How To Make A Lot Of Icing | Favorite Vanilla Buttercream Recipe!

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in this video we're making a big batch of  smooth delicious vanilla american buttercream hi it's Karolyn if this is your first  time here and you want to learn how to   bake and decorate amazing cakes  then hit the subscribe button and   the bell so you can get notified  whenever i release a new video i've had people ask me before you see in  the background when i'm making cakes and   i have this huge bowl of icing and people  ask how do i make this big bowl of icing   and it ends up being so smooth and so  delicious and we're using my classic   american buttercream recipe  so let's get into the video to make one batch of this icing you will need two  and a half sticks of butter i prefer to use salted   butter the salt cuts down on the sweetness  this is 10 ounces total or 20 tablespoons   one half cup of shortening this is high ratio  sweetex shortening the sweetex shortening comes   in big 50 pound blocks i prefer this shortening  over anything else it just has a better mouth   feel i can find it and link it below it is an  investment to make to purchase it but it does   taste the best if you can't get sweetex shortening  you can go to walmart and try this shortening   it is not all vegetable shortening it is an  animal fat shortening you must make sure that you   do not get the shortening that says all vegetable  shortening on it because it will have a different   a greasy taste i have a video comparing sweet  text with other shortenings like this and i will   link that below a two pound bag of confectioner's  10x powdered sugar this is 907 grams or 32 ounces   my most favorite flavoring wilton clear vanilla  it's so amazing so delicious everybody loves   it i will find it and link it below so you'll  probably need between one and three teaspoons   of this per batch and some liquid i i prefer to  use water this is room temperature water this   is a coffee scoop but it's about a tablespoon  that i just like to use to measure my liquid   you can also use milk if you'd  like i just prefer to use water so that was all the ingredients that  you'll need for one batch and i actually   have enough to make three batches i  just multiplied everything by three   to get how much that i will need so i have two  mixers i it has changed my life since i got two   mixers it makes my life so much easier if you  only have one mixer you'll just have to empty   the bowl and remake it uh twice but we'll start  by adding the butter to the bowl and i'm going   to do both bowls so adding two and a half sticks  of butter and this butter is soft enough where i   can push my finger into it and makes it indent  but it's not too soft where it's going to melt and i'm going to put both mixers on a medium  speed for about 30 seconds to whip the butter once that's mixed i'm going to add a half  cup of the shortening to each of the bowls and i want to mix this again on a medium-high   speed for about a minute  to whip everything together and then i'm going to add the one  to three teaspoons of vanilla i   just eyeball it you can measure it out if you like and mix that again for about 20 seconds  so i'm gonna i found that if i add liquid   to the bowl before i add the sugar the sugar the  the icing doesn't stick to the bottom of the bowl   so it is pretty dry out right now it's the  beginning of march in near philly so it's   dry i need to add more liquid to the icing if it  were the middle of summer i would have to add less   so right now i'm going to start by adding two  tablespoons of liquid to the bottom of each bowl and then i'm going to add the entire bag of sugar  and i find that the sugar gets stuck on one side i   just kind of turn it on real quick just to mix  it just a little bit so i can get the bag out and now i want to cover these with the towel um  i could dampen the towel but i don't feel like   having wet towels in my kitchen but dampening the  towel will help catch more of the sugar as well   so i'm going to lock these both down cover it  with a towel once i hear this start bumping up   and down i know that it starts starting to come  together and i will add more liquid so turning   these both on very low and covering with the  towel this is starting to bump up and down now   i know i have to add more liquid so i'm going to  do another two tablespoons of liquid in each bowl it's better to add a little liquid at a time  and then go back and add more if it's too stiff   so let's see how this is it does look still looks  a little thick yes it's kind of difficult to get   my spatula through but what i want to do right  now just scrape off the sides and the bottom all right putting these both back  down and i'm going to add another   tablespoon of liquid to each and  see the consistency that i get all right this looks better so  what i want to do now is turn   it on a medium high for about 20  seconds to really whip it together now i have two batches of icing i want to get  everything into the same bowl if you only have   one mixer now you're going to want to take  this bowl out get a separate bowl and empty   all the icing into the bowl and start all over  so scraping down the sides and the bottom again and now i want to empty the contents of this bowl  into the other one and actually i feel like this   icing is still a little stiff so i'm going to  add just like a half a tablespoon each so i'm   filling this one and doing half in here and  half in there just to get it a little thinner and the way i knew that is see this is easier my   my spatula is going through it easier  it's going to be easier to spread   um your icing can't be too thick if you're  covering a cake with icing and it's too thick it's   going to start pulling the cake pulling away from  the cake and it's just it just turns into a mess   so okay now i'm going to empty the entire  contents of this bowl into this one and these are 5 quart bowls by the way if you have a smaller four and a half quart  bowl you'll need less and if you have a   bigger bowl you might need more what we're  trying to do is fill this bowl with icing   and now i'm going to do the same exact thing   again so this is what you would do if you just  had one mixer you would empty into a bowl