How to Get Started as Liu Chong | Early Game Legendary Difficulty Playbook

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hello everyone this is serious trivia welcome back to another legendary earthy gameplay book video and today we're featuring little the Prince of Chen so no troll is a new faction added into the 190 start if you own the Mandate of Heaven DLC so this is not a free content and did not come with a base game so we didn't cover it in our original guide series and we're adding him in despite the fact that he is not really a free content and you have to own a DLC to play him but since he is in the one nighty start I thought we might as well cover him and many of you have been asking me to do a guide over him in the 190 start because you guys believe that he has a much more difficult start in one night he compared to his 180 to start in Mandate of Heaven where he starts out as part of the Empire but in reality much like how the starting situations given to him in game as easy I actually think the role is just straight-up broken no matter what start he has his only weakness is that he starts out quite old in the game so that you were probably gonna lose your leader during your playthrough which is a great loss since the old tome is amazing character in the game and let's talk about his faction real quick so he is a commander and he is a faction wide bonus from his background Prince of 10 gives him 10% cross range damage for crossbow and +2 starting rank for all range units so all new range recruits will get +2 rank which is fairly nice despite the nerves to all the bonuses you get a higher rank and you get faction specialization in a trophy cabinet this is a unique game mechanic that was added in during the Mandate of Heaven DLC for an ultra and ultra where you have a collection of items in this case for adult role trophies that you acquire by finishing certain missions and objectives in game and you can use these trophies up to four to display in your trophy cabinet and when you do that they each have corresponding effects that will give you faction wide bonuses to your units to your economy to your characters and we can take a quick look at these once we get into game and his playstyle focus is majestic which is kind of weird doesn't actually say much and what doesn't say here is that he actually has a faction resource called fortitude it works very similar to Susan's heroism sons aneurysm is where you take into consideration the amount of casualty you cost versus how much charity you're taken to give you this point that give you bonuses to your troops for fortitude with the old role you only care about how much casualty you inflict it doesn't matter how much casualty you take and the greater the casualty you inflict the more fortitude you get and for to gives you better morale in battle as well as decrease enemy morale so you always have this huge morale advantage in battles and if you add on night battle you are actually quite favored in a lot of fights just from a morale perspective which is really game breaking because Morales really functions like the health of a unit and without morale they just rout and you just win and his factions quitter you straight forward he has two unique features in two unique unit in the Chen Royal Guards and the Chen peacekeepers these are available for all generals of all classes the Royal Guards are available at rank 3 or higher and the Peacekeeper are available at rank 6 or higher once your general reach that rank they can recruit these and both of these units are broken so they did get hit by the crossbow nerf so the range on these are now only 200 versus the original 250 which were when they were even more broken now that they're 200 the Chen Royal Guards is actually not as good as they were before as a range unit but they're still good because they have great morale great armor and decent armor piercing damage now we'll take a look at the unit in game and the Chen peacekeepers are actually the one that got the stealth buff because they are considered a melee cavalry so they got the 50% missile resistance even though they functioned very much like arranged cavalry so they can still deal heavy damage with their crossbow on horseback while taking relatively less damage backed by enemy range unit and still maintained good melee cavalry damage as well as range block chance so both of these units are great this one got slightly nerfed unpatch 1.5 this one got slightly boost it and in terms of knowing where the character is here's where you start out quite poor you start out with just one character in your court in your good friend Lauren who is basically your Chancellor historically he is a generic character but with a unique background and very good bonuses as well as very good items at the start of the game so this is all there is to his faction and will be jump into the one night you start once again we'll be showcasing this on legendary legendary with 40 minute battle timers so see you guys in the game alrighty we're loaded up into the game exert our don't draw has seized the Emperor your kinsman and wields imperial power in his name the Han Dynasty must be saved reclaimed nearby lands and build an army which would be able to defeat the tyrant and save your kin the hun will endure so our task early on is to build a land of prosperity and be worried of you intrude to the south and the mission we have in the beginning like many other faction is just engage the army in front of us in doling which is a Yellow Turban general and we get taste of victory which gives us 30 military supplies and +5 morale for 3 turns so first let's take a look at the map we start out with only one county in intron settlement here as a small city has a level two land development level one in and a level one military infrastructure in the patrol building so not a very good build and not a very good commander II given that the only County is a farmland and owned by lil die who is also our kinsman he's also a relative of the royal household much like ourselves the current route emperor who is in a hostage here in person is our grand nephew many time removed if you get it properly because it takes l-tron go back about five generations to rejoin the main branch of the ruling family but for sake of simplicity we'll call him the grand uncle of the current Emperor and we start out here in front even