How to Get the CHEAPEST Disney World Tickets!

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hey everyone I'm Mike from the park and on today's video I actually came back to where I started my Walt Disney World career and I am at the ticket and Transportation Center here at Magic Kingdom park and this is actually where I started selling tickets for Disney uh I would say 13 years ago that was but we come a long way since then of course now I am owner of the park Prodigy and on today's video we're going to break down and I'm going to teach you exactly how you can get cheap Walt Disney World tickets like I said I've sold Disney tickets to thousands of families at this point in time so I hope I hope I learned something that I can now inform and teach you all at home about how to get the best discount Disney World ticket so if you are in the process of planning a Disney vacation just be sure to stick around until the end of this video as always I'm actually very very excited for this one so let's go get started [Music] okay so I'm going to jump right in and really what I'm going to start this video with is really just to set expectations right so when it comes to you know planning a Disney trip I will say that it is going to be expensive it's going to be very expensive there's really no getting around that and one of the reasons why I mentioned that is I you know like I said I would speak with people constantly and they would just first thing they said is wow look at these prices the truth is when you're trying to save money you know when you're trying to save money on reputable Disney World tickets I would say that your savings is going to be you know within a $50 to $70 range right if you're trying to save a significant amount of money you know when it's like too good to be true sort of deal I would say typically you'll want to stay away from that sort of ticket deal when it comes to the online reputable ticket sellers you'll like I said typically you'll save anywhere between $30 to $70 ballpark you know per ticket based on the type of ticket you're buying so I would say that's really the most important Place to Start All right so moving over to the second tip on the cheapest way to buy the cheap Disney World tickets and I would say doing research before you get down here to Disney so as you can see I over at the ticket boots right and there is a line behind me now this tip is important not only because it's going to help you save money but also I would say it's going to help you save time and of course time is money especially when on your Disney World trip now for this tip what I would say is start to figure out which Disney World parks you want to visit start to figure out how many Disney World you know how many days you're going to spend within the parks and what that will allow you to do is it will allow you to just like it sounds pick the best fit ticket so if you know that you're only trying to visit you know one Disney World Park per day then you can avoid buying the park copper ticket it sounds you know basic but the truth is sometimes in life the most basic things are really the best way and in this way the best way to save so doing your research before you get down here there are four different types of Disney World tickets there are base tickets park hopper tickets there are park hopper plus tickets and then water park and more tickets right so understanding the different ticket options again just like I said will allow you to figure out exactly what you need buy it in advance and then you can avoid waiting on this line right here when you get down here all right so tip number three on how to get the cheapest Disney World tickets and kind of tying into the two already tips that we were talking about but buy your Park tickets in advance now this is again I keep saying it but simple but by far one of the easiest ways to get cheap Disney World tickets just because when you buy an advance specifically online and this does doesn't matter who you buy your tickets from right when you buy your tickets in advance it's automatically going to be cheaper than buying at the park Gates so that is again you're going to save money but also you're going to save time so that's another really really important tip and trick to make sure that you buy your Park tickets in advance before you get here and like I said too another important thing we talking about Magic Kingdom because well this is the park I worked at this is the park I'm starting at but when it comes to Magic Kingdom as you can see Magic Kingdom is right over there right so when you're trying to get the most out of your day especially when coming to Magic Kingdom you're going to park at the ticket and Transportation Center which is where I worked right but you then have to get on either a ferry boat or the Montreal you have to then go and get over to the parks right so that in itself is going to take you time you know so time is of the essence that's why you want to make sure that you go and you buy your Disney World tickets before you get down here to the parks all right so as I walk over to my next destination for the next tip and trick another really important I guess add-on to the tip and trick I just spoke about about understanding the different you know theme park tickets one of the most common questions that we receive really is you know I guess I need a two-day Magic Kingdom ticket right or you know I'm looking to go to Disney World for three days and I want to do one day at Epcot two days at Magic Kingdom so the way that the regular Disney World tickets work right is essentially if that's your plan then you can go and you can shop for a 3-day Disney World ticket and the way that the tickets