Dive into Adobe InDesign with Bart Van de Wiele | Adobe Creative Cloud

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[Music] you are all here tired and hungover anyway it's good a lot of people are still in bed so you guys are the real deal I'm really happy with that so welcome the city Adobe InDesign deep dive session my name is Bart I'm a senior solution consultant for Adobe I am based in Belgium and I have 90 minutes to tell you about Adobe InDesign and to basically take you further I'm assuming you know how to create a text flow how to add pages how to create a style I'm assuming you know all these things this is an intermediate to advanced session and we're going to build on all of that so I have a couple of projects I will be working on and I think we have a lot of fun okay now just we get started a couple things first of all please do not log out of Creative Cloud okay don't do that there's no reason to do that so don't secondly do not use your own creative count has anyone here ever been in one of my sessions at max I said I've ever been done the deep dive one two three four okay about seven people well thank you thank you for being here again this is a completely new session now for those who've been here before they know this is a pretty fast-paced session okay we're going pretty fast I pull in as much as I can okay so we have a good pace it won't be too much about you know there'll be no time to rest but that's good but I'm guessing you're all slept in a little bit it's a good thing you didn't made us wait for a long time to get into the stadium right it's a good thing and lastly I would like to hear from all of you there are surveys yes you've had this before bla bla bla please fill out the survey okay if you're not doing this for yourself to win amazing prize do it for me okay your new friend Bart do for me I did spend a lot of time on this I spent two weeks on the handout I'm just trying to make you feel guilty now so please fill out the survey it is really important if you want me back next year with more stuff more cool stuff I need certain results it's it's as simple as that or the organization survey results search one thing you do have a handout we won't be following the handout like step by step I did write it as a step-by-step manual which means that look at the screen just click look at the screen through the exercises with me we're all do this together and you can take the handout with you and I made all the steps detailed enough for you to recreate the exercises yourself okay trust me you will be fine okay there's a lot of stuff in there you'll be fine cool now if you ever run into trouble okay so this is a deep dive session don't drown that's that's my motto I have TAS I have wonderful beautiful people that will help you now if you turn around people are raising your hands right now are my TAS okay and I've got people from Australia Canada France the US and India okay so the world's got you covered that's the thing cool one last thing for those who might be in a li a little bit longer and are interested in learning more I'll be speaking at the Al a Adobe user group on Thursday night together with my friend Nigel French will be doing Photoshop Illustrator InDesign tips and tricks light stuff for me a lot of fun okay everyone's happy check the LA user group website and lastly very important try and have fun I know I will so relax do the exercises and I hope you learn a lot okay again if you run to trouble raise your hand the nearest ta will come and find you okay so no stress and silence all mobile devices okay if you can cool let me uh let me get out of keynote and let's just get started here now on your desktop you should find this project folder L 252 and the wheel this is the main project folder every exercise that we'll be doing here today come from this folder we won't be doing every exercise we're actually skipping two of them I have reasons for that but that's a long boring story so we'll be doing most of these exercises one of the things that I want to cover with you guys is I want to give all of you a couple of tips on how to build templates and it was not always easy to come up with the right exercises because I could have easily done ninety minutes of just template building which is which is very easy for me so for a lot of people a template they would kind of socially a template either for Lexie making business cards or maybe like very long documents well we'll try and little to everything here okay and I think I'll be able to introduce a couple of things in InDesign that have been around for a couple years but you might not have discovered or you might have discovered them and you're not really sure what they do why they would be could be useful to you okay so that was the main idea now before we get started just one little tip here a lot of people they work in a very own you try to work in a very structured manner okay so they might have a folder structure like folder number one is you know all the client input well number two is the layout folder number three is the PDF folder on before is whatever so the thing is usually you would kind of create all these empty folders every time there's a new job you click and drag and you make a copy and that that's when you start your new job I do the same thing but what I do here is I just put that in a zip file why because especially on the Mac one thing you do is you just double click that zip file and you get a new set of folders because what I used to do because I'm a bit of a scatterbrain I tend to just take the original template folders and drag them over and then use those used original ones I have to copy them back again and to them out again so to kind of protect me protect myself just there you go open zip oh you want some more folders open up the zip open up that zip again just double click it every single time and you'll get a fresh set of folders it's kind of a double click folder producing thing okay it's silly but it might help you a little bit now those is one little thing here let's get start with the first document now every folder has two documents it has a start and an end of course we will be using the starch document so let's open up the first one zero one letter start INDD now we're using Adobe InDesign CC 2019 you're all lucky we all have the latest version of Adobe InDesign CC 2019 did leave a bit of a mess here in my workspace you should probably all have the essentials panel if there is a brand new properties panel as you've seen during the keynote which is really really cool I'll try and use it as much as I can but we will be going back to a couple of motors look at the classic places where you're probably used to working so with that said let's get started now what is this this is a promotional letter when I have to send this out to my customers the problem is you know I need several versions of this letter because I have a letter that is directed at either men or women and I might be offering them 30% off or 40% off okay or maybe I can add like a little special mention for them I have this these combinations so these details in the letter change with every version I need the problem is those are the only things that change in my letter so there are a lot of things here like all this text all this stuff here this will never change so what we usually do is we would take this text box and we would duplicate that once for save 30% off and once for 40% off it would put that on separate layers and they would show in hide layers the problem with layers is it can only show and hide content but they're actually objects it's object based what I want is I would like to hide text within a text frame so I can choose to hide that text and the text just reflows and just closes up that gap beautifully that is what I want because that way you only have one text frame one version and I don't have a million copies of this frame because you know how it goes if if this ever changed or if this ever changes I have to redo that change on every single layer where I used that same text box that is the whole idea now we're gonna be using conditional text for this okay so let's click on window go all the way down choose type and tables and then click conditional text there you go now it is extremely easy to use so let's first set up a couple of conditions okay let me show you how you set up one just click the new condition button at the bottom of the panel you pop-up let's give us a name I'm gonna call this one man and click ok easy let's do this again click again to create a new condition woman click ok we're gonna be doing four more of these ok click again this time this counts 30% or just type in theory it doesn't matter click OK you can be the same thing for 40 and 50% 40% 50% and the last one is an extra discount verse very very special customers I'm gonna call this one extra and just click OK so now I'm love of six different conditions that's step one creating conditions step 2 applying conditions ok so how do you do this it is very very simple the only thing I need to do is select a certain range of characters and then I have to apply that condition okay it's