How to get Yizzi's Camera Mod in Gorilla Tag

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if you ever wanted to get a cool camera angle like this you record it looks like this well to fix that you use the camera mod so um it is a legal mod um you're probably wondering well how do I install this mod so um what you're going to want to do is I took off my VR now what you have to do is you have to um go to search up monkey mod manager right here then you're going to click this it's a GitHub it's by deadly kitten then you're going to scroll down click this right here which I already have the thing it's right here and then once you have that like installed and ready to go um you're going to press beon X folder then just press plus downloads then you then what you want to do is you want to go to a new tab and then you're going to search um yizzy yizzy camera mod this camera mod right here so what you're going to want to do weon next folder then go Plus downloads then you should find all your downloads then in Weapon X you go to plugins then these are all your mods you're G to take um take yzy camera mod put it right here and copy to plugins and I should move it and then once you load into then I will see you in gorilla tag now once you load into gorilla tag your camera mod should be right here right here hi camera um and then there you have it that's how you get the camera mod and gorilla tag thank you for watching
Channel: LK_VR
Views: 207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JViQo6txJO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 14sec (134 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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