seven inch pad on us um i've got this close on 30 years it's uh it's got a rubber backing pad on us i don't put nothing else on i don't put stones on this i don't put cotton wheels on this i see these fellas using these with cotton wheels the handle is removable and it's got three or four locations when i'm left-handed and it's usually pretty well always in that same location all right i use a 24 grit grinding disc on everything okay a number of guys out there they use 36 and some fellas use uh you know uh 40s and all this type of stuff i'm a body man by trade okay uh we wanted to get stuff in and get it out uh this is a technique in itself uh you gotta be very careful using a 24 because it's very aggressive uh it's fast okay that's the thing with this you can you can take it down with an 80 grit or 36 grit that's fine and you get a real nice finish and whatever but mostly everything i do eventually is going to be put the filler it'll be fiberglass and be called a filler put over have it and i always like to have the metal coarse enough that the filler will actually stick to it so that's why i use that now i only on whom i ever use this i use this for basically uh doing bodywork and whatever for the heavy body work but when it comes to welds uh say if i had a door bottom and i had to put a complete board door about them and well right across the bottom i would use this one here to grind the welds down because it's such a large flat panel uh other than that like large flat panels that are big is great for that anything else inside corners all that no okay now next this next one here i got is just a a big electric big electric grinder smaller than that one and it has a larger stone on it with a guard or whatever like that on us and of course it's got my left-handed handle on us and of course that one there's got three adjustments as well you can put three locations on it that grinder there i hardly ever use it i usually use it for cleaning up things uh say if i had spot wells that i wanted to get clear of i would use something like this here to clean it off most times i would use the smaller one but every now and again i want something more abrupt but not as abrupt as this i will i'll take this one here now the smaller grinders these were most of does most of all my work are these ones here okay now the trick with getting a good grinder like this here is to get one with a small body i have one here it's a cheaper canadian tire one and if you turn around you look at the two from the body on this is a lot smaller than this okay now the um reason for that is it's kind of hard to hold on to okay now i have big hands so it's something else but this one here is really nice to hold on to now some of you may want to put the uh the handles on them and two hand them by all means do so feel comfortable do your grinding if you're not comfortable holding onto a grinder with one hand then basically use the handle bolt it on the side and use two hands i've been doing this a long time and i'm used to just basically taking the grinder and grinding it off with that but just a quick little tip small body handles i do have this one here i have i don't use it much i still got to get batteries for it i have one battery for i just fonts it takes a bit long electric but i really do like the size of the handle on it just look at that you can hold onto that and you can grind away and do everything like that isn't it it's taking me one bit to get you so i'll eventually will be going this route as you can see everything i got got tails on so uh you know eventually i'll get like this this is the wave of the future everybody's gone that route the whole nine yards it's just that you needs five thousand dollars worth of batteries to make mile work okay so they are is a great welder you can hold on though pretty you can wrap your hand right around right nice finally these they figured out a way like why couldn't they come out with this years ago on these grinders is because of the weight are designed with the motors and everything in them but it's uh you know it's the way way of the future and they're good to have the key to these grinders here is the large batteries just little small batteries it won't last long on the grinder um i've seen a lot of youtubers use nearly the this type stuff now and that's all they use i never see i hardly ever sees this stuff that's just me i'm old school but uh eventually i'll probably get into this here it's gonna take time okay that's it for the big grinders i went over all them what i got them for and whatever now here's my small grinder it's uh ingest ran little five inch pad goes on them and uh you turn around i use that for pretty well everything anything small areas rocker panels and around corners and all that type stuff i use this here uh i use many different attachments on this here to do the work i'll go over all that now shortly it has adjustable speed on it you can actually turn it down slow it down speed it up whatnot um you know it's basically it's a air tool the thing i find with them is i've gotten used to them that's something used in the auto body trade there's different style of mini grinders that guys like uh for me is this one here i prefer this grinder in itself so that's basically it for that uh we'll go over all the pads and everything got a minute but that's that grinder and now we got these two little tiny die grinders uh both these are from mac tools basically ones if uh 19 ones are straight uh i have some tips on it one's a like a pointed tip and the other one's a round tip on it okay and i just use them