WHAT WE SPENT FOR A WEEK IN DISNEY WORLD 🏰 our total cost & budget tips & tricks (2 adults!)

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baby we should start living now [Music] hi everyone what is up welcome back to my channel if you're new my name is Brianna and today I am talking about what I spent in a week at Disney World with my fiance Corey so what we spent in an entire week for our Walt Disney World vacation that we just went on so I want to put a really big disclaimer right at the beginning of this video because I think it is so important this trip that Corey and I just went on was in no way shape or form a budget-friendly Disney vacation when I tell you that we went all out and did as many things as we possibly could and lived it to the fullest it could possibly be we definitely did and it definitely shows up in the price breakdown however with that being said there are a million different ways to do Disney on a budget comment down below if you want to see an entire video just dedicated to Disney on a budget or ways to save money at Disney we've done multiple trips like that before but this past trip that we did was just not like that we did it to the max fullest easiest convenience we stayed at a deluxe Resort we did a lot of sit down dining a lot of elevated dining a lot of Genie plus individual lightning Lanes just all the things that you could imagine we did it so I want to put this caveat out there if you're looking for Disney on a budget I definitely have some tips and tricks for that as well but this video was just going to be a full price breakdown and we're gonna go into depth on what it costs for Corey and I to spend a week at Disney World for two adults it was a ton of fun it was an amazing trip I will have linked down below and up here in one of the side Corners if you want to take a look at our entire Walt Disney World Series it is finally out and ready to be watched and getting so much loved on by all of you and that's so amazing and so exciting but if you are new to the channel like I said my name is Brianna I am 26 years old living in Connecticut and I live with my fiance we love to go to Disney this channel is all about lifestyle travel content I like to call it the Island of Misfit Toys we don't Niche down around here it's just a ton of fun stuff that I like to film so it could be Disney content European travel content Vlogs what I eat in a week just a ton of random fun stuff so if you like that stuff want to play Russian Roulette on this channel please stick around would love to have you so hit that subscribe button down below but if you're a Disney lover definitely subscribe because we go to Disney a lot we love going to Disney we do a lot of Disney at home videos Disney out in the world videos vacationing to Disney Disney Essentials all the things so without further Ado let's get into today's video which is what Corey and I spent in a week on our Walt Disney World vacation alrighty so we have changed spots don't worry this is not going to be blank the entire time but I thought that it would just be a lot easier to have all the charges and just everything that we're going to talk about up on the screen I don't know I just felt like that would be the easiest and also cuffing up my sleeves just to get a little casual we're sitting on the bed this is going to be a fun fun video I also just took off my Apple watch because it's like hurting but I've got my laptop right here so I actually did the breakdown for everything so we are gonna go into depth on everything that we spent on this Walt Disney World vacation now let me make one more caveat and thing very clear because for a little while for about a week or so I really was concerned I'll say I was a little nervous and hesitant to do this video and I'll tell you why this was Corey and I's most expensive trip to date it was by far a go all out go big or go home trip and I am okay with that however if you are watching this video for the first time and you are trying to navigate and book your first Disney vacation and you want to do it on a budget then what I will say is I have a ton of Vlogs and a ton of things that Corey and I will go into depth about where we talk about ways to save money really good money saving tips tricks and we do also have a podcast called the magic at home podcast so I can put that linked up here down below if you want to listen to the podcast as well the thing with this trip is this is a big number it is a very large Financial investment that Corey and I made in this trip our trips are normally not this expensive however I think it's important to share all different kinds of of Disney World trips right you can go to Disney and do a deluxe big vacation and fun extravagant ways and you also can do Disney on a budget there's Corey and I have done multiple trips to Disney on a budget so I just want to put that caveat out there because it is so important to me that you don't think that this is how Corey and I go to Disney every single time when we travel to Disney four times a year because we'd be poor on the street eating grass like literally that is just it is what it is and then one caveat too as we're just going through this is for the total of Corey and I so these are both of our like conjoined payments everything put together so I just wanted to make that clear as well so let's just dive right into it so we are going to start with our hotel we're gonna go down from there so first thing is Hotel charges so we stayed at Disney's Riviera Resort I paid for a tower Studio however we were upgraded to a one bedroom Villa a one bedroom Villa at Disney's Riviera Resort is normally anywhere from 750 to a