How to Get Started as Yuan Shao | Early Game Legendary Difficulty Playbook Patch 1.7.0

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hello everyone this is serious trivia and welcome back to another early game playbook video and this time we're taking a look at yuen charles faction in the 190 start now since we are on patch 1.7.0 he is one of the factions that received the biggest change following the launch of fates divided dlc and there is a lot to talk about in terms of how to play this faction as it is very different from before you still have the same lineage mechanic but there is an added layer to this where you can spin lineage to upgrade your captain red news which is where your former power base really came from you could have very cheap captain renews in the early game before and rush down opponents in the north now that is not really possible because there are changes to the mechanics involving the captain revenue where you no longer get discounts right off the bat so we'll be talking about that we'll be talking about how to start the faction off what some of the optimal moves are in the early game and the first thing we'll do is introduce the faction so you can see here that ventral has a few more unique characters surrounding him yeah now ventro they got unique models in the latest update and you also have two sons who will also have unique models yuen tan starts out of age so you can use him right off the bat and you and sean will come of age very soon in your campaign so aside from them there are no other unique characters but you do start out with a fairly decent sized court and you still have the lineage mechanic as we mentioned before this can be gained in many new ways now i think the description here doesn't actually describe things for new players very well they still kept most of the old lines so first off lineage is what you use to recruit characters it costs you 10 lineage to recruit a new general i actually think this needs to be rebalanced because it is very cheap and since there is many ways to gain lineage for gunshot now 10 lineage is much cheaper than the typical 1000 copper that you have to spend to recruit a general or whatever you want to call the currency technically they're copper coins and for you it's actually super cheap to recruit generals that's something you can make note of you can actually form special strategies around this if you want um i'll explain that a bit later but that's one thing to note lineage is very easy to get and you use lineage to recruit characters another thing is you have a new form of occupation where after a siege battle you take over enemy piece of land you have a new option at the end which is called reinforce and resupply where you spend 50 lineage to gain 20 extra replenishment for your units it's quite powerful and useful if you had a tough fight and need to heal back up another thing is you can forge alliances right off the bat even though you might not be at a faction rate that allowed this this is something special to you and the reason why you have this is because any alliance or coalition formed by you will gain lineage points for you 5 lineage per point for each faction you have formed alliance or coalition with this is not super strong because as i will cover in the guide there's many easier ways to gain lineage now you gain it by declaring wars you can't hit by winning battles you can by summoning armies onto the field so this is actually not super valuable also the reason why you have so many ways of gaining lineage now is because you can spin lineage to upgrade your captain red news in something called the captive armory where you can give different bonuses to your captain revenues and we'll go over most of them in this guide as well and of course the special feature is the captain renews themselves i will showcase all the different ones you can recruit and how they will change throughout your campaign you still have your two unique units in the warrior of yet and the defender hula bay from before alongside many other new unique units that came in the fates divided dlc so if you have the dlc you can play around with those units they include some very awesome crossbow units and spear units that has to do with the city of yet we'll take a look at them once we get into game you also have unique building this is a replacement for the administrative office it's called the un administrative office it provides pretty much the same stuff as a typical administrative office except for you can gain lineage on top of that and it boosts public order which is the regular one doesn't do it but you still get the income from all sources that part's the same and lastly your unique mechanic is the captain armory we talked about the noteworthy characters both of these generals are quite strong with powerful unique abilities and some gold items at the start ask for yourself your traits are arrogant charismatic and vain and vein is going to be shared across many of your family member which makes keeping personal rent news quite difficult unless you reroll this trade it's considered a negative trait so you could definitely reroll it through the faction council throughout your game but if you don't that comes back to the point of relying on your captain red news instead of regular red news that way you can just have cheaper units instead of adding more expensive units on your generals lastly you are commander and your faction bonuses are 50 reinforcement range minus 15 recruitment costs for spear infantry many of your unique build units are spear infantry and all your poor arm infantry which are basically spear infantry a green infantry they will get plus three starting rank so with that said uh we're going to hop into game we're showcasing this on legendary legendary 40 minute battle timers on patch 1.7.0 and we'll talk about how to get started with the unsatisfaction [Music] to alrighty we got our flyby and we have establish your power lord shall although you led your coalition to the very gates of the tyrant your warlords have lost their zeal and fractured and the fight is not yet done you must reach out using your influence and name reforge broken bonds and bring together a new coalition as only you can ever be wary of those who would undermine you especially your vicious kin for china you must hold firm so we can claim back some of the han empire regions defeat yellow turbines and be worry of kung sun to our north so our first mission is to fight suijin in front of us taste a victory very standard fight and we close all these out let's take a look at where we start so we are holding the city of yien in the north we have the yellow river right underneath us we don't have much land that's the only land we have and our first term battle wants us to fight this army in front of us and reclaim some han territory in the farmland of way so the way commandery is just a farmland one as is honey to our south and if we look at unking to our north also same thing so three stacked farmland commandery and if we look over here there's a shangdong commander over here which is actually worse it's farmland farmland and capital so you're surrounded with a lot of food sources but not very lucrative commandaries because they don't make money the farmlands so you have to find ways to make money that is the first difficult thing if you look at our treasury we start out with only 47 here and the main reason is army upkeep we start out with a very big army stack every retinue