How to Get Started as Sun Jian | Early Game Legendary Difficulty Playbook Patch 1.7.0

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hello everyone this is sirius trivia welcome back to another early game playbook video and today we're covering sundian's 190 start and if we take a look at the faction it is one of the recommended starts so for many new players maybe you'll be trying this faction out and the starting situation is deemed normal and i think that's a pretty fair assessment you have a pretty easy time in terms of expanding and building out in the mid game and in the early game there are some small challenges with certain game events that you could avoid through certain event choices but in case you want to keep the imperial seal which is a very nice item you'll get involved with quite a few early wars and because you'll be involved in those early wars some players might struggle to get started with this faction to enjoy that very powerful mid game spike where the entire south is yours so we'll be covering how to deal with those early game events and wars and also share some tips about playing this faction as a whole now suntan's faction has a unique mechanic called heroism and it will decrease your unit recruitment costs and upkeep costs it's quite powerful and it also will increase the satisfaction of characters the problem is for you to maintain this resource which has a decaying factor involved depending on what tier you're in you have to keep fighting and you gain this by inflicting more casualties than the enemy so the ratio of casualties in your battles matters quite a bit for this faction so it's actually very important to fight most of your battles manually as you can probably perform much better than the auto delegate values and gain more heroism early on which will actually make your campaign a lot easier now for the purpose of our guide we will save a bit of time and delegate the fights i will tell you guys how to fight them if you do want to fight them there's earlier versions of this guide on previous patches where i did fight the fights so you can definitely go check those out because there's not much that has changed from those videos so we'll actually be gaining a bit less heroism in this actual guide than you could potentially gain if you fight those battles manually but it still should not affect you very much you can still have a very nice start so aside from that faction mechanic we have quite a bit of unique features we have three unique units the mercenary units archers infantry and cavari they're available on all general classes starting at rank 1 rank 3 and rank 5. this is very important so at rank 5 all your generals can recruit these cavalry before that they can't right that's pretty self-explanatory but many times in the early game you think you can get some caviar on the field only to realize your generals are not rank 5 yet but once you're rank 5 you can recruit all three of these early game you can always recruit mercenary infantry on anyone you want and the really cool thing about this unit is that they have instant mustering the second you pay for them they come fully healed and replenished and ready to fight so this gives you a lot of options because if you can keep recruitment costs down which you can through your heroism and other factors you could technically recruit them have them fight for you and then disband them then you never pay upkeep with mercenary units you summon them when you need them and you disband them when you don't obviously the downside of this is you can't retain the rank that they gain so anything that can boost unit rank up when you recruit them is always going to help your faction out as well so you could play a very military focused campaign where you go for the red reform tree get a bunch of boost to recruitment cost discount to starting rank and just spam units with very cheap recruitment costs use them for battle disband right after never pay any upkeep will speed up your economy there's another hidden unique feature that the game doesn't mention here and that is for every harbor building if you go down the income chain you can get faction-wide commerce boost it's very powerful then aside from having unique units you have a unique captain red new version of these mercenary units and these can only be recruited if you have your unique building which is a mercenary outpost it does not replace any building it is a brand new building it is good for providing a little bit of commerce boost it gives you percentage to commerce at maximum level 50 percent gives you a bit of replenishment local replenishment and most importantly gives you available recruitment stacks of the captain revenues what i mean by that is normally if you're playing grandchild's faction if you have experience using captain revenues they're treated as generals so if you have seasonal deployment with meno3 you can recruit three of them per turn and for sunday interactions a little bit different they're not technically treated as generals they don't use the same seasonal deployment limit you have to gain deployment limit of these units through the unique building so if you don't build these you can't use those and previously in both versions of this guide on earlier patches i really didn't talk about how to utilize these units and largely ignore this building chain i will provide more of a detailed coverage of these because there is a very cool late game mechanic where you can use mercenary outpost to basically generate free strike forces that's actually super scary to use and it might be a cool thing you want to try out in your games in the future so with that said we have tons of characters especially after a world betrayed patch was introduced pretty much all the early period wool characters got added into the game you have your kids your oldest son second son your youngest daughter you have huang gai you have tremble and a bunch of other southern generals who will come of age and most likely join you because they have fondness to your faction so expect a lot of cool characters when playing swim dance faction and in terms of the character himself the one thing about sundian is he's a sentinel leader so you're going to have a very different skill tree to work with in terms of faction-wide bonuses they're often lower but you have very we have many really good items right you start out decked out in gold items which we'll take a look at once we jump into game and that's going to help you improve satisfaction and also heroism will also improve satisfaction so don't worry too much about that we have very solid traits loyal fierce brave nothing too fancy here but they're all solid stat boost all your armies will also have 15 campaign movement range because swinton has that boost on his background you also will have half costs in examination order or colonizing empty land so normally it's four thousand for a small county eight thousand for a capital for sunset it's going to be half of that and sunshine also has this bonus and they can stack so if you have swimsuit as your error then you can have free colonization it's quite useful when taking over the south eastern portion of the land because those areas start out deserted but actually don't recommend you pursuing this strategy quite early because building up a town from the grounds up even if you can colonize for free is quite expensive and time intensive so it's actually better to