for getting around corners and whatnot on them so and they're nice and small in the hand as you can see you can get bigger ones here's a bigger one you can get and this has been kicking around on my box i don't use it anymore i think it's dead but i hate to throw stuff out ridiculous but that's a bigger one you can see the difference in the two of them and the two of them right uh you can buy a lot of them i like the smaller one because it's so tiny in the hand and the rpm range is a lot higher on that than the res on them so you know that's basically it that's all i use for tools so that's basically it just layout of everything that i use to grind all my welds okay i don't use nothing else other than this and if i forgot i'm sadly mistaken because i've been racking my brain out here going over everything making sure i got everything covered so but basically this is it for the tools now let's go over all the abrasives so here in front of you you see everything that i would use to grind and finish off all my welds okay let's start over here on this in here of course you got the big old five inch grinding for discs okay you get them in four and i get them in five because they're bigger uh the four inch ones are nicer to control but i get more use of them um i use these mostly for cleaning up wells now these days there was a time i use them a lot more i hate using them because they got to be used on a grinder like this here on the side okay um i don't use them for a lot of stuff on the big side um i'll use them for grinding down uh rough all metal and stuff like that and any big heavy knobs of welding and stuff like that i'll use that uh the biggest thing i like using is when they get old and they get smaller you end up going this size here and i put these on the small grinder and they're great for working areas i use these on inside edges and cut all my uh do all my round edges you can see there's an oval shape to that there probably better on this one here is it there you go you look there's a little round shape to that there and i'll use that for grinding all my inside edges small ones like that i have bones today my save do that same thing now these ones here i found three four years ago uh i've talked about them a lot on my uh channel they are amazing they put these to shame okay the problem i always have with these here is you always had to grind them like this okay when you're drawing your welds this is how you grind them okay i never like that i always like how on the ground or flat and these did nothing we're talking about on the flat side these here are just like that they're like a grinding pad on them if you look at them closely that's where they're designed right there is the part number on him where's he do right there look anybody has them walter flex cuts that's them there okay they come with a little built-in piece that spins right under the nut uh they're made of a fiber mesh of some sort uh there's the air when they wear down okay i still use that for grinding stuff down and they last really well uh if you grind them under age they won't last long keep them flat and they last very long like this this is the way they're designed to be used like this here much the same as a grinding pad i finds they don't generate nowhere near the amount of heat that these generate this here will cost a well down twice as fast this i'm going to do an experiment with two of these now later and show you but that's the walter flex cuts well i've been using them for cutting all the big heavy welds down for uh the last three four years for sure i looked into fundies now these are not cheap uh these are cheaper but i just find that for the quality of them and how nice they are to use i pays for them you know i'll really do like them i'm really hooked on them back these here before i forget about you got to hit miss on these uh stones are tricky you can go out and buy four or five different brand name stones and some work good and some don't and some are absolute junk okay uh really cheap ones and whatever it's very hard to get a good quality stone uh as like anything else when it comes to tools and abrasives sometimes you gotta pay the money for it uh there's no real cheap way around abrasives usually if you want good quality you got paid money and quality i've been hunting for years trying to find cheaper ways of doing grinding because it's probably you think about it it's the one one the most underrated part of the entire trade so all you know is growing down wells and you you tell the customer you went out and you paid twenty five dollars for grinding discs and you think you know for brian average wells he's not gonna like that now but anyway let's move on from that so that's the stones that's the flex cuts now these maximums these are the cup meals that i use now i'm not going to use that for grinding okay i'm just showing you that's when i get when they get very small they get this small here you can see i got abundance of them up here okay now these are fantastic for sharpening in edges cutting in corners and just doing like inside edges and whatever and i just put them on low pre low rpm on the grinder and i and i clean everything up with them do inside edges with them i don't use the full disc they're not designed for that because they are cutting wheel but when they get small like this here that's what i'll use and you see i got lots of them here and i got a bunch more like that as well now over here we got the abrasives okay these here are 24 grit boulder mark 24 grit okay now one is an expensive one one is a cheap one okay now