work is you essentially multi-day tickets anyway you have access to go into you know whichever theme park you would like for a base ticket and then of course park hopper tickets you could pretty much visit more than one of the parks per day the only caveat to this and we will talk about the the Disney's running promo tickets right now is for promo tickets anyway the ones that they're running as of 2024 you can essentially you know because it's a promo ticket you can only visit each of the Disney World theme parks but most of the time in regular times Disney's not running promo tickets that's kind of how it works if you need a three-day Disney World ticket two days at Magic Kingdom I would say that's probably the most popular um question we get just go with a Disney World a shop for Disney World 3day ticket all right so this is another really important tip and trick when trying to get the cheapest Disney World tickets and again I am back where I started at the ticket and Transportation Center now for this one I would say if you're only looking to buy a one- day or two-day Disney World ticket my honest opinion is there's not going to be much of a discount outside of just buying your tickets in advance right that's really the only way you want to get your one one day or two day tickets in advance my honest opinion is just get them from Disney World just get them from the website because like I said when I worked here the most popular question was or ticket that we sold was a one-day ticket to Magic Kingdom park and Disney knows that there's really no incentive honestly for them to Discount a one or two day ticket and don't hold me to this because of course things might change online but my honest opinion is if you see someone selling a discounted one or two day ticket online by the time you get to the checkout page and they add taxes and fees just from what I have seen it is typically going to be more expensive from any of the reputable guys anyway and like I said this video is about buying from reputable companies best way and safest way to buy you know tickets from reputable companies so that's just my opinion one or two day tickets not really going to be much of a discount just understand that going in and I would say the other important thing too is the way Disney is selling tickets right now typically for a you know one-day Magic Kingdom ticket I think prices the last time I looked for this weekend anyway as of 2024 one day Magic Kingdom ticket price is going to start at $179 one day Epcot tickets going to start at $174 a one day Hollywood Studios ticket is going to start at $174 and then a one day Animal Kingdom ticket I Hadad think about it is going to start at $159 for that day anyway I'm saying starting because it's going to add sales tax on top of that the one day ticket prices are going to fluctuate throughout the year but that's the way Disney is selling them at this point in time all right so we changed parks and for this next tip and trick I would say try to time your purchase of your Disney World tickets now what I mean by this is if you've been watching my channel you know I've been talking realistically typically you're going to find the best deals over at Universe Orlando specifically when it comes to theme park tickets but Disney's surprised us the past two years and they have released and I've mentioned it in this video already but at the time of the recording in this video there is a Disney World ticket deal promotion where it's essentially a 4-day Disney World ticket deal and that deal you can essentially go into one of the Disney World theme parks each day so you do have to use it like one at Magic Kingdom one at Hollywood Studios one at Epcot one an animal kingdom but what I mean by time it is the last two years anyway Disney has typically released it like right in the middle towards the end of spring break and really they're releasing it to try to get families to come to the parks for summer and you know at this point early fall right so if you kind of wait I can't guarantee it just can't guarantee this but the past two years anyway Disney has released very similar Disney World ticket deals that is one and there's another one right now where it's actually a 3-day Disney World ticket deal where it just doesn't include Magic Kingdom park so you have to use it at Hollywood Studios Animal Kingdom and Epcot but again it's a really great deal especially when you compare it so the 4-day deal right now with tax it's coming out to around $125 per day right so when you compare that to let's say um you know the one- Day pricing which I spoke about which is like17 $4 before tax right so you could see that it is a really really good deal especially when you break it down on a perday basis all right so I was getting too bored standing outside of the parks I had to come in to uh to mix it up a little bit so for this next tip and trick on how to get the cheapest Disney World tickets I would say pay attention to one-day ticket pricing now where this comes in hand specifically for multi-day tickets is like I said Disney World the ticket prices actually fluctuates right based on your start date and so the way you can you know use the one one day tickets even if you're buying multi-day tickets is essentially Disney's one-day ticket pricing will be cheapest when they expect your crowds to be the least or less however you want to vocabul it right but the one day ticket prices so when you see right the one day ticket price is the cheapest multi-day tickets will follow right so what you can do is just like it sounds we actually even have a crowd calendar on the park Prodigy you can go check out the park and we have the one-day Magic Kingdom ticket prices on on