like applying a character cell it's very similar now the idea is very simple when I apply a condition to a certain portion of text the idea is that what I just selected that is attacted I would like to hide on command now of course if I were just to select serve and if this text was hidden I would be left with double spaces that is not what I want so that is why I'm also going to select the space preceding the word serve so once you've done that click this empty box next to man and it will apply the condition it will put a check mark and it will apply the condition you can actually see this because it is underlined let's do the same thing for madam space madam check box next to the woman condition do the same thing for 30 40 50 percent so space 30 percent check box space 40% check box space 50% check box okay last one notice that text the underlined text that is exactly what I would need to what I would like to hide so let's just just select that text and I'm also going to include that space just preceding it just after the word company and that will become the extra promotion that's it that is the only thing you have to do now how do you apply this when you're done just look at my screen I'm just going to click all of these eye icons and notice it will hide everything and my template is done so anyone so if a marketing can take okay I need a letter it is for a woman she gets 50% and of course she gets an extra discount as well the text just reflows like that's good excellent I have done this in catalogs product names all kinds of fancy products a column of prices in dollars there there's other pricing for euros but the products are the same thing select the text in that column in the table high dollar prices activate the Europe prices the products st. stay the same so if you ever have to update the product name you don't have to do that once four dollars once for yours it is exactly the same thing does it be around for a couple of years not too many people have discovered this but it is really easy now you just have as long list of conditions and you just use it as a as a switchboard and then you kind of configure the way your letter is built here also note that when you click the panel menu and you click show options you can also create sets so if you have certain combinations that you like to use save them as a preset you just check the you just select a preset and it will just make that selection for you also know that you can highlight certain text and you can add additional conditions as well so they can have multiple conditions so a lot of possibilities here okay and that's it exercise number one done let's close this it started you have a question the question was can you use that with merging I'm assuming you your meaning data merge okay what will be the end what would DeeDee idea what's the what's the application here okay if you don't want last names you want get rid of all the last names okay cool if I'm not mistaken I'm have to double check here just for a second the conditions themselves I don't think you can apply conditions to a style what you can do is you might be able to use the XML tags when you're when you're doing that but there's no way of applying that condition while you're merging it unless someone some of the TAS might have other feedback but I'm looking at the TAS I don't think so no they're all saying no so you know no it was worth a shot but okay cool let's close this we don't have to save this let's move on to the next exercise number two foul a voucher start ing D and I am going to open up the end result as well just to show you what we're looking at now of course it is the month of october christmas is coming so we'll be out shopping and sometimes people get really excited when they're shopping i mean look look at look at this girl here she's really excited she wants that anyway so we are going to offer her a discount makes her even even happier okay now this is the end result this is what we're doing look ouch ER okay 30% discount as you can see I am always very very generous with my discounts 30% discount I ain't a 40% discount look what happens for d50 it changes formatting based on contents interesting when we're doing catalogs pricing and all on herself how do you set this up now let's check out the Styles when we select the 30% text top rather your screen the new properties panel okay will you be kind have to get use that one there is a paragraph style applied which is called variable discount okay just using that paragraph style but is also using a character style 30% discount now if I were to change that style and say none this is what the the basic text looks like this is what the paragraph style does but of course we're kind of jazzing things up by using a character style in this case called 30% discount if I switch to say 40% discount you can see that the formatting is already there okay it's already there now how do I do that stripey little thing you'll discover in just a second 50% discount the same thing so 40 and 50% discount they're all set the 30% one that's the one I still need to change so we have to update this style it doesn't really have that stripy effect now how do you do this select the 30% text when you look at your character properties click the three dots here which gives you more options click underline underline it just gives you a basic underlying now we're going to open up the underline options a tip click once for underline hold down the option key alt or option key click that icon again and you get your underline options if your other line text it's good use is going to be black and then somebody asks you could you make that underline razmik sure I have nowhere to go and you're going to spend 20 seconds flying an option alt click you and apply bullets click once for bullets all to click the bullet button you'll get bold options apply a drop shadow click once alt click it again get shadow options don't lose time over this okay so what are we doing we're gonna change the type to dashed and now we're gonna increase the weight we're gonna make it really big to around 310 which gives you this I pressed enter which I should not have done see so increasing the weight through an insane amount is going to give you this effect and now we only have to change the color it's not that important the color but still I'm going to change the color to this one the one that starts with our 60 I'm happy with the 40% tint I'm happy with the paper gap color and this is how you apply this effect is that ready in effect it's just you know creative with options now when you're done click OK so I like what this looks like now but we have to redefine the character style okay let's redefine this this character style so when you make changes to text when you make overrides as you can see at the top right of your screen the 30% discount now shows an icon that says when you when you hover over it it should say that there are style overrides I can click that button doesn't pop up now that's fine click the button and it will redefine your style I mean waiting for one second let's see a couple of hands so we apply the underlying effect when you do that you'll notice that there's an icon that appears next to the 30% discount character style name click that icon to redefine your style okay I think rolla cool so what I do now I just create my third and last character style so now we built up the Styles now we have to automate them now before we can do that we have to be absolutely sure that we're not applying any character styles to begin with so we have to start with a clean style so with it 30% selected apply the none character style so not going to apply any character styles because we're going to set up a system that will do that for us so start with none yes the text looks boring we'll fix that now it is time to open up the paragraph styles panel window styles paragraph styles you can see the variable discount style is applied let's edit that style right-click the style and choose edit variable discount now within this options box that's window we're going to create what we call a grep style we're going to be using regular expressions which sounds extremely complicated it can be really really complicated but they are so cool and you can actually apply very very simple but powerful things yourself this is one of these applications click grep style a grep style is basically a reference you're saying okay within the paragraph style text try and find a certain range of characters and when you find that please apply a certain character style so let's click new grep style and let's apply the 30% discount character style to what was the text again alright just type it in if you find a text that says 30% so it's like a fine fine and change so it's going to scan my text box my text frame for the text 30% and it will apply to 30% discounted character style as you can see when you click in this gray area here to apply that that it will update automatically but we have to do this three times let's add an additional grep style and this time we'll choose 40% okay Colin just of course in here that's Laurie and I think the lady here in