How To Fill Cakes | The Basics Of Cake Decorating

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in this video i'm showing you how i fill my cakes hi it's Karolyn if you want to learn  how to bake and decorate amazing cakes   then i'd love for you to join me  by hitting subscribe and the bell   and please let me know who got the amazing  reference so are there any happy endings fans   it was one of the best tv shows and  it was canceled years ago but anyway   i am going to show you how to fill three different  sizes of cakes so let's get into the video all right first we are going to fill a  six inch cake and i'm going to torte these   it's going to feed up to 16 people i have  a turntable with a piece of non-skid pad   and the non-skid pad is going to help  prevent the cake from sliding around   i'm putting this on a black cake drum and  this is actually for a hennessy cake so   in order to distinguish i'm making so many  cakes i want to write hennessy on the back   so i know which that this cake what this cake is  basically now this is just my yellow cake i have   a video on how i make a doctored yellow cake mix  cake and i will link that in the description after   i bake them i wrap them up when they're still warm  and freeze them overnight when you freeze cakes   that helps keep them moist and then this morning  i took it out of the freezer and let it sit on   the counter top to thaw and it's been thawing for  about three to four hours right now and now it's   come to room temperature and i'm ready to fill  it i just cleaned my countertop and also i have   this leveler this wilton leveler here and what  you do you can push you can push these two   parts together and it loosens this string and  then you can just adjust it to whatever notch   that you want it to be on either side to to be  able to level it i have a pair of scissors here   because i trim my cakes with scissors also and  i have some simple syrup the simple syrup is a   one to one ratio an equal ratio of water to  sugar and i have a video on how i make that   and i will link that below and i just put it in  a spray bottle so i'm going to unwrap both cakes and save the plastic to re-wrap it now this  is just the way that i like to do it if you   have another way that you like to torte your  cakes that is fine you do it that way i'm just   showing you what works for me so i bake in two  inch high pans and it bakes over the top of the   pan so what i like to do is just trim off the  excess it makes it a little easier to level okay now what i usually do is there are a bunch  of notches on here i go the second one from the   top and then the second one from the bottom so  i want to start the second one from the top and   i want to torte these cakes so i'm going to cut  off the top part and then cut halfway down putting   this down against the cake and i'm just going  to saw back and forth to level the top parts off and then i'm going to bring it all the way  down to the second notch from the bottom   and whatever notch you use is up to you it's  down here and then do the same thing and cut   peel these off and then just set them aside  save them make cake balls save them for save   it for the birds whatever you want to do give it  to your neighbors sometimes when i level the cakes   i don't get all the top part off so that's  why i have scissors i just trim the excess all right and now i'm ready to fill this so when  i have cakes that are six inches or smaller so   six five or four inches i use melted chocolate  on the cake board to help hold the cake to the   cake board i just find with the smaller three  sizes that they'll slide all over the place if   i don't have something really holding it down so i  just melted some candy melts in the microwave and   i'm just going to get a little bit on a spatula  and put it in the center and spread it around and then just take the bottom layer and here is  where i'm going to spray it with the simple syrup   and i just want to get a little bit on both sides not too much just enough to make it a little moist  then i'm coming back to the cake board with the   melted chocolate and set this on top and what i  want to do get low and turn it around and make   sure that there's an equal distance the whole way  around the um the cake so there it's not like set   off to one side unless you want it set off to  one side and then i want to leave it here for   about a minute or two just so the chocolate  can set and it'll hold the cake in place so she wants vanilla filling in this cake and  here's my vanilla filling i have it i just   posted a video on how i make this huge batch of  vanilla buttercream and i will link that below   and now to fill this i'm just going to take  a spatula and get some on here i don't want   to have too thick of a filling when i torte  the layers so pressing it down to the sides i   don't pipe a stiffened buttercream dam just  because of my technique of icing my cakes   i don't need it i will also link that video below  on how i ice my cakes but if you want to you can   get some stiffened buttercream in a piping bag  with a tip number 12 on it a round tip and pipe   around the edge some buttercream and then fill the  rest in i just don't like to do that it just takes   too long i don't have time and then i'm going to  do the same thing for the other layers getting   some simple syrup on both sides stacking it and  when you put the layer on top you want to make   sure that it is on straight and not hanging off  to the side right that's why i'm turning it around   just to make sure press it down a little bit  and repeat the process for the