the crowd calendar because we know it kind of correlates with each other so just go check out our crowd calendar you'll see the one- day ticket prices from there you can figure out the cheapest time to go and visit Walt Disney World all right so kind of multitasking again I've been doing this a lot in my recent videos just cuz as I record things come to my mind just want to get it you know on record so kind of tying into the one day ticket you know tip and trick where the one day ticket prices will kind of give you an idea of like when things are the cheapest it's also important because that will really help you figure out like when you know off peak season which is when is Disney World the slowest and again just like it sounds you know not only will you be able to figure out like okay based on the one- day ticket prices and like when does Disney expect the parks to be least crowded that will help you save money but also just like it sounds you're also going to visit the Parks when there's not a lot of people so you'll get more done and I think that's also really really important and kind of tying into number one right when you're spending this type of money like I said like yes typically when you're looking to save money on Disney World tickets you'll save you know anywhere between $30 to $70 per person per ticket where families kind of get tied up or you know they're spending so much money on tickets your Disney World tickets are probably going to be you know for a family of four $2,000 all the way up to you know $3,000 maybe more depending on how big your family is right so when you're spending $22,000 and you're saving you know $150 it seems minimal but of course then you know that's a dinner one night or it's lunch for everyone or it's snacks for the entire trip so like my opinion is little things like that do add up so yeah it's not the best or the biggest savings but of course it's important and that's why we're creating this video and now again going back if you can come here when it's not as crowded even better you'll still save some money and you'll get on more rides all right so another great way to get some discounted Disney World theme park tickets could be through your profession so I would say the most popular and the biggest discount by far and for all the right reasons is going to a fee for military so you know active military and then also if you believe if you can show um that you are you know retired but you do have like a military ID card and you still have access to a base you can go and get some really really amazing discount in Disney World tickets now it's important to note that you do have to go to the the base you know to a military base to get those tickets but they're going to be better honestly than anything anything you will find online also for other professions right I would they always ask and so the way that might work is you'll see so the park Prodigy is actually set up with a bunch of companies that give you know we have special promotions and discounts that they give to their employees right so if you go and you speak with your employer they might have access you know to those special always interesting in the Parks so they might have access to those special discounts so you know if you're a firef fired a policeman you know um my mom's a teacher if you come to the park Prodigy you email me Mike at the park you tell me you're a teacher I'm probably going to give you an extra discount but where I'm going with this is always check right there's multiple different ways you could possibly get a discount from your you know employment and that's a great way to also save so another great way to save on some cheap Disney World tickets is even if you can't get it through your let's say employment there are so many companies out there that are now doing your cash back so again I know because we're set up with multiple companies that essentially we workout deals with them and they give cash back to you know if you buy essentially through their links or you know kind of like follow the link and you'll get an extra 1% cash back on top of the discounts that we're already providing so you can see you know the little savings they really add up quickly some of the companies that come to mind that we're currently working with are going to be racon I got a bad shadow in my face I'm trying to work with you guys here going to be raccoon um we work with Capital One uh Microsoft uh USA Today also now has a cashback program so there's a lot of different cashback programs honey um trying to think of popular ones but essentially almost you know you go and just Google you know cashback program at this point and you'll be able to see like who's registered with those companies and again you can get additional discounts on top of the already discounted Dean Park tickets that we're selling anyway and maybe some of the other guys out there all right so this next tip and trick on how to get the cheapest Disney World tickets now this one is going to be a little complicated specifically I know that people will get discounted Disney gift cards and then use those discounted Disney gift cards to then go and buy discounted Disney World tickets now why this is complicated is because you either have to buy directly from right because they accept Disney gift cards or you have to find a travel agency like the park Prodigy we are a travel agency we're not a ticket wholesaler so we can accept Disney gift cards essentially and then you can go and you can use the discounted Disney gift cards to buy the Disney World tickets right so you do have to kind of find the right person to do this with now what I also will say is a lot of times because of how much you know let's say