front of the glasses has a question as well from the second thank you so doing the same thing for 40% and the same thing for 50% and that is how we get to the end of the exercise I'm sorry could you please repeat the question yes so just just always choose a different style here sort of so we're setting this rule up for the 30 to 40 and the 50% and it should be applied to the text 30% the text 40% and the text 50% if applicable in that text frame okay this is it this is your first regular expression how do you apply this it's already applied look when you click OK change the text make it 40% try for yourself just type in 48 updates type 58 updates okay it's not that complicated but the first time is always a little difficult I once did a a layup for like a ducati like the the motorcycles do and it was Ducati Club so they had the word Ducati and it had to be black italic and Club was light italic so it was like there was one word but this portion need to be like that and the other person needs to be formatted differently and I said and it was the the word Ducati Club was like in there like 50 times and I had to find and change that to kadhi Club formatting for Ducati club and the problem was I could not do that because if they ever mentioned like www kadhi club.com it should not change it's only if it's in actual text so we just set up a graph that says if you find the word Ducati apply that black italic but only when it's followed by the word Club you can set that up and find club only and apply that style only when it's preceded with the word Ducati did that once there at that fifty times and then the customer sent me new texts out there text that's fine click and place the text it updates everything automatically it is always live so take those worries away set up set this up as a grep styles the work will be done for you automatically yes mm-hmm yes the question was we're using a stripy effect right now so she's assuming that we cannot change visuals using grep styles that is correct you could not change any visuals this is all text formatting based because you're basically nesting a character style within a paragraph style the only thing you can do is you can take an object style and that a paragraph style in the object style and embed a character style in that paragraph style it's like a babushka your that is what you're doing so that is something that works but it will not update any imagery okay that is something that will not work I have seen similar applications I once did a lot of work for a catalog it was a lighting catalog so they had all these little lightbulbs little icons of lightbulbs it'll type to let LED lights also and so they had they have like 20 different types of light bulbs and they're all illustrator files so what they did was they they took all of these illustrator elements and they just download a free app that would convert a vector drawing into a font and they had 20 letters and every letter referenced a certain light bulb and then they created tables so sales created tables and he had likes the print out on the desk it says lightbulb LED blah blah blah was capital F and a type is capital F so when they placed that text and InDesign it automatically converted into the right light bulb because they had a light bulb font all of a sudden so there are ways to be creative with all of us okay cool let's close this let's move on to the next one next one is number three presets now this is not really an exercise more of an explanation so the thing is when you are quickly reset it is on here so when you use InDesign okay what happens is you create a new document and you're probably working for the same brand or you're probably sorry you're probably working for the for the same customer over and over and when you create a new document in InDesign we up here and change my preferences here so what happens is when you create a new document in InDesign when you look at your swatches when you look at your colors I mean what the weather they look like they look like this color swatches these are my swatches here I have to create an actual new document of course clean document so my swatches look like this okay question when's the last time you created a new document and you need it saina magenta yellow red green blue never okay but you need certain Pantone colors okay logo colors brand colors whatever and you have to use those and you create these colors every single time you create a new document why why do you do that don't do that so you might think well I'm not doing that I'm loading the swatches you're still doing stuff manually don't do that what you can do is the following when you close all documents this is just a bit of advice here it's not an exercise it's more advice when you close everything you can set the default look nothing is stopping me from going up to window color swatches getting rid of a couple of these guys there we go maybe add another color maybe this is a whatever whatever this is proses a Pantone color I love this one and that one that's at these ok cool done I just set this up myself every single time you create a new document from now you will start with these same colors do the same thing for Styles do you have certain styles that you use on a regular basis load these styles beforehand I actually have a document ISTEP a document that looks like this the only thing this does is I added a die-cut spa collar a folding spot collar I applied that to a line that is dashed then I created an object style out of this why would I do that simply because these two specific things have to be an over print so I to object styles that puts these in over print so what I do now is if I have nothing open if I go up to styles and choose object styles I can just come in here load the object styles let me just load in these two here and there in here so now every single time I create a new document any type of document and I have something that needs to be put like this is going to be a die-cut for whatever reason this could die-cut it will be automatically applied it'll be automatically in over print as well set up your InDesign that is my tip here it will help you with templates it will help you with everything plus if you deselect everything or if you even preset up certain fonts and stuff then those will be become your your your default fonts as well okay so same behavior when you deselect objects and you choose an option before you actually draw out an object so set up your InDesign that is the tip okay let's keep going number for a book we're going to use a book start now the main exercise or the main tip here is I want you to know how to use a primary text flow of what well when you create a new document you have this thing staring at you primary text frame and you click it and you don't really know what it does this is going to help you big time if you're working with longer documents and you would like to update the entire layout of your documents margins columns anything because you do your layout you're printing like I don't have enough you know I didn't have a white space around the page or my page numbering a little too close to the tags I might move this little text boxes up a little bit more and then you have to do that 50 times don't do that instead use a primary text flow now this document was created with that primary text flow how do I know take a look at the master page top right through we have the pages panel double-click the a master you'll notice that there are two text frames on there they are linked as well which is simply what a primary text reom does but you see them that icon here the icon with the arrow this means it's a primary text flow so you might be thinking okay that's interesting but I did not apply the primary Texel in my documents do I have to start over no because look when you click it this is what you get by default this is what you will have so do you want to use primary tech flow from now on okay click done that's the only thing you do now how does it work primary text flow allows you to dynamically change all the text frames in your entire document which is really cool plus it will also automatically add pages when you start adding text and remove pages when you delete text it's like Microsoft Word you just keep typing it starts adding pages pages pages it's the exact same thing okay it's really cool now I set up a word document for this exercise let me open up the word document you do not have to do this yourself we're gonna stick with InDesign here now it looks like this this is the War of the Worlds and I asked the editor only to use it hand flow styles five or six of them just the basic styles heading one heading to just go click click click that's it now why did I do that because this is a very long document if I have a way to only have a couple of styles in Word I can reuse these styles I have style swept and InDesign but I can map these together meaning that when I place the text InDesign will apply all my InDesign styles automatically based on the input and this really really helps I used to I used to work my first up was I was a graphic designer the belt in government and which