we have under us we have to pay 25 percent extra because remember we have vein so typically you don't want to have shot to have red news in the beginning because they cost way too much you much rather have them in the captain red news or in another general and we mentioned how many of your kids share this one not your oldest son yountan tends to be more humble but one thing we have to make note is that among your family you all share this skill familial conflict this is if you have another friendly unit in range with disabilities so you have two family members on the field the same time and they're not on the elephant you'll passively grant a bonus to each other basically so personally you become very strong for dueling and attacking let's say we put you entire adventure on the same army or just have them reinforce because remember one of your background bonus is 50 extra reinforcement range or actually 100 here so it actually is different from what the menu says outside but go with this one this one's more accurate so your reinforcement zone typically you see it on the map as your circle you have to be within the circle to reinforce it doubles in distance so you can imagine how far you can reinforce that allows for the previous strategy of using a lot of captain revenues in different armies and just rush people down but now these things don't automatically get 50 discount because of the linear changes so now the lineage have different tiers and each tier really only unlocks a different tier within this captain armory this is a very new mechanic might be a lot to take in but right now because we have this much lineage we can buy stuff from this zone and they would all cost the same as the tier unlock so you need to reach 30 points to unlock this tier each of these will cost you 30. you need to be at 60 100 150 300 and that responds to you know correlates to the cost of each of these different upgrades you can give to your captain right now you can also rename your captain revenue all things you can do but you can go more than 300 you can save up to a thousand point and just upgrade a unit a whole bunch with different upgrades that you would want for them so you can imagine once you get multiple captain revenues you might be spending a ton of upgrades there's 27 total and that's going to cost you a lot of lineage so you want to gain tons of lineage and there's many ways to do that and we'll cover it throughout but the most important thing is this thing that's clicked off in the beginning this is the captain missions so this unlocks access to special missions for your captain revenues that will grant you bonuses for all your captain revenues going forward in the campaign and you can see those bonuses or those missions here under your mission tab they're right here and there's always these three they come in three tiers first have your captains achieve a hundred kills who are your captains your captains are your general replacement unit so this entire retinue is called the captain retinue these are the retinue this is the captain that means this unit have to kill a hundred enemies once they do you will unlock minus ten percent upkeep costs for mercenaries mercenaries are captain renews they're considered mercenaries in the game there's many terminologies there's mercenaries there's captain right now there's mercenary captain red news just think of them as the same thing if you get them to have 300 kills 20 upkeep and 500 kills 30 upkeep so obviously this is very powerful because if you have cheaper upkeep you're basically getting better value by adding them to your army than recruiting especially considering the fact that he would have plus 25 percent upkeep for the vayne so that's something we want to do right off the bat there is an issue with this mission that i have is that it doesn't scale with unit size so right now we're playing on large which i think is more the default option where the game is balanced for you can play on extreme which is double unit size it does not double the mission requirements here so if i'm playing this on extreme the enemy will have 240 240 240 240 units that's you know 960 units for me to kill on the first battle very easy to get 500 kills there i can finish that mission right off the bat if i'm playing on large i would need at least two fights even if i murder every single person here with that unit i will only get 480 kills which is not enough to hit the mission requirement now the good thing is we have a second battle here against the garrison and we can easily get a total of 500. but if you're playing on any smaller difficulty due to maybe cpu limitations or gpu limitations your mission would still be 100 300 500 so you might run into issues of not hitting the required amount during your first turn which might cause some differences between your campaign and what i'm showcasing here but that's just something to make note of the other two are much more fairer in terms of unit size interferences this one just have you recruiting captain revenues three times five times seven time and you gain bonuses to your lineage growth and this is sustained growth so uh you can basically keep gaining influences you can see there's many ways to gain influence you're not even going to have any issues going forward imagine you know 70 growth per turn all the time you have plenty to spend then on top of that this is the most crucial one because this is recruitment cost discount uh so combination with this you can have very cheap units uh both for upkeep and for recruitment this one's a little harder to get you need to win three battles five battles seven battles with captains in your army so they just have to be there they don't have to make certain kills they just have to be part of the army that's victorious so that's something to keep in mind to finish as well you're not going to finish this that early and the cost obviously determines like how long you want to keep this unit around to finish that one i'm going to be showcasing a few things uh in terms of how i think the best way to do these missions are i think these are crucial in terms of getting you set up for a good game because once you have 45 discount and 30 discount for upkeep uh the captain revenues will shine a lot more there are other ways to boost these things for example there is a general name zhang ba who is going to start out the game i believe in toltien's action who has a background bonus if he is made heir prime minister or leader that will give you additional 25 discount to both the upkeep and the recruitment of captain revenues that's going to be huge because that puts you at 55 discount for uh upkeep and that puts you at 70 discount for recruitment you can imagine how good that bonus will be now how do we get him well first you have to gain vision of tall trans faction and then you have to have a spy he happens to have a disloyal trait and he's very easy to make into a turncoat so you just have to keep an eye out for him and snatch him the first chance you have and as for how you can make him prime minister or heir if you want to make him your heir you have to adopt him if you want to not upset your sons and wait for prime minister you have to wait till you hit the duke rank and since we're on the topic of rank let's take a look at the rank there is something unique for grandchild's faction right now we are headed towards second marquis we are just a noble once we get to this rank you see the bonuses you gain nothing different