though he's called the Prince of trend this is because the game map over simplifies the commanderies in history and there is actually a command recall trend and there's another command recall trending in history and chen was supposedly belong to the old home in chendo belong to tall tall so since they only made trend in the game they gave it to tall tall and we start out in China instead but we're gonna fix that with this early game strategy where I will be looking to crush tall tall early on absolutely destroyed this faction before spring of 191 and will absorb his land and hopefully his generals and get ourselves started right here so I believe many of you guys think his faction is difficult or those of you who have struggled with his faction it's largely because he starts out in the central plains surrounded by a lot of different factions so you have the Obey starting out over here you have : room over here tall tunes now a playable faction also quite stronger over here to your north if you touch the Yellow River you're gonna meet you enshou who is also quite aggressive early on and then over to your West don't choice your enemy and you and rule is historically your enemy as well and someone who your early missions gonna push you to attack and South Hall is obviously always the devious AI player who will try to mess with you so overall you can get into some really tough diplomatic situations where you get enemies attacking you from all sides and you just likely lose because your economic base is quite weak because introns not that strong economically so if you fix that we are gonna play pretty much as house house hall would play in the old one night II start by absorbing all this land building ourself a base and then we're going to push over here into venules territory and absorb some of this ha Empire and you know turbine territories and just build a larger base here as we recess don't go as forces and once we have that we should be pretty much unstoppable with how strong our characters and our units are so the first challenge is to somehow destroy salt salt early that's when he's the weakest so to get that started what we have to do first is check our and Zoey items so we got a pretty simple draw talus monk plus a wooden ox and the talus mount gives some public order it's nice but it's not important we don't really need a lot of answer your items for this strategy because we don't need to be doing a lot of deals early on so nothing to trade away and this banner is part of our trophy cat case so let's talk about our trophy case for those of you could not play a little troll so this is the trophy cabinet these are all the available trophies you can get and this is the ones you have and you can unlock them and put them into your cabinet up to four so let's equip this one it gives us +10 morale for melee cavalry and we get this at the beginning game given by the Emperor and if you want these unlock they all have different conditions so here it says reach rank six with your faction leader and you get this item and which gives you plus ten bonus experience four units per season this one gives 20k population growth if you win five siege battles while commanding the army etc etc some of these are quite powerful for example plus 25% ammunition for archers really good what's even better is plus 100% ammo for artillery units so all your siege weapons will show up with double the Amal which basically allowed them to do double the damage any given fight and then you have other ones that can complement that right here 25% ranged damage for artillery so not only do they have double animal all their ammo will hit for 25% more so it's a range focused faction you also have a lot of cost discounts I think there is a cost upkeep discount for all types of unit here as well as a morale bonus where all types of units here we've done a guide over this in our little home lore series guide early on with mandate heaven was released so we can definitely go check that out we're gonna save ourselves some time and not explain this in this guide and over here what we do at the start is first we get a trade deal before we use this army and get anyone injured not that we will but might as well and we have a small roster of factions we see in the beginning we see don't draw and ha Empire there are enemy yellow turbans our enemy and the three slightly friendly contractions I wouldn't call this friendly but slightly friendly factions are at solace halt you're a fool and they all die and all fees we have a militant on aggression pact with little dot and no other deals with anyone else and since I said we're gonna start out by attacking Saul Saul we're actually not going to do any deals with him and we're also not gonna do any deals with grant rule because he is what many of his early game mission focuses on so we're gonna go to war with these very soon so the only people we can really trade with is he'll die so we can negotiate a deal now it's nice that he's offering us two point six in terms of diplomatic value he's quite friendly we do start the game with very few characters and you see this range marriage here which is nice but I have something against this marriage she's related to us distant relative but still related to us so if you can see past that and you want to get a wife early on and potentially an heir because without a wife or kids you can't assign anyone as your heir you could push for this marriage but I'm okay with letting the old home stay single for a while before we adopt someone into the family potentially another legendary general since he does start the game quite old and you're probably gonna lose him about halfway through your campaign to old age so you got to plan out who will take over your faction after his death so I'm gonna say no to this you can do whatever you want in your campaign it's not gonna make too big of impact and then over here little die is quite poor because he only owns a farm land so we can only get 56 gold per turn and that's fine we'll get this deal through oh and if you want to look for his and Zuri items you can take a peek in this case there's nothing good so let's just push this deal through okay and at this point you could go make a deal with halt halt if you want I know we said we're going to war with him but if you do want any of his items you can make a trade for them either with Enzoani items or cash do