means I didn't have a lot of a lot of things to do and what happened was we had this massive book it was so boring massive book I was 13 or 12 hundred pages and we had to do that every single year in October okay and what we did was we created a template an office template for them and we gave him like 10 styles they could use bold they could use a header like heading 1 heading 2 heading 3 and all that stuff captions and we told them ok we will print your book but you have to use this template and it went ok and they did so they apply these styles we imported that document and we finished that book every single year 1200 pages in 3 days have you gotta print it the other thing we had to do is place the text and scroll through the document and just check for errors no you know no page I page by page by page by page by page three days twelve other pages works let's give this a go now put your mouse cursor inside the text box on page one not the master page page one okay when that's done file place navigate to folder number four select but do not double click war of the worlds' why I need to use the import options so you might be clicking the import options don't why I I have a very short memory if I click show import options just to see them now I will definitely forget meaning that the next time I like I would like to place 15 JPEG images I forgot to deselect import option so I have to go like ok ok ok ok that is not what I want okay so let's deselect the import options but let's still visualize the import options just this time how do you do that pull down the shift key and now click open and it will show the import options just as once now let's make sure that preserve styles and formatting is select it and at the bottom choose customize style import which basically means that we're going to be mapping style I'm not sure what that sound was to be honest oh is that someone's stomach you hungry okay cool style mapping click style mapping yeah I have a whole list of word styles here on the left-hand side is that very productive no it is not that is why I would suggest when you do this yourself remove all the styles that you don't using word so you only have a couple now let's start mapping these styles the normal style in words should be let's select a different in design style as a reference number five body heading one should be chapter just chapter number one chapter heading two is going to be number two chapter title and now we have two more but we have to scroll down a little bit we're looking for title okay so let's scroll down a little bit scroll Scroll scroll Scroll scroll Scroll scroll Scroll scroll Scroll scroll Scroll tell o title there you go so it's just underneath caption when you find title choose number three title and the other one subtitle is number four subtitle and now we have used all five of them so linking that is the only real hard work that you have to do if you name your styles exactly the same exactly the same as you have in Word it will be done automatically so that's a win are you done to click OK and click OK once more and take a look at my pages panel one page no no let's just wait boom 113 pages ok now one more piece of advice here I what I always do is I always put my mouse mouse cursor in the text I use the shortcut command a to select all of the text in my text flow and I do recommend that using the paragraph Styles panel that you do click this button once the clear overrides in selection button because sometimes it does tend to come in with a couple of over I just click that once and now you're a hundred percent sure that all the text in the styles are applied completely nucleate very clean manner and this is how you place the style so now this is the first application of the primary text flow it will automatically add or remove pages now let's move on to another example of primary text flow and that is using master pages right click master a and choose duplicate master spread a master which gives us a metro P double click master B and look at these pages we're going to change these text boxes and we're going to make them look a little bit different okay so for example what we can do is we can change the height of these for example like this I'm just going to make this stuff up as I go along now okay I'm going to make this a little hard a higher like that and I might actually convert this text box and I just give it multiple columns now if you want to apply multiple columns to a text frame I need to open up the text frame options how can I do that text frame options I here right click I command B there's one more technique that I think is a little even faster okay select the text frame hold on the alt or option key you see my double arrow you know you knew you use that for making copies right double click text frame options just double click it and now we're going to increase the number of columns to 2 and you have 2 columns now I know that this doesn't really look like a design that you would actually usually real-life a very very short box and then two columns but it's it this is the principle right now okay I want to make this as clear clearly as possible when you have that notice that these frames are also primary text frames primary text flow frames because they have this little arrow here why is this important look at my screen let me show you why this is important look these text frames are linked look what happens if I drag this master onto my page look what happens it just real inks everything okay if I do the two columns here it just does two columns okay same thing here by dragging two columns right kind of like two columns it's actually creating this like that if I change my mind just drag the other one back on it will recreate the text frame for you and relink everything see if I go back here and if I just do this again it will dynamically update everything in my document everywhere so you have total control over all the shapes of your text frames across your entire document now because the primary text flow is basically one flow meaning that if they're all using the primary text flow in all master pages it is basically one in the same flow it will just replace the text frames for you and reflow to text in them this is really gonna help you once you start building longer documents okay questions no questions cool let's close this down let's move on to the next exercises and it's the last one that will involve templates or template based exercises number five variables variable start INDD now what is the application here so the thing is sometimes you you're working on a particular document and there's some information that is really important and it tends to change and you want to be absolutely sure that you make that change everywhere across your document now in this scenario I am currently promoting an event it's an exhibition so I have a regular letter sized page on page one I have a poster on page two of course you can change the page size as you go along in InDesign I do really really recommend that you just start doing this and don't pull it up documents or pages into separate documents please don't do that you can do all of this in one document what's the benefit you can reuse two variables you can reuse the styles you can reuse the layers you can reuse the swatches you can reuse everything in the document please start combining these okay if you're working on a book long document book book the cover is one long document it's because it is the front than the back and the back as well it just may change the page size please start doing that okay please do that now in this scenario I and I have finished basically everything but it's telling to fill in the actual information so in the letter I'm saying you are invited to visit our mm-hmm this is the name of the exhibition I'm instead of typing the name I'm going to set up a variable for this now why would I do that because when I look at the poster here I need to put in the exact same value same thing for the opening times mine to Friday and the weekend opening times they might change we're not really sure they might change so what we're going to do is we're going to be referencing that information but it's all coming from one source so when we update that source all of these reference locations all these instances will also update that is the idea how do you set this up you use text variables click type choose text variables click define which gives you this screen I'm going to create a new text variable so you click the new button for name let's call this event name so this is a generic term here event name or generic label for type you have a couple of examples here I actually have used a couple of these in my previous deep dive sessions last year and the year before this time I'm choosing this one custom text and the name of the event is going to be vector City it's in it's an exhibition and roll featuring vector drawings choose okay let's create an additional text variable choose new we're gonna call this one weekdays these are I'm referring to the opening times and it's gonna be open from 8 a.m. till 5 p.m. whatever you like okay do this again weekend's