How To Stream To TikTok From PC (2023)

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hey guys it's Zac Ryan here in today's video I'm going to teach you how to stream on Tick Tock that is right if you guys do not know you might be wondering how to stream them on Tick Tock for yourself so that way you can promote your Twitch via using Tick Tock so that way you can have your face cam up top and of course have some gameplay on the bottom plus your Twitch tag in the middle saying hey live on Twitch Lincoln bio All That Jazz but you might not have access to a stream key and are wondering how to get access to stream key or The Tick Tock live studio well today I finally figured it out and I want to share how to do it with you guys and that way you can stream on Tick Tock as well so let's go with the first requirement in order to actually stream on Tick Tock live what you need to do is get access to 1 000 followers on Tick Tock now you might be wondering why do I need 1000 followers well this is a minimum requirement they actually stream on your phone now this is actually important because you need at least go live once from your phone and stream for over an hour because once you stream over an hour on your Tick Tock live via phone then you'll have actually access to getting Tick Tock live studio so you can see I have already Tick Tock live I've actually Gone live once in the past within the last 30 days on my phone for an hour or two and I did this multiple times over so that's when the first thing you need to do so that way they say okay this person's been live for a couple times maybe we should give him access to the tick tock live studio and then you just wait a bit of time the second thing you're going to need to know is that you're at least need 3 000 followers to actually stream with the tick tock live studio now of course if you don't have 3 000 followers you only have a thousand followers you do have a possibility of still getting access to a stream key if you go to Carter pulse and Twitter and actually fill out this Google form that or you DM them and get lucky you can actually get access to a tick tock stream key that way and that way you don't have to grind to 3 000 followers however I've done this in the past and he isn't the most reliable so it's not like he's in reliable it just seems like a lotto like a gotcha you either you get it or you don't get it some people with a lot more followers actually get access to it faster than of course the small guy which is to be expected sadly but now that you have 3 000 followers let's say for example here how do I get access to the tick tock live studio well let's go right into that now so you can see right here we have my Tick Tock and what we're gonna do is we're gonna click on this icon on here go to live studio and when you're in live studio it's course going to list the requirements and some other stuff it actually doesn't show it for me here because the thing with it is it's bugged where after you've done it for the first time they hide the requirements I'm not entirely sure why it exactly does this I assume it's just one of the things that they have said it's like a one-time kind of thing so they don't expect you to read it for a second time that's at least my assumption but if it doesn't take you here directly and takes you to The Tick Tock live area on the stab then you most likely don't have access to the minimum request to get this but once you do click this into the studio then you'll have access to download and we're just going to download links like so I'm going to show you on how to set this on up this is kind of similar to that of OBS and streamlabs OBS we're just going to store an OBS program but this is more focused on The Tick Tock live studio its functions are quite not limited per se like they have everything baked in but there's some things if you want to do some more creative stuff you don't have quite access to it if that makes sense like you normally would with OBS so once it's all installed we can just click finish and run and it's going to actually run and say are you sure you run on this absolutely we're fine we're good to go and of course you're gonna have to log into your actual Tick Tock now we're gonna of course I access this by using the QR code so whatever your phone sign into like my phone is actually signed into this I'm just gonna sign into it for myself and of course that way I can get access to tick tock live now that we've done that we're all good to go and get any access to tick tock live studio because this is going to confirm the process and be like okay you successfully log in check your account and of course you can just set everything up so we're gonna set up now for beginners it's of course gonna say what do you want to use default mic we're going to use this mic of course then on top of that we're going to click on what is our main camera so our main camera is going to be this device which is the hd60s there you go it's fixed out just have to refresh it for some reason no matter course click next and then of course it's gonna check out your bandwidth speed and the little speed test to see how good you are and if it's good to go it's gonna be like yeah you're over set for me it's gonna be something stupid you can see with that it's going to recommend this but of course change this a little bit later here just kind of just setting the recommend and of course you can set up what your actual settings are for the actual program itself now I'm actually going to changes just because the fact that I know my bandwidth speeds way higher than this I have one gig up one gig down which is a lot of megabytes and a lot of transfer I can actually set the video bit rate to 4000. if you can do this I recommend it because that way it's going to have the crispiest quality stream for 720p so we're gonna switch this to 4000 of course and then we're gonna do leave this as is we're going to say 60fps and then we're just gonna click next and of course we're gonna click power to it because portrait is more usable for actually streaming just because Tick Tock live everyone's holding their phone like this No One's Gonna like get open up Tick Tock flip the other way just for a live stream so we're just going to want to feed that way and that where we're good to go and now once you've done that score is going to say oh you have access to tick tock live all that jazz you do some other stuff and we're just gonna like not do anything besides setting everything