not offer him per turn cash and do not demand per term cash because then you have to break a deal to go to war with him so that's pretty much all you can do early on and you're good to go and we're going to be showcasing a few fights so we have this starting army it's really strong first we have our leader of the faction neutral he starts out rank 5 so right off the bat that's really good and additionally if you look at his traits he has fatigue resistance which is nice and in terms of action white bonus you get +5 satisfaction and he also whoever is in the same county as him gets another five satisfaction and he starts out with his legendary unique crossbow prince nitrones crossbow which gives your own retinue plus 10% ammo gives himself some cunning and it hurts this is a pretty strong crossbow and fairly accurate one he also has a unique horse this horse isn't that great 80 speed is pretty slow for a unique horse but you do get 5 points of instinct and 10 points Authority Authority obviously help for satisfaction faction wide and you have your neke armor pretty bland armor 15 Authority and you can a war blade which increases your expertise and thus your melee evasion so very strong and then we can give him whatever item you have if you don't have item it's fine in this case we have a Tallis monk so more authority and more public order doesn't hurt and faction why do you always start out with stone pig you always start out with new Shopify which is a book that little troll wrote in history himself about how to shoot crossbows so it's like a manual on how to shoot crossbows and it gets +6 satisfaction and 10% extra range damage for a crossbow in the army so it's pretty good but not as good as the crossbows we're gonna keep the crossbow on him and you always start out with a bland bronze white horse this is a really good trade piece because horses at the bronze level is just not as good if you compare it to the standard horse that's available to all characters you lose quite a chunk of speed 11 speed you do get more mass and you do get other bonuses like authority charge bonus and chance to Eve a capture but if you're not going to lose the fight and not going to charge your general around this really isn't the horse for you so if you see a item you want to trade for definitely throw this in for a trade deal and the stone pick also can be used as a trade deal as well as any other ends of your items you pick up during your first turn character-wise as we said your character poor you only have Loren he's great he starts out with a gold armor he starts out with a silver Z and a silver Brown horse and you can give him you know your other items you've gotten to make him a little happier because satisfaction on legendary does have the minus 10 he has Guardian the people as his unique background is 10% income from all sources if he's your prime minister heir or faction leader so very strong he has burned us at rate so very good on the battlefield as well as very good as your administrator and that's the job we're gonna give him in the beginning he also has plus three public water if he is the administrator we're gonna throw him in here on turn one now the reason why we can have administrator on turn one is because the free Run button the free reform that you get as the old home is the +1 Minister one in the unique secretaries so because we have this from the beginning we get one administrator right off the bat that's nice now that all the buildings we do will have a cost discount a very small one but most importantly we get I believe 15% boost to all income sources when you have administrator and the only thing we're going to do is probably actually demolish this building to free up a building slot but we can worry about that later I'll explain that later we're gonna jump into this fight but before you jump in this fight there's a couple options you can go here you can either fight this as is with the retinue you have or my recommendations actually delete the two crossbow units and then fight it because the mission that triggers right after ask that you recruit two more units to trigger growing might the water of Maryland's early game missions is quite different from other factions where they don't promote economic build-up first they actually promote military build-up and if you don't really want to focus on military in the beginning because you actually want to build up economy it's better to actually reduce the number of units you have on the field to two so that when you trigger the mission and ask you to have total of four units right now we have four and if we finish the fight here it's gonna ask demand us to have basically six units to trigger that one so I just feel like since you don't need these units to win the fight and two defeats halls halt all you need is the champ easy / and no role and you can wipe out song hall single-handedly that's how strong no transaction is so I would recommend just delete these units disband them before you jump into the fight and the other point on the make is that after the nerf to crossbows in general in 1.5 Chen Royal Guards are not that great anymore as a range unit right before you can spam these guys in all your armies you're going to win all your fights because they had 250 range a healthy amount of ammo high armor piercing damage and they had the mixed missile formation this is what makes them special because they can set up a formation where you gain charge negation versus mount with a frontline of infantry and then half of the other units will line up in the back as missile units to fire so this allowed them to be the only unit in your army because they can function both as a frontline and as range damage this is still true and still what makes them great because they have other things that complement this as in they have good damage they have good armor-piercing melee damage good attack rate it's really good morale and decent amount of health as well as super-high armour base and somehow super high range watch ants right so given all these factors they are insane frontline units they're good against enemy range there could against enemy cavalry they're good against enemy infantry and while they stand up in the front line they have really good range attack damage as well and previously they had 250 range which out ranged everything but in the new patch now they're down to 200 their