hit i'll use your backing pads on these here's a number ways of doing it this is the backing pad i use on two of these here to get everything started now when these wear down i cut them down and i use them like so okay i keep cutting them down cutting them down what i'll end up doing then is i'll use that one there for a backing pad for that one and i'll just double up on them like so for the grinder and grind down that way and i just keep cutting them down cutting down i don't use nothing fancy to cut them down with i don't use anything but these here tin snips these are dedicated just for cutting these down i don't use them for cutting steel i don't use them at all forgotten steel or anything but that's the ones i use for trimming these down and i just keep trimming them down i'll start up here and i'll all i do is i'll cut off little sections of them bit by bit all you're doing you're taking them down you're cutting these little sleeves often just trims them off a little bit by a little bit right each time and then each time you cut these off you'll end up having a new cutting edge on the outside edge and they're like new new discs again so like that's the reason why i like these a lot of fellows use rollock and smaller discs and stuff like that i like these because you can cut them down the great big seven inch ones that i got i can cut them down to this size here and then i cut them down to this one here and they use them i get a lot of use out of them and this is all i do is i just cut them down with no pair of tin snips now these here are uh really good norton ones okay these are generic brand you can buy and you can get them now these here work pretty good but here's what you can see is the difference in the two of them okay um if you look at this here they've got a weir pattern on this here look at the wear pattern on this here this is how you can tell sheep okay the stones actually come off the actual grinding disc and they're also very flimsy they're not as uh you can look at that there see how flames that is and take this here and how strong that is you can get by with these i use them a lot i have them there um but i find they go fast now you'll pay twice as much for these as you would for these and but you'll get three to four times longer out of these so sometimes when it comes to abrasives it's always better to buy good quality gear to start with i know this is expensive but you will find that especially if you have a lot of work to do now if you're doing small like one particular job have at her have fun with them okay you can turn around and use them all day best con they'll get you out of the jam they'll work fans kind i've used them for years i just started using these here a few months ago i found them and i'm getting a good price on them these are usually two and three or three and four dollars each and i'm getting them for a couple of bucks each so it's a really good deal and i cut them down and i'm amazed at how long they last i'm getting four times uh out of one of these here i am out of one of these so you know this type of thing i have a lot of them still left and i got a lot of limbs to lift over so that's all i do is i grind down 24 grit and that's where i stop i don't go no further than that some guys have pointed out and talked about how uh gritty and and you know scratched up my work is and stuff like that again i'm not a coach builder i'm not doing these cars uh so you can put a primer on them and send them out the door uh everything that i does needs body work done on it's gonna have to be filled now it's not going to be blocked with filler and you know inch tick fill or stuff like that but anybody can tell you that you turn around and there's no filler in the car are lying okay uh any perfect car out there unless it has hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of hours put into the metal finishing of the car uh you're talking about the million dollar cars that you're not going to get a straight body unless you put filler on it and that's just a given that's just the fact the key to doing metal work is doing it so that it looks good and you haven't got to shape it and fill the guts right out of it in order to make it look good and that's the reason why i do my metal work like it is a lot of it got to do with corners and edgings and inside edges when it comes to filler work and body work that you always hated to work at i've done my share of side jobs okay i've put them on three quarters of an inch take on some stuff over the years um not a shame to say it because that's the way the trade was we got paid in uh quantity not quality okay you know get it in get it out get it and get it out it was all about that people weren't charging back then by the hour they were charging a set price um a set price you can turn around and do it perfect and put 60 hours in it and get paid for 20 or you can turn around and put 20 hours in and get paid for 20. and that was the whole concept behind it and that's the reason why i finish mine like this here because it's going to be filled okay i'll touch on these i got a few of them there a lot of you guys use them a lot of you guys like them uh i don't use them i use them to get me out of a jam every now and again uh they're nice it tells everybody they're nice or polished and grown there they do work good that's a lie they do work you can cut down wells and everything with them you get the right one i just find that you're paying ten dollars sometimes up here for a good flat disc okay uh cheap flapj discs down here are three bucks four dollars each and i