let the ai slowly develop those for you and just take it over later on in the game you don't really have to pursue this as much as you think but it's also a nice bonus to have in case you want to have the option to keep raising enemy territories all the way down to zero and then colonizing them for free trade it back to a nearby ally or give it out to administrator at that point that's a fun way to use this that way you can get the maximum value from sacking a certain city and then this bonus here 25 recruitment upkeep costs for mercenary revenue obviously referring to your mercenary revenues of mercenary captain revenues so this is going to play a factor in how to use your captain red news and because they are captain renews even though they're the mercenary type it's a vast bonus of 25 recruitment and upkeep will also apply so that's where we get the idea of having these incredibly fast strike forces that can be summoned ready at a minute notice because they're mercenaries there's no mustering time and also to span right after because you don't need to pay for any upkeep they're basically free armies that can appear out of nowhere do their job and then disappear the turn after it's actually quite scary so with that said we'll be showcasing this on legendary legendary 40 minutes so let's jump into game and take a look at how to start swindan's faction in the 190 start google m alrighty we got our flyby and early on it's asking us to establish your power lord sunday and you're far from home it is time you return south coalitions finished and the tyrant's wrath will soon be felt so only from a strong position in the south lands can you hope to weather the coming storm and expand your influence you must be worried bill bell is aging but crafty untrustworthy and all too close well is ambitious but potentially useful let none stand in the way of your ambition secure the south lands be wary of lobel and his vassals so that's going to be key our first mission is that we have to engage the han army in front of us taste the victory now this journal here is actually quite useful but there's a couple approaches here we're going to give a lot of options in this guide it's not one of those that you can just follow blindly i'll explain what some of the pros and cons of these decisions that you will be making in the early game we do start out with the jade seal now sunday historically found this in the burning ruins of loya and then kept it for himself as he tried to retreat down home to changsha where he was a former administrator he obviously never made it there he died shortly so in many of your games if sunden is the ai he will die quite early on but as you're playing him you can avoid that fate so you can have him for quite a long time he's very young in the beginning he's only 35 so you'll be able to enjoy him for most of your game your starting items will always have the imperial jade seal it's a powerful powerful weapon or item not weapon you can equip it on your leader for quite a lot of bonuses and you should so the first thing to do is put on that seal and notice right away you're decked out in gold you have the ancient silver sword very good in terms of boosting authority which is something that you quite lack as a sentinel and that can boost satisfaction faction-wide for all your characters you get satisfaction for yourself which is wasted because you're a faction leader but it's okay it's a good weapon with decent attack and it gives you unbreakable which obviously has a lot of value in combat you also have a gold horse the heavenly fire it has good mass a bit slow but also boosts a little bit of authority instinct gives you 20 armor which is actually quite a lot because you go from 45 to 65 because of the horse then for armor you get expertise which is great because you get melee evasion and that's your main stat you get instinct for attack and 12 speed on top of that to make up for the shortcomings of your horse so really your armor makes up a bit of weakness for your horse and your horse make up for a bit of weakness for your armor synergizes beautifully you also have a pretty good starting skill tree you get the plus one starting rank for all recruits which is something i talked about in terms of using mercenary units as these temporary lone strike firsts because they can start out with plus one rank so these strike force you can summon will be quite powerful given that they get extra starting rank and you start out with a skill but sadly this might be the only skill that's really going to be helpful for the faction as a whole from a sentinel because you can get diligence eventually but it only gives plus 25 bonus experience it's not a big deal experience it's just not going to help you that much so there is really no other real faction wide boost you can get from his skill tree so that's the weakness of having sunday as your leader but you do make up for it with quite a bit of good bonuses from his background right 50 extra income from family state that's worth a thousand per turn 15 campaign movement range is super good uh half cost for colonization and 25 recruitment upkeep cost discount for mercenary red news so those are um the captains i believe those are not the actual unit revenues i think the phrasing needs to be fixed because if we take a look at the upkeep here 175 i don't think that's 75 so that's 25 off right it's not 75 of anything so it only applies to those captain revenues i think the phrasing needs to be fixed it needs to say for captain a mercenary captain red news i think that's the the logic behind it anyways so we start out with actually quite a strong army in a different version of earlier guide we actually kept the army because they're all rank five and you can use this army to defeat robot early on well in this case we're still going to defeat dobel early on but we're not going to keep the units so aside from equipping your imperial seal the other thing you want to do on the first turn is make your heir into your wife now they did change the age where you come of age to 16 for all patches and all dlcs in the last patch and that's great since it's going to come of age quite early but i still don't think in the early game he will give you very much he is estier in terms of air bonuses because of the double cavalry boost in terms of boosting the melee charge bonus by two times it's insane soon so is the person you want to have if you're playing a lot of cavalry but remember what i said you don't get access to your mercenary cavalries until your generals are ranked five that's a big issue that's a break point that's like mid game spike you want to push until the end once you get to that point where his bonus will become useful to you because if we don't have cavalries early on or if we don't have good calories early on that bonus is really not going to be that important meanwhile your wife is a standard commander so she will have a lot of bonuses on her faction or skill tree that can actually help your faction out quite a bit that are faction wide so we're going to make her air it's not going to make your son angry if you do this after he comes of age he will be angry that he lost his air when they're kids they don't care as much so your wife is air we got to switch her gear as well she's currently using the sword that's good for expertise we want her to boost authority we always start out with this bronze armor and it gives more authority once