range advantage is gone everything else is still true but if you're gonna use them as just crossbow units in your army and you're not going to use them as the mix missile formation in the front because you don't want all your units in mix missile you just want to thin frontline everyone else behind should still be range right in that case you don't want to spam these because they're expensive look at the upkeep costs 320 per turn versus a crossbow 110 per turn look at how they compare just look at the range data 5 attack rate 5 attack rate 20 base melee arranged at a base damage and 46 range armor freezing damage they're the same same range same attack speed on the range same armor piercing damage on the range little different ammo right you get 5 more ammo on the chain Royal Guards but at three times the cost right so I'm not saying don't recruit trim your guards recruit a few they're gonna be good in the front and they can you know absorb all the enemy damage in terms of range in terms of cavalry in terms of melee but if you're gonna use them as just regular archers then go with crossbowmen right that's kind of the solution here but in this case we're gonna get rid of them both I just wanted to make that comparison so you guys don't just spam these and [ __ ] your economy early just because they're cool-looking amazing units just don't make that mistake like you're gonna have six units of range if you want to spam range units that may be to chamber guards to be in the front and then for regular crossbow men right behind and that works just fine now Chen peacekeepers are amazing though super high morale right super high super high health for a 30 unit unit right you kind of divide the health into how many units per unit right how many units per retinue I guess I don't know per unit so more health than the crossbowmen and the Chen Royal Guards so each one individual model of the Chen peacekeeper is super tanky you have insane armor you have insane range block chance which will only improve when you get nobility which adds another 20% range block chance on top of that and they have the pretty much the same damage potential as your crossbow units slightly less range armour piercing damage but overall about the same same range same amount of ammo same amount of missile attack rate high speed so high mobility range skirmishers with a super good charge potential as well 1:55 is nothing to laughs that for a melee CAV they are expensive right so only spam these once you have a good economy but if you have a good economy you have a good commander unit then Chen P speaker Chen peacekeepers are the way to go but they also require you to be rank 6 to recruit so that's why we're keeping this guy because we actually can't really recruit him if we delete him so I prefer to keep this guy on the team here and we'll jump into our first fight now a few things to note in this fight he doesn't have any items so you could choose to kill him on the battlefield or not if you don't kill him there's a chance for capture and you can get 200 extra gold for release that's something to think about and if you actually release him the first time and he stays alive he might actually pick up an item afterward and you can kill him a second time a bit later to get that item as well so this fight obviously they I think we will lose even though we have superior force but we're going to be fighting this to demonstrate how strong the erroneous alrighty we're loaded up into the battle it actually doesn't matter what you do with the unit because no one is going to solo this as with all the fights in this guide because he's just that amazing so we're gonna send him out we can turn off the melee for now if you don't activate this he can just everything if you right-click defaults to the crossbow so just notice note that we're not gonna really use it because what makes him really strong is this unique ability called show of force it's a missile attack that's very similar to health arrow and poison wali except instead of like a shotgun spread of arrows like health arrows you only get one single arrow that shoots out but you shoot it out about like four times similar to health arrows oh by the way decline to lean that's not where your strength is your strength is disability didn't get nerfed as in you can use this of many time as you want in a fight so you see here he's gonna draw his crossbow and he's gonna fire four shots at the unit or in case where our terrain was really bad we actually only fired one and we missed oh there we go he fired the second one and he's gonna spin around look for this I picked a really bad spot here yeah the you see how the terrains actually blocking it I'm gonna just cancel it alright so you don't want the terrain to block your arrows I don't wait you can use this once every minute 3.8 K base damage that's per arrow so if you get a solid hit on all four of your o is four times that damage so you see he got shredded already and not only did he get shredded he gets my morale penalty for a little bit so he will route but he will recover and then what we're gonna do now is we're gonna do the same thing to these units you want to do you want to try to hit them from the sides if you can because it's a straight-line damage so let me show you so if we hit them like this one thin line will disappear in that formation see those bodies you can now basically charge them and make them wave the white flag and basically kill all of them if you want or let if you go if you want to fight them again later on it's up to you the more you kill the more fortitude you'll gain but there's gonna be plenty of fortitude in this guide in the early turns because we're taking down salt salt all right so you see if they're lined up like this you kill a lot more with a show of force and you do have to do a lot of waiting because the cooldown so stay patient here and you're gonna be rewarded with a very simple win here and then you just charge them when they're wavering and you win so I'm gonna let them run it's fine I want to fight them again later on right so you guys got a good first taste of how strong low 20s it's gonna get even more ridiculous and that's why I don't think his faction is hard at all it's super easy on any start just because they which was amazing so we did get the capture here what you want to do is release yellow turbans you're never gonna be able