but at marquis you see here unlocked advanced capture revenues so what you can recruit now are considered basic captain revenues the quality of the unit will be more of a reflection of early game units once you get to marquis you get more advanced versions for each one and then once you get to duke you see that it's still advanced but at king it becomes elite so these are the best quality of troop you know because it's preset groups you don't actually pick out each unit you have to recruit the captain comes as a package so this will help you improve the package of units you get when you recruit so that's one thing to make note of and we'll take a look at recruitment of the captains after the first turn because you cannot recruit units on the first turn and we'll take a look at that as well but that's something to keep in mind of and once you reach duke you can put a prime minister in for that discount then or if you want to rush it to play more of a mid max style definitely give him adoption and use that bonus as quickly as you can all right so with that said uh the first thing we'll do is get a trade deal because we do have neighbors friendly neighbors to the north in hanful and then surrounded by high empire which is a vassal to don juan who holds the emperor and we have ill turbines huang shao to our south we would like to kick him off the north bank of the yellow river as soon as possible and also i think expanding towards penguin early is a good way to gain some income because there is actually assault mine and some industry buildings here that can make you some money whereas we mentioned you're surrounded by farmland at the beginning aside from that you are going to be given the same confederation event as before where you can choose to confederate hanful and go into war with gonzan or not previous versions of this guide had us ignoring that but since jungkook has been given a unique model and some very nice unique skills and a very good spear and he starts out in a han fool's faction we are going to take the confederation every time so once we do that we're going to be going to war with kung sun so expanding this way and getting ready to go to war with him around boah is probably very vital now this guy is probably not going to go that far because it doesn't happen right away but that's just some thoughts uh in terms of how we're gonna play this out because high empire actually makes for a pretty good neighbor they are not aggressive they won't actually come back and attack us so keeping them on the border doesn't really harm us and capturing grenade really doesn't bring us that much benefit just because it's just a farmland commandery all right so first things first while our army is fresh we get a deal there are many things you can do on turn one because you actually know quite a few factions so you'll die there is a daughter that he has that you can marry off to your son if you want you do have to pay a bit for this so i don't know if you're up for that there are items that you can look through every faction we didn't take a look at what we rolled randomly but assuming you wrote some you know decent hall you should be fine yeah trade positive with go ahead and do it i did say we're going to confederate him through an event that's totally fine we'll find a new trade partner afterward he can enrich us in the meantime and what we can get from him is also a marriage with his daughter and this one despite the fact they don't like each other you can still get you know uh it's cheaper but i don't think it's good because they're not you know very strong and there's nothing to offer and plus a lot of time for marriages you kind of want to do them on turn two if it's with the air because the ai has not equipped all their items yet right if let's say his daughter happens to be his heir which in this case is not true i think he has a son as well he will put those items on the air on his turn and then when you offer the marriage on turn two which should still exist you can get those items through the marriage but in this case we're just going to take a look there's really nothing we want we are just interested in the trade deal and maybe a non-aggression pack and then even a military trade after or military access because just basically trying to get as much value as we can from him the first deal is going to be this combination trying to get ourselves some money from him he's not very rich you can see he makes five eleven but once the trade deal goes through he's actually going to make more money so the following deal we can get slightly respectable amount of money or else he just has really nothing get this deal through and the second deal we're gonna make with him is gonna be the military access plus one food we have a ton of food around us you have to use these food to get value and you see that he has 700 now because he also made money from the trade deal or else you know we're really not going to get much from him 81 we'll take it all right you might think you're done here but because you know it's household and you start out with a non-question pack there is something you can do you can spend all your 2000 on turn one in a divorce so this is your court uh your brother ignore him he's in a different faction you have your wife you have three sons ryan also going to be unique he's 14 he'll come of age pretty quick and you have two generals that are unique and one strategist that's your entire court your wife because you have children if you divorce she will still be considered part of the family divorcing her costs you a thousand here and after you divorce her since you're not going to make her your heir because you already have you anton here who has decent bonuses you can put her to good use to get you good generals by marrying her off so that's exactly what we will do we'll spend some of our early game cash on the divorce and you can see it doesn't feel too bad about it right because it's not divorcing her out of the clan she's not the heir in the god divorce it's okay we can offer her use household who now starts the game off with a very very powerful general in tolerant and it's not that expensive because we also still have food and you can just give one common item because common item are worth exactly one point well that is why can't we offer him any of our items that feels like a glitch there we go yeah they just disappeared so all these common items are uh worth exactly one so just give up one common item now before we offer the deal we can just confirm that you always start out with actually a common item we only got these two on term one the com item we always have is the eavesdropper so you can definitely trade that and make this deal work all the time don't have to worry about not rolling a common item one food plus one common item we'll just use this for the sake of demonstration because you know i do have another one but since we always have this one just give this over and a very nice deal goes through and tauren becomes uh part of your clan so you might also be wondering uh what if i want other members of tulsa's family in the future through marriages because now we're related well the easy thing to do here is to divorce them before they have kids you can decide when you want to do this you want to take a gamble maybe a bit later or you can just do this now if you want you have enough money that way technically telltale's family is still not related to you and when people like tawang taupi comes of