again and depending on what other item you have you can see what you want equipped on her the standard item that you always get is a builder you always get an imperial jade seal you always get this ranger's outfit and you always get a stone pig so you actually start out with a lot of items aside from the ones you randomly roll on turn one so that's a very strong fashion start for you in this case we're just going to equip that on her nothing else really help us by point of satisfaction and right away you notice all those red faces are kind of disappearing and they're going to completely disappear once we fix our heurism the heurism is this resource that goes from zero to two hundred and right now we're at the first tier between zero and fifty and at this point we actually get penalties there's one point decay and most importantly we lose five satisfaction for every character in the faction that's actually not what we want to see especially on legendary where we get punished for 10 points to start things off with but once we move to the next tier that minus five becomes plus five that's a ten point swing and we're going to get there very easily by fighting these two fights early on and then if we move beyond uh to the next tier which we can see here you get that 15 point satisfaction you get minus 10 recruitment cost minus eight percent revenue upkeep wonderful bonuses and they maxed out at 20 16 so you can feel a lot of armies cheaply in terms of recruiting them and also in terms of upkeeping for them so these are wonderful bonuses to have now how to keep these high considering that decay here is eight points a turn keep fighting spawn rebels farm rebels fight other factions expand as long as you're fighting and winning battles cleanly you're gonna gain heroism you could lose heroism if you lose more men than the enemy in a battle so be careful which fights you pick now for this first right here if you want to do this to gain maximum heroism you can gain about 18 points if you just have your two generals handle him you could technically make one guy your commanding general and then have him duel the enemy general and you can actually boost him to rank three after this first fight he will win that duel no problem and you can get reach that is a pro of that strategy but i actually don't like that i don't think that's a good move i think huanga is better off being rank two in the beginning because his satisfaction is the issue and we just don't need experience on him right now i'd rather get the experience on uh sundance we can get night battle a little bit down the line and also fire arrows i'll explain why but it's better he leads and also because if he leads we have a very high chance of capturing him on a delegate fight we don't get as much heroes i'm gonna get about eight points but it's enough so let me show you guys you see you have a 76 chance of capturing him that's actually quite high so if you delegate there's a good chance you can actually get him if you duel him and kill him no resiliency he dies or you could fight it and just let him run off the field you'll still be 76 decisive victory so here we're just gonna see how lucky we are i'll explain why i think he's good because he has the labor background this gives you -1 build time if he's administrator and his skill tree which we can't see right now but if you see that he starts with earthen rampart he has the middle line of the champion tree and his other skill level one is trust which is 20 peasantry boost if he's administrator and he also has a trait which we can't see right now but since i catch him before i know gives you minus one mustering turn for all units in administrator commandery and also minus five public water which is actually super good for summoning rebels which is something we wanna do so let's delegate this fight and see if we capture him i mean 76 is pretty high to be honest i mean you still can't miss obviously so eight points for delegate not too bad we got him so he has reckless which is something i mentioned minus one mustering term minus five public order the public order decrease actually gonna help you spawn rebels faster wise gives local satisfaction boost so this actually will help you in terms of keeping people happy because if you put him in administrator somewhere and people who are doing assignments there people who are standing on top of that commandery will all get five-point satisfaction modest make his desire for higher office low makes his retinue upkeep low and we talked about how he has labor which is minus one construction time we start out with a builder that's minus two construction time we also have chempool which is minus three construction time because he has the supervised construction that's going to speed up your early game build by a ton so we'll be employing him here and we'll take money because i'm going to disband the army down after these two fights to get them back home quicker we get taste of victory military supplies morale the standard bonus next mission capture the town we'll do that and we'll get public order and faction support so you might notice usually in our early guides we try to do trade before we fight but in this case we're surrounded by enemies and we don't have a port so we're landlocked in the capital here so there is actually no trade partner available on turn one so you can't trade for quite a while as winsion there is a strategy where you can overcome this although i wouldn't recommend it depends on how you want to play i would describe a lot of scenarios in terms of what you want to do with downlink here in none because you could pull off quite a few different tricks with this commandery and i'll explain some of the options you have we'll just continue we'll be taking this out as well now i know there are people who says you can demand surrender they will actually surrender here most of the time especially if you bought the first one cleanly but don't do that because you don't get any heroism for doing that so complete waste of resource you don't get any money you're getting experience yeah you get to take the town without casualties but if we're disbanding anyways why do we even bother so here just delegate the good thing about siege fight is that everyone on the enemy side will automatically get killed after a siege so you will actually gain a lot of heroism if you don't take any losses but in this case we're going to take some losses so here goes nothing you can feel free to fight it your generals will take some damage if you want to fight this one manually make sure you fought the first one manually as well or else your units in your general will lose a lot more health in the delegate than they would if you fought the first one terrorism gained if you're struggling with this find the earliest version of this uh guide series for swinton on the oldest patch the fight is the same i thought that one manually there and you can figure out how to fight it then here we will occupy yeah we get supportive people and the next mission for us is your economy growth so we're not going to be able to take a lot of advantage of this but we'll still try to use this a little bit now we have two commanders we have a capital here in now and we have a capital down there in changshot we got some extra experience and we're gonna start disbanding so all these units are going away to save us money and also so that we can recall the generals have them