How to Get the GOLDEN APPLE in BREAK IN 2 (Roblox)

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so Break It 2 recently released and everyone is looking for those badges because that's kind of the fun of playing break-in is like batch hunting like achievement hunting completing the entire list of badges currently there are 18 of them in the game or at least 18 achievements and the one I'm gonna be showing you today is how to get the golden apple this is one of the hardest achievements to get in the game so you can see right here only 0.6 percent have gotten the badge they consider it impossible this is one of the hardest ones in the game I think there's like maybe one more impossible yeah color coordinated that's not all that hard this one's a little bit tougher uh you gotta do a couple steps to get it you can see there's only 6 000 people with this badge and today I'm going to show you how to get it very easily all right so um we're gonna pass by the oh here it is right here let me just show you where the golden apple is but see this is where the golden apple is you can't get it yet so it says it's not ripe yet so what you're gonna have to do is you're gonna have to wait after wave one I mean you can head out here during wave one but you're not gonna be able to get a good tool for it so you want to wait until like after you defeat the first wave of enemies and then we're going to come back out here and we're gonna have to deal with like a bunch of wind that's going to push us back there's going to be some Fallen trees here and you're gonna need to cut them up with a decent tool and also you're going to want to train speed up a little bit I would say at least two would be good so you could do two and then you could put you can um get strength so it's a little easier to break stuff you'll do more damage so I would say two speed and then one uh strength if you can as long as no one's like hoarding stuff all right let's go loot real quick gosh I hate these long cut scenes too it takes so long all right let's get back to loot all right there we go all right they just opened the kitchen and grab a crowbar let's go loot inside the kitchen who someone got the key cool all right let's go work out we'll do this first since it doesn't take much to get like the first strength so we'll level this and we'll grab uh we'll grab a treadmill afterwards all right we're gonna go do the uh running now we're like level two strength and I think we could give ourselves like a gem power-up yeah you don't have to do this but I'm gonna do it anyway that's part of the benefit of being a hacker you know um you don't need that much run speed by the way I would say at least I mean I think three is good three is good I'm going to skip that uh I'm gonna go work out a little bit more here let me say thank you to this guy because he said he's said some nice things okay so we're gonna try to get to level three strength you don't need it but it's just gonna make things so much faster all right we're gonna ignore the whole like Rim closing thing since our objective is just to get the golden apple we don't really need to like worry about the enemies you know nice look at those combos three strength let's go right here boom level three all right let's go grab some stuff in the shop we don't have that much money though let's see got a little bit of money hopefully we'll get something decent uh golden you know this this works this works it's not the greatest but it works all right so now we're gonna head out ooh pay raise bad guys drop two times cash that's cool so these are random by the way they're they're different each round sometimes it's like better weather I'm just gonna eat these real quick all right so what you're gonna do is you're gonna come back here got someone out here following me but I don't think they're as fast as me so I don't think they can steal my Apple it's my Apple all right so we got a golden crowbar at least so you'll notice right here once you're inside this bush over here it's gonna like do like light flickering when the wind's about to arrive so here you see this right here wind is about to arrive so you're gonna want to go inside this bush which keeps you from getting blown away by the wind so then after the wind goes you uh hit this if you do get hit like this person's gonna get hit right here you'll see what happens to them boom they get launched so we're here trying to take out these logs I think they're just trying to say hi all right let's go back over here hiding again you there they go oh they got lucky I think you just need to hide behind the bush actually tied right here all right hopefully we can get another log broken oh we got one oh that was close that was close dude we're gonna break this yes we did it we did it why did that player did they die I don't know what happened to them oh there we go we're so close oh so close so close it's gonna be here oh they're right here they're inside this bush all right all right here we go here we go this one's gonna be a little tougher because it's like what is this oh they don't know what this is if they steal my Apple I'm gonna be so mad all right I know that's coming they just got launched they just got watched dude all right I'm coming back oof comes again yeah this thing doesn't mess around at all oh shoot oh I got launched I got launched doesn't do too bad damage I'm gonna boost myself real quick ow wait for this charge again all right here we go okay there we go we're getting the Apple there it is got it now we need to escort it safely back so the wind's gonna help me get back faster it's kind of pushing me we just have to carry it back safely we're probably just gonna we're gonna heal ourselves just in case there we go yeah dude so we got the Golden Apple award so I'll show you what happens if you do eat it we don't want to eat it yet um because it does it heals your team too um also we can see what the dog wants to eat let's go see what it wants to eat because you can um tame the dog as well this is not that video but I might give you that little bonus let's go see what the dog wants to eat so if you come over to this sign and click on this you just have to click these off reveal what the dog it's kind of annoying you got to do like the top pieces first this one too okay it wants uh pizza so we need to go get some pizza for him and the only place you can get that is in here and someone ate the last piece no don't worry don't worry I'm gonna show you in a separate video for that someone got the pizza and I think Zombie's gonna go take it to the dog oh we gotta fix the generator when that shows up you just have to go outside to fix the generator there's some bikes out there get on a bike there we go let me give myself a speed boost there we go all right so I can't help Pete so what can I do I only have forty dollars let's buy some cash why not dude that way we can get a better item all right we got a better we got a better crowbar let's go up here and get the armor too so in here you can get better armor all right got it let's go oh we didn't get the dog who didn't get the dog man because we need to get uh we need to get the detective too we need to wake him up but whoever did that isn't doing their job man we might as well work out wait should we get like yeah let's get run speed all right I just powered myself up wave Three is coming this should be pretty easy oh look it grab one of those let's go hey I'll Stand where the detective usually is oh I forgot I could get money charges give me all the money here we go so we only got Uncle Pete he's not gonna do a ton of damage okay he got heated ow he's a big guy man yeah he did he did he's fired sees fire all right so I think I'm Gonna Save for the uh rainbow pizza so we're gonna go get the uh colored uh the rainbow Pizza we're gonna get that badge real quick so I'm not gonna make a dedicated video for it literally takes seconds what you want to do is um a lot of people are going to go left for the computer room we're gonna go to the right and we're gonna buy that rainbow Pizza we gotta get the key first uh oh there we go oh here we go I got it I got it and then uh we need to go in here and we get the pizza oh someone stole it dude oh that angers me man that angers me they stole it that's how you get it basically though you get the badge in there we'll do it next round all right let's give ourselves like uh just faster speed and then we're gonna make our head big dude why do I look like I'm alone it says you've trained well I'm melting oh no what will I do I'm trying to get damaged all right we're gonna heal with the golden apple boom everyone fully healed and now I am going to leave anyway that is how you get the golden apple hopefully it helped you hopefully uh you get the badge if you like this video and it was helpful to you be sure to hit that like button subscribe if you haven't already be sure to also check out my other how-to videos for break into till next time happy grinding peace [Music]
Channel: DV Plays
Views: 845,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox break in 2, how to get golden apple badge in Break in 2, Roblox break in 2 how to get golden apple, golden apple break in 2, break in 2 golden apple badge, break in 2 roblox, break in roblox golden apple, golden apple break in
Id: nbG9Ymutl7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 3sec (543 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 17 2023
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