age you can offer the marriage again to get them to join your faction so your wife is a very good candidate to keep stealing characters there are many characters that's good to steal in this early phase of the game march hall comes of age quite early he's out west you need some view to see him but once you see him you can use your wife to steal him as well so it's kind of up to you of when you want to do the divorce getting tori on turn one also has the benefit of him coming with his bow um you can't see him here yet i think he's in the faction it's just that he doesn't update the character menu that fast yeah his flag is updated i can pull it up yeah so i can i can move it around if i want he's in the faction the ai hasn't had a chance to steal the bow yet the reason why it's hardened so good is because once you get heavily presence it's the best healing skill in the game just broken unlimited heals 3k over 60 seconds and boost morale for all units not even just a general heal kills units as well just can't bring people back from the dead that's a difference you have to think about it's not like you have 60 units you can heal back to 66 unit it's more like if your 60 units have injured units they can get that health back but they cannot you know spawn new units on the battlefield from dark magic or whatnot and he has fondness because the marriage was good so he's gonna stay pretty happy with you it doesn't have really strong background bonuses yet uh these might be updated in the next patch so i wouldn't recommend making him the air the end time being air is perfectly fine you get a little bit of money from him 15 from family state you can think of family state as this base 2 000 income source so 15 boost would be 300 so not bad it's better than say the magistrate which sounds good right now five percent from all sources but guess what at this point all sources does not add up to 6 000 total which is how much it would need to overcome this 15 from family state so keep him and he's also higher level closer to get flexibility all right so all the diplomacy is done we spend some money we have a decent amount of income we're gonna fight our first battle and you should definitely fight it manually so the reason why you want to fight this manually is because we want to feed kills to our captain we want to get that mission done on turn one and then we're gonna just delete this unit because it's way too pricey so let's jump into the fight alrighty as you load up into the battle um keep this unit mark it doesn't matter if he gets injured and he might lose a few units doing this but keep him around for the fight you can have you know another unit or another group of unit to help it tank some of the range damage as this unit tries to sneak up behind everyone else can just hide far far behind don't steal any kills don't take any experience and you and shaw himself can go in for a duel you'll win the duel you'll get some experience make sure you ask for the duel so many of you have asked me this the reason why you want to ask for the dual instead of accept the one he offers you is because you get a lot more experience by asking other people to duel and then someone asked me what do i do if people keep asking before i get a chance to ask well reject because once they're willing to ask that means you can ask them back and the easiest way to avoid people asking you is just turn it off and then do that you know ask yourself so run him up sneak him around and have them go closer [Music] so you see that he's willing if i don't have this turn on he will ask me when i get into range which is fine just reject at that point and then you close the rejection screen you go here you ask him yourself now twins is a good boy uh sweden is twilight's son uh twitter has won the grand excellent season in court right now it's a shame that he has to die so that we can gain some experience now we don't need to watch this it's pretty easy focus on getting kills all right walk these guys into the enemy archers range it'd be better if you even force them to turn around to hit you and we are gonna come out of here oh we can do this on three time speed all right just take the damage doesn't matter charge [Music] focus on one route follow follow follow follow follow all right kill every single one let them hit you all day no problem [Music] okay if it's four left it's fine and regroup we don't want to get tangled up with enemy infantry [Music] charge we have one and same thing chase they're losing morale fast um they might bounce back that that one's a you know yeah let them bounce back you want to focus one time because you're trying to get as many kills as you can you don't need all 480 but you know get about 300 400 it makes the next fight easier and you can check kills right here all right done charge down they swap places if you're gonna share experience with one person it's gonna be event shot because you want him to level up none of the other units should get any experience [Music] all right let them chase through get all the kills come on keep moving we lost a bunch of units it's fine and we charge we're at 333 throughout them that's the win ventral can chase that one they can chase this one and we're just gonna let them finish the chase and the whole reason is to stack up to that 500 kills within the first two battles [Music] and just make a mental note where you end up that way you know how many kills to pass over in the next battle and you can see those archers barely tickled us and that's where we can heal them back up because you can see the bar they took damage so that's when taurian can heal them back to fall if we lost to 17 here you can't invent 14 new people to show up to join the group through healing no magic yet in the three kingdoms [Music] and just let him finish up alrighty and we end up getting 412 kills on him which you can check again over here wipe them out and we gain lineage every battle can gain 15 points of lineage and we'll just take income here so we got ourselves taste of victory and our next mission is going to be capture the city for support of people very very standard and we got captain pursue progression so basically this is telling us our mission is moving along right we now have 20 upkeep costs for all mercenary unit faction wide we're going to move that up to 30 percent after this battle here can we keep fighting now this means you have to fight this manually as well just to get that last you know i think 88 kills on him basically give him the archer and pass these on to jenshaw if you can or it doesn't really matter who at this point but definitely fight this to make sure he can get 88 kills alrighty we cut that out and i got super lazy just charge everyone up he got 117 more than enough got majority of the rest on him didn't chase everyone down that's why everyone got a little piece of kills it's all good and most importantly we finish the mission we also get another 15 points of lineage and here's where we have this new option here so secure and occupy will spend 50 points of lineage and you gain all these bonuses most importantly these two on the bottom 20 punishment for the garrison and 20 replenishment for your units this is quite powerful since there is many easy way to gain lineage uh throughout your campaign this is a great way to do it and also notice you don't actually lose population doing this this is the only option here that will not lose population so quite interesting we're not going to do it here