fraud goes on in the travel industry also there's a lot of fraud around gift cards sometimes it can be really really difficult to get your orders approved I will say that the other complicated thing too is you have to go and buy the discounted Disney gift cards so you can go buy the discounted Disney gift cards from Costco Sam's Club right so those are some of them where I know that you know families will get 5% let's say off of the Disney gift card and then you use that discounted Disney a card again to go and buy discounted tickets the other reason why this is complicated but again this it does work um is you can only you know you need if you have a large family let's say you have a $3,000 purchase you're going to have to split your order up into multiple purchases because you can only use essentially and you'd have to also call it in you can only use two Disney gift cards um essentially per order and I know the Disney gift cards only go up to $1,000 per gift card so again if your order is more than $2,000 you're going to have to split up your order so it is a lot of work but again I think a lot of people sometimes when you're trying to save money they kind of understand that going in and again you'll see there's a lot of balance in this video sometimes it's a lot of work to save money that might work for you because you'll save a little bit more or if you're just trying to you know save but most convenient just go check out the park but again that's another one that I think is really interesting and kind of we had to throw it in the middle here all right so for this next tip and trick on how to get the cheapest Disney World tickets and I would say to understand how to use the validity Windows now we've spoken a couple times about how Disney ticket prices fluctuate right how you can use you know visit during the slower times of year or even try to pick you know one day ticket prices to find cheaper multi-day ticket prices but with multi-day tickets there's actually a validity window right so that's where the start dat comes into play so you know let's say let's take a three-day ticket for example has a 5-day um you know usage window meaning that you'll have 5 days from the start date so if your start date is March 1st you can use and enter the parks 3 days between March 1st to March 5th right so as you can imagine you can kind of game the system and if you know that you're going to visit on a Tuesday Wednesday Thursday but it's cheaper to start your tickets on a Monday but you know you're going to use your three days by the end of that 5-day usage window you can go ahead and do that and I've seen families take advantage of that and they it's a popular question that we get and they really do get creative and again helps you save you know a couple extra bucks even if it's $10 per ticket family of four it's 40 bucks right there you know so it does add up and that's just something that I do find very very helpful to take advantage of all right so another tip and trick for getting the cheapest Disney World tickets this is another easy one I would say if in doubt if you're unsure of if you need a par copper ticket or par copper plus ticket whatever it might be always go with the Base ticket Disney doesn't really Market it but you can always upgrade your ticket later on so if you're on the fence especially if you're traveling with young kids and you're like we don't know if we going a park cop really not sure don't get it right away you can always upgrade later on within your validity window kind of tying into the last tip and trick you got to make sure that your ticket is not expired now the other really really um important thing to keep in mind here too is the only downside to this in my honest opinion is you might have to go stop by a ticket booth or you know Guest Services whatever it might be so you might lose a little bit of time but again if you're unsure you're better off going with the you know Base ticket cheapest option and then you can upgrade later on all right so another tip and trick kind of tying into the last one right where I said to go with the Base ticket if you're unsure for this one if you know that you want to go to a Disney water park right maybe even if you want to go for a couple different days make sure that you get do get the right ticket in that case it would either be a park hopper Plus or the Disney water park and more the other cool thing about the the water park tickets is essentially let's say if you're buying a 3-day Disney World ticket and you get a 3-day water park and more ticket you're getting three admissions to the water parks there's quote unquote some other stuff not going to really want to do that like ESPN really no going on in ESPN um so just keep that in mind cuz again instead of buying a one-day water park ticket like maybe you don't even go for a full day but you'll be able to get you know two admissions into the the water parks so just keep that in mind it's a great way to save some money all right so another great way to save on discounted is on tickets this is not going to be for everyone this is going to be a very select group of of families but if your kids are three or under really under three but the tip is if your kids are under three essentially they will get get in to Walt Disney World for free so maybe you're you know family of four family of five you have a couple kids that are a little bit older couple kids who you know or one child who's under three they'll get in for free so you know you got to pick and choose your battles you can essentially take that and kind of balance it out over the rest of the Disney World tickets that you will have to buy but a lot of my friends especially you know now at our