How To Get Unlimited Master Balls In Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu / Eevee! Where To Find Extra!

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in recent Pokemon games there's always been some kind of way some kind of method to obtain a second master ball now master ball so of course a very scarce limited resource in Pokemon games they are a very very sought-after commodity in Pokemon let's go Pichu let's go Eevee you are able to farm unlimited master balls amongst other items this video is gonna show you exactly how to do that first you're gonna want to head to cerulean cave you are going to need to have defeated the main story of the game defeat of the elite forwards feed to the champion all that kind of stuff and then you're going to have arguably the most useful area in the postgame opened up to you and we're gonna try to solid this and heat through these two pokémon that have spawn right there this is going to be the location of where you can farm items such as the master boy you're gonna want to head to the first floor and yeah let's actually discuss how this happens hidden items spawned right here in glowing spots such as these areas right here now I have recently checked these areas so they might not spawn right away there's a golden nana baby they spawn while they respawn every ten minutes or so 10 to 15 minutes which is insane items that are available in these little hidden areas includes master balls helix fossils if you chose the dome fossil in mount moon dome fossils if you chose the helix fossile in mount moon earlier on in the game there's a good Mezen of the golden raspberry golden pineapples and mosses and golden nan apps batches of 10 ultra ball 10 all tables grapples and pokeballs of all available in these glowing hidden areas on the first floor of cerulean cave now not too many of spawns so far because I've already checked within the last ten minutes or so so I'm gonna wait another 5 minutes and we are going to have another look and see what spawns so we just found another golden mouse baby right there this is amazing so if you don't like using golden raspberries or golden nana berries I typically don't use any golden on their bellies I just sell them you can sell them for 2,200 poker dollars each which is insane it is incredibly quick and easy to farm ten of them in here I just go sell them and I make a very nice quick easy 20 mm poker dollars this is arguably the best money making method in Pokemon let's go picture let's go Evie if you use it in conjunction with combo caching chamsy as I'm gonna demonstrate right now I've already demonstrated it in a previous video earlier today go back and watch that if you want if you combine this methods of looking for hidden items with the combo caching method you are going to be set for money and you are eventually going to be able to find many master balls and fossils and you'll have a near unlimited supply of raspberries column as berries all that kind of stuff this method is genuinely amazing just simply press a in all these glowing areas in cerulean cave eventually you will find something I'll flash up more images of what you can find in here just so you know because there's not too many things spawning right now but believe me they respawn every 15 minutes or so you can check every single spot while you're chaining Shamsi stuff like that it's genuinely amazing this is this is game-changing for me as you're able to just farm so much money so much poker dollars from this if you found this video useful a like would be really really appreciated subscribe so you don't miss any more of my future Pokemon let's go Pikachu let's go Eevee walkthrough videos and yeah thank you so much for watching I'll see you guys in the next video peace out [Music]
Channel: PDWinnall
Views: 741,139
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Keywords: Pokémon Let's Go! Pikachu, Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu and Let's Go Eevee, Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu & Let's Go Eevee, Pokémon Let's Go Eevee, Pokémon Switch, Pokémon Nintendo Switch
Id: ffnbd4JoPmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 14sec (254 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 18 2018
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