reappear in the south so we're headed home all right so at this point um you have build options the only build i think you should make at this point is just a tax collection it's free it takes two turns if you put simple here for the construction time discount it will only be activated next turn so it actually completes the same time two turn on this turn or one turn on next turn it will still finish in two turns but just get it going uh so that you don't forget you have one extra assignment now the one that's going to make you more money is actually going to be this one the 75 because there's no peasantry here there are a little bit of peasantry here it's not a lot but i'm still gonna do this just because i want lady wu to rank up now the reason why we made her air and the reason why we're giving her assignment is because she has these skills available that can give us faction wide boost and right now she's giving us one extra assignment if we don't make her error on term one we don't get that second assignment so we lose out on potential boost income and experience and when she rank up we can give her understanding as well that's plus two rank to all starting recruit combined with suenzian's understanding skill as well she doesn't have any amazing faction wide boost on the traits but she does have outsider for the late game but unfortunately she's not going to be one of our heirs in the late game she's going to retire off into the faction but probably just as like a minister of imperial household or something um when swinton is ready to take over the ring all right at this point we're good there's not much diplomacy to be had there is really not much in terms of military to be had and you can see that our heroism is ready in the second tier two points of declare decay in in this instance it's going to be fine for us for the next seven turns even if we don't fight but we are going to keep fighting um so even in the worst case where we didn't fight any of them manually if we fought both manually you could gain up to i believe 18 for the first battle and 26 ish for the second battle but 40-ish points so you'd be at 80 something at this point which is quite a lot you'd be close to getting even the next tier bonus which would be very helpful of course but we'll just keep things simple this will work just fine for our strategy and we can just continue at this point alrighty on turn two right now on this current patch patch 1.7 these characters will always show up none of them are really worth grabbing so we'll just ignore that we got a free item this one's random we won't be using it all we need to do here now is summon our generals to go take the trade port it's a very easy county to take is level one the red news are some sword units and some bow units we can easily delegate for a win and what we're gonna do is we're gonna use the movement trick if you're totally against any type of exploit feel free to not use it you'll be late by one turn it's not going to make a difference so what i want to do is just summon both recall one and move the other one to the edge and next turn we'll summon the other one and we'll be able to reach it in two turns into three turns not gonna make a big difference for you um you know if you don't like if you don't think that's a valid game mechanic then recalling here and reappearing here is also not valid so feel free to sell down instead and you can reach there you know after you manually fight it's about the same thing all right we're not gonna touch this place so here's where things um will get interesting let me describe some of the unique building options you have as soon as faction so we mentioned harbors are very important because arbors if you go down this line here has a very different boost than all the other factions in the game instead of giving a local commerce boost you get a faction-wide one that maxes out 25 percent so obviously this is insanely good and if you've been watching our billion campaign right now the iran's large city gives 50 that one's like even more ridiculously good and it's also available for all hun settlement this one's only available for harbor so obviously commerce is going to be your go-to income source when playing as soon dan's faction or even swinsula's faction he also has this and taking this route becomes much less beneficial because even if you have spice the stacking spice income is not going to be as good as stacking commerce income so in a sense this is always the building you want to end up with in terms of harbor commanders which makes harbor commanders really important for you to keep and not only that this is the only commandery that's anywhere near you that can produce food right you have armor craftsman you have a tee then the closest one is a tool maker over here you have a trade port and then iron mine sure you can maybe go take the fishing port but it's not a wonderful commander to have so if you end up losing it or giving it up you wouldn't have the early food needed to rank up your commandery to a small city and that's going to delay your build quite a bit i mean there's a lumber yard here there is a rice paddy here but now with how the nutmeg factions have been introduced in the game with shamoka being your neighbors to the west going out there is not the easiest thing in the world and not recommended so instead this guide will focus on clearing nobel's threat time off threat keeping none using this as your food source before you expand down south so that's kind of the order that we're going to approach things that's one of the buildings we talked about now you can obviously build these up but they're quite expensive at this point especially before your economy grows triggers and also downline is going to be under threat throughout the early game nobel is going to put armies either through land or through sea both are possible it's very common to see tim launch two stacks against you early on and you might lose the city so losing it is fine as long as we can take it back because sometimes we might make a decision to let the enemy army take it just so that they're trapped there so we can destroy them next turn it's a very valid strategy so keeping it underdeveloped will only keep it safe from you losing money that you just throw away they burn it down level everything's wasted you can decide to demolish this for cash build a tax collection on top or something like that and then eventually trade it away that's another option for peace deal or my favorite play right now that's kind of different from the way this guy is going to go is that we take the tradeport here to give us a trade route possibility and then we rush small city here so that we can grant this independence through the administrator because once we have a small city here we can go to our reform tree for our first reform and grab this reform right here the unique secretary which gives us one administrator that way we get a very early administrator we wait till dubai declares war against us then we create a new vassal who will not be in that war so we have a vassal here who is not getting attacked acting as a buffer state and a trade partner for us because it's harbor to trade fort so we get our early trade solve and quite a you know i think interesting way to overcome some of the weaknesses of the faction in terms of game design but for this guide i think we just keep it because eventually i want to keep all the harbor so i'm