and   then start all over again in the same bowl so  i'm doing the same recipe as i showed you before all right and that's a good spreadable consistency  so what i mean by that is it's holding peaks   if i lift up it's holding itself it's not falling  over but i can still get my spatula through it   so i don't know if you can see there are a  bunch of air bubbles in here from just beating   it so now we're going to whip all the whoops  we're going to whip all the air out so adding   the entire batch to this bowl so this  is three batches in one five quart bowl putting this bowl on here and what's going to  happen you must completely submerge the paddle   completely in the icing and what it's going  to do is going to kind of form a vacuum   and it's going to start whipping and as it's  whipping it's going to start whipping all the   air bubbles out of the icing so i'm going to put  this down and i'm going to turn it on low to start   and you're going to see the icing fill  the bowl it's going to touch the sides   you don't want to see any icing gaps so what i  like to do is just take my spatula and wipe down   and i'm basically sealing  the icing all around the bowl a lot of air bubbles in here right now so  what i want to do it's completely sealed   the paddle is completely submerged i'm going to  turn this on a medium-high heat on medium-high   heat a medium-high speed this goes up to 10  so i'm gonna put it on about a six or seven all right it's on an 8 out of 10.  let it sit there for about a minute sometimes i like to lift this up just a little bit   to make sure that it's whipping  the upper parts of the icing still keeping the paddle submerged so  i'm not lifting it out of the icing   and you can see there's no gaps in the  icing around the side so taking my spatula   again and i'm just wiping that  top part off to try to mix it in as i lift it it's starting to to  stir the icing on the top part but i don't want to completely lift the paddle  out of the icing keep it submerged and i think   i just said that and am i screaming because  i know i have a microphone hopefully i'm not   talking too loud and you can see the air bubbles  are starting to come out of the icing so it's been   on for about a minute now i want to do probably  another minute really whipping it together all right i'm going to lift this up see it's it's  hard to lift up because it's formed like a vacuum   and look at this icing it hardly has  any air bubbles in it it is so smooth   it's so easy to move your spatula through it   and this is how i make a big batch of icing so  this is vanilla icing and i use a lot of this   to fill cakes to ice cakes and everything  so that is how i make a big batch of icing so here you go here is my as  my boyfriend would say gigantic   because he i always make fun of him he is  a british accent and he says it's gigantic   my gigantic bowl of buttercream icing why is  it so heavy i could totally do some bicep curls   with this but ready for me to use and going  to fill my cakes and ice my cakes with it   now i know what someone's going to say you're  going to say you whipped all the air out of this   icing and you got it so smooth what if i want  to make a smaller batch and get smooth icing   well there's an entirely different process that  i do when i'm working with smaller batches when   i'm coloring my icing and i'm actually going  to post that video next um just so this video   isn't so long however it is more about for me it's  more about the smoothing method than getting all   the air bubbles out when i have a smaller batch  but when i have a bigger batch like this you can   fill the bowl whip all the air out and it really  becomes so smooth and it's so easy to work with a couple things when i store the icing i'm gonna  put it in a container like this and i just got   this i can't remember if i got it on amazon or  at kohl's but i will find it and link it below   and i will store it in this and pop it in the  fridge i keep it stored in the refrigerator you   don't want it sitting out more than like a day or  so i mean nothing in here is really going to spoil   but i just like to keep my icing refrigerated and  it can last for a couple weeks in the fridge and   if you need to i always i always give the option  to freeze i never freeze the icing because i use   so much of it but you could freeze it wrap it up  in a in an airtight container and i'd probably   wrap it up in plastic wrap as well to uh freeze it  and then when you thaw it you want to take it out   of the freezer and put it in the refrigerator to  thaw and then take it out of the fridge and bring   it to room temperature so if you wanted to make  a big batch of icing that wasn't white white you   would want to color the the icing before you add  the sugar it's a lot easier to add the coloring   to the butter and shortening mixture before  the sugar gets added but i i'm going to make   another video on how i get a smoother icing  when it's a smaller batch but there you go so this week i have like eight or nine cakes and  i'm gonna go a little insane but that's okay i   will use all of this icing and that's why i needed  to make such a big batch so if you guys have any   questions or comments leave them below and you  can follow me on my socials and on my website   everything is listed in the description below as  well and if you want to stick around you can watch   these two videos next and hit the subscribe  button and the bell if you haven't already   please like this video if you liked it thank  you so much for watching and remember it's cake   have fun i will see you on the next one bye
Channel: Karolyns Kakes
Views: 137,954
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: big batch of icing, big bowl of icing, buttercream frosting, buttercream icing, frosting recipe, how to make frosting, best ever buttercream frosting, vanilla buttercream, cake decorating, buttercream recipe, buttercream icing recipe, how to make buttercream, perfect buttercream, vanilla frosting, how to make icing, easy buttercream, vanilla buttercream recipe, vanilla frosting recipe, easy vanilla frosting, no air bubbles, smooth icing, a lot of icing, karolyns kakes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 13 2022
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