thousand dollars a night we did not pay that I want to put that disclaimer out there I booked a tower studio and a tower Studio was going to cost I think it was 405 a night or 450 a night we did book the Riviera Resort for five nights so our total Hotel charge came out to 2704 dollars so that is what it costs for us to stay at Disney's Riviera Resort Disney's Riviera Resort is not only a deluxe Resort but it is also a Disney Vacation Club resort and Disney's Riviera Resort is Disney's newest hotel that was just opened in 2019. it is brand new it is like as shiny and and span as it possibly can get and it was a beautiful beautiful Deluxe experience I absolutely loved staying at Disney's Riviera Resort to me it was worth every single penny we've never stayed Deluxe before and it was absolutely amazing so that is how much we paid for our hotels you can stay at Walt Disney World in value or moderate or Deluxe Resorts your value resorts are going to be things like Pop Century All-Star Movies we've stayed in those as well your moderate resorts are a little bit in that middle price range something like Disney's Coronado Springs French Quarter we've stayed at those as well and then this is your Deluxe feel so it is very much elevated they've got one to two bedrooms they've got a little bit of a kitchenette it is not just a bed and a bathroom so it is definitely an upgraded experience so now let's head into our flight so our flights ran us we ended up flying direct from Providence Rhode Island which is where Corey's family is from direct into MCO and then back as well so our flight's on JetBlue for the two of us cost 535.94 we also needed to add in checked bags as well one for each of us because you do not get a checked bag almost like anywhere anymore so each of us checked a bag so it was 30 per person per way so the bags were a total of a hundred and twenty dollars so for flights in general for us to adore adults direct both ways we did choose one of them more I don't want to say like expensive flight patterns but we left as early in the morning as we could and came back as late at night as we could so our total for the flights and our bags all together was 655.94 next category is and these aren't in no particular order but now let's talk about our coffee so this was a trip that Corey and I definitely got a good amount of coffee on so anything considered like Joffrey's coffees Starbucks Coffee Starbucks Refreshers whatever that might be we did a lot of coffee drinking on this trip and it's because I've actually come to love love Joffrey's I love it so much so the amount that we spent on coffee this trip was 75.83 I don't know if you would consider that a lot a little I mean every Starbucks refresher or Joffrey's coffee ranges anywhere from five to eight dollars so like put that into perspective we also did treat two of our friends to coffee as well so we paid for four coffees instead of two one day so that's just also something to consider so now we're gonna get into what we spent on lunches at Walt Disney World so our entire total for lunches on this trip was 354.91 on lunch now I do want to break this down into two separate categories as well so we're almost gonna take that 3 54.91 and like split it so for lunch at Quick Service locations things like cosmic rays Pecos Bill any of those like quick in and out chicken tender quick places we ended up spending 171.53 the amount of Quick Service locations that we did for lunch was four of them and then we did two sit-down lunches which were definitely way more expensive as you can see right there lunch is when you're sitting down are going to be way more expensive than when you are doing Quick Service Corey and I both know this is is also very much common knowledge right going to McDonald's in the drive-through is a lot cheaper and more quick and convenient than sitting down at Texas Roadhouse any of your like chain restaurants think of the same thing at Disney World we did two like I said two sit-down lunches one way to save and a little bit of like money saving tips when it comes to doing lunch at Walt Disney World is bring peanut butter and jelly into the park do more quick service and sit down dining we just chose to do a little bit more sit down dining which you'll see a little bit later in the video for all of our dining and whatnot so now let's get into our total for what we spent on dinner on this trip this was probably our largest purchase or like one of the more large money expected expenditure buckets that you can say so the total that Corey and I spent on dinner at Walt Disney World on our recent vacation was 843 dollars and one cents that is a lot of money on dinner and I'm very well aware we're gonna break it down like I said again so dinner at table Services came to 805.33 and our Quick Service dinners came to 37.68 now with this being said we did some very high-end dining on this Walt Disney World vacation so first and foremost our one and only Quick Service Center that we did was at Woody's lunchbox which came to that total of 37.68 so that was like the cheapest most I would say like cost effective dining experience that we had for dinner because we just decided to do quick service and then the other four dinners that really took a big big hit in the budget was we did Tony's Town Square in Magic Kingdom that came to 93. we also did flying fish for dinner at Disney's BoardWalk Resort and that was 266.44 we also did dinner at Topolino's Terrace at the top of the Riviera which was 218 dollars and one cents and then our teponado dinner that was in Epcot came to 227.88 we did take two friends out to dinner at teponado in Epcot for dinner because we were