How To Get White Buttercream - The BEST Icing Recipe!!

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one of the questions i get asked all the time   how do you get your buttercream so white  and in this video i'm going to show you hi it's Karolyn, welcome or welcome back to my  channel i'm a professional cake decorator just   outside of philly i've been decorating cakes  since 2002 and on this channel i share my tips and   tricks and ways that i bake and decorate cakes to  help you along your journey so if you like to join   me hit the subscribe button and the bell so you  can get notified whenever i release a new video   okay now that i got that out of the way one  of the questions that i've been getting asked   so often is how do i get my american buttercream  so white and don't you hate when people say   white or wheel or cool whip from uh family guy  anyway how do i get my buttercream so white   so in my amazing delicious and i  know i always say amazing delicious   american buttercream recipe i use butter and  shortening so butter naturally has a yellow   tint to it which can make your buttercream  look a little off white or yellow so i have   a little trick that i'm going to show you how to  uh cancel that yellow and make it look very white and before we get started just want to remind you  that i designed my first free guide for you guys   it's a birthday cake design blueprint it will  help you come up with designs or with ideas to   design your birthday cakes and i will link that in  the description below so let's get into the video all right so to make this recipe you're  going to need two and a half sticks or   10 ounces of butter i like salted butter i  just have always used salted butter you can   use unsalted and then add your own salt  but i just prefer to use salted butter   three quarter cup or six ounces of high ratio  shortening i like to use there's a brand called   sweetex there's other high ratio shortenings the  high ratio shortening has a better mouth feel and   i just feel like it holds up better you can use a  shortening like crisco however i found that i get   better results with a high ratio shortening two  pounds of 10x powdered sugar big ups to target   some purple gel coloring and my absolute  favorite wilton clear vanilla this stuff   is amazing it tastes so good it does not add any  color to your icing and people love the flavor   of this i have been using this flavoring for  about 20 years it's amazing and i'm obsessed i have my paddle attachment on my mixer and i put  this butter in the microwave for about 10 to 15   seconds to soften it up you can see i can squeeze  it but it's not melted right so you just want it   about room temperature so i'm gonna add the  two and a half sticks of butter to the bowl and i'm just gonna beat this on a medium speed  for about 30 seconds just to cream it together now you can see that the butter obviously  has a yellow hue to it so if you just keep   adding ingredients your icing is going  to look a little yellow or off-white so   in order to counteract this what you have to do  is take the opposite color on the color wheel   which is purple so yellow is on the opposite side  of purple so a little bit of purple is going to   cancel out the yellow in the butter and it's  going to bring it to more neutral white color   now this is where you just want to  have a toothpick and we are adding   i'm telling you a teeny teeny tiny bit of  purple you just want to cancel the yellow   color you do not want it to start to look  lavender if you add too much purple it's going   to look like a really light purple it'll look  kind of weird so it's better to start um small   and i have my toothpick here i don't want to just  drop it in i want to drop it on a toothpick i'm   talking like just the tip can i say that seriously  just the tip right it's a teeny teeny bit of   purple i'm going to wipe that on the butter it's  better to start with a little bit and then you can   add more okay so i put that in and i'm just going  to mix this on a medium speed for about 20 seconds and since i don't have a scraper blade i'm just  going to stop and scrape down the sides and just   turn it on again for another 10 seconds or whatnot  just to make sure that it's all mixed together okay i'm not sure if this is coming  up if you can tell a big difference   but the butter already looks whiter  than than yellow so this is working now   i have my shortening here and i just want to  add this to the bowl now i want to whip this   on a medium high speed for about a minute  just to really cream everything together but now that the shortening the butter is creamed  together i want to add the vanilla i eyeball it   you can do between one and three teaspoons of  it but i just pour it in there depending on how   strong of a flavor you want and then again i'm  going to beat that for about 15 to 20 seconds all right now i use this coffee scoop someone  told me this was a coffee scoop because i had   no clue what it was before but i just use this  to add liquid to my icing um but you can just   use a tablespoon this is about a tablespoon now i  prefer to just use regular water to add my liquid   however if you want you can add coffee  creamer or milk um i really haven't found   much of a difference between me using milk  or water so i just prefer to use water   now what i've started doing because i don't use a  scraper blade i hate using scraper blades because   it just gets all over the place what i've started  doing so not so nothing sticks to the bottom   is i'm just going to add two tablespoons of the  liquid to the bowl before i add the powdered sugar   this way the sugar and the butter are not going  to stick to the bottom i've just found that   this works so if you're not using a scraper  blade try this method and see if it works   and now i'm just going to add the entire bag   all at once and now you can see that it's stuck up  here so i'm just going to turn on the mixer just a   little bit just so all the sugar can come out now  i am going to cover this with a towel just because   i don't want a big sugar cloud to go all over my  kitchen so i'm going to turn it on and and mix it   this way i'm just going to put it on the lowest  speed and mix it until it starts to come together   you're going to see that it's going to need  more liquid and then we'll add more liquid   so i'm going to lock it and turn it on very low  for about 30 seconds and then i'll add more liquid   now you can hear that it starts to slow  down a bit as it starts to incorporate   all right so i'm going to  turn it up just one more notch and start adding liquid