rest of the cake and now once i have it all together  i'm just going to seal all these   layers so just using some buttercream  and pressing down to seal it all shut   if it's if there's not enough buttercream then  i'll just get a little more and put it down   so i'm doing a super super super  thin layer it's not even a crumb coat and then i'm just scraping the excess off and now i'm getting the plastic from  before and just going to re-wrap the   cake make sure you get all the way down to  the bottom and there's no parts sticking out because i've done it before where i  wrap it and there's a part sticking it   out here that i didn't see so just make  sure it's completely wrapped in the plastic good and i'm going to set this aside at room  temperature for a couple hours i usually let   it sit overnight because i fill my cakes one  day and then i ice the next day and i'm just   going to let it sit at room temperature it  does not have to go in the refrigerator or   there is no perishable fillings in here and i'm  going to show you how i do a seven inch cake and now i'm gonna do a seven-inch cake however  i'm not going to torte these layers i'm going   to do a taller three layer cake without torting  them i actually have a video explaining this in   more detail because sometimes i do two layers  and i tort them and sometimes i do three layers   you get a couple more servings out of it so  this seven inch cake that has three layers will   feed 20 to 24 people and i will put the chart  below with my serving size chart and the video   on how i explain different serving  sizes that you can get out of your cakes   and the same thing i'm going to trim the edges the reason that i trim the edges is because if i  just try to put this in here like it's sticking   over the edge if i trim the edge off it's easier  to get this in here i don't know this is just   it's just the way that i do it um and sometimes  i feel weird showing you what i do because i do   things in a non-conventional way however this is  just what i do alright and now to do this i have   it on the fifth notch from the top on both  sides and i'm just going to saw the tops off   and again saving the tops you can freeze them  make cake pops give it to the birds give it to   the neighbors make somebody happy and then  i just like to for good measure just trim   the sides it just makes it a little cleaner  and i know i'm a little ocd with this but   uh whatever so i'm just taking my scissors  and just trimming this little uh edge off and now same thing so this is for a bunny cake  so i wrote bunny on the bottom of this board   so i know which what cake it is once everything is  iced and with these heavier um these bigger layers   are heavier so i don't need the chocolate at the  bottom so anything 7 inches or above i just use a   little bit of icing so i'm getting some icing  on my spatula and spreading it on the bottom   and same thing just spraying both  sides with a little bit of the simple syrup and put it down again make  sure that it is completely in the center   and she wants vanilla filling with this so this is  confetti this is confetti cake and basically it's   just the yellow cake and i sprinkle some rainbow  jimmies in there or rainbow sprinkles if you want   to call them sprinkles when i do filling for this  kind of cake that has the three thicker layers i   do a little thicker of a filling and just because  there's more cake in between so the torted cake   the filling was pretty thin this cake is going  to be maybe a quarter of an inch thick of filling and if you're not sure how thick your filling  is you can take your spatula and stick it down   and kind of peel it away and look and see right  you don't you have to find a good cake to filling   ratio right you don't want too much and you  don't want too little and doing the same thing   for the other tiers so the bottom tier i always  or the bottom layer i'm sorry layers not tiers   the bottom layer i always put the bottom down on  the cake board and the cake faces up for the top   layer i put the cut part facing down so the cut  part is always facing in the center of the cake   now when i do this second layer because this   is going to be a middle layer i  do the the cut part facing down just press it down a little  bit and same thing get a little   thicker of a layer of vanilla buttercream  or whatever filling that you're using   i have a bunch of different filling recipes  that i can link in the description below as well   and same thing with this  spreading this to the outer edges   so it's kind of going over the edge  that way i can seal the seams shut making sure it's center press down just to help it settle a little bit and  then just using this buttercream to seal the seams and again this is going to sit out at room  temperature covered overnight for the layers   to settle now if you have a perishable filling  in here like a cream cheese filling you're going   to want to speed up the settling process so what  i like to do because you can't leave it sit out   more than two hours i'm going to take a cake  circle this is a 10 inch cake circle and i didn't   mention that this is a 10 inch cake board and i  have a video on how i make these boards and i will   link that in the description below as well but  i'm going to put this on the very top of the cake   and then i have this lightweight plate  this little saucer here it's about a pound   or a pound and a half and i'm going to set  that on top when you do that you have to make   sure you don't set it over to the side or else  it's going to start to sink down to the side   so get low and