because i don't need the replenishment i'm getting rid of all the units we'll just simply occupy and we got ourselves a level up because i got a lot of experience on him through actively asking for the duel and chasing down enemy units our next mission is your economy grows a very useful admission for the early game and we got bonus experience we're taking first land bonus experience for like first victory and all that stuff and that pushes us to level four and here the skill you want to learn is flexibility or redeployment because understanding for us is a lot less valuable because it does not apply to captain revenues so we're not going to recruit level 2 captain revenues or whatever so flexibility first another thing to talk about leveling up is that the new mechanic with fates divided dlc if you own the dlc is that whenever run or tartal reaches level seven the first one to do so will gain the northern army for telltale the northern army will just be those five followers that you can equip the units on five generals for you in addition to that all your captain renews will become the northern army captain red news doesn't matter about the elite upgrades or whatever you're just going to get northern army units in your captain revenues that is good and bad i'm not a huge fan of the northern army units they're good but they're not like top top tier and they lack um like they don't lack types of units but i just don't think they're that strong and i think elite captain red news might be a bit better so it's not always the best thing but you don't lose out much it's still good like you're gonna have good units especially in the mid game because you don't have the elite one to reach king and you might hit level seven before you reach king and that point you know having the northern army units will be a good thing compared to your advanced captain revenues so that's something to make note of but pick up this so you can summon generals off of your uh you know group a little bit cheaper because you get the 25 discount redeployment you end time should go for that first as well um it's kind of tempting to do the extra assignment but there's really not that many good assignments to do for your early command reason i still prefer this saves us a bit of money from the beginning and the thing that we haven't done is we should have decked him out for authority to give us the most authority boost you can have this as well good book um you don't always start with this we wrote this in our first turn so lucky us it's not going to make a big difference your faction is going to be fine in terms of satisfaction because you have two generals with very high authority you know technically you can switch his weapon for more authority but since we have him fighting duels let him keep that for now later on we have better options we can swap them we start out with quite a few gold items that we didn't talk about yet now starts out with his defense of liberty or levity and he starts out with the roar very powerful on patch 1.7 and he has a unique ability here called mighty thrust not so crazy but not bad what's really good is ventral special ability which is the siege roar it's a 30 point mural hit so we talked about how good morale reduction is on this patch with 18s good with 30 it's even better now of course you only have four charges here still very powerful i think four is plenty uh to win you a fight he also starts out with a unique bow i don't think it goes very well on him but you can definitely you know switch it around to maybe a strategist to get the cunning boost in someone you know better hands and you have a new bow because you got uh tauren which boosts uh ammo now it's debatable whether plus 10 cunning is better or plus 10 ammo is better in my opinion if you have a ton of cutting already it's better to get uh plus 10 ammo because that 10 points of cutting isn't gonna boost you another 10 but if you have very low cutting uh it might be better to go with a straight up cutting boat that's not a huge difference but i think this one's slightly better in terms of providing ammo to your units the damage i think is same i think it's 30 attack rate 1.1 600 200 range obviously all damage trigger will change depending on what unit size you're using but just for a quick comparison between the two yeah exactly the same so no difference there it's only difference is the cutting now you might think we're done with the first turn we're far from it the one annoying thing that the faction has is that it starts off your characters with a few titles which is making you poor so ventro has the orator which is the lowest tier title you can give someone it does keep him happy so there is a use for it yeah now starts out as a senior officer 200 per turn way too much boost him down to just either attendant or if you want to have him in your first army move him as the general of the left first for recruitment cost discount except it's less useful for us because this does not apply to captain retinue recruitment general of the right will still keep things cheap a general of the left will not work for captain recruit uh like captain red new recruitment captain retinue recruitment is somewhere between redeployment cost and uh recruitment costs it's not affected by anything so unless you have the bonuses from the missions unless you have a background like zambad that says you know cheaper mercenary cheaper captain revenues it's just not going to be affected by any sort of recruitment cost you don't you can't boost instinct to make it cheaper you can't get a reform to make it cheaper so that does not work well for us eventually this will work pretty well but on the first term before you know you want him on the field or not i just recommend moving him to attendant you'll drop by 10 points which is happy enough you know anything above 25 is okay at this stage all right that's done uh quartz happy we have our air we got our new character we are going to issue some assignments now we want our son to level up there's two ways you can do this you can have him join the father in the army which is not bad because both of them would have familiar conflict they will boost each other you basically have two generals that become much more powerful fifty percent attack rate fifty percent extra charge fifty percent extra damage plus five morale to each other not bad that's one option uh two option is just have him passively gain experience by doing assignments i prefer to have him on the field so i'm gonna give this honorable job of collecting taxes either to the wife or tolerant it doesn't really matter pros and cons do both um the pro for tauren is obviously he will gain experience that way he gets closer to his unique skill which is why i usually pick him for your wife it's more like she starts out level one so you can keep her satisfied longer by doing this you gain you know dissatisfaction due to higher desire for higher office the higher level you are he's gonna gain level you know three that's going to increase his desire for higher office but the good news is married into a ruling family plus fondness from this marriage will definitely keep him afloat a little bit higher although i think the fondness is not always guaranteed this is a chance event so we got pretty lucky it's worth 15 points and the second assignment is where things get a little bit tricky there's nothing that really work for us if you have more satisfaction issues you can go with this but we don't have