age we have family stuff like that a lot of them come down to Disney a lot more than I thought they would but they're like hey my kids are getting in for free so and also I mean what not to love about Disney World my you know my friends are just like me they love the parks so it's more about being able to see their kids experience it even though they might not remember it but it's fun for everyone all around all right so another great tip in trick when trying to get the cheapest Disney World tickets and I would say go and look to see if there's any vacation package deals right now typically most of the you know deals that you're going to see from Disney are going to really be savings on the hotel rooms right now at the time of the recording in this video they're currently running up to 30% off select Disney World hotel so as you can see it's pretty significant savings right I would say from a ticketing standpoint the benefit of doing this is let's say you're trying to plan a Disney Vacation really foreign Advance you know you want to take your kids to Disney you just life might happen between now and then right the benefit of booking a Disney World vacation package is you only have to put $200 down you can kind of lock in the great deal that you might see right now for $200 down as long as your vacation is more than 30 days in advance and then of course just like it sounds you take advantage a great deal you don't have to pay that much much out of pocket if you go and you buy discounted Disney World tickets by itself without a hotel you're going to have to pay all for the all the tickets up front that's the way the tickets work so just keep that in mind it's another great tip all right so another very very important thing to understand especially when trying to get the best deal on Disney World tickets is that the old saying that Disney used to have is the you know the more you longer you stay the more you save per day something to that extent I don't really know for sure but the premise is essentially you know the the more days you get so let's say when you get a 7-Day Disney World ticket your price per day is going to be less compared to of course a 4-day Disney World ticket now that goes all the way up to Disney's at this point in time selling all the way up to 10day Disney World ticket here in the United States so you know again keep that in mind because going from a six- day ticket to a 7-Day ticket like if you're on the fence about it it's going to be a lot more affordable same thing from a S day to an eight day as opposed to from a three day to a 4 day so on those longer trips it's not going to really cost you as much to essentially get that extra day the other way you know that I personally have helped clients get really creative with this is let's say you know if you know that you're coming for I don't know 14 days right and you only want to go into the parks for nine days but you just know that like I don't know you're like just a little bit short of a validity window you it makes more sense to maybe go from a 9-day ticket to a 10-day ticket to get like an extra day of a validity window as opposed to going with a 9-day ticket then letting your ticket expire and getting a one- day Disney World ticket I know it's a little confusing but there's just so many different ways to gain the system and that's one of the ways you know the validity Windows especially on those longer tickets is going to be very very helpful and just to give you an idea of like the pricing the pricing of a 4-day Disney World ticket a regular 4-day Disney World ticket at this point in time is going to be right around $631 when you go over to a 7-Day Disney World ticket which I would say is very popular for a lot of families you're going from 630 to 760 so you could see though you're picking up three extra days for essentially $130 which is significant but not as significant when you break it down on a per day basis right so just keep that in mind as you're picking out your tickets all right so last but not least one of the easiest ways to get the best discount on Disney World theme park tickets and that would be go check out our website the park essentially we have everything you need to an amazing Disney World vacation including some discounted theme park tickets we also though have some discounted Disney World vacation packages free vacation planning tools essentially everything you need to plan the most amazing day possible and as a thank you for sticking around all the way till the end of this video I actually also have a promo code which you can go use on those discounted theme park tickets to get an extra discount on top of the discount and that promo code is going to be YouTube 25 but this was a fun one I haven't done a video a live video inside of Disney Disney World in a bit I got to three different parks on a nice little Saturday so thank you all again so so much for checking out this video all the way until the end and until next time I will talk to you soon [Music]
Channel: The Park Prodigy
Views: 5,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: discountdisneyworldtickets, cheapdisneyworldtickets, disney trip, disneyvacation, disney world tips, disney world tickets, disney world tips for first timers, central cee homophobicheapestdisneyworldtickets, theparkprodigy, disney vacation, disney parks, disney world tips and tricks for first timers, disney world tips for families, cheap disney world tickets, disney world tips and tricks, disney world planning, disney songsisneyonabudget
Id: 4W68xkbonJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 19sec (1459 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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