on up now of course it's going to give you some default things and you can just remove this as it is because that's what I'm gonna do I'm just gonna delete everything besides the main things we want which is of course our camera because when we have our camera we can then adjust it we're gonna adjust it like so by just pull dragging it up and of course you can't actually drag it otherwise if unless you open the middle of the canvas it's kind of annoying that's one of the things that's kind of bad about it but you can sit up here and of course you can add a source by clicking add source and then of course you can add a video capture card and then you can add that and this is where you're going to get access to using your gameplay so if I was to actually get my PC working here and then if I select my HD my game capture for 4K 60 which is one of my capture cards I have for my gameplay and I just add the source the score is going to use the default always Source capture audio Source we want to make sure it's on the game capture for the audio meaning that the PC audio and it's just going to add that Source like so you can mess with some other stuff but we're gonna leave everything as is you see I have access to my gameplay on my PC now we can just drag this like so grab it from the corners of course and then we just want to enhance the size to make it whatever size we want it to be so I'm going to make it like that and we're just gonna put dead center then if we're going to grab our game face cam we're going to drag it a little bit more so make a little bit bigger and we'll be good to go there and that way we have a pretty good looking setup so if we want to open up a game like Apex for example here so you can see now that I have Apex loaded and it's loaded up it looks pretty good already this setup now what we want to do is actually add a way to promote our twitch or any other platform you might want to because most people I notice are using this as a way to promote their twitch so we're going to just say for example here we're going to add a image of course and then we're just going to open an image that we made so for example here I made this like twitch bio thing so that way my twitch is in my bio on my Twitter that way people can actually go to my bio and be like okay he's live on Twitch and maybe they wouldn't have more access to the chat because you're always going to prioritize your kick chat twitch chat or YouTube chat over your Tick Tock chat now that's not a bad thing per se but that's what most people do if they want to grow like on a different platform because switch is like impossible to grow on so we're gonna set that there and place it in the middle and that way it looks very crisp and very clean so that way like it's in the way but it isn't in the way we want to make it enough in the way that people are like okay he's live on uh twitch and it's a higher quality experience because it's already so high quality on your in your app so with that we're all good to go so the next thing is the actually go live so if we were now to go live on of course Tick Tock we're just gonna click go live and of course I'm just gonna stream for a short bet you're gonna see like you can set your title you can say what game You're Gonna Play you have to choose a top pick of course before you actually go live for example I'm going to click gaming I'm gonna click Apex and then we would just click go live and of course you do some other stuff in your thing if you want to but we're not going to do anything too special and we just go live and now we're good to go now the course gonna say you're going live on Tick Tock and of course I'm gonna hide the stream afterward because like I'm not gonna like show the stream but you can see now we are live there and then if we were to actually go into our computer go under a new tab under Incognito and go to tick tock and you can actually see in just a second here you can see here now live which is pretty hype now keep in mind the only problem with the tick tock live studio is that it's kind of limited what it can do you can only add actually two different canvases so this canvas one then we go the blank canvas over here you're of course gonna see it's an empty scene and of course you want to add something you can always add your camera and that way you have a full screen so if you want to hide your personal information when you're changing scenes or maybe doing something via stream you can go like this scene and click it and then of course make your image full scale like so and then actually switch between scenes so if I was actually like maybe I'm typing something up and pouring I don't want to share with it I could be on this scene but then if we want to go back to General scene we're actually playing games again you can chorus click on this and you'll be back on that scene and you ever do a few other features too you want to mess with you want to actually add yourself a goal you can set up a goal for the tick tock you can add alerts you can add chat box and all these other Jazz I don't actually see a whole lot of people using these if you really want to set them up you can and they work really simple because they're baked in you just click on ADD it and then you're all good to go and of course you have a sound effect that comes with it and then you can kind of just slap it there like so and if you were like to see if you get a notification you get a notification but of course that is how you stream on Tick Tock live if you guys did find this video helpful make sure to smash the like button and get subscribed we're almost a thousand subscribers so if you want to help me get to that goal that'd be very much appreciated until then I'll see you guys around for another tech video tech grand out
Channel: Tech Grant
Views: 334,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiktok stream key, tiktok streaming, how to stream on tiktok, how to stream gameplay on tiktok, tiktok stream key obs, how to get tiktok stream key, how to stream on tiktok and twitch at the same time, how to stream on twitch, stream gameplay on tiktok, how to stream games on tiktok, tiktok obs stream, tiktok obs stream settings, tiktok obs settings, how to stream to tiktok from obs, multistream tiktok and twitch, how to go live on tiktok 2022, how to go live on tiktok
Id: ei4z1VFslKY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 8sec (548 seconds)
Published: Sun May 21 2023
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