How to get rid of mucus in the throat and clear out lungs phlegm

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If you've got mucus phlegm or catarrh then you  have found the right video because I'm gonna   teach you how to get rid of it so hit that like  button if you're fired up for this and let's go   okay so I'm gonna make this bit nice and simple  mucus is something ourselves create that prevent   our organ Linings from drying out I'm moving  straight into phlegm this is basically the mucus   that we produce from our nose and throat that  we spit out and when we talk about catarrh I'm   not talking about the country in the Middle  East Qatar is basically the build up in our   nose and our throat usually from allergies or an  infection easy as that so let's dive straight into   tip number one assault water gargle and rinse I am  forever recommending this to my patients because   it's inexpensive everyone has the ingredients at  home and it's so helpful at washing away excess   mucus washing away irritants and reducing  inflammation in the nasal area and in the   back of the throat here's how you're gonna do it  Kettle water boil one teaspoon of salt Add Water   mix and your saline solution is now ready okay so  now it's time to learn what to do with your saline   solution so what you need to stand over a sink  because two as you don't want to burn yourself   three take a sip of your saline solution gargle  and then spit out I would repeat it at least   three times but you can do it as many times as  you need to feel comfortable four Now using the   same saline solution we're gonna do a nasal rinse  five and here's how you do it cut your hand like   so pour a little bit of solution in your hand  and put it down close one nostril and sniff it   up sniff the solution up and let it pour out  okay easy as that repeat three times in each   nostril okay but you can do it as many times you  need for your comfort now some important tips to   remember it will take a bit of practice for you  to get used to it okay that's normal you might   swallow a bit that's completely fine but always  try and spit out any solution that goes in your   mouth and lastly you can do the rinse and gargle  as many times as you want for comfort from mucus   catarrh phlegm okay there is no limit to how  many times you can do it so please bear that   in mind but remember you need to make a fresh  batch each time you do it now diving straight   into tip number two if you feel like your symptoms  are worse at night when you're lying down consider   propping yourself up with an extra pillow okay  this is gonna one help with potential acid reflux   that might be coming up and two help reduce the  buildup of fluids now you may have never thought   that acid reflux may be contributing to this so  if you do suffer from acid reflux I do have a   really helpful video on it and we'll leave a link  to it up here and in the description below I would   highly recommend you watch it because it could  potentially be making the mucous catarrh phlegm   buildup Works moving swiftly on tip number three  if you're constantly finding yourself doing this   all you're doing is aggravating the throat and  causing more of a catarrh Builder so we need to   soothe your throat and this can be easily done by  sipping on some water constantly sip on water stay   hydrated and stop doing this because all you're  doing is making things worse now jumping straight   into tip number four home steam inhalation  I really love this one especially with a bit   of mental or eucalyptus oil in it I think it's  pretty amazing but if you don't have them oils   don't worry you can do it with plain water it's  completely fine and here's how you do it okay so   first of all you're going to get yourself a  nice ball like so and place it somewhere stay   next you're going to boil the kettle and pour it  in your bowl okay after that you're going to get   yourself a towel preferably a large towel place  it over your shoulders and head and kind of you   can sit down and do some table by the way and  kind of sit down and drape it over yourself and   the bowl with the hot water in it please be very  careful you don't burn yourself you need to leave   about 20 to 30 centimeters between your face  and the bowl and start breathing in breathing   nicely through your nose deep breaths and let  it out I'd say about a 10 minute session will   do okay and you can repeat it as many times  as you want if you do have the eucalyptus or   Menthol oils even better pour a little bit in  but if you don't it's completely fine to do it   without now please do remember mucus catarrh are  generally harmless but there are situations where   you should seat medical attention for it I will  leave loads more information in the description   below so please please please do give it a read  as I always say at the end of every single week's   video I hope these tips help always remember  you're awesome and I'll see you next week
Channel: AbrahamThePharmacist
Views: 434,261
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Keywords: how to clear mucus from your throat, how to get rid of mucus in the throat, mucus in throat, how to get rid of mucus, how to get mucus out of your throat, mucus in lungs how to clear, how to get mucus out of lungs, how to remove mucus from throat, phlegm removal from throat, how to get rid of phlegm in throat, how to get rid of phlegm, phlegm in throat, phlegm in chest
Id: 3toI_8o02Rw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 27sec (267 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 20 2023
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