celebrating their engagement we invited them to dinner and we wanted to take them out dinner was I would say very expensive on this trip I think it was something that we knew going into it that we wanted to have a little bit more like I said from the beginning this Deluxe feel we wanted to do a lot of sit-down dining on this trip we wanted to enjoy doing more elevated dining we were definitely doing topolinos we love flying fish on our travel day we decided to take friends out at teponado for dinner in Epcot we did you know Tony's Town Square like we did a lot of sit down dining and as you you can see sit down dining will drastically Drive the price of your vacation up so another like budget friendly or budget-friendly hack is choose only one to two table service dining options when you go to Walt Disney World if you're trying to save money and we don't even have kids so I can only imagine how much more expensive it will be we love to do sit-down dining when we go on vacation but another budget-friendly way is do more quick service and or just make sure that you're only adding in one or two sit-down restaurants versus five to ten sit-down restaurants so next up on the list is alcohol so any alcoholic beverage anything that contained alcohol not including any alcohol that we had at dinner that's all kind of or lunch that's all kind of wrapped up this is alcohol that is broken out that was just from drinks at the bar individual drinks at Epcot that sort of thing so for alcohol on this trip Corey and I spent 121.33 on alcohol now for this like I said this is all things that were just drink so to give you a little bit of a breakdown of where that came from we went to Hurricane Hannah's at the beach club the day that we got there to celebrate our annual passes that cost us 36 dollars and eight cents for two drinks Corey and I are not big drinkers I really only like to drink a frozen drink at the pool or like to commemorate the start of a vacation I'm not someone that like gets a cocktail at dinner I've tried to be that person I'm just not if there's anywhere that me and Corey save money when it's on vacation is is me and my not drinking because I'm normally not a big drinker so next let's talk about hotel charge and groceries or just like Hotel Necessities in general I think this is something really important to consider so first and foremost we always do an instacart order if you're new instacart is something where you can have groceries online ordered and delivered right to your Resort so that you can have groceries for the week that is a money saving tip so just like a budget friendly tip again is Corey and I always will have snacks bananas breakfast iced coffees at times delivered right to the room so we do a grocery order in the beginning with fruit snack peanut butter crackers bananas granola bars and we bring snacks in our bags into the park because if you're gonna buy some of that stuff in the park it can really Skyrocket and like increasingly up charge in your dizzy vacation don't get me wrong there is a snacks Waters and popcorn refill category in this budget breakdown as well because you know that we always do that but just something to consider when you're booking your Disney trip we always have groceries delivered it is so nice to do breakfast in the room it's one less meal to really consider so our grocery order cost us 59.13 that was for like I said milk cereal bananas granola bars I bought a bottle of iced coffee and I bought creamer for our rest day to be able to have a coffee in the morning we're kind of like two coffee a day people especially at Disney to like power through and keep that caffeine rolling but that is really what we spent our money on for groceries the other budget friendly tip as well is if you have a lot of room in your suitcase bring your own snacks as well if you just from home they're going to be cheaper at home anyway however we had a lot of room in our suitcase this time because like I said we both checked those bags so it was easy for us to bring a lot of non-perishables in our bags as well and then one thing to know as well is if you are going to do an instacart order and your room is not ready and the hotel is going to hold your groceries there is a six Dollar Hotel holding charge that they make you pay that goes right onto your room and it's six dollars for them to hold your groceries and then just bring them up to you when your room is ready I don't really think that's that big of a charge like it's only six dollars and it's nice to just have your groceries early in the morning rather than waiting super late in the day to get them so a total for all just Hotel charges and instacart totaled 65 dollars and 13 cents so sticking with the food train and the final food train that we're going on here is snacks Waters and popcorn refills so one thing I want to make a mention of for this category is I'm actually someone that gets very very sick drinking Florida water not filtered water so for some reason when I drink free water at Disney that they give you in the in the water bottles or the cups of ice water I get very very sick literally cannot drink it like it is just not something that I can do so we have to spend money on water in the park or bringing bottles of water with us because I will get violently ill and I know that about myself so we budget for it so snacks water and popcorn refills came to a total of a hundred and fourteen dollars and 61 cents so anything snack would be like we tried fushi in Epcot that was seven dollars and fifty cents we went to Primo piato and got like two little Mickey bars so that was 12 dollars and twelve cents we went to vivoli gelato