feinstein not one of them i don't like the uh the finish on them how long they last for the money you spend on them and like iphones it gets down to this here and you know i find some just like polish chrome with that and you know they they work a lot of fellas use them and love them and that's them me i don't now oscillators finishing off your fini your bodywork you want to do it fine go ahead the difference between a finish that's like this here and a finish that's made with this here you see me grinding off my wells and saying okay that job is done move on to it the step from here to here to get the look that you can put a coat of primer on it it's time okay there's a big difference in that you don't just buzz it over with a hunter stick it and say it's done usually when you're doing this type of finish work on it you're doing a lot of pick and fall and bringing up your low spots doing all that and you're trying to finish the metal work off you're talking about coach billing that's what i call that okay um i find it a waste of time for me to turn around and sand it all down and make it look pretty for you guys i'm not looking to hide anything here this is what i finished my body work or finish my welds too to get the body work this here is what i finish my filler work at to go to primer okay i don't do no uh sanding of my wells with an oscillator i don't bother with it i'm not looking to impress anybody with beautiful finished metal work and stuff like that my metal work is done the way i do it for the simple fact that it's going to body work after me it's not going to lead a lot of filler but i can tell you right now anybody cuts a piece of metal out of a car and wells a piece of metal back into a car and then spends 20 minutes grinding it off and then thinks that it's going to be a colder primer and it's going to be perfect and no okay you cut a piece of metal out of a car and you weld a piece of metal in the car and you grind it and you bring it down to wells okay that's ready for filler work now you want to bring that from there up to uh coachman statuses you know show quality uh tronar 20 or 25 hours into it and that's the truth it's just time okay to go from this finish to this finish it's time you can buzz it off and make it look good oh that looks great nice and shiny and stuff like that but it doesn't do anything in terms of uh finish work this here is ready for filler this here when you finish that is ready for colder primer and let's be honest uh welding in patches in cars uh the only difference between this and this here and like you know make perfect metal work is basically time all right what i got done here now is i got a couple of tests done uh panels and all i got done is i got a couple of square pieces of 20 gauge metal and i bought them together and i weld them across where the seams were too and what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna grind the welds down what i'm gonna do here first before it goes anything else is i'm going to show you the difference between that old stone and the flex cut wheels okay i'm not getting nothing from these guys okay uh be great if i can get a sponsor from them because i can tell you it's an unbelievable tool i don't believe in advertising something that i don't believe in and it's just something that i found and i just want to show you the abilities of what i could do and how good it is and this is usually what everybody else is using as grinding stones so i'm going to grind this one off with a grinding stone i'll grind this one off with a flex coat wheel and i'm going to turn the camera on and i'm going to let you watch to see how long it takes me to grind this off and how long it takes me to grind this off and then to look at to see what the finished product looks like not going to finish it with nothing else i'm just going to grind it with that and i'm just going to grind it with that i'm going to use the same grinder for both processes i'll just change the disc out on bottom so [Music] so [Music] so that was the stone change that grinding discs put the flexicon on [Music] [Music] [Music] so there's a difference that's the stone that's the flex cut wheel you've seen the time it took me the grind bolt off uh there's the finish on that one you can see the the marks the burrs and the way it grinds off and this is the finish on the flex cut there's a couple of low spots in this piece where i welded it so i couldn't pick them up but the finish is a lot smoother i can actually feel the grinding the grittiness in this one here you can see it here it looks like it's a bit gritty but it's not this is pretty smooth over here if you look at it but that's the difference in the two of them uh they are a lot faster so for the rest of the tests i'm going to be using these and i'm going to worry about them okay here's the next test now that we got it figured out we're going to be using the flex cut wheel uh what i'm going to do now is show you about cutting down a weld okay some people just think we're on the ground or over you know you don't do that you cut the top of the well down and work your way down try to stay away from the two panels okay as much as you can now you will hit them from time to time that's fine but the key to this is to stay away from these panels as long as you can to bring down the weld so all you do is just get sets it up on the very top of the well and start grinding it down working your way across working your way back don't worry about getting the whole spot the first time just work your way around [Music] now as you can see i just stopped it