How to get Go Pro Mod on Gorilla Tag (UPDATED!!!)

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in today's video I'm going to be showing you guys how to get the GoPro mod and how to get it working if it doesn't work for you and I'm also going to show you guys how the GoPro mod works I know I already made two videos like these um on how to get the GoPro mod and yes it's kind of a stretch making a third one but most of you guys are commenting a lot asking how to get it working or what are the controls like look at this look at this and so it's hard to respond to like all of you guys so in today's video I'm gonna go over everything on how to install it to get it to work and what are the controls and so but most of you guys aren't in my Discord so it's kind of hard to because I have it in the Discord where it shows how to get it working which most of you guys aren't in there it's kind of hard so that's why I'm making a new video and before we get into the video please subscribe to my channel I believe we can get the 3K subscribers and also join my Discord link is in the description down below and you know you know you know don't do these things I will [Music] you know if you don't do these things I will have to come after you to do it please now um okay so the reason I'm changing like size a lot is because I'm putting this during the April Fool's update so it's like really weird like I was just small now I'm big anyways without further Ado let's get into the video [Music] all right so before we get into the video most of the things that you guys will need for the GoPro mod to work is that you must have a p I don't know how to get it working on the Oculus Quest yet but if I do I'll come out with a video showing how to get the GoPro mod on the Oculus Quest but as of now I still don't know how to get working on the Oculus Quest and also you need to be able to connect your Oculus to your computer anyway like airlink or Link cable either one works and also you must have monkey mod manager for this and you must have your mods working and I'll be showing you guys how to get your mods working so let's get into that alright so first off what you guys want to do is have monkey mod manager open and you can get monkey mod manager in the modding Discord server for build tag link to that will be in the description down below all right so what you want to do from Monkey mod manager once you have it open abilities game folder I think real Attack data and then go to manage now once you're here what you want to do is go to my Discord server so once you get in my Discord all you have to do is scroll down until you see modding and it'll be in the PC modding section and all you have to do is go into the modding section go to manage the managed underscore 3.rar what you want to do is click on that you need to download once you have that once it's downloaded all you have to do is open it then go into managed click one of them whatever then do Ctrl a once you select all of them do Ctrl C or just copy them into or just do right click copy then you want to go all the way back to then you want to go to the manage folder uh click one of them again roll a and then control V so once you have that done all you have to do is close out of it and close out of this and then now what you want to do now what you want to do is go back to my Discord server and get the GoPro mod so all you have to do is just click on riser's GoPro mod it will be found in the same place PC modding click on that continue to download don't worry it will not harm your computer at all so all you have to do is press keep once you have that done go back to Monkey mod manager go to Weapon X go to plugins then all you have to do is get rise's GoPro mod bring it to the plugins once you have that done all you have to do is close out of everything go open gorilla tag and you'll have it now I know most of you guys are having trouble getting it to work so I will show you guys how to get it to work all right so if it doesn't work for you it might be because you have another mod that will cancel out the GoPro mod because it uses the buttons on your Oculus Quest so if I go into bnx go to plugins say I had like um Bond menu that would cancel out the GoPro mod the button because it uses the buttons on the Oculus so what you would want to do is just get rid of that mod menu when you want to use GoPro mod dude you have to remove it from the plugins and after you remove it the GoPro mod will work again but once you add it back in the GoPro mod will stop working now I'm going to show you guys how to use the GoPro mod if you guys don't know how to use it all right so it's y on the left controller b and a those are the only buttons that work with the Gopher mod so B is to equip the GoPro mod and you can also press it again to switch between hands like that Y is to get rid of the GoPro mod and get it back into first person view view and then a is just placing the GoPro mod like so all right so I hope you guys found this video helpful and now you guys know how to get the GoPro mod working if you guys need any more help just let me know in the comments or join my Discord and let me know and I'll be glad to help you but anyways before the video ends subscribe and join the Discord [Music]
Channel: Aj VR
Views: 53,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gorillatag, vr, howto, gopro, gopromod, gtag, subscribe, fyp, tutorial, oculus, oculusquest
Id: wHnuvrPScNc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 48sec (408 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 02 2023
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