just going to share that's like an option that you have you could use in terms of rushing now the downside is if you rush that strategy you have to pay a lot of money to rush this building and that's something you might not want to do all right enough with all the options we have uh we're just gonna hang on to that for now the strategy is gonna involve us not upgrading it in case we lose it and we're happy with birthing stand and we just will continue alrighty in the winter season the new mission after launching your economy grows because the tax building finished we need to maintain two more units than we currently have on the field we only have one once we hit three we get growing might which is the replenishment and experience boost very nice for the first army buildup which we'll have very very soon got another free item [Music] we're gonna summon swindling back you might be tempted to summon someone else just don't there's no rush and uh two of them is enough you don't have to fight this one it's gonna be the same type of victory it doesn't matter how much damage you take now you might want maybe sunden to lead maybe one guy it doesn't really matter that much um in this case i'm actually gonna have so indian get more of the experience so i'm gonna have him lead i really want to make sure he gets composure he's close he's just a thousand ways i think he would get it anyways but just in case we'll have him lead and we'll just delegate this fight for easy victory and we'll get a couple more points of heroism to keep us afloat in the early game because as long as you're not in the bottom tier you're totally fine and this will give us a nice income option as well as a potential trade route so he was so close he probably would have gotten the level up even if he was not leading right we had a thousand extra experience here and we want night battle and fire arrow the reason why this is important for him even though he's not really known you know to be a range commander here given his low cunning is that he's the only general we have that will have rank three which is when we can recruit mercenary archers because that's the thing you got to work with right we have very cool unique units but we can't recruit them until you hit certain rank so for us to be at 5 we can recruit cavalries too but we want those fire archers to reduce enemy morales so we're going to put that down and their job is done they can be recalled so they can heal now we have this built we have three turns of economy growth you see this is only a one-term bill now 20 discount pretty cheap let's get it going and uh we are good to go we can now think about setting up an army here next turn so nothing else going on once again not going to take advantage of your economy grows to build up here because it's risky keep the cash let's continue alrighty so every spring of 191 this event will pop up this is the event that usually trips up players who are new to sunden's faction and the event is that lil bell is going to ask for the imperial seal now we've seen how good the item is so we're not going to give it to him and also historically sonja didn't give it to him that we keep the seal but the punishment with keeping the seal is that we will be declared war on by liubel and his two vassals huang zu and tamar are his vassals so we'll be entering into a war with a three faction to the north when we're already surrounded by all these hunt factions on the turn that you capture the trade port it will be an option saying that you could trade with taiwan if you pay him 4.2 of diplomatic value don't do it because this is coming up so that's going to ruin your trade now obviously if you plan on giving up the seal which i really don't know why you would given how amazing these boosts are then maybe you want to take that trade deal but don't fight them you can beat them keep the seal and war is declared so all of a sudden we have enemies all around us literally all around us there is no one else but enemies around us so at this point we're going to prepare for that war and when you're making this decision here take a look at the new characters this is when you start getting interesting characters joining you the most common character that will join you this turn is refund who is a good strategist you can grab not only for his potential go master background which is boost to silk and spice but also he gets along with both suenzien and huang gai which is not often easy for strategists because you might have noticed that lu our backup strategist does not get along with suenzian and huang gai but we can still use him if we need to use him he can add another option for knight battle in the future but right now he doesn't have it he's only ranked one he can't get any archers um so those are something you want to keep eye on this case we got jungle which is pretty good you know you're not going to turn down jungle uh rank two so you still can't get those archers yet that's why sunday is very important to rank up and get the composure for himself and we can summon swinjian and we can take a look if trung gong gets along with them so not with him but with huang we can do that usual not with swimsuit as well but if you see uh you find in your game play he does get along there's a chance you don't get any stretches there's a chance you can get joe tai which obviously would be top tier you can get your tie that's someone you wanna grab right away in our case we're still going to grab trunggun right away uh he is not a spy he doesn't work for anyone these are just characters that spawn uh during the spring they can grab we'll stash him we'll use him uh probably next turn and our first reform time so depending on what your plan is right if your plan was to rush your city to a small city and get the administrator form of vassal after they declare war where the vassal would not be involved in the war and get a trade route this would be where you're going but in this case we didn't do that our starting reform is this one quite nice because we're focused on you know commerce and industry with all those boost and all the trade ports you might be tempted to do this but think about it you have one trade in the beginning and you haven't used it so getting another trade is not gonna help you wait right wait till you finish this early war and since we are fighting early war the thing that's gonna help us the most is actually eight percent recruitment cost discount so start off here i know many players like to go green and red and get the replenishment i think that's very wasteful i have a reform guide on that um i mean 10 is good but for you especially playing as someone with mercenary infantry or mercenary units you don't need replenishment if they're injured delete them disband them summon new ones they'll be ready instantly so this is useless for you get the recruitment discount because the cheaper the recruitment is the more effective that strategy is because imagine if your recruitment is down to zero percent which is possible by the way you can actually just summon mercenary units for free fight the enemy disband them rinse and repeat it's insane and that's probably the strategy you guys are probably curious about right now so that's a late game strategy with our unique building the mercenary outpost so this is a additional building that you get when you build it you get a charge so this is like a seasonal deployment limit you get one charge