I like sleeping in 11 a.m. click OK last one contact information click new I'm gonna call it's one phone type in any phone number and click done now these text variables are saved within this document so we have them now we need to apply them so what we'll do here is we'll start with the letter first so you are invited to visit our will lets us select the text let's get rid of that and let's import the variable type text variables insert variable he then name and it will pop in vector city itself out of space here week hours from same thing please put in the weekdays time and we cans from same thing put in the weekend time insert variable weekends notice when you do that that this is not typed text this is actually one character it's one character okay which works now but I'll tell you when it might not work when it will actually fall apart on you okay now please do the same thing for the poster on page two so scroll down so the first set of X's same thing insert variable event name money to Friday Saturday Sunday you know what to do please fill in weekdays fill-in in text variables into variable the weekends and the phone number type insert variable interval the phone number there you go so this is how we set everything up so we created a variable we inserted the variable now we're gonna update the variable because you know what happens you know you have this whole campaign and it's all in one beautifully laid out in design document and then someone from marketing says we're gonna change the opening times it it should be 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 okay or it it off where did I reference the opening time so was it an invitation was in a confirmation letter the posters maybe your brochure maybe an ad there you know it's everywhere okay so type text variables define double click the weekdays text variable change the text from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. click OK click done everything updates everywhere is this new and in scientist is new hinson right it is not it has been around for quite a while I'm sorry I love saying I'm sorry okay whatever everything happens in everything whatever happens it stays in this room okay if I say who does this you're like oh I do this okay it stays in this room okay the reason I know that you're doing this is because I used to do that stuff okay I used to exactly all the stuff that you're doing today that's why I I'm usually doing a pretty good job in predicting how you work because I used to do the exact same thing so this is how you update everything one thing you have to be careful for this is one character meaning that if you squish the text box it will squish the character as well there's no no wrapping options because it's one character so be careful that whatever space that you reserved for your variable that you know it has to accommodate all the characters so you have to make sure that you have more than enough space okay no it will not break in paragraphs that's the thing it's one character it will be squished if it travels from one from the paragraph from one line to the next it will travel travel as as a whole but if it's closed in into just a a text box it's only that character it will be squished okay it will not take like without say like 8:00 a.m. and then move the the - and the 5:00 p.m. to the next line that there are no wrapping options it will not wrap it will move as a whole or it will be squished there's only two other things you can do okay well you can do is you can always right-click it and you can always choose convert variable to text so you can convert it to text which will unscrew but you lose the link to the variable which means it will not update anymore okay just so you know now for everyday use I know but for setting up templates it does really really work okay now let's close this down let's move on to combining InDesign with illustrator and a couple of effects we're gonna skip number six we're gonna move to number seven why am i skipping number six aren't you going to do a good job you are doing a fabulous job it was my decision not to include number six a couple of weeks ago okay music starts ing D one thing before we actually start with this exercise you have to be absolutely sure that you click the View menu you choose display performance and make sure that high quality display is on otherwise you will not see the effect that we're about to create it'll be there when you print and PDF and export and do all these things it will just not be visualized correctly while you're using it so make sure high quality display is currently on now using effects let me just choose a very very basic effect that is still kind of cool but nobody uses it it's blending blending modes so let's let's create a very basic rectangle let's give this a color I did include a couple of colors here and the swatches panel you go with a pink or blue whatever you like and we're gonna be using blending modes now of course we usually associate blending modes with photos shop and the with other programs but remember you can use blending modes here as well it is very very easy to do the only thing you do is you create a frame give it a fill color and then using the properties panel I think there's a you found it you got it okay properties you can click your pass to the option here which will open up the effects panel and you can change the blending mode from normal to say multiply for example and it will give you like this this is pretty cool like semi transparent colored darkens overlay effect lot of people they would still rub the Photoshop and do that you don't have to do that just do this stuff in InDesign okay I will have to take the play music text box right-click it and then choose arrange bring to front so make sure that it's actually appearing in front of my effect here so that is just one basic thing let's make it a little more complex more complex now when this is done let's place an illustrator documents now I have nothing selected at the moment so which means that the properties panel will show me general options there is an import file button now on the right side of your screen import file it only appears if you have nothing selected import file click it it replaces your command D okay now when you navigate to number 7 music you will notice there are two AI files there note and play we will start with note dot a I choose open and then place that file like like so we're gonna put that over here about this size now we're going to play with opacity and we're going to move this placed image and put it on top of the text on top of it click these are past the options and we're going to reduce the opacity and we're going to reduce that we're gonna go down all the way to zero now there is a possibility that you have no idea why I'm doing that so I have a placed a ifile zero opacity now shift-click the text frame so I have both items selected and group these together so command G or you can click the brand new group button at the right side of your screen to group this you still don't know what I'm doing click the opacity option here to open up the effects panel click knockout group look what happens heywhat so now I am using a placed placed linked illustrator document and I'm using it as a mask the cool thing is if I double click that if I double click that music note I can even move this anywhere I want brenn I can even go back and increase the opacity and will actually both mask and show the color through as well which is a pretty unique effect so that was one part of the tip there's a second part of it and the cool thing is and this is the added value here it is linked which means I can really link it you can tell I'm gonna be really excited here you can relink it so what I can do is I can just open this up in the links pals and which is window links select the note a I click the relink option not the cloud real link but the regular relink and navigate to number 7 music and as you might remember there were two AI files there and play AI is the second one it updates your AI file retains all effects you don't have to this again plus cherry on the cake the text is still editable isn't that cool if I say so myself I used to do this just with drawing objects native artwork lines rectangles all kinds of frames if you do this with a picture it will just be a square or a rectangle that is turned transparent if you do this with PDF or ai and an AI is actually a PDF that's why it works you can do all this stuff down okay did that work yes now just so you know if you ever just use square that looks like this you go like it doesn't work it does work view display performance high quality play or it will not visualize correctly in output you'll be fine it would not be fine if you just preview it here in InDesign okay that's it let's move on the next one let's close this down let's move on to the next exercise number eight Amsterdam how we doing for time five mins behind will be fine we'll be fine don't worry Amsterdam we're gonna use Amsterdam start a couple of tips here this is a postcard Amsterdam so we have the city of Amsterdam just not in Belgium by the way which is a