because i'm not going to go any further you can see all i touched was the welds i never touched none of the metal on either side i just grinded the top of the wheels off now i'm getting close to the metal so now i can start feathering it out i'm not going to further out i'm just going to keep cutting it down until it starts to feather itself out once i seize that little section feathering out i'll stop [Music] right here now you can see it's starting to feather out that's hot don't touch with your finger but it's starting to feather out right here okay now that's done for me uh it's ready for for me to dress later on i'll keep going over all that there now till i start seeing that little bit of feather ridge going out and then i'll just keep working my way along [Music] so [Music] now work my way along and i feather out now every now and again you're going to come across issues like this in here that's a low spot in the metal where i welded it probably too much heat or whatever and it warped up don't go digging into that stop there that's it that's all you can do with that there you'll end up having to fill that reweld it or rework it if you can get it on the back side hammer and dolly it but as you can see that's all it is just start from the top of the weld and work your way down as soon as it starts to feather out stop now i can go back now and i can finish this off and dress it with the 24. a lot of times i could probably get that with 24. [Music] so now you can see i got all grinded off and you can see the imperfections in it on here one here one here and there's a little tiny see if i can get it later it's hard to see but there's a little imperfection right here in line you can barely see it there look that's good that's it now don't ever try to work this stuff out keep growing until that disappears stop here okay uh if you don't like this here and you want to finish the farther neck all i usually do is i just weld them up again i hit some of the dab of weld i hit that with dab well not grind it off again don't go keep digging down until he gets all this smooth because all you're doing is making everything around a thin so that's basically the simplest form of just grinding off the head of it and then dressing it up after the fact the key to it is is try to stay away from your two metals as much as you can and just use it to get into the two metals just for your final finishing just grind the top off your wells and work your way down now we gotta do the 45 degree grinding i've seen a number of times in my videos that i do wells on the inside of stuff and then i had dress it up usually on like on the outside face of the trunk edge or something like that now have you ever noticed on these your grounding discs if you look at them closely they got a real sharp edge on them okay but when you start to use them and you start to wear out they get small like this here and then the ends bevels out on them that's all i use it takes that and i bronze that off in there to go fully round okay so i'm going to take the electric grinder now and dress that up and round that out [Music] again same process all i'm doing taking the head office i'm going to bring it down as far as i can so all i'm left with in is that i know so i'm into the metal and then i'll dress it [Music] so [Music] now i got it down i'm into the two metals now he wants to fine tune it some more you can do it a couple of different ways we can actually use the die grinder on it or i can put the uh smaller thin blades on it to dress it up i'm gonna swap out from the electric grinder now to the air grinder because the problem i'm running into is when i grind in here as you can see i'm bringing up here which runs into an issue that's what i like about the air grinder [Applause] uh [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] so that's basically the process there now if you want to now you can go back in here touch up the few spots here and there if you look at it very closely you can see there's a couple of spots over here here that had to be re-rounded i just got a round turned edge most sheet metal work that you do do have an inside rolled edge it's never a sharp edge for the most part but if you do have run into that situation i'm going to show you how to actually sharpen this up now so you get an actual cornered edge in there i'm going to leave this side alone i'm just going to make this edge over here a cornered edge over to my collection here i'm just going to take one of these here okay it's a as an old zip blade and i'll bring that over here and i'll mount that on there all this i switched out the blade and put the little cotton wheel out all i'm going to do is rotate back and forth here in a lower rpm and just cut it back until i got my edge where i like it i'm just going to again work just the welds um [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] very hard to see but you see me working it back and forth now when you do this type of work you got to make sure you're welded on the back side because you're only thinning out this corners i know and that's why i like leaving this here but you can actually see it here if i take this edge and you can see the way i go in i bring up there's a distance there okay now i can come over here and go in look and bring right up in the panel so i'm squared right off on the back corner see on the sharp edge so i'm down to the inside corner edge you just gotta take your time with these these are not the grinding wheels i just use them very lightly uh i just let it you know it doesn't take much for it to cut don't force