one tablespoon at a time so now again since i don't use a scraper blade i  want to lift this up and scrape down the sides if   you're using a scraper blade you may not have to  do this step so i scrape down the sides and now i   want to scrape the bottom as well and because i  added those two tablespoons of water nothing is   really sticking to the bottom now so i added two  tablespoons of water before i started adding the   sugar and then i added another two tablespoons of  water and i probably am going to need one more so   that's five tablespoons of liquid for this now  in the summer months when it's more humid i need   less water if it is cold out and dry out i find  that i need about six or seven tablespoons so it   all depends on the humidity how much liquid you're  going to need you're just going to want to you're   going to want to get it to a nice spreadable  consistency and i will show you what i mean   so just turning this on adding  another almost one tablespoon and then i'm just going to turn it up  to a medium high for about 15 seconds   just to mix it all together and that is a nice spreadable consistency   perfect and it is white it does not have  that yellow hue from the butter because   we cancelled it out with the purple and there  is your beautiful white american buttercream so here you go here is the most delicious whitest  ever american buttercream that you will ever have   that sounded so stupid but it is it's so white and  it's so delicious so all right a few things i want   to say about this and things that i did go over in  the video however i feel like i need to reiterate   when you add the purple i'm telling you you  saw it was just the tip of that toothpick   seriously the teeniest teeny teeny teeny do i have  to say teeny anymore amount of purple to cancel   out that yellow i've done it before where i've  added too much purple and it looks like this weird   off-white light purple color so you just have to  make sure that you just start start off a little   bit if you add a little bit of the purple and  then add all the rest of the ingredients and still   after you add the sugar if it still looks like to  be a little yellow you can do again take a little   bit on the tip of the toothpick and add a little  bit more purple and mix that all together but yeah   that is going to cancel out any of the yellow in  the butter and make your buttercream super white and also um you can if you don't use butter  in your buttercream there are some people   who use just a simple shortening based  buttercream obviously that is going to be   more bright white because it doesn't have  any butter in it people usually add like   a butter flavoring but i just like to  put real butter in my buttercream so   if you do that as well just make sure that  you cancel out the yellow with the purple another tip and i know i said this in the  beginning but this wilton clear vanilla   oh my gosh why is it so good it's so amazing i  even sometimes i'll put a little bit of water   in a pot add some of this to the to the  pot and just boil it and your house smells   like vanilla seriously this is amazing i would  wear it i would spray it on my body if i could   it tastes so good people love the flavor it  doesn't add any coloring to your icing and   i will link this below i'll find it and  link it below you need this in your life   if you've never tried it just trust me get  some try it and let me know what you think and another thing about the the high ratio  shortening now i'm lucky enough to have a   restaurant in this area that does sell the high  ratio shorting shortening it comes in 50 pound   blocks which is kind of a pain in the butt because  it's this ju as my boyfriend says gigantic uh he   has a british accent and i always make fun of  him it's gigantic because i say it's gigantic   it's a gigantic block of this shortening and it  is kind of annoying so what i do is when i get   the shortening i have little tupperware containers  that i scoop the shortening out and i put in here   in these little containers so i'm not scooping the  shortening out of a big block the whole time right   so that's the biggest pain in the butt of that  the high ratio shortening is a little pricier   however i think it's totally worth it um it it's  probably about a hundred dollars for a 50 pound   box block that's american dollars but it's totally  worth it and it lasts you a little while so   um i would definitely recommend making that  investment in the high ratio shortening   if not you can still use like a crisco  or a vegetable shortening it just   the crisco will be a little greasier so  you may not need to add as much water   and it'll just have a little bit of a different  mouth feel it could be a little grainier okay and the last thing is storage so i use so  much of this buttercream that i go through   with so often that i don't really have to store it  however you can put this in an airtight container   for about two weeks in your refrigerator if  you're gonna keep it longer than two weeks   you can put it right in the freezer and then  just make sure you thaw it before you use it   but i use this buttercream for everything it is  life it is so good and i hope you like it too so if you guys have any questions or comments  leave them below and i will get back to you   and you can follow me on social media i am on  instagram and facebook and i have my website   and i have two instagram accounts right  now because instagram is being weird   so i had to create another account i'm not going  to get into it so you can follow me on all those   platforms i will link them below as  well and if you want to stick around   you can watch these videos next  am i pointing at the right spot   and hit the subscribe button if you haven't  already please like this video if you liked it it   really helps out my channel thank you so much for  watching and i will see you on the next one bye
Channel: Karolyns Kakes
Views: 114,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to get white buttercream, white buttercream, white buttercream frosting, white buttercream icing, buttercream recipe, american buttercream, how to make buttercream, whitening buttercream, how to lighten buttercream, cake decorating, cake techniques, cake tips, buttercream basics, delicious buttercream, the best buttercream, frosting, icing recipe, the best icing recipe, delicious icing, icing, tastes so good, stable icing for cakes, karolyns kakes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 7sec (847 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 25 2021
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