that i don't need reserves i don't need more food so i think the option of mustering we're losing some population might be the best call right now the reason here is i am going to be recruiting armies very soon and reducing mustering turns is basically saying increase replenishment from mustering so i'm going to have yennel go do this until we recruit our first army then i'm going to cancel it because i don't want to lose too much population and now he goes away after finishing our mission good job we have 30 percent upkeep discount for him for all captain revenues going forward but he's still too expensive so he's going away all these units are on a general with vayne they're all going away as well and we're going to recall renshaw for healing now previously before the big update i recommended never recalling ben shaw because he provided five points of lineage just by staying on the field this is no longer true you gain way more lineage recalling him every single turn because summoning a new army onto the field gives you 10 lineage points so recalling and re-summoning is worth 10 kpm on the field is worth five so do the math there as long as you have seasonal redeployment limit re-summoning generals every turn into new armies will gain you way more lineage so let's recall him and we'll summon him back over here next turn all right so that's all done we do have this building slot and the obvious choice here is actually tax collection no surprise i don't like spending money early on buildings because the return on them at this point is quite low especially without administrators and tax collection actually synergized quite well from what we have because we have a bunch of peasantry commanders so let's put that down and just let it build slowly and we can move on with our next turn at this point i think we have everything covered if you're tempted to do upgrades obviously we got rid of our only captain revenue so we can't upgrade anything but my recommendation is don't uh some of these are quite powerful uh we will probably not give any of our early capture revenue any bonuses but if you're considering investing something like say you saved up so many points that you thought maybe i'll overflow i want to spend some now the one that you would look at first would probably be this uh this would just be something applied once the ones with flags are not given to individual units but just given to your faction as a whole and this just increased three army limit which obviously has a lot of benefits because um more armies you can have the more deployment you can have the more lineage you can gain because we talked about each new army is worth 10 lineage and so forth so that there's some benefits there and then in the end game so let's spend a little bit of time talking about the end game for grandchild's faction on turn one this is the dream that you can have when playing this faction and the dream is free cavalry captain red news they're not free in terms of recruitment but free in terms of upkeep and you can overwhelm absolutely everyone in the late game so in the captain revenues when you recruit them there's two cavalry versions there's a melee cavalry version there's a shock cavalry ridge and the shock cavity version is full of cavalries and we know we can get 30 upkeep for them if we get zamba which i think you should definitely make that one of your goals in any campaigns you move up to 55 upkeep reduction the other 45 you can get for cavalry upkeep you can get from reforms and horse pasture so once you control all four horse pastures plus some reform and your bonus all cavalry captain red news will be free upkeep this is the only free upkeep cavalry since the 10 units got nerfed whereas they could be free before so now you can have free captain retinue cavalry units which are super fast on the field and then you will recruit cavalries for the general so you have one general leading a stack full of cavalries assuming and then two captain retinues with them that can be boosted with things like unbreakable cavalry unbreakable and invisible cavalry and you can also have them replenish on foreign land and you can gain extra speed and you can gain extra charge it's just going to be ridiculous in the late game for your cavern units and you can overrun ai's with very very cheap units imagine the army limit you know three extra from this eight extra from your prestige points so you have a ton of armies that's all free upkeep filled with cavalries running down enemies everywhere in the late game this is a big shift from how you would pre-run how you would play ventral previously where you had this early game power spike of very free and cheap units or half price units run down enemies expand now it's more like slowly build up to the point where you have a very powerful late game spike where you just dominate factions with your captain revenues that are all boosted and just very very cheap right so that's enough talk let's move on to turn two alrighty so we're at turn two you get all these generals we can take a look at the recruitment for us we spent ten points of lineage to recruit i think this is very cheap because we talked about it when you recruit a new general on the field that costs 10. so the strategy i was talking about earlier where you can profit off this is one where you don't care about your court and well obviously in this case like it doesn't really work anymore because you probably really like your unique generals but before uh the game uh changed the update you could just convert your lineage to money because everyone was generic in your faction by uh pretty much firing everyone by banishing them because each bandage is worth 800 and once you banish all your generals you can recruit everyone with lineage and then banish them again and you'll be really really rich you could do this in a late game if you have a lot of satisfaction boost which i imagine you would once you hit the imperial court you could definitely hire someone with items take all their items and then banish them it doesn't hurt anyone else's feelings that much it's only -5 and that way you can make money with your lineage because we gain lineage quite easily watch this raising an army will increase your lineage by zero by 10 points should be 10. it should be 10. it's a typo anyways we got the 10 points that's all that matters um and we would like the sun to be with him that's kind of the goal here it's quite pricey to push this army out but we have a bunch of cash on us so it's fine and obviously you'll get rid of the units because we're gonna rely on capture red news and you could use the movement trick if you want uh to move them forward now obviously summoning the second did not increase our lineage what you wanted to do which we didn't do because i was still considering i was considering doing this i guess i will do it now move him closer to the land if you don't want to use the movement trick totally fine you can still take it by like the next turn um not next time but the turn after what you want to do then is summon them into separate armies and then merge them into the town together because then you get 20 points of lineage at 10 points just a thought all right nothing else really happening we have that going um if you want to make some deals in terms of like you can get some non-aggression pulled before you delete that army with the new factions you bumped into but the value is not really that good so just pass on that and don't even