them because these will explode on you okay now i got that done i'm just gonna go ahead now and i'm going to finish it all off with a 24 grit i got changed over the disc on this skin and i'm going to turn around i'm going to run over this here now and just dress it all up and get a finished product hmm [Music] so there you can see it it's all finished after that you can actually see it a lot better there now you can see the cut inside edge and you can see a nice little roll on that end there and so that's how you can achieve it you can see how nice that looks there now you can see my finger or reflection in there oh let's just finish with 24 grit and that's it i usually not too abrasive with it i like sand it and polishing it out of it it's just fast you can see how long it takes me to grind things down 36s and 40s now that just takes that much more longer them to do and i've gotten used to it i know how far i can push a 24 so it's just years experience as well so now we're into this all right trades doing this stuff because this is hard we got an inside corner and an edge on it so now we're going to grind it all down because you can see this here that's not going to fit very far or in there right so what are we up against so you get a smaller one and that can take us in there that'll take us in there okay and then you get a smaller one again and that'll take us even further again so all we got to be dealing with is that inside edge there and the same wood up there so i'm going to take this one little one here and i'll put this on the grinding stone or on the air grinder and i'm going to start grinding this off in here and then here and in here to get this here so all's left is this inside edge see how much of this i can get cleaned up and how far into the corner i can get wow okay i changed out the wheels from a smaller one to a bigger one because i'm finding it hard to get in here because the body of the machine is hitting up here so i changed it out i realized i could probably do the same amount of work with a larger wheel a lot of times you just got to experiment with that find out which one fits in there better and which one works better yay [Music] hmm [Music] so now i'm to the point where i'm in as far as i can go on both sides on the three sides and all i got left to do in here now some of you guys have used them little uh belt sanders uh they're probably be a really good uh machine for here i haven't got one of course uh so i may do what i got the tools that i have i try to avoid this work as much as possible i try to work my way around and if i can make it off the car and make it two sections and do all this for one side by uh you know it's it's tedious work doing inside corners so all i want to do now is take up my two die grinders okay i'm going to round it off this one here first that one there [Music] [Music] [Music] as far as i can go with that one they're very aggressive if you better spend the money enemy do some damage now i'll go over to the pointed one [Music] wow [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] as you can see a lot of work involved in it all i used was the two die grinders okay they got it down and i played around with different size stones on the the grinder and that's basically all i used to clean that up uh i'd say if you had a little belt sander you probably do a really tiny job on that there it's hard to get the inside corner edge like i said i don't like doing these you can work this a bit more dress this up a bit more put a bit more time into it i'm not going at it but you get the idea of what i'm talking about grinding stuff out here right so you might have a good idea or something sometimes you get a drill bit in here and drill out that corner and use drill bit to clean it up and as well and go along the edge uh the die grinders is all i've been using uh i use most times and but if you've got an idea about doing an inside corner and drop it in the comments below i'm always looking to learn new things anyway that's it for that one now this is probably the most common one that i use on my channel uh is outside edges when i'm building panels together uh i weld them on the outside i weld them on the inside i don't press them on the inside i leave them as a b and i'll dress them on the outside to give a nice edge on it and roll over edge and everything and i'm going to show you the process that i've shown on a few videos but i'm going to go over it again here now you probably noticed by now i've actually been welding everything out of my bench i do that just makes it sturdier i can't i'm hands-free with it then i haven't got to worry about moving around i didn't want to clamp it down voice grips would have been in the way this bench as you can tell there's a lot of stuff from wells under over here so that's what i got it for i weld it under the bench so i can grind it down now all i'm going to do here now is i'm going to grind this off with a 24 grit disc and what i'm going to do is i got this flat edge and i got this flat edge i'm going to grind this flat here back until i hit the metal and i'm going to do the same thing here grind that back till i hit the metal your first instinct to do here is to start rounding this over i find what ends up happening is your edges starts to look like this then right if you got a nice clean sharp edge to go through and you cut the top of this way and then just do a nice file of it you get a nice crisp line going down your your panel okay so just grind the top edge here draw on the top edge here and then you'll be left with a point okay you can use