different country and we have the flag of Amsterdam which is a three crosses don't ask me where they come from I don't know but that is that is the flag of Amsterdam so the so the assignment is very very simple we have to convert this into a duotone project jewel-tone okay how do you do this well I already created two swatches so in the swatches panel I have a light blue Pantone I have a dark blue Pantone we're gonna use that to create a jewel tone effect now what we're doing here is first of all I need to create a grayscale version of these images so Photoshop greyscale that's it so I have saved these pictures which brings me to not really the exercise but first tip I have nothing selected click import file in your properties panel navigate to number 8 Amsterdam links there are several documents in there I need to select both documents that have the word black in them which is Amsterdam black and a flag Amsterdam black and click open so you should have them now as your loaded cursor here when you have your cursor loaded look at my screen first of all using the arrow keys left and right you can choose which which image to place first secondly I need to replace those images right a look what happens when I click it click Oh so let me guess you're doing this right we're like uh huh I need to remove this first and that first and then I used to put in click it no stop doing that stop doing that instead do this do what I do select both of them look at the cursor hold on option oh you didn't replace images I'll click alt click that's it replacing images is so easy do you want to know do you really know okay that's why you're here that you're here to learn this stuff okay that's how you do like oh I'm so - no you're not you're not an idiot okay this is just why you're here Cole okay you're busy you're all busy making money so let's convert this into jute on first of all select the main Amsterdam image okay open up the swatches panel apply the light color the light blue Pantone color it is mapping to everything that is white now click that little pokeball icon here the content grabber donut and now apply the dark Pantone color boom true jewel tone we're into the flag as well double click the flag to have its content selected click the dark Pantone color monotone because I want the white to remain white this will print in two colors do this with grayscale images it is so easy I once did a whole bunch of work for a company they did they create squeegees squeegees anyway so I I had to build these these Pettus packaging for squeegees and every squeegee was printed in a different Pantone color I had 5 colors 5 Pantone colors and I was working that somebody else's files here and they had a picture of that to see the same freaking picture of that squeegee and they had one version of Photoshop with Pantone blah blah blah and yet it was Pantone blah blah blah and it just had different versions of Pantone I remove I deleted everything he did and I created one grayscale version of that picture placed at grayscale version everywhere just choose a different Pantone color and in design you get five different versions Oh are we going to change the squeegee image are we going to be retouching the squeegee image let's add a couple of more raindrops or water drops do that in Photoshop once all those Pantone mountain versions they all link to the same black and white picture everything updates that is how it works it is so easy question okay question is does this still work in version CC 2015 yes if I take a time machine and I go back 15 years it still works does it does this this even worked in QuarkXPress sorry did it does doesn't matter you know it now you know it now okay cool now next one next one is is not an exercise it's more picking a bit of a story here another tip so you work with a freelancer okay you're working with a freelancer he's a nice guy he's just not that competent we all know one we all know someone right okay so you ask this person for help look could you help me create a Sarah I can add her it's for see if absent sure and he makes that for you and he says done I did in Photoshop yeah look it's all vector it's all vector oh yeah but I have to print this it is not gonna be factored when I print this it's Photoshop so good I got a recreate all of us in InDesign now you don't you don't now when I place that Photoshop document if I go to high quality display here and you zoom in this is a PSD file right it is rasterized so what am I talking about what you do is the following if you have this situation in Photoshop save as Photoshop where is it Photoshop PDF but that's just a PDF what are you talking about wait save uh-huh uh-huh regular presets see this here this is an extra layer of Photoshop so what I did was I saved this as a Photoshop PDF when you place that in InDesign zoom in perfect but it's a PDF I mean this bit of a bit of a cheap trick right it's just a PDF is it really when I right-click this and I open up that PDF with Photoshop everything is there it's a PSD file with a layer of PDF just enough so you can print this vector you do not have to rebuild all of us an insight okay now for every date but it can save your date okay oh there you go moving on to the next exercise we're gonna skip number nine we're gonna move on to number 10 cross references I'm going to open up the start file now of course the folders name was cross references so we're gonna be creating cross references here off course so the idea is very simple or time is that we're doing okay now so what we're doing here very simple we have a cover and there are three references that I would like to make I put them a little X's there again so there are three products that we're looking for the first product is the backpack the shifter daypack the second one is here it's the Mantis chair and the third one is a sleeping bag so what we're doing here we're kind of advertising these products here so we're going to say out now and names a product and then a page reference number and if the product name ever changes the cover should update as well if the location of that product ever changes because we add more text we start shuffling pages the page reference should update as well that is the idea set up once benefit forever basically okay you can always benefit from this now how do you do this first of all I need to identify what we're referencing and I'm going to select this text I noticed that using a paragraph style called catalog product name padlock product name very important that is what I need styles are very very important now let's go up to the cover I'm just removed the first set X's and let's create the cross-reference choose window type & tables cross-references and let's create a new cross-reference continue across reference button and now very important we need to know where we're going where are we linking to what's the source well remember that style hero all my paragraph styles in my document when I click a paragraph style it will list all the text in my file that uses that paragraph style I was looking for catalog product name that is the one I need catalog product and look at I got my three products here so the first one that I am looking for here is the shifter daypack click it and it just all of a sudden puts in shifted a pack on page three why is it doing that simply because I'm tallying designs of putting the full paragraph and page number I don't like these quotation marks okay it's the name of the product it's not like it is the product so click the pencil icon yes you can click that icon click the pencil icon and you can see the formula here just get rid of these quotation marks you can change anything you want here like I I salute stuff in French as well so I had to look like like it's just bash for example let's put it in French or punch in public on page just typing whatever you want and then click OK and it will update automatically click OK when you're done and as you can see I built one cross references now this is what it's called I have a green dot that says ok I can find the destination if you're not sure how they work or where you referencing to selected in the list click the left arrow here at the bottom of your panel to select the reference click the right arrow to select or basically go to the source you can never get lost ok very easy there's a problem the problem of course here is that for some reason there's a return why there we turn it is literally taking over everything that is in the source when you look at the source which is on this page here and when I activate my hidden characters so I'm gonna press alt command I alt command I which is a shortcut for your in characters of course I'm not in preview mode you can see that there is a South return here it is taking over that South return so please get rid of that so just delete that soft return and you'll notice that when you do that that there is an exclamation mark now in my cross-reference panel meaning that if you look here if I select that cross-reference in the list and I click refresh the Refresh icon here it will update the cross-reference as well one thing one word of caution notice this