of a captain revenue that you can recruit that are mercenary units and this goes up you know only one charge per building chain so each commander you have can support one charge and you also get recruitment cost discount for captain revenues but now think about it 10 per building faction wide so if you get 10 of these it's free but you don't need 10 of these you need let's say um seven maybe even less than seven because you always have twenty five percent on sunset correct sundiam would have 25 in terms of recruiting captain red news you can get 10 percent from grand commandant the recruitment bonus also extend to recruiting captain reviews or units after all so that's 35 percent if you can get zamba and use his faction bonus that's another 25 so that's already 60 percent discount then you just need four of these and then we just got the eight percent one from the the reform tree so technically you might just need three of these but depending on your situation in the game you don't need that many to get free recruitment of captain renu so how insane will this be well think about the movement trick we just used on turn two to move a unit uh or give them movement on the turn they're summoned and you already know that the captain venues use a different type of seasonal deployment unlike the general so they will not interfere with each other so as long as you have enough of these buildings as each building gives you a stack so let's say you have six of these buildings built and you can get six stacks then all you really need to do is summon six generals three as proxy for movement three as your fighting general and each general gets two full stacks of captain red news right so that way the army is one general plus two stack of captain red news mercenaries recruited for free they will have some upkeep but you're not going to use the upkeep because you have movement on the turn you some of them wherever you want on the map then you have three armies that totals up to two full armies because you know you have six captain renews which is technically two four armies plus three generals and then you just take down anyone you want and then disband the captain red news right away next turn the charges come back and rinse and repeat it is stupidly strong for offense and for defense misplay your defense someone sneaked by your defense goes behind your line summon a captain retinue summon regular units even but captain runnings will be free right so that way you can defend any place you want you can attack any place you want without paying any money it's not like you have a poor faction right you have a faction that has faction-wide commerce boost on the harbor so it's just insane in terms of how much boost you can get and where would you build these right you wouldn't build these in the early game this is a strategy you want to use in late game because it's not going to be worth it for you you want to build these in your harbor commanders the reason is when you have a harbor you want it to go here to go here you need to be a small regional city so you have to go tall or you can cheat and then go go small regional upgrade and then downgrade but don't do that just keep it a tall commander you want to harbor you have harbor you have it in and you probably want a state workshop a private workshop that's four buildings already you add a mercenary outpost that's five buildings and for your final ones probably just the land development on top of that for some food and population growth it'd just be very very strong and this can also synergize because if you have a harbor there that's base 200 commerce in you have t right under you that's 450 this gives you 50 right even if you have no counties to synergize with this you get 225 income per turn based on this building 80 upkeep pays for yourself gives you free captain revenues to play around with gives you 15 replenishment to use on local commander for your regular armies so great building for the late game don't build these early on not going to be super helpful all right so with that said uh we're ready to go here we're still not building up here this finished we have two turns left don't build this build this and then put that build order in next turn so that way you kind of get the maximum saving in terms of build time this one saves no money but you can get the build time and the save money on both these buildings or else if you build this when this finishes this is going to be zero cost by two turns it's going to delay your build all right that's good um army's done we summon the unique that was given to us and we got another item not gonna use these we're just gonna end turn here alrighty so at this point we're ready to set a trap now we have no idea where a little bell is gonna come from it can come from land and appear here you can come from sea and appear here it's both possible our goal with this army that we will form is to take down none now you see that we can reach them now but the problem is we have no units so once we put some infantry in here we don't have this movement anymore so that's not going to work out for us if you want to take this you can actually what you want to do last turn is proxy summon this army put one of the generals right you recall one doesn't matter which one you keep put one of them around here and ambush so this turn you'll be building from here and even with units you can take this but we're not gonna you know push our luck um in terms of getting the max value here we're just gonna go somewhere in between just so we get vision of them this is always the size of their stack so you can imagine if we started out here this turn in terms of recruitment which is totally possible and we have the movement which is also totally possible we could destroy them this turn but then we're exposed in case uh nobel comes by sea but it's fine that's what i'm talking about you might lose this but it's fine as long as you are still fighting she leveled up so perfect timing this is designed understanding right now so you get extra rank and we're gonna summon one strategist depends on which one you got in this case we did get jungle if you gotta be fine you gotta be fine if we didn't get anyone use lusu uh lusu would do just fine we might as well use the unique here these are useless um what we will do right now is give one guy the general the left general with right trick recruitment discount right here you want to throw all your instinct boosting item on them because it will actually give you a discount because instinct gives recruitment cost discount so if you do have items just share it no point to hold on to them all right that's pretty much it um we're going to be recruiting a full stack of mercenary archers a full stack of mercenary infantry and over here two trebuchets uh we're gonna do the replacement swap unit option here archer militia is pretty useless and put them in ambush don't let them see you right if nobody comes by land he might run into you if you come by sea you're close enough to go back and help and after you do recruit you're gonna switch to general of the right for upkeep discount and that's going to be your first stack to eliminate the enemy now the cool thing about this is that if we had moved them to here last term we could have just wiped them out correct and after we wipe them out you could even consider disbanding the units that way you don't pay upkeep because if you look at it that keeps 