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hey there what's going on youtube i am jerry and welcome back to my program the chicago griller now before i start the show today i just wanted to say i was just checking out youtube's analytics and i saw something very interesting i saw that over 60 percent of you guys watch the show from outside of the united states i find that incredibly interesting and i want to offer my heartfelt thank you to all of you for watching this channel and for all your likes and for all of you subscribing so thank you again now for those of you outside the u.s you might not know that illinois the state that chicago is in is a huge producer of corn you only need to drive about 20 to 30 miles and you'll see huge fields of corn just like this one and so with that i think it's pretty appropriate to share with you how you can grill up corn on a weber q but instead of just showing you one way how to do it i'm gonna show you three ways how to do it so let's get to it [Music] today we are grilling up corn three ways so i have three ears of corn here on my plate the first way to grill up corn is you're gonna grill it in the husk so i'm just gonna take this corn in the husk and soak it in a plate of water off to the side here and just leave it in there while i prep the other two ears of corn for the other two methods of grilling corn we need to husk the corn to husk the horn you're going to grab the leafy part on the opposite end of the stem and just pull it apart [Music] this does get a little bit messy so i advise that you do this over a sink or over the garbage can once the husk has been removed you could just pull off the stem and throw the husk away then use your hands and your fingers and scrape off and remove the silk from the corn it doesn't have to be perfect a lot of this will burn off on the grill and as you can see here these two ears of corn have now been husked so the second method of preparing corn for the grill is we're going to take some aluminum foil and just wrap up one of the ears of corn up like a burrito now just like they do at chipotle you can also add ingredients inside like butter or salt and pepper to season anyways just pinch off the ends and wrap the corn tightly in the aluminum foil and the third way we grill corn is naked no coverings no seasonings and now i'm gonna get my unhusked ear of corn back place it back on this plate and we're ready for all three ears of corn to go on the grill and out here on my back patio i have preheated this weber q 2000 to high it is a hot sunny summer day out here in chicago so i apologize for the overexposed shot but it will adjust itself anyways lay all your corn directly on the grill grates then close the lid and we're going to cook this for about five minutes before checking up on them and after five minutes we are going to open the lid and turn each ear of corn so that they could get evenly charred on all sides and i'm actually going to just rotate this foil one over to the far side just so it's easier for me to reach and easier to show you and perfect we are going to shut the lid and cook this for another 15 minutes turning every five minutes or so and check out my newly installed thermometer we're running at 500 degrees on high here and here we are after 20 minutes of total cook time we are ready to pull the corn off of the grill as you can see the husk is burned pretty good on this first one but don't worry the corn inside is well protected and removed the naked one and you can see some nice charring on that one and removing the one in foil let's get this all inside and show you how it looks and here we go grilled corn prepared three ways of course we can't eat foil or the husk so let's go remove both and show you what it looks like on the inside and the big reveal here is our corn grilled three ways on the bottom here was the corn that we grilled in the husk on the top is the corn we grilled in foil and center is the horn we grilled naked now even in this video you could probably see that the kernels on this one grilled in the husk are quite plump and the ones grilled naked are mostly charred and a little bit shriveled and the one in the foil is a little bit in between with some charring that said they're all ready to eat and you could prove that by grabbing a toothpick and poking each one of the kernels if you could puncture the kernel with ease then the corn is ready to eat and finally checking the one in foil and it slips in easily so all this corn is ready to eat now i actually grew up eating corn plain with no seasonings but i know that's not typical here so at this point you're welcome to add any seasonings you'd like anyways most importantly how does the taste of these three grilling methods compare now i do feel a little bit silly eating on camera so let's just head out to the deck and recap okay and here we are back for a recap and like i just said i don't like eating on camera but trust me when i said i just ate all three ears of corn and i will say my favorite was actually the one that was wrapped in the husk and i think it's pretty obvious when you looked at all three of them side by side it was clearly the juiciest and plumpest of the three now i will also admit it was however the least grill like of the three and i think that's because the moisture from soaking it in the water essentially steamed it in the grill at 500 degrees now my second favorite was probably the naked corn and that's because it was directly on the grill so it had the most distinctive grill and char texture and flavor now that's not to say that the foil wrapped one was my least favorite they were all very good but it was my least preferred of the three and that's because it was kind of a hybrid of the two it was wrapped up so it was steamed in the foil and it did get some grill marks but didn't get as much as the one grilled naked directly on the grill grates now the foil wrap one did have an advantage in that you could actually put butter and seasoning inside of it and wrap it all tight together so they all melt together it also has the advantage that you could keep it warm when serving it to a lot of people but anyways that is three ways that you could grill up corn on your weber q let me know in the comment section down below what's your favorite method of grilling corn or if you have another method of grilling corn thank you very much as always for watching this video if you enjoyed what you saw definitely hit the like button or subscribe and hit that notification bell thank you very much for joining me again today i can't wait to see all again next time thanks and bye now
Channel: Chicago Griller
Views: 73,336
Rating: 4.8847613 out of 5
Keywords: Weber Q, Weber Q cooking, Weber Q2000, Weber Q2200, Weber Q1200, Weber Q 2000, Weber Q 2200, how to grill, how to grill corn, how to grill corn on the cob, grilled corn, tailgating grill, camping grill, travel grill, grilling recipes, Weber Q recipes, Chicago grill, how to cook corn, how to cook corn on the cob, weber q corn
Id: NaqwTIJwKHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 27sec (447 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 02 2020
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