character here this is the link this is what binds the text if I remove this character you lose the entire cross-reference it will put in a question mark you have to redo it completely you cannot relink you have to redo it completely do not remove the character okay but I can come in and for example say well I'm gonna capitalize as and press shift s shift D shift P to make sure that now again when i refresh it refresh it gets capitalized as well why was the capitalized before simply because the text had an all caps style applied to it and it was not a real type of character that is the reason why this is happening okay this is how it works let's try a second one we're not gonna do all three of them let's try the second one sit and relax I will remove this triple exes cross-references panel click the new cross-reference button navigate to catalog product name notice that here we have the same issue the quotation marks are gone because we updated the way this is being formatted so this looks pretty good the only thing I have to do is to get rid of this return here now like okay let's navigate to all page six apparently by the way if you want to navigate to a page I like to jump to a page jump if I come up with a shortcut to jump command J page six enter ok command J that's what I do to jump to a page it's not called jump I just call it jump just wait said memorize that shortcut so as you can see here on this page mm-hmm I had the sleeping bag and there's a soft return here the problem is if I remove the South return I am actually editing the format I am adding the layout this is not what my customer wanted so I need a way to get rid of the South return while still keeping the word sleeping and the word back together how do I do that select both words apply a no break style or formatting to this now where is no break you have to dig deep to find it unfortunately so what we do here is we're gonna open up the character panel window type in tables character we're not there yet we're not there yet click the character flyout menu and at the bottom there is no break when you do that these two will never break could I have entered a non-breaking space yep chances are you already know what a non-breaking space does I'm using this instead to teach you something new that's the kind of guy I am so when I update my reference now you'll notice on the cover command J page one enter that this has updated exactly the way I wanted it to update barp I think there's someone here in the corner this is how you use cross references cool thing is if you ever make a change in your text if you ever move a page this will update automatically plus if you go to PDF if you create a PDF out of this and if you set the hyperlink option when creating your PDF these cross references will work in the PDF you can click them you can navigate that's an extra win here really cool ok moving on moving on let's close the document and let's move on to the last section of today's exercises here climbing starts now this portion I call this fun with tables Oh people are going with really fun with tables I hope I can change your mind ok so a lot of people find tables frustrating because they don't do what you want that's just because you're not explaining it in the way that table understands it's like trying to teach tricks to a cat a dog will listen a catalogue nope a cat just does its own thing like I kind of teach my cat to do it nope you have to treat a cat different as you do a dog same thing here a couple things that you might be encountering first thing as you know a table lives inside of a text frame so this here happens all the time check this out this is my text frame I always have to close it just like here like at the end of the type here if I make a change like if I opens up a little bit but look overset text so what do you do before you start editing a table you do this right you take the texture and go like I'm going to open some way like that make the change and then make sure I close it exactly you know put it back the way what let's not do that do not do that anymore instead do the following text frame options how'd you do that again text frame options option double click thank you option double click move into the third tap auto size you like the sign of that right auto sizing height only and make sure the top icon is selected when this is done click OK and look what happens if I so the texture me up to here right if I make this large it look what happens the text frame grows no more overset text when you do this oh okay it's getting better I might actually have fun with tables now now couple are things navigating tables these are basics but hardly anyone uses these you know what I hate on using tables selecting individual characters because I'm gonna I'm gonna select the wine and select like I got the cell I got the number cat that's it this is tough put your cursor in the cell press escape escape selects the cell escape again selects the text escape escape escape escape you go from one to the other you were to select this text cursor escape escape you had the text this text is a skip scape text it is too easy okay let's keep going all these little tips here let's keep going okay what else I need see this text at the bottom here these are actual this is input I need to add two extra columns so you're adding extra columns you're gonna do this right you're gonna do like I need these columns have to go here between these two select this right click insert column options oh I need two columns and it should go that don't do that cancel do this put your cursor here see a double arrow hold down the alt or option key look what happens click and hold then at option hope it happens one extra column two extra columns alt click and drag out columns now if it doesn't work for you that means that you're already holding down alt and then you're dragging click and hold down the MA the mouse then add the alt or option and then drag that is a trick a bunch of sheep like sorry I know so this is what you do click and hold Alt key there you go two extra columns perfect and now we can start adding the text and because I made a copy of these ones the formatting is in there you can't see but it's in there select everything in this first text input frame copy select these cells where the information should go edit paste without formatting and it will format everything for you now as well I willed this again because I have two columns that's why I have to I've want to show it and want it okay so select all the text in one of these input columns copy select the cells where you want the information to go edit paste without formatting which means it will take over the formatting of whatever destination you put it in they will take in all the formatting if I can go to Excel select cells copy go to enzyme paste up formatting done we're starting to like tables a little more now right well don't don't exaggerate don't push it okay let's keep going let's keep going so I need to split these cells here okay so let's select these cells once before right-click the cells and choose split cells vertically of course I'm getting exactly what I asked these cells will be split there's not enough room to put in the actual text now with that done I am going to shrink the over the size of my table hiding the table look at my screen this is what usually do right you do this I'm going to make this smaller like that and then I'm gonna select all of this I'm gonna cry click and I'm choose the strip with columns evenly don't do that instead do this look at my screen click and hold down the outer edge of your table huh now at shift look what happens accordion table shrink that a little bit just until you start text text this dis Texas disappearance of that that is the limit okay now this is the amount of space I won so now I can come in I can put my cursor here and just click and drag towards the right and then retake the room that I won and now I do have more than enough room to accommodate for the text and I have a little more room to put in pictures now if you're not happy with the way this space is distributed look what happens if you click and drag this one look I'm actually resizing the entire table that's not what I want instead I would like to redistribute this space in between these two columns without changing the overall size of the table look click and hold down here click and hold down now add shift what happens I am only redistributing the space within these two columns I'm not resizing the entire table it sounds very silly and simple but this is going to save you a lot of time because I otherwise you like and then go back and pull that one back here that's not what you want now let's keep going next up I'm going to use images in my tables and you know that sucks because what you do is the following you replace an image and you replace it next to the table and then you would you would cut it and then you would put your cursor in the cell and you would paste this text and you have this dis edge because it doesn't really close up to the edges of the cell because there's cell spacing that you have to remove and you don't really