to employ them cuz of culture differences and you are gonna welcome this income so only execute if they have a good item here all right we got taste of victory and you're gonna see the second mission here is what I was talking about earlier the second mission is the growing might mission and this requires to have two additional units compared to what you currently have currently two so if we didn't disband those units who asked for six units because our current count would be four and we want to save this for a little bit saving this will delay our your economy girl mission the order for a dojo is a bit different than most factions where the economic build-up reward missions are given after the military buildup because the game want to guide you to go into an early conflict with eventual we're gonna still do that but we're gonna just time things a little bit differently and control it ourself so well think that think that mission just keep it in our pocket for now and instead of chasing him doesn't yield us much we're actually gonna go head this way towards Hollis Hollis town and you could even March if you want but since we're close enough to attack him next year anyways this is good it's all starting army we can't see it now but it's right here he has a starting han army that he has to fight he's with sattell doin with a very sizable force to be fair but we're gonna wipe them out quite early here in our small city we ready gotta demolish we already got the administrator yet they are no assignments because we don't have any more characters we have a administrator we have a general there's no one at court so no one to use we're gonna save our build-up for later right now we're just looking to clean up a spot to build a tax collection so that we get some free early game income to save up some money and we can look at fortitude real quick before we continue forward to as we mentioned it's given to you determining on how much casualty you caused so in that case we got four points because we killed off you know a certain percentage of their men and at this first here there's one point DK every turn two point four point eight point it's very similar to heroism on sons yet if you're familiar with that mechanic there's two hundred points in total meaning each tier is worth 50 points and in the first tier you get +2 morale when defending as well as -2 morale for defending enemy forces so when you are attacking you always get a to morale advantage because you punish the enemy morale and then when you're defending and being intact you get a tumor advantage because you're the defending party now obviously the attacking bonus is better because you want the enemy to route and you get +2 bonus experience before units per season it's very small but it's nice so it means all your retinue all your generals will pass it and level up every turn it gets progressively bigger as you move up the tiers to 4 points for each of these bonuses and then finally to 8 6 points it's not 8 points 8 points to the final 1 6 points for each of these bonuses and finally 8 point and the additional benefit of staying in the fourth tier is that all your units will become immune to scaring so they won't be impacted by any scaring traits on enemy generals or units where they will reduce your morale so just make your troop a little stronger by holding up their morale so these are minor bonuses not gonna really impact your game that much but the minus eight morale does help because you think about it if you can trigger a night battle on top of that it's minus twenty three morale that's huge because how morale changes have been applied in the game 23 morale is pretty much all the militia morale you have some siege weapon that fires some fiery rocks on them they get another -4 for fire and another 4 for being under fire that's 31 we're out gone right off the bat being fired at once not regarding how many casualties they took so it's pretty much game over for units if they're not high morale to start off the game you know look at this unit 28 morale right and they get hit by negative 31 morale they start off the battle routed I had fights in my little drone campaign for the 180 where we attack a settlement and the whole settlement routes right from the get-go in the battle before we fire anything just because the tiers of the unit in the settlement so low that their morale with just the passive penalties knocks them out so that's pretty much how you want to do it for no troll and after that first battle you also unlock a second banner Yellow Turban banners because we beat a Yellow Turban army so you can come over here and equipped as well all four slots are unlocked from the beginning you just need to have four things to put in them so this one gives 10 morale for sword and shield infantry we don't need it but why not put the banner in there and that's pretty much it that's all we need to do on turn 1 and we can continue from here alright it's turned 2 we do get a few generals popping up into our recruitment pool these are not people were interested in even though we desperately need a wife being single but I said you're probably not going to be producing errors even if you get married at age you know 49 unless you find like a legendary female character as your wife that you want to pass the faction on I rather get a legendary care that's younger and just adopt it will take 4,000 goal to adopt you know if you want to adopt bludgeon you know go ahead his bonus is not that bad as a fashion leader but I'll just be keeping an eye out for other legendary characters to adopt but back to the tasks at hand we're gonna wipe out salt all at this point you can see that he hasn't taken the command of the territory down here because it's red means the high empire still controls it because the AI tells army finishes off their first battle and do not recruit and it's also because there is their first turn and they don't go down and take the settlement right away they wait a turn which is your big opportunity here to declare war you see their army standing there and you can't beat this with a delegate nor do you want to you want to fight this alright so this is a regular sized town it does have a lot of arrow towers and if the AI comes attack you once you take control of it the standard looping method that we showed in our other early game guide would work just fine here because the