KNOW YOUR ROOTS | How to Get Rid of Gnats Indoors | Julie Khuu

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[Music] hi guys welcome back to my channel today we're talking about how to get rid of those pesky mattes in all your indoor plants for every single plant lover out there this is like the number one a problem when it comes to your indoor plants it is all of those little gnats and fruit flies flying around they're really simple to get rid of and easy to treat as long as you know what you're doing so let's jump right into my tips and tricks on how to get rid of these mats for good so what are gnats naturally those tiny little insect they're like dark brown or sometimes black and they look like little flies there are two types of naps non-biting mats and biting mats the ones that you'll typically find within your home or the non-biting ones the most common types of non biting necks that you'll find in your home are fungus gnats fruit fly mats and drain that's the ones that we're going to be covering today are those pesky fruit fly ones first you have to ask yourself where do these gnats even come from the number one answer is moisture moisture is a breeding ground for naps you can find moisture everywhere in your home from your drain to your garbage to even the condensation on your windowsill but the one that's most common for indoor plants is all the moisture that's in your cell bills gnats reproduce in that wet and moist soil you guys have in your indoor plants that are like partially shaded they thrive in that overwater plant especially when it's hidden in the shade the larvae feeds on the fungus growing in the soil and the moist organic matter I mean it's so nasty when you think of it the female gnats actually lay up to 100 to 300 eggs in batches of two to thirty each in decaying organic matter that means while you're sifting through this wet soil the eggs can hatch in four to six days and the larvae actually feeds in it for twelve to fourteen days basically when you over water your plans you're more susceptible to Neff so in this video I'll show you how to tackle those gnats and eliminate them for good the first step is to eliminate the source we want to get rid of those snaps in your indoor plants the ones that have been multiplying in your wet soil but the first thing you have to do is stop over watering your plants fungus gnats live and breathe in the soil your indoor potted plants the first thing you have to do is start to pick off all those rotting leaves or the decaying matter that's right on the top of your soil unless they suspect that there's mold or there's fungus underneath you actually have to repot the entire plant and they get rid of the source from the roots if the root has completely rotted though you might have to consider removing the plant altogether and replacing it with a new leg the second way to eliminate naps is to kill the babies the larvae and the adults that are multiplying on top of your soil for this method you are going to need steel wool a pair of scissors and your infested potted plant the steel wool actually acts as a net so that you can lay this on the top of your soil I recommend using fine or superfine coarseness because basically once the larvae shed and then the baby Nazi merge you don't want them flying through this you cannot use like a steel sponge because the holes are so large you're basically gonna have all these baby naps flying everywhere and it defeats the entire purpose a link way you can get the steel below and it's so cheap guys it's like less than five dollars you want to unroll your steel room you'll see that the net is really fine and basically you're just gonna cast a net right on top since it's so fine you can actually whip it up with your hands and you'll just lay it right on top the thing I love about this steel wool is that you can water directly right on top of it if you need you can use scissors to trim the edges and then you can mold it right to the shape of your pot this layer of steel wool will prevent the baby nos from flying out when they get mature and you'll prevent the adults now from coming in and reading [Music] in addition to the steel mesh you can add pebbles or small rocks to the top of the soil once the soil dries out the mats and the larva get trapped underneath and die plus I love the clean and modern look of these pebbles right on top of the soil for this snap trap you'll need a clean mason jar lemons so apple cider vinegar some water and sugar so you'll add your water your sugar your apple cider vinegar you want to mix this up you want to drop in at least six or seven pumps of the dish soap place us right next to your indoor climate plant the one that you put a steel mesh over just in case any gnats get out they'll be lured by the sugary mixture and the liquid soap will actually keep them in there and prevent them from flying out to go one step further I actually like to cover my mason jar with a plastic wrap you want to make a few holes on the top of the plastic wrap you can either use a chopstick or a pen these holes will allow the knots to crawl into the jar and will prevent them from flying up the next method is to water your plants with a hydrogen peroxide and water solution you want to add four parts water with one part hydrogen peroxide you could either use a spray bottle or pour it directly into your watering can whatever method you use you'll see a little bit of bubbling and that's when you know that the mixture is working from this next method all you'll need is a spray bottle water dish soap and a little bit of baking soda you'll combine this mixture and pour it into your spray bottle and all you'll need to do is spray the plant and then that's right on contact and they will vanish I mean they won't vanish but they'll die but the easiest thing I do for everyday use is to fill a water bottle with at least like 1 liter of warm water I'll spritz at least 6 drops of lemon scented dish soap in it this mixture kills off all the adult gnats without harming the plants every time I seen that's flying in the air I'll give it a little spritz or out spritz the leaves the plants the stems and the soil anytime I see any little movement and there you have it guys I hope you got some really great tips on how to kill those pesky mats and fruit flies that are flying in your indoor jungle oh I hope that this doesn't prevent you from wanting to plant indoor plants I mean I just love it in my home I think those gnats and the fruit flies are such a small nuisance in relation to this gorgeous John below that I've been breeding inside my home they're pesky but manageable when you follow my above tips which will treat your plants from further infestation and growth if you like this type of content please give this video a thumbs up I know that you guys love inter plants as much as I do don't you have any questions when it comes to your indoor plant care please leave the comments below and please subscribe to my channel if you have an R penny thank you so much for watching guys I'll see you in the next one every time I see that's flying in the air I'll just see if a little spritz I mean they won't vanish but they'll die ya know lady that part of my video sorry
Channel: Julie Khuu
Views: 315,526
Rating: 4.9478397 out of 5
Keywords: Interior design, decorating, home decor, how to's, diy, tutorials, Remove gnats, indoor gnats, fungus gnats, indoor flies, indoor plant care, jungalow, indoor plants, house plants
Id: H3AcV_DAvxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 35sec (455 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 05 2020
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