Clear phlegm now! how to get rid of sputum: cold, flu, pneumonia

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hi guys. jason from mr physio i'm going to show you two simple techniques to get rid of sputum before that i will show you the lung anatomy There is a 'wind pipe' in the middle (trachea) it divides into two main stem bronchi A lot of branches called bronchi go across the lungs and then the air eventually will arrive in alveoli where gas exchange occurs so if you have phlegm in the middle of this airway due to flu, pneumonia and COVID 19 that airway can be blocked and there will be less gas exchange and due to gravity, sputum can go down into the base of your lungs where most gas exchange occurs that means there will be less oxygenated blood in your body and your body function can decrease that's why we need to get rid of them even if you have cold symptoms i will show you how to do that firstly we're going to take five small breaths use 50% of your full breath and breathe in hold your breath for five seconds to allow air to go deeper into the lungs slowly breathe out through your mouth and breathe in again your belly should come forward so that your diaphragm can come down which means there is enough space for your lungs to expand after taking five small breaths, we are going to take another five deep breaths this time one hand on your belly and the other hand on your lower ribs and take a deep breath hold your breath for 5 seconds and breathe out one more time breathe in slowly breathe out we're doing this to get the air behind the sputum so that we can push the sputum up also the air can moisturize the airways and the sticky sputum the last technique is huff and cough and there are two ways of huffing the first one is to take a small breath and breathe out slowly for a few seconds so take a small breath through belly and hold for a couple of seconds and then breathe out you have to make an 'O' shape with your mouth take a small breath and breathe out for few seconds you can actually cough if you want but try this a couple of times and then move onto the next huffing technique the second technique is to take a deep breath and breathe very strongly for just one second oh it's coming so you try this a couple of times. i will do one more time it's in there 5 small breaths + 5 deep breaths 2-3 small huffing + 2-3 big huffing if you can't get rid of phlegm at the end of this cycle, then you have to cough 2-3 times but if you still have some phlegm left, you have to repeat this whole process again however, too much huff and cough can cause sore throat so just do it 2-3 times per hour only and you can try another technique with a plastic bottle and straw it's very simple you just take a deep breath and blow it into the water okay one more time you repeat this 10 to 20 times and finish with huff and cough the rationale behind this device is this when you blow into the water, you can't exhale the air all at once so the air will keep the airway open and moisturize the airway today we talked about some simple techniques to get rid of phlegm and i got my pants wet i'll see you next time
Channel: Mr. Physio
Views: 1,729,864
Rating: 4.9150643 out of 5
Keywords: phlegm, Clear phlegm, how to get rid of sputum, coronavirus, pneumonia cough sounds, pneumonia lung sounds, pneumonia cough, pneumonia breathing exercises, Clear phlegm from lungs, Clear phlegm in throat naturally, Clear phlegm in chest, Clear phlegm for singing, Sputum, Clear phlegm before singing, Clear phlegm from baby throat, secretion, mucus, get rid of sputum, cough phlegm, pneumonia, how to get rid of phlegm, clear sputum, flu, cold
Id: m_4CGZzTTCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 40sec (340 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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