even with it and turn it around and  make sure it looks like it's pretty much center   and then this is going to help speed  up the process a little bit of the   settling and you can let it settle for  two hours and then crumb coat it ice it   and get it in the refrigerator but that  is only if you have perishable fillings all right now i want to show you what i'm going  to do for a top tier of a cake so this is going   to be a five inch cake and this is a six inch cake  circle this is a grease proof circle i will find   these and link these below i don't think they come  in five inches maybe they do but i just do it this   way so i'm going to turn it upside down so i have  the brown side up this is a five inch cake pan i'm   just going to put it on top of this cake circle  and i have a pen and i'm just going to hold it   down and trace the whole way around i have a line  that i can cut it out so i have my scissors and   i'm going to cut on the inside of the pen line  so there's no pen going to be on this cardboard and now i have a five inch cake circle i  tape these to the board so this is a ten   inch regular cake circle and i'm going to  tape the five inch to the board so i have   some duct tape i'm just gonna rip off a  piece fold it into like a little donut   put the tape in the middle and  then just put this board on top good and now this is for a paw patrol  cake so i'm going to label it paw patrol again so i know what this cake  is for once it is completely iced   i have my five inch cakes here and i'm  going to unwrap them and save the plastic i'm doing the same process trimming the edges i have my notches on the third from the top  and then the second notch from the bottom all right same thing and since this is a five  inch cake it's going to get the the melted   chocolate on there because because four inch  five inch or six inch gets the melted chocolate and do the same process that we did  before spraying both sides lightly same thing i want to make sure that  it's not hanging off to one side   so just spinning it around and make  sure that it looks like it's pretty even   and just give it a minute for the chocolate  to set and then just testing this making sure   it's not moving around good and again we're  doing vanilla so a lot of people are getting   pretty simple flavors this week um and i want  to do like i said before when i torte the cakes   do a thinner layer of filling so this  is probably an eighth of an inch thick pushing it over the edges and repeating  the process like we did before i'm only doing about seven squirts of the simple  syrup on each side for these smaller cakes like   i don't like to drench it in simple syrup because  my cakes are already pretty moist i just like it   to give it a little extra security blanket if  you will of moistness oh that sounded so gross good putting the top layer down and  pressing down a little bit to help it settle   once i have it all sealed then  i'm going to scrape the side of my   spatula against the cake just  to remove the excess icing and again just letting this sit out overnight  until it settles and then i'll fill it and ice it so there you go there's my process of  filling cakes and a couple notes here   number one if you are using a perishable filling   you are going to want to make sure  that you speed up the settling process   and get the crumb coat on the cake so you can  get it back in the refrigerator so it won't spoil number two i have a video talking about  different sizes and what size cake pans   should you use different servings that you can  get out of different sizes of cakes sometimes i   torte my cakes like you saw sometimes i don't that  video will help explain the different sizes that   you can get out of different tiers to get outside  of the box of just thinking that you need a six   inch and an eight inch cake to serve 30 people so  i will link that in the description below as well and once these cakes settle overnight  i will unwrap them obviously and then i   will ice them and i just posted a video not  too long ago showing you the process of how   i uh ice a cake in colored buttercream and i am  going to link that video below as well so you   can see my process of icing the cake smooth in  buttercream after i fill it using this technique and also i'm going to link how i stack my cakes as  well so how i remove the taped piece of cardboard   to the bigger cake circle and stack all the cakes  so all of those will be listed in the description   as well so i think that is it if you guys have  any questions or comments leave them below   and you can follow me on my socials and  i have my website everything is listed in   the description below as well and if you want to  stick around you can watch these two videos next   and hit subscribe and the bell if you haven't  already please like this video if you liked it   thank you so much for watching and remember it's  cake have fun i will see you on the next one bye
Channel: Karolyns Kakes
Views: 159,990
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to fill cakes, cake filling tutorial, cake, filling, cake decorating, how to, cake tutorial, layer cake, cake tutorials, how to make a cake, buttercream cake, cake decorating videos, fill cakes, torte cakes, moist cake, cake filling, fill, cake icing, buttercream, frosting, icing, birthday cake, cake basics, cake tutorial step by step, how to make a cake at home, layers, karolyns kakes
Id: wN6yguNwtOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 7sec (1147 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 30 2022
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