these on this here uh i don't like uh using the monitor because for a simple fact i've had a lot more control with this setup here than i do with these you can use it you can find that here and find that here to get that done off because uh like a lot of us we don't have all ear tools we can do it with a grinder uh probably the best thing would be to do is to put a flat wheel on it and do it with a flat wheel uh on electric grinder uh that's probably one of the only advantages to not having air tools if you're going to do metal work is to use these flap wheels because they're not as aggressive as a grinding stove and you can finish things off and you can do a lot of nice work with these i just don't use them because i got my ear tools [Music] again just knock the head off the weld work yourself down from the weld this way here this is your flat plane here so work back to it until you start to feather edges and then just federate it back [Music] that's that side there you can see how i just grinded it off and worked it off you can see there's feather edge back but on the other side there you can still see there's a a lot of welding so i'm going to do the same process over here [Music] you can see it there nice edge going along there now now you got a nice crisp line to go off all i'm going to do is knock the head off here and roll over the edge [Music] [Music] there you have a nice roll over edge there you can see i'm not the heat cycle is still in the metal so i haven't even got into the metal over here grinding down just to show you how much grinding actually does all right and over here done the same thing right but if you look down across there you see a nice rolled edge going along there there's usually a wheel lip a dog's leg inside edge of a window look around the window there's a number of places that this process can be used this is probably my most used process of all my metal repair i've been doing a lot of guys use shrinker stretchers and i've got in the habit of just making these pieces and i just find it's just solid it makes a solid piece out of this and easy to work with basic tools i got one more to show you now this is something else that you see on my channel a lot as i use a lot of 18 gauge steel to repair slight metal this is 22 gauge and that's 18 gauge okay you can see the difference in the two of us that's a lot thicker than that okay now like i've said before the advantages of doing this here is that i got room to grind here it's very hard to grind you haven't got a lot of grind on this here i can only grow under the edge of that little well there okay right to the very edge i start getting into this i'm into trouble okay i start grinding this here down this becomes 20 gauge metal or sorry back it up a bit that'll hurt it'll turn into 24 gauge metal [Laughter] but this is a process that i've i've started doing a number of years ago i just found a lot easier using the heavier gauge steel uh it held shape better it helps the 22 gauge the whole shape better again it we are welding in pieces it gives you room to grind okay uh you like when you start scrolling this off here i'm going to be concentrating on this here grinding to this here i'm not going to be grinding i'll grind this down so far and then i'll start feather edging it this way coming into this here grinding from the 18 gauge to the 22 gauge just so i can get it to feather out so that way i haven't got too much grinding to do on the 22. uh it's just some it's this little trick i just you know just picked up on for years you're i basically talk to like if there's a 22 gauge with 22 gauge back in there just fine if you put a full quarter panel on and you're putting factory spot welds in but when you're cutting a hole out of the quarter panel the lower side and you've got to weld into 22 gauge metal uh and you got to grind it down because it's got to be filled and everything it's nice to have a little bit of leeway and it's nice to have something that's a lot stronger in there now again this is 18 and it's 22 i could use a flex cut on this here but i'm preferring to use a 24 on here uh if you notice i've been using the exact same 24 to do all my grinding since i started using 24 that's the same disc so it's they last extremely long and the outer edge of the last sound but so all i'm going to do is knock the head down and i'm just going to do it with this here i prefer to do this this is all you got you can do it with that too just got to be very very tricky with it because that will burn through the 22 gauge like that and forget about using one of them because you'll destroy 22. if you've got to use it use one of them okay [Music] now like before i brought her down so far then i'm to the point now where i start federation out before i just go ahead and i just start cutting the back but what i'm going to do different here now is i'm going to federate back into this here first and then i'm going to start coming into this here very slightly because i want to just knit into this one just a little tiny bit [Music] as you can see my grinder's up here and i'm just faintly down into the 20 22 gauge and all i'm doing i'm just cutting it into it once i see the fading away that's hot get out of this once you start seeing the fading away uh i stop and i don't do very little grinding down here there's very little work that i just underneath here and i'm just grinding into a little tiny wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now here's what it is there's where the join is to right through here you can see how high i was up under the 18 gauge up here i was