166 correct and we paid about 400 for them so if we don't need them for about two three turns you don't actually have to pay anything right you can just summon new ones next time they'll be ranked three it'll be perfect um you can also use the other tactic where you use this to loop people to death given that you only rank two but i have heard that you guys don't like looping so we're not going to loop we're actually going to build the real army and just take the enemy down you can see that our economy can support that and we can still build out taking advantage of our last term of your economy grows everything's going according to plan and we just enter and see who falls into our trap all right so our mission triggered but this is something you can actually consider that we didn't do because we basically waited a turn for a growing might to kick in there's pros and cons against this i'll explain both but basically the game checks for mission completions whenever event pops up so right now because this is an event it will check we hold three we actually hold three you'll give us the next mission and then the next mission will be send any one assignment it will check and it'll give us that one but because nothing happened after we created over three units it didn't check you can make it check by just making a simple deal so we could have done something like you actually will take one coin and then it will activate growing my last turn and that will give your tributes 10 extra replenishment over the last turn but the disadvantage is we will have one less term growing mites going forward because last term we actually had mustering bonus active now we're going to move them and then this would kind of become our mustering bonus right muscle is actually exactly ten percent so this is what technically keep us afloat and make these slowly heal back but i prefer to just keep it standard no need to rush it out uh let's see if any new characters ah ruins son why is he why is he joining us well pass got an item um might as well equip that one actually no need no need to change it you could be getting different things in your game and we'll be attacking them wiping out time up which is our challenge right uh one of our challenges to wipe out taiwan films we get passive glory don't rush this mission this will always be here take time off first just because land is good but keep hunzu on the map until you have a big empire because then this 4k population growth is every county the more county you have the more value is here obviously twenty percent income is also the same thing buy public order same thing the more land you have the more this bonus is going to be worth but since louisa is nowhere close we're gonna just take him out um sometimes nobel will be ready right here last turn sometimes he appears here this turn but in this case he's not anywhere close we kind of stayed in between the middle in case we need to help either side so we just wipe him out since the opportunity is right here and feel free to fight this one yourself um we probably should fight this one i'll fight it and cut it out you guys can understand how this is quite an easy fight given the you know the lineup that we have the reason why i cut it out is to save some time because we need the army fresh to fight nobel stack that's the stack that's dangerous these are all very easy things to take care of so see you guys again here alrighty so quite an easy fight aside from time wall smashing with um the flame of the phoenix we can't really do anything about that uh so one the unit took a heavy beating or two the units took a heavy reading but overall not too bad aside from him no one even touched us so this is pretty much the best outcome our 10 extra replenishment from growing might is going to help peel us back eliminating him with so little casualties gave us a lot of heroism pushed us over 100 which means the upkeep discount will apply and things will be a lot cheaper for us and that's why i want to keep fighting faction down more food secured which will help us grow into the future we also finally got that rank up which means he will have reach which means one guy should leave this army and we're waiting for a deal about to show up so we can beat his army up and then force him to sign peace deal with us if you're interested in wiping out you can also do that although i don't see any particular advantage in wiping melt this early he's not really that threatening into the late game he's strongest right now in the early game oh you finance available so he's one i was talking about he can show up during spring in this case he didn't he has no factions he's very good to use you start out with flaming shot and um the go master bonus is always nice and he also gets along with these two unlike him so if you want you can actually uh you know get rid of these because now we have other forms of recruitment discount so that's another recruitment discount we can add on to the bonuses for that captain ready we talked about so another free 20 here so you can imagine three units for indians actually super feasible um so if you care about this and this will only affect your uh satisfaction in the long term if they become rivals um you can get a penalty here it's not a big deal but if you do want to replace just get rid of these three summon be fun and then summon these again with the mustering boost you'll be fine all right so that's captured that's really all we really wanted to do and it doesn't look like i'm gonna lose this i might start feeling tempted to start ranking this up but right now i'm gonna just hang up uh you know put put that off for a little bit in case nobel's army appear next turn let's continue so right on cue they have appeared and this is turn seven soon so it comes of age this turn a very useful character to have joe ties available we mention all these characters very likely to show up to your court they have fondness towards you so we can recruit him we can recruit him and you can see that with the strategy you have plenty of money to do that so we're just going to get back over here even with reach it's kind of hard to reach there mainly because of these siege weapons that we have you technically don't need the siege weapon for this fight so you could opt out and uh demolish these that we can actually get there in time and set up maybe even the ambush that would be the best but in our case we might just rush over i don't think he will actually dare to attack us if we're sitting here he might keep sailing let's see what he decides to do say has a build available we want to upgrade this and the one thing that we didn't do a good job of is we should have canceled trim pull a bit earlier and reset him up when we did the two-term build once we click the two-turn build recall him set him up again that way we get the bonus when this is active so we would have gotten a discount here but even without discount uh we can still build it and we're just gonna wait to see what he does so we can only pick loyalty which is totally fine relationship any type of relationship deepening with joel ty is amazing because he can get oathorn faster now you see that he has a second stack don't worry about second stack the reason why we get that composure and we can have him lead now that we hit higher capture chance so that we can set up an ambush right outside of the city right here 80 ambush chance he's leading he has level 5 