capture point doesn't lose you the game it only provides a morale bonus how we're going to be approaching this fight is that we're going to be using a little tool to do most of the fighting so we'll be hiding our units in the trees at the beginning because we don't want to let the enemy guard any gate we don't want them to know where we're coming from and I'm actually interested in going from the back gate just because it doesn't have any overlapping damage when we'd want to charge in so hiding in this tree would actually be better for us alright let's start so when the AI don't see us they wait near the town so here we charged into the city now obviously the AI cheat as you can tell from their barricade placement they blocked off the path to the plaza here even though the technically shouldn't be able to see our army and as we go up into range we can activate stone bark for 100% additional range block chance so that the arrow towers can't actually hit us so we don't take any damage walking in even though somehow we still take damage from arrow towers which is wrong because directionally we're charging straight and we shouldn't have taken any damage we don't need this unit at all all right we're inside let's capture it for good measure now the hard part here is this barricade which is blocking our way you have a few choices if you're patient you can go and just hack it down with your unit it just takes a little bit of time and then you can traverse the terrain much easily much easier because you don't want to go this way into this nest of towers that's the last thing you want all right we captured this right wait wait do we capture it no not yet you gotta wait for the light to pop up come on there we go all right we can do this on fast so you just want to use show of force whenever you can without the terrain bothering you there was a villager that was fighting us so we couldn't fire that poor villager died do we hit them where did the only gonna kill three all right I would just hack the barricade because we have a retinue here with us the archers would not be firing at us here it's bugging out a little bit hold on we did one percent damage and then like we stopped hitting it for some reason all right never mind if this is the case then we're just going to go through the other door save us a little bit of time because there's no barricade on that side so the goal is really simple you just want to keep using your ability on the units until you wipe them out you can I should have done that but it's fine you don't need to capture these I guess because you're not running any units in but just since we have to we know we have the time might as well now we can run into the plaza don't run near the entrance just because you get hit but just come over here you see how they were lined up like that nice and neat ready for your attack alright they got shredded their routing or date didn't wear out so you just patiently wait they can't catch you because you're on a horse and how did that morale damage not kill them right don't engage in melee combat with them just Whittle them down with your ability every minute until they're out if you want to use your crossbow to shoot them a couple of time feel free it route them a little faster focus on the spear first the archers would never fire you and they won't be using their melee attack to hit you either unless you're charging to them all right those yeah your crossbow does a lot of damage now I can just chase you know activate this so the towers don't do too much damage to you and then you run them down a little bit back off when you have the ability active let them form up so you can get a better shot and then you chase after they route you can capture this to make them drop them around by another 10 points stand away from where they can shoot you fire off the rest of your crossbow hmm it's really weird when they're on barricade all right we captured it right no once again we didn't wait for it to pop up all right but we won here barely took any damage all right with this taken tell us how technically don't have any territory at this point so by logic a I should charge into your town to attack you but somehow Tom saw his heart programmed for his early few moves to take the farmer livestock farm so he's actually gonna not care that you took his town he's gonna attack the livestock farm and we're gonna have to wipe him out here instead which is totally fine as well so nothing has changed there we got a very nice town it's a very low level but that's fine we can use that to our advantage to defend it and it's built nicely level 2 land development level 1 government support and if we upgrade this to a small city later on pop in early tax collection to get your economy going in the early game so that's pretty much all we have to do on turn 2 we can just continue after we put the build water for this tax collection building here in front and let's go all right no that wants to buy your wooden ox you know these things will pop up I tend to just reject these because you can get better diplomatic value later on with these items all right it's winter of 190 the season that tall tall will die you got a random generated as daily item it's pretty nice nothing is really going on so all you got to do is bring your army to attack the livestock farm he's right in Psych he just took it his Army's pretty much full health because it's a very strong army all right that's his beginner army heavy Tiger and leopard but the garrison is gonna be very weak because it's freshly taken and just barely mustard so we attack so this is the battle that you think there's no way we win because yes 30 times the men but as you can see we have unlimited show of force so there is no way they can beat us tulta has a lot of gold item that we are hoping to get after the fight fingers crossed usually if you beat him here you can get these items by executing him off course and so Holden also fingers crossed that he will join us and let us employ him if we can capture him in this fight aside from that let's jump in here and get this battle done alright we loaded up because livestock farm is one of these open field fights is actually quite easy for us just hide your unit on the back side some trees where he can have cover and that's all you really need to do the AI because you are the attacker and they're the defender will not come at