worry about starting coalition alliances to get passive five points of lineage that bonus that designed when the game was launched is no longer really worth it because you could have so many ways to gain lineage like five a turn not attractive at all and ideally we did this wrong too you will want to summon your end time first and then you end sharp second that way renshaw's on the field that way you get five more points it's just small mid-maxing things in the grand scheme of things we're not going to hurt you one bit let's continue to next turn alrighty because we only kept one unit on the field as long as we recruit and maintain more than three at the start of a new turn we'll get growing might i don't actually want to trigger this just yet so we're not gonna trigger that but we are still gonna recruit more than two units this term we're gonna pump out uh our captain ready so this is where you recruit captain red news in case you guys didn't know next to your characters there's a captain tab and now thinking about it i think i'm definitely gonna pop that one now because the way the game works is once i take this video refresh it and it's fine we'll keep their unit so this unit here is the one i'm interested in because it's the cheapest one you get some archers you get some axe uh man and it only costs you 574 upkeep for seven units think about that that's super cheap this is the price of archer 60. i get seven of just those there's the cheapest unit in the game that's you know 420 if i get seven you know technically i'm getting five of these guys or equivalent to these guys and two of them it should normally be about 600 something and i'm getting a much cheaper price does he have a discount yeah he does he has a 15 discount so it's skewed it's way more than 600 it should be you know about 800 and we're just getting a discount because of the bonuses we are getting from this we're not getting bonuses from this yet until we recruit more captain revenues which is something we will definitely be doing but here they come and what i think i'm going to do with these is i'm going to make a deal to trigger the ten percent extra replenishment so they get ready faster so we can fight this and that way we don't waste the extra mustering turn minus three typically it's eight term mustard now it's five term remaining so we get extra percentages there and we're just going to try to hand forward one copper coin very happy to do that deal there trigger the growing mite that way we get the 10 replenishment want us to hold extra settlements so we get some extra lineage for the next three turn we'll do that real quick anfu has jungkook he's the reason why we will always take the confederation event the one thing you gotta note is that he is not part of the family so when you confederate him and you see him he must be on the field for you to get him and you must also have open army slots to take him in he usually has two armies there's usually another army here so don't create too many armies to the point where when you recruit him you can't take him in that's a huge loss we want him so uh keep your eye out for that when the confederation event hits this way we get 10 x replenishment they'll be a little bit healthier when we do the fighting next turn and that's all we really have to do here so we can just continue oh right building building building got finished that's why we triggered um so your economy grows also going build this first we very rarely sell food there's a good reason for that because you don't usually start out with a lot of food in our case we start out with a lot of food because we're going to get more farmlands too do you see that this is minus six food it's not just minus six off the four that we have right now technically we're only making six here with the help of these two that we're making so it's an eight point swing so we'll go to negative two food here and we'll get two food from uh these settlements here so that's kind of how we're gonna even that out don't worry about it just just build it it's also winter you're going to make more food from this a bit later anyways anyways so we're good let's continue all right so in the spring usually when you get some more unique choices here we didn't get any unique generals here this will be when you would first see them people like joe tai chengu who starts out factionless there's no one that we really want so we'll just pass on them and i mean unless they have items you should always check that because for you recruiting is quite simple and we're ready we're going to give up that mustering bonus and we're just going to delegate this fight super easy you didn't have to wait that time if you didn't want to which is why the movement cheat really doesn't do much for you anyways because with the two generals you can dominate this force pretty easily but even in this case you can get a very easy delegate victory so let's just do it it's an open field fight it's a farmland you have the three mission complete next missions on assignment that one will get triggered as well and all the early game missions are done and we also finished a mission where we get ten percent recruitment cost discount because our captain ready has won five uh three battles now we wanna win five want to win seven we're gonna keep fighting now if longshot is across the river from us i he usually does not come and fight us because he's not exactly very strong at this point and if he does uh with your generals and your captain render you will be fine now you might think we're a little bit weak yes we are what you're going to do here is you're going to delete them that's why we are not going to give them any upgrades and the reason why we delete them is because it's going to take them forever to heal back it's much better to recruit a new one the cost ratio between recruitment and the upkeep is around uh four to one and as you recruit more you're finishing missions at the same time so you're trying to do basically a little bit of everything as you refresh these counters we're also going to recall the generals for healing and also to summon the armies in next turn so that we can get the extra lineage points and we also want to recruit them here because our assignment gives us the mustering only in the command right here we want to re-summon them here set them up to attack penguin in the future pick up a reform once again getting this one does not reduce the cost of up recruiting captain revenues it does not apply to them only to red news uh we can work on a new trade route um there is going to be limited trade partners at this point but you can try your luck some of the landlocked ones to your west might be available another route is to go for higher tier tax collection which is not a bad idea given that you're pretty much dependent on peasantry income in the beginning so that's also an option and rebel farming for you is quite lucrative because each battle is worth 15 points of lineage and re-summoning armies to fight those rebels because you might be shifting one army of three general around is going to be worth 30 points of lineage every single time because you can summon all three individually combine them together and then fight the rebels in the turn after if you can get seasonal deployment you can even summon four have the first one be the proxy to get the movement and rinse and repeat uh very strong but i think we'll try to get ourselves a tray deal because that's more lucrative right now long not