highest level in the army so the highest capture chance and we'll see who falls into the trap um we could have taken a different route where we didn't rush back we maybe rush back a little bit ambush here let him take it that's why i said we don't want to upgrade anything because that way this is bait he takes it he's stuck here we attack him with this stack with him inside a settlement where he can't come out that's an easy win for us but even right now we can win this pretty easily now since we already put that build water in we might as well put trampoline here now and let him build this up for us after this turn so this is where the tide would you know shift once we beat them let's go so he has fallen into our ambush now he was lucky in that he sent his other army up first um i'm not even gonna actually fight this uh we're just gonna delegate actually knight battle might not help us because we don't get this extra unit it's not really going to make a difference what we're going to do night battle they route faster less casualties for us better ratio for heroism and you can see all the super high capture chance see if we can actually turn any of those into captures and this will keep our hero zoom high [Music] i would caught two of them including his wife um i don't want the characters i wanted to release them to build a friendship with him to get a good peace deal and we'll take your income here all right at this point you know lil bell is gonna probably try again next turn he didn't move which only meant he spent the winter with no supplies in the river uh not a good sign for him and we're gonna rinse and repeat that strategy until he lands over here and fights us the one thing you might want to consider doing is shift back over here in case he comes up again just maybe he'll give him opening because i don't think this is in good shape now we'll see what he does simple is active now let's start building this up i'm going to get more building slots here first we get another reform so here's where things um you have a lot of choices again i think you could consider getting this because peace is about to come and you can get some trade going on let's get that first also it enables you to upgrade your trade port a bit higher and you can always check for potential trade partners down the line because you do have a harbor you lack vision but there's small factions here all across the coast that you can eventually trade with once you gain vision of them just keep checking and we wait we wait to see what he does and he came up attacked the town dragged our reinforcement in you should obviously fight this um you know manually to get a clean victory against him because he can't the town is not walled so there is no victory point inside he has to kill off everyone including your reinforcement and there's no way given his army to go through a town defense with all the tower damage and then fight you there's no way he will win that obviously we're gonna save some time because the guide is already very long so which is delegate we win this anyways maybe we get some capture of him as well that'll be really good we lost heroism because we lost more men than him obviously fight it we didn't capture anyone either alrighty and at this point they'll try and prevent triggers so zondra is going to die soon um another son of lilian's in your pool interesting but we've won against the already right he's totally destroyed at this point if you want to wipe him out go for it don't eliminate the army if your goal is to wipe him out keep these two weak armies on the field and he can't summon fresh ones back at home and all you need to do is actually disband everyone when you see you have a lot of time to replenish from mercenary units the solution is to disband disband all these mercenary units move your army up re-summon them they'll be fresh and uh things will be quite simple for you going forward you can imagine at this point the early game dilemma of having a double send two stacks at you that you have to deal with is ready solved and you have a nice food base you can shift your attention to the south if you want to negotiate peace with him currently the value is not that high because the shift of power hasn't really been factored in if you want the piece then go ahead eliminate eliminate both of these armies and then ask for a piece next turn he will pay you maybe you can even set up a trade deal with him um have him as a buffer have haley as a buffer half phones was a buffer so you don't see telltale if you don't see him he doesn't see you and that way he can't scheme against you that's the solution against ultimate patch 1.7 if you're not right next to him if you're right next to him you go kill him but at this point once you get that piece solved disband everything return south and start expanding like you normally would no resistance down here if you're going into the namman territory bring lots and lots of fire arrows these guys are not good because they have very low morale typically not very high around these guys they route quite easily after taking a bit of damage so in the naman territory with the fatigue factor of the nama land and also how fire arrows and the follower of the flame and the fatigue will reduce morale now will actually make this unit quite weak so you actually just want to go in there with a ton of fire arrows and a couple generals and you can easily taken them out your infantry is no match against what xyamoko has so uh these guys are not any value if you think about cavalry cavalry's okay but like we mentioned it's hard to get them up with everyone so low ranked that's more of a late game factor for you what you want to do is just bring a ton of archers and just keep mowing them down if you want to go west but the easy solution and the more lucrative solutions actually go south and then go east because play on is very good you want to get that weaponsmith pretty early you want to get that armorsmith pretty early secure yourself with tea there's a bunch of really good land over here and just take over daniel once you form you know your southern stronghold the rest of the game is quite simple for you so hopefully this is a pretty interesting starting guide for you with sunday and start it's not a hard faction to play it's actually super fun you can have some very cool late game mechanic with these recruitment cost discounts and with the captain red news which it's underrated i think i haven't actually exploited them enough in game either but this is definitely a very viable strategy to have free captain renu spawn out of enemy camp you know you have a neighboring enemy right here they don't expect anything you summon two generals proxy one move them up here put out two captain right news do the same three times suddenly three armies appear next turn everyone disband nowhere to be found reappears full movement attack another point just the ghost army wiping people out for free which is pretty insane so hopefully you guys get inspired to play some sundian and i'll see you guys next time bye
Channel: Serious Trivia
Views: 53,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Total War: Three Kingdoms, Early Game, Legendary, Legendary Difficulty, Playbook, Guide, Strategy, Sun Jian
Id: Bq6azcpvI0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 15sec (3735 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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