you because you don't have siege weapons there's no reason for them to charge up they think that they can just outweigh you or out defend you for the forty minutes and they would win and they're not wrong but we're gonna be killing them before then so first turn off dueling because that's not what we want and we want to run up did this patch of trees right here because they don't see us they're gonna you know reorganize their force whichever way they want and we just want to hide in this patch of trees it doesn't look like much right we have high foliage on so when we zoom in we only see the branches but you can hide within forests so we're just gonna pop in their nest ourselves inside here and just go very easy for the fight so it's all smells kind of hidden which is not nice we want him on the field visible because I kind of want to kill him first stat Holden oh there we go he's moving out he kind of saw us for a second and then we're gonna disappear I'm gonna see the eye symbol pop up yes there we go now technically they see us they know we're here but they're not charging us there's no incentive for them to do that but there's an incentive for us to just shoot our ability from this distance in this little forest or three trees to fire at salt all right so we hit maybe 3k of damage on him and now we just go fast here there's no reason to do anything else except for snipe them first he is friends with Southall doin at the beginning say when we kill him Selden will become angry and chase us now the water that you want to do this in is Southall first because he has an insane sword it hurts a lot don't let him chase you with that so make sure to use the ability and then the second thing you want to kill is not so Holden is actually his Cavalry's because the second the unit's lose their commanders they will charge you right now because the commander's are here they actually don't charge you so AI logic can't really explain it but you just basically whittle down so it's all here you see he's starting to die he's gonna have an issue where he's gonna lose enough morale where he will run away but he'll come back and if you really want to go faster here you could use some of your ammo on him but I actually recommend saving that for Southall doin because tell us how actually you know it's easier to kill him with this he's standing in the back side Holden will actually stand in the front after the unit's get out of the tree line settle down which hard you the second you kill him so you'll see what I mean yeah so you see how ridiculously strong newtonia is there's like a alright he comes back fairly quickly once the effect of the morale damage worse off they have super high morale all right now it's house all should die with this shot there we go run he's gonna come he's gonna snap back and you know come to right after and he should stand in front of the unit right now our job is to hit the cavalry they have two different cavalry they have a heavy tiger and leper and they have melee calves I don't like the way they're standing here we might have to modify our strategy a little bit we might have to force them to adapt to us we don't have to stay hidden for them to not charge us we can force them to rotate by rotating you know on the map so now we see both cavalry alright well stand right here and we're gonna kill both cavalry units with show of force maybe a little closer because the distance was kind of maxed out there before we kill us at Holden and then the second we kill him you can see all the units start running up to us and the cavalry is still alive at that point we'll get caught up and get destroyed by them heavy Tiger and leopard is still quite strong probably takes about three shot each depending on how concentrated they are when you hit them for them to rout maybe four sometimes I never said this is quick we're trying to kill a thousand people with 31 technically with one person so yeah the second the old one dies to old age he starts out the game I believe forty nine and you start getting a chance to die starting at sixty so about forty four turning into the game he started having a chance to die of old age and once he do he does you know die you lose show of force which is really sad he's the only one in the game left with unlimited range ability they nerfed heartseeker poison volley and hail of arrows already but this is just absolutely disgusting that you can do this to the AI alright they're done now we want to go a little closer kind of I don't want it Oh cat maybe maybe this is the way one of them to rotate towards us I don't want the Saladin to get hit when we fire this can we get them to rotate a little bit more out because I oh there we go how nice of them they want to charge and I don't want to encourage that maybe too close you know got a first kill the cavalry first all right they're done ten should be good enough to finish them and I guess will you wait you can fire a couple shot into South holdin with your crossbow you see how he's standing the front you see how fast he is hell he's losing his health this crossbow hurts health all tend to stand in the back because he's a commander so that's why it's better to use the crossbow shots on him less likely to miss and then while you're waiting for cooldown up they're charging pull back a little bit snipe that Kaveri and just loop them focusing on the Kaveri first and I don't recommend running them towards your unit like please not directly to your unit I think they route all right now we just saved one more or maybe two more shots without holdin it he's done - preferably he routes instead of get killed because then he won't pick up any bad traits fingers crossed other one I tend to happen a lot on him he's just has a natural gift for it oh we missed that because the angle is wrong so you want to get like face straight forward so you don't miss any shots and they walk slowly because the same principle applies as they loop if they have slower units they will walk at the slowest speed all right there have a chance to bump into our unit so we're gonna drag them out this way I will keep missing on him don't like the fact they're moving what's hit these units down a little bit so he just kite for the rest of the battle obviously you might think you know it's timers about to run out you can kill them before then don't worry Seve gonna hit him now hit him a little bit all