which cost us twenty three dollars and two cents Sunshine tree terrace which is like getting dull whip so that was 13 dollars and seven cents anything really that would be a popcorn refill also is normally two dollars and 25 cents waters are 3.07 25 cents so when it comes to like thinking of this breakdown another really good Disney budget-friendly tip and trick is getting a popcorn bucket and doing popcorn refills I Love Popcorn I like Disney popcorn I know people are like oh it's so nasty fresh Disney popcorn super buttery is like better than movie theater popcorn it is like one of my favorite things in the entire world and I am somebody that loves loves loves loves a Disney popcorn once you buy the bucket so we bought our annual pass holder bucket which was 13 once you bring your bucket back with you you get 2.25 refills that's like a cheap snack that's one of Disney's cheapest snacks that you can find and I know a lot of people don't love the popcorn I do so I enjoy it so we always bring our popcorn bucket with us or this trip we bought a new one which did cost us thirteen dollars because we wanted like a new one because we wanted to get the annual pass holder one and we also do things like getting Diet Cokes as well so like a quick Diet Coke and a popcorn refill is you know five bucks eight bucks whatever that is so like I said for snacks and Waters and popcorn refills our total was a hundred and fourteen dollars and 61 cents so next let's talk about Ubers on our vacation this was actually something that we only did three Ubers on this trip we ubered from the airport to the resort we ordered an Uber from our resort to go to the boardwalk then I thought it was raining so that we didn't need to take the Skyliner and walk in the rain rain and then we took an Uber from our hotel to the airport when we were leaving we decided against doing the sunshine fire and or mirrors on this trip and honestly where Ubers were more expensive I don't know if Corey and I will ever not Uber again it was so so convenient it was amazing not having to wait for anything there was no additional stops it was just something that I very much enjoyed and loved and I felt like it was something that we will budget for in the future because I just very much enjoyed it so with that being said Uber's on this trip totaled a hundred and nine dollars and 31 cents so if you want a little bit more of like a breakdown of what cost what our Uber from the airport to Disney's Riviera Resort was 48.52 our Uber from Disney's Riviera Resort to the boardwalk was nine dollars and 22 cents and then our Uber from our resort to the airport was at 51.57 now 50 each way for two people is not that much different than doing sunshine fire or mirrors so mirrors normally round trip per person is I think it's 35 or like almost pushing 40. So in theory to spend 10 extra dollars per person to have a private car go directly to your Resort and not have to wait and in theory have a much faster quick experience that's something that Corey and I very much enjoyed so you know I I totally understand people doing the mirrors in sunshine flyer we've enjoyed it as we've done it but now that we have taken the Uber I don't know if we will be easily persuaded to go back to mirrors or Sunshine flyer we'll have to kind of see and see what we like but let me tell you doing that was definitely a big big game changer speaking of things regarding the airport I also included here just airport charges as well and I think this is something that is very important and to consider when you're budgeting because this stuff happens and you will be doing this so we ended up buying snacks at the airport in the morning before we left I had gotten a water Corey got a Gatorade I got a snack for the plane and I think we got two granola bars and that was 18.66 we did get snacks on our way home as well which totaled 34.19 and then we did get dinner in the airport on our way from Orlando back to Rhode Island and that was 35.28 so like I said our total for just airport charges in general or things that were we're buying in the airport was 88 dollars and 13 cents normally we get coffee in the morning depending on when we're traveling so that would have also been a charge that we would have needed to add in here however it is something to consider when you're also making sure that you're like booking things and thinking through things that that is a charge that you could incur next let's talk about Genie plus and lightning Lanes so for those of you that are new or trying to book your Walt Disney World vacation Genie plus is a service that you pay per day per person which can range anywhere from 18 to 30 dollars I've never paid 30 I think the most we've ever paid is like 22 or 25 but it is per person per day and what that does is it makes you book or it allows you to book multiple fast passes or skipping the line passes if you will all day in whatever Park you're in or if you are Park hopping so Corey and I do Genie plus every single day of our trip it is something that we have always done and I do not want to wait in lines I'm paying a lot of money to go to Disney and I want to enjoy Disney holistically not just Disney while I'm waiting in lines and then individual lightning Lanes let's talk about this individual lightning lanes are a separate Bucket from your genie plus so an individual lightning Lane are four of the most popular attractions and the big kind of kahuna rides in each Park so in Magic Kingdom that would be Tron and Seven Dwarfs Mine Train in Hollywood Studios that would be rise of the resistance in Epcot that would be Guardians of the Galaxy and an animal kingdom that would be flight of