way up here with the grinder grinding this way here federation in the back and down here there's the join right here i'm only down here just a little tiny bit down into this here okay wind it off a little bit down here but that's fine right but you can actually see that i just turn around i just barely falls in or once i get gets it down to where it starts to fit around once i sees it disappearing off the 22 gauge i stop but i got weight up here on the grinder so i can actually keep grinding up here so i'll just go back down and give that a quick rub over and that'll be done [Music] there it is again now all finished off now just for the fun of it uh some of you guys talk about me finishing the work off and you know i leave this heavy grinding scratches in it yeah i mean that's fine okay filler is going to stick to that but just for the fun of it i'm going to run over just a dice later hmm there it is finished with 100 okay you still see scratches and everything in it just roughed over you can actually see the weld because the actual mig weld is harder than the two steels itself right mig is always harder than regular sheet metal that's always been a fact and you can actually see it through there as an actual actual well itself i will take this here lay that across that there don't lay it underneath there you would think you could just be able to paint that now and uh bob's wrong but uh it's still imperfections and everything in it and like i can rub my hand over and i can feel a small i'm about him in by trade so i can feel imperfections in that it looks good if he like you know may have a visual that looks good this hero looks good but i can guarantee you a cold primer's not covering that up okay uh there's nothing wrong with filler one of the biggest problems i had when i was working on body work is that when you welded a piece in overlapped and you had to deal with them corners there okay when you got out on edges and you had to deal with that corner there okay that was always the problem all i had i wanted to make it nice and smooth so all it was was just making it you put a skimmer filler over the top of that block it off perfect and that's what i like to see with it right but anyway but that's it for that one so that's it there's all different types of grinding inside corners you know edges over outside edges on the flat with a stone on a flat with the flex cost and with the 24 grit grinding disk and basically just the basics of how to grind uh hopefully i cover everything now there's a number of different ways doing this this may be not to be the way you does it this is the way i do it uh there's more than one way to skin a cat uh one thing i found about sheet metal guys and vitamin we all have our own particular way of doing things we use different tools to do different techniques this is how i do my grinding okay everything i do is done this way here i'll do basically all this here take it towards the finished product and bodywork i use nothing else for what you see on this bench okay um you know just basically the few stones all used stones 24 grit grinding pad a few air tools the dog grinders and the big electric grinder with the walter flex cuts and i had this over here the stone basically i use that for doing heavy rough stuff but for what i'm doing here now that's it i had the big grinders that i showed you earlier for doing the heavier big stuff and bigger stuff so you know this is basically it there's a number of different ways of doing it i've been asked about grinding techniques and how to grind i've never ever thought of this as an actual you know teaching guide because you know you just pick up a grinder in your grind but the more i thought about it i realized that you know there is a slight art to it and some fellas takes a grinder on their hand are pretty dangerous and the way they turn around and to grind things off and they leave high spots in low spots and you know they really don't know what they're doing with it and they really have no you know understanding of what they should be doing and i'm just hoping that i covered the basics of it and got you going on the right track using tools that you got kicking around you can do pretty well all this with that grinder there and all you would have to do is change that wheel out and put a um a flap disc on it because a lot of you guys haven't got air tools and i figured that there with a flap disc would finish everything off the same way i'd really like to see your comments on how you do your grinding uh some of you guys i've watched some videos now of other sheet metal guys and how they do there to grinding the tools they use uh it's pretty informative some saw my figures are better than mine i can be honest and just say that and but sometimes i see some guys that say no i will do that but they can do it is not necessarily what i want to do or how i do it i was always and talk to basically get it in get it out and do it fast and that's the reason why i use these 24s is because they're so aggressive i've just gotten used to using them that i can control the aggressiveness and the actual grinding disc but that's basically it i hope the uh hope you enjoyed this one here i hope the tips were good and until next time [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Fitzee's Fabrications
Views: 131,840
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Id: E9FbV_xsM_U
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Length: 58min 10sec (3490 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 20 2021
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