right one more should do it it's all B's not as easy when he stands still but we got this nowhere to hide now there we go now you can charge it different things just not not spear you know easy rule charge when you're waiting for the cooldown and don't don't take the risk don't lose your mount and then fire at spear guards first if you want to use your retinue to help sure you know not a requirement but if you see any spare units route not like this but like actually route no not not like that either like read route not shattered you can charge into that as well just to make them like this when there's no other unit around charge in to make sure they turn white or you just want to cluster them so that you get you know your money's worth on your show of force there okay soared unit as you can see easy charge target I wish they charge at the dense part because they actually kill more that way and then you just pull him out all right shatter please only the unit you aimed at will get the morale debuff everyone else even though they could take the damage they don't lose morale there we go should have chased that guy before he bounced back all right they're done this is back you see how this unit gets hit but doesn't actually lose morale now they lose morale so please please route there we go we don't have mighty knock back yet so our charge is not that great but you can't have everything already have a broken ability all right five minutes countdown let's get this done you just got get this units are out oh don't disturb us how we missed one volley all right looks like we're running a little bit out of time so we're gonna come out well they're done these routed chase that chase that chase the spear guards when they are routing like that so they don't bounce back actually just charge I think they fire as they charge when you have them do something like this but I don't actually think they will do anything yet they won't actually attack back fighting against the clock here all right this is a healthy unit hurry up route that all right flag is white fire at the G captain charge at the sword we win hostiles factions destroyed alrighty so now his fingers crossed for capturing these guys a 64 - so pretty easy to gain out of 4 - through this fight we got tackled in the spear let's see we got an Zoe item we captured halt halt execute shout hold one's willing to work for us he picked up meme so we did have to knock him out in the fight a little bit unfortunate but we employ him and will occupy lady ban takes over and they immediately loses the faction now this will also happen how Saul's characters will also be okay to join us except for lady BN so we just recruit ahold even with all the items tolerant with the armor Tolson hustles dad we're gonna leave him alone he does have ambitious tycoon boost if you want to use this it's fine you're gonna have to save him til super late game he might not survive till then so you can decide what you want to do with him like if you want to take this bone as you probably have to adopt him or something which I don't think is worth it all right so that's the early game guide going forward what you want to do few things you see he picked up an item so if you don't kill him he has a chance to pick up an item now you can go kill him later and farm that item off of him asked for what you should do next here's what you should do you should take this army go capture poncho talent and temple if you can before toilets yet he might take fees before you but if you can try to grab them he's still fairly early in the game and then after this point you can either recall him and then some of him back in in front where you're gonna be facing off against your initial was a full army he'll have a full stack he would have taken the low out lumberyard and you get a mission after you complete this one asking you to take the lumberyard so by that time he should have taken it you have two ways to deal with that one build up a regular-sized force with your generals many great generals and just go destroy your actual who will only have the law on lumberyard and the town and the way you can actually do it with him is you can actually purchase the lumberyard from him because you're not a war yet and that will satisfy the condition of capturing it and it would trigger the mission for your economy girls where you just have to build something to activate it and at that point you just move your army down destroy him here so that's pretty straightforward then you have a very nice piece of territory you have high empire buffer here in the farmland that you can take later on you have high empire territory that's very easy to take in young jewel and you have a nice border with tall tien and potentially little bay over here with the temple under your control giving you satisfaction bonuses and in terms of how you want to deal with your reform tree you could look for early trade routes into a slight onyx dragon rush or you can rush the tax collection buildings because you do have a lot of peasantry commandery and this is a very good form of early peasantry economy farm those rebels gets all your general level high and you know the weakness of not having a lot of generals is fixed because you absorbed south halls entire faction so that makes things very easy and you yielded a lot of items as well the spear you can give back to him you get a bronze axe you can sell in diplomacy you get clay warriors you get a bronze spear you get an armor that's not very good because this authority armor so yeah the game becomes very easy from this point in my opinion and you should be able to build up the economy recruit a bunch of really broken units use your really strong generals and just conquer the central plains and then move on to whatever directions you want to play whether you want to attack you guys all to the north or start taking over the south that's up to you so hopefully this guide will help you play a dual role in the 190 start and we'll see you in our next guide by
Channel: Serious Trivia
Views: 25,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Total War: Three Kingdoms, Early Game, Legendary, Legendary Difficulty, Playbook, Guide, Strategy, Liu Chong
Id: BMYtU10xii8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 51sec (3591 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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