passage in Pandora so these are all an additional separate charge that you pay to ride these rides and you can completely skip those lines as well they are separate from your genie plus so you can book two of those a day if you're Park hopping right you can still book two as well so this is something that Corey and I also budget into our Disney vacations I am somebody who likes to pay for convenience I don't want to wait two hours to ride a ride and waste two hours in the park we both save and we'll pay to skip ride lines and such so Genie plus and individual lightning Lanes on this vacation cost Corey and I a total of 257.74 that was for three Park days and two of those Park days we actually ended up getting Genie plus not for free but one of the days had carried over from a previous trip and then the other one because we had to fix something with guest relations they gave us Genie Plus for free so we are on to our last category and our last category is going to be on souvenirs so this is pins mugs clothes postcards all the hoot Nanny stuff that you buy when you go to Walt Disney World this trip Corey and I spent a total of 485 dollars and 26 Cents on our souvenirs this trip now I would like to say that a big chunk of this is we did go to the Riviera gift store the first day that we got there when we went a little haywire and I'll tell you why Corey and I have always dreamed of staying at the Riviera and we said that when we get the upper opportunity to stay at the Riviera we will buy a lot from their gift store because there's so much that we love there I wanted a t-shirt Corey wanted this really expensive like quarter zip from Tommy Bahama we bought an ornament Corey bought it on the rocks glass we bought a mug we bought like I we bought two postcards like we bought just other things from the Riviera that we loved and knew that we'd always wanted that came to a total of 229 dollars and 13 cents so that was a big dent in our souvenir purchase and things that we were buying on this trip our Resort mugs which technically to me are a souvenir those cost 46.84 Resort marks are something that I think is your best bang for your buck at Walt Disney World you buy these refillable mugs you can buy them or you can just bring your own you do have to pay to have them reactivated and they are 21.99 for unlimited refills at any Walt Disney World Resort Hotel so your hotel if you're staying on the Skyliner and you want to go for like a walk during the day you can bring your Resort mug and fill it up at any Resort that you want to that's powerades sodas Waters Gatorade just like all different kinds of juice they've got your Five Below like soda machines so I am a very big fan of getting the resort mug I think it is one of the best things that you can do that is another budget saving or like budget friendly tip is maximize your Walt Disney World Resort mug if you're someone that wants to get coffee in your Resort mug or if you want to fill it with Diet Coke bring it around with you Corey and I always fill our Resort mugs first thing in the morning on like a rest day when we get there we carry them around when we're at the resort at all times that way we can make sure that we really maximize it right a soda can cost you anywhere from three to five dollars the minute you fill or buy a soda four times you've paid for the resort mug and on top of that your Resort mug is technically a souvenir and you get to take it home I know you're all sitting waiting what was the total for Corey and I's Walt Disney World vacation and again I do want to add I would consider the vacation that Corey and I just took a very much Disney Deluxe vacation staying at a deluxe Resort doing a lot of sit-down elevated dining a lot of lightning lanes and Genie doing a lot of things that were more convenient than doing things that were not so I want to put that caveat out there because there are so many ways that you can do Disney World for the exact same amount of time that we did so so much cheaper and more cost effective depending on your family and your financial situation so our grandchild for our May Walt Disney World Deluxe vacation was 5875.20 seeing that number on the sixth child seat kind of makes me go a little bit crazy however our trip is paid off our trip has been paid off since the moment that we came home because we have saved for about six to eight months to go on this trip that was the total for all of us to travel to Walt Disney World I'll throw it back up on the screen so our grand total Deluxe Disney Vacation cost five thousand eight hundred and seventy five dollars and twenty cents and that was every single charge Soup To Nuts from the minute that we booked a flight in a hotel to the minute that we came home to all airport charges and every single penny that we spent at Walt Disney World and so like I said in the beginning of this video this was very much a Disney Deluxe vacation and like I said there are so many ways that you can save money and go to Walt Disney World on a budget and it is 1 000 doable Corey and I have done Disney on a budget multiple multiple times from staying at All-Star Movies to staying up Pop Century to doing a lot of Quick Service dining to on our first ever trip that we went we didn't spend a dollar on lunch any day we just brought peanut butter and jelly every single day and just paid for dinner at night there are so many ways that you can save money and go to Walt Disney World on a budget and I think it is so important to talk about so if you'd like to see an entire video done on tips and tricks for also budgeting and how to go to Disney World on a budget comment down below I definitely can do that kind