know where you have to remove that and then you put it in there and then the cropping is all wrong and you keep losing time don't do that so what we're doing instead is let's select all of these four cells go up to the table menu and choose convert cell to graphic cell yes there is a thing called graphic cells graphic cells are frames graphic frames of act like cells with the current selection active object menu fitting so again I made a selection of cells I went up to table and I chose convert cell to graphic cell with that selection selective object fitting frame fitting options I need to set two things here the first one is autofit you'll see why in a couple of seconds the seconds for my fitting I'm going to choose fit content proportionally why am i choosing fits content and not filled frame because I want to use icons not images icons shoes okay to close deselect let's place the icons when everything is d selected right so you can see the import file option here on the right hand side click import file navigate to folder number 11 climbing there is a links folder there is an AI folder but don't place it yet wait this AI file an illustrator document consists of four artboards I need all four of these artboards I need import options so I hold on which key shift thank you shift open you can't seem to preview because coincidentally it is the exact same tenth of gray as the window what are the chances sick 64 oh I mean a lot of colors if it's 50 shades to create that that's not what I wanted okay pages all let's click pages all so now I know what you're thinking of all click okay my cursor is loaded with 4 icons now look just click aim and click number of days click mmm difficulty click altitude click season click and it will fill in these frames it'll fit the content beautifully well you know yes you know it was easy but it's actually sticking next to these other cells this was easy but it's not pretty so I'm probably just click the click these icons and it'll probably start resizing these rights rights no not right no No select all the cells remember these this is still a table don't use the black arrow don't use the selection tool use the type tool I know it's counterintuitive use the type tool select the four cells look at my screen look at my screen object fitting frame fitting options look at my screen look what happens see the crop amount that thing you've never used before I'm gonna press the down arrow key to give it a negative number look at the icons total control and epilepsy click OK that's one thing plus remember that we clicked auto fit before this is the reason why oh we need more space look at this here remove or change the size of these cells icons will shrink beautifully in your layout total control it is possible try this yourself select the four cells using the type the type tool go up to object fitting free fitting options it's the morning free fitting options give it a negative crop amount which gives which will give it spacing and you're done total control last tip before 1/2 the 32 sector size I might go over one minute just so you know I might go over one minute my apologies if you do have to leave early please think of me when you're filling out the series ok now last thing last tip when you have swatches like this here ok suppose that you have the top 10 Peaks you need to apply a different fill color to this so what you do oh you just did a course right so you're gonna go like aha put it in a cursor escape and now I can click the fill color do not do that now to show you how to do it don't do it look from the swatches panel I would like the pink color okay look look at this drop the pink color oh you want green here drop the green color that's it drag and drop colors it is so simple do you want to apply a color to the stroke just in between okay see my cursor see the cursor change drop it well I didn't apply an actual stroke thickness here but if I give this a stroke I'm sorry as you can see you can always come in and drop in these colors everywhere you go you can make a little stairs if you want in your table which might be cool for infographics and stuff physical track very very simple thank you no no we're not done she's leaving something thank you we're not done but not done you're not really been yet okay very very last exercise the absolute last exercise I have for you guys I have a lot more actually but I just do not have the time you're gonna kick me up so let's close this one the last one number 12 numbers it's a quick one it's a very powerful one we're still having fun with tables here numbers started INDD this is an extremely simple scenario we have endless tables of numbers endless tables customers says I like it but one more thing would it be possible to when you look at the right column there there's a percentage there percentages could you make all negative percentages red sure I can do that it might take a little while going through your 40 of Ages of tables let's not put any time in there let's charge him for 48 pages well let's do it in five minutes I'm not sure what I did but I'm not gonna do it again sorry cool now this text is using a paragraph style and that is a key it is using a paragraph style numbers right aligned I already put in a character style here as well for you guys the character styles name is red and you never guess what it does turtling blue no sorry so what we're doing here is we're gonna do the following open up the paragraph styles window window styles paragraph styles there you can find the paragraph style with the name numbers right aligned right click the style and I am a huge fan of right-clicking styles from editing do not double click when editing I used to do that a long time ago I have still regretted to this day because every single time I had a mistake in my PDF it was because I accidentally double-click to open up options and I accidentally apply the style instead of right-clicking which is app which is editing but not applying ok edit numbers navigate down to grep style new grep style a little more complex now apply to style red too now let's see what happens when you click on this gray area here and you activate the preview ha it is actually applying this to all numbers interesting why is it doing that because by the fault and I don't know why that is I'm gonna have to look at the thumb of the InDesign guys here we have back size D plus it's a formula now back size D is a grep expression that means any digits 0 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 or 9 that's it one digit but because there's a plus that follows it this means well this digit might be longer than one day it could be two digits three digits five digits a billion digits as long as it is interrupted what makes a negative number negative sorry - okay cool so if I type into - just before this here and then click away from this area what what happens aha it is finding everything that is a - followed by a number of any length cool we have to keep going now now you might be thinking oh I can just add a period now right the problem with a period is that this is actually a grep character which means any character it's like the ultimate wildcard so if you want to look for an actual period you have to precede that with a backslash so backslash period is an actual period this is something you have to you have to learn okay so again when you add that click away and see that the ridge is actually starting to eat up all of this here now I need another number any length what am I gonna type in sorry what backslash D just back size D or back to Z plus y plus it could be longer it could be one two three digits click away uh-huh and we're gonna finish off with typing what percentage you guys are so smart percentage there we go click away only negative numbers are put in Reds and the customer comes back dude says excellent your bill was kind of high but everything's perfect but I made a mistake the 6.6% should be negative okay what what happens - red customer comes back and he says I made another mistake I'm so sorry I have sent you look at the bottom here a couple of different numbers 1 2 3 4 5 select the new text inputs copied in you text input select it's up to you five random cells 1 2 3 4 5 paste in this information edit paste up formatting it also already applies all the formatting you can paste an entire entire Excel files in here because this style is always live it will also retain that formatting and this is it this was the entire session I hope you enjoyed it read the handout fill in the survey see you next year thank you
Channel: Adobe Creative Cloud
Views: 11,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adobe Creative Cloud, Creative Cloud, Adobe CC, Adobe Cloud, Adobe creative suite, #MakeAdobeCC, #AdobeCC, #ACCTags, bart van de wiele, indesign, indesign cc, adobe indesign cc, graphic design, learn indesign, design tutorials, how to use indesign, Adobe MAX Session, max session, adobe max conference
Id: 2mJcC6pv150
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 14sec (5654 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 28 2019
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