asking too much he's landlocked he's only gonna border you he has really no choice um i can offer him food you can see our food you know at minus eight we'll still have food that's not a big deal and we're gonna get more food when we confederate hanfo like food for you is really not a big deal and i just don't know if we can get any money off of him that's the only thing right i can't it's like at the point where i might be willing to just pay him some cash to get this deal through instead of yeah it's very cheap there we go you know he'll we'll get paid 341 a turn that makes that positive right off the bat right very healthy that one's going we have two more turns on this no real reason to rush it um i don't see a real reason to build this up either it's just gonna hurt our economy going forward we don't need the extra food like getting four food from here is enough so i don't see the benefit of getting six food you might like the extra seven units of uh retinue to defend it but even at that point if they come with a real army seven extra infantry units is not going to make any difference so if they want to take it just retake it that's kind of the logic here all right that's enough let's continue and we get the hanfu event so this is where we will confederate him and we have no army limit issues we will declare war with gongsunzen so we'll be ready to go to war with him but right off the bat we inherit his armies at the glory challenge successful to destroy unfolds faction and we get this bonus as well we have to destroy guns next for the same path of glory and here's where things you know might seem to get difficult but it's really not that difficult with this point because i haven't even taken bohai yet that's where most of fighting will probably happen you get yourself another really good general with items you get khan for his entire family plus whoever he had on the field sin here is on the field not bad farmer is really good for building up all these commander here with agriculture development as his assignment you can also cancel all their red news here and then have them summon onto the field every term when you don't have anything to do to gain more lineage and then over here you have heinful and he picked up shinyu this is by luck he got him he does not start out with him does he should you always start out with him in this new patch that's not historical at all right that's that's okay i didn't know this but okay we got super lucky we gotta burn officer basically usual okay so historically he worked for us as well semi unique some small bonuses and for himself is not bad this is kind of a peasantry focus you get all his items that's why you don't really have to trade if you see an item you like in hanfo start don't trade for it when you confederate the best items are going to be on the leader and you're going to get that anyways so no point to really waste that and at this point we're going to actually end our guide i know it feels like a very very early guide because we only made five turns now your goal is to form an army over here to get ready to fight guns and with the economy you have you don't think it's a lot it is actually a lot because right now we're paying for a bunch of garbage units if we get rid of all of them you can see our economy is actually really really good and we have really good generals and access to cheaper and cheaper captain retinues right that's a decent income what's hurting us is salary so you can start being picky here you also got his entire family now she i remember her name the wife that they give to her due to a handful is always a burden officer unfortunately she picked up a grudge this is random too so it's gonna be very hard for us to keep her happy but i think she's worth keeping so what you might want to do is give her your chancellor position so that she can be slightly happier with you that's one option you can do it here so you got two burnt officers from that confederation uh you can maybe uh fire the daughter right useless save some money fire the sun depends on who you want to keep because there's two farmers xin ping and han hong are both farmers sin han ho has patience which might be better than his start right so you might want to fire simping even though handsome and loyal is not bad either he didn't get the grudge right so here's where you need to shave down your roster a little bit uh way too many generals the daughter definitely should go um maybe keep him maybe i still like the traits better i like people who it's easy to keep satisfied we can get patients on other people just get rid of the item so you want to shape two of them that's about 300 say right there and you can even get rid of hanful if you don't want to use them in the future because let's be real by the time you have a court position to use faction-wide bonuses you are not going to want 15 income from peasantry that is not what's gonna drive uh what you want in terms of character so i would think about firing him as well the only thing that's good about him is he has a bunch of satisfaction satisfaction boosts on his characters with modest and humble so he's very easy to keep so that's really all you really have to make note at this point with around 3 000 income we already looked at captain red news correct and um we can afford about five stacks of units uh cheaper ones if you want to go for slightly more expensive ones obviously it's gonna be you know less but let's say you get four stacks that's two armies uh of um generals the strategy be like one general two stacks or two general one stack and then you can do four armies because each battle you can send it maximum of four armies so in terms of reinforcement so in that case you would have let's say four stacks of these with two generals each when you enter into a fight or mix of these two when you enter into a fight you have eight generals and in terms of units you have 28 units and what you want to do with your units with your lineage point you want to spend lineage point at this point what you want to give them is unbreakable that will make your army incredibly strong because at that point they have to literally kill every single one that makes low tier units at maximum value so that's what you want to focus on and defeat gunson expand out in the rest of the north you have basically only han factions around you clean them up before 197 of course you will still lose uh some points as you uh take on territories but because you have high food it should be totally fine and then focus down the bandits travel to the northwest capture your horse pastures that also means when you are thinking about how to do a reformed tree for ranch transfection going down the red tree and yellow tree for these bonuses and the extra administrators here and most importantly going down the horse pasture route here is very important because you want these level five horse passengers for that 10 upkeep discount that's really what you're aiming for so that's going to do it for our guide on eventual faction in the 190 start hopefully you guys enjoyed it and see you guys next time bye
Channel: Serious Trivia
Views: 31,916
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Total War: Three Kingdoms, Early Game, Legendary, Legendary Difficulty, Playbook, Guide, Strategy, Yuan Shao
Id: qfzL4qsTv9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 25sec (4045 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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