of a video for you I think it would be amazing and incredible to just share that Disney can be done on a budget now listen this was just not a budget trip for us this was a once in a lifetime we were staying at the Riviera and we really wanted a deluxe Disney Vacation experience and it was beautiful but every single trip that we've been on to Walt Disney World Is Beautiful the other thing that you will not see in here is our Walt Disney World park passes and what we paid for park passes we are annual pass holders so we don't pay for park passes because we pay once a here for our annual fee to go into the parks as much as we want however I do want to close out this video with a few just budget-friendly ideas and tips that I kind of shared throughout the video but just want to bring a little bit of light to them as well the first thing that we really didn't talk about was Disney gift cards so my budget tip number one is buy Disney gift cards now this doesn't mean that you're gonna save money in the Parks but one thing that I realized that really helped me on this trip was I had already had I like to call them Disney Dollars like I already had my Disney Dollars set aside in a Disney gift card rather than saying okay I'm gonna take a hundred dollars out of my bank account this month and put it in an envelope I didn't have to do that I just had a Disney gift card and it allowed me to budget a hundred dollars this month maybe I bought a 50 gift card then a 250 gift card then a 35 gift card it allowed me to save for Disney in little ways so I would definitely say my first budgeting tip is as you're saving for your Walt Disney World vacation buying Disney gift cards along the way they accrue over time right you've already got your Disney money socked away and you don't even have to think about it my second budget friendly tip for going to Walt Disney World is bringing your own snacks and doing a grocery delivery service something that has always helped Corey and I is if you've seen my fiance he is a big muscular large man and he constantly needs to be eating or eating something or snacking and I am a huge huge snacker I love to snack Disney snacks are very expensive you can get two cheeseburger spring rolls which we do love at Magic Kingdom and it's ten dollars for two and Corey is not going to be sharing spring rolls with me I can guarantee you and I selfishly don't want to be sharing spring rolls back either so my budget friendly tip is doing a grocery delivery service buying granola bars Ritz peanut butter crackers apple slices fruit snacks non-perishables that while you're just walking from one ride to the next or walking out of the park you can have a little bit of a snack and it kills that big snack craving and then my third Walt Disney World budget friendly tip is maximize using your Resort mug again I absolutely love buying my Resort mug I'm not drinking out of it today I'm just drinking out of my Starbucks tumbler but basically your Resort mug is your ticket to drinking as much Powerade Gatorade Diet Coke soda spray as much as you want whenever you want at any Walt Disney World Resort so for example if you're spending the day at Magic Kingdom say you're not staying on a monorail Resort but you want to go explore the Polynesian and the Grand Floridian and the Contemporary and you're thirsty if you have your Resort mug with you you can fill your Resort mug seven times in an hour while you're exploring those Resorts and we are people that constantly Rave about the resort mug I think it is amazing if you're staying for a long period of time and going to be enjoying your Resort or spending afternoons at your Resort think about when you're sitting at the pool and wanting a soda or your kids want a juice or you want something it is so nice to be able to have a resort mug to be able to just fill that Resort and drink it as much as you want so I really hope that you all love this video if you're new here I would love if you would hit that subscribe button down below and give this video a big thumbs up and again I am in no way shape or form like trying to defend or deflect the amount of money that Corey and I spent on this Walt Disney World vacation this was very much a deluxe Disney resort vacation we were not here to do it on the budget friendly for this trip but we have done so many budget-friendly trips before so if you're thinking about staying Deluxe and doing a very large elaborate extravagant Disney trip here's a little bit of a breakdown but like I said you can do Disney on a budget comment down below if you want to hear more Disney on a budget tips and tricks I'm more than happy to put out a video like that because let me tell you there's things that I budget for and do on the cheap at Disney it is totally doable and if someone tells you that you can't go to Disney on a budget they are one thousand percent wrong but I love you guys so much thank you so much for supporting me I was a little nervous to put out this video but I'm excited that I did because I think it's important to shed light on Disney can be expensive and you do pay for convenience but there's also other things in the world that are also just as expensive in other vacations and Disney can be expensive too and a deluxe adult experience and I think that that's totally fine too so with that being said I love you guys so much and I will see you in the next one bye everyone
Channel: Brianna Tata
Views: 13,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nN4Sh_Lg6dQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 35sec (1955 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2023
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