How To Get Rid Of Dark Spots In Your Glass Renders / Blender Glass Tutorial

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hey there and welcome to this new Blended tutorial where I'm going to show you how to get rid of dark spots in your glass objects featuring this object which you can buy on my gumroad for a Euro or very close to a dollar or recreate yourself using the tutorial I have linked here so uh without plugging myself too much let's sub straight into this I'm going to quickly detection this well I'm going to select it detecture it that I just select the wrong thing yep no I did uh select this D texture it add a new material and I'm just going to add a normal bus Shader without any further Shenanigans and here you go so right now we can see this is EV we're not going to use EV for this because Evie usually doesn't give you any dark spots in your material so I'm going to show you how this looks in Cycles this is what it looks like and right off the bat you can't really see much all right and that is because I have already changed some settings if I was to go to the light paths and yes this is a major spoiler on how to how to get rid of it and choose the default settings really dark spots I'm going to quickly render this out for you in a margin of 100 and then I'm going to show you uh what I actually mean foreign [Music] so yeah as you can see right off the bat we can see that we get some really dark spots right about you here here here here and basically everywhere uh I'm going to go to a new render layer and tweak some settings so basically the main thing that keeps this here from being as translucent as it can get is I'll be transparent but mostly the glossy one so all I need to do is set this here to some large number like 12 and render this again for your convenience so I can show you the difference that alone makes but we will see foreign so yeah as you can see this is a major major difference as you can see this black spot really got erased from existence some darker spots here got also really uh wait give me a second is there may be a way to get rid of this no there is not uh okay we have compositing we're we're stuck with it well nothing we can do uh so yeah you can see there's dark spots there's dark spots and there are mostly gone not fully but mostly gone and that is also so much better than before uh really it only took like uh what about one second more uh than the previous one well if you have more glass object of objects of course it's going to take a lot longer but now let's go overboard I can simply change this to uh 10 24 but this wouldn't really change anything because the total bounces here are at 12. so let me just bump them up and bump up the transparent just for good measure and the transmission also we don't really need the diffuse because there's nothing diffused about this so let me render this again once more and show you the difference that makes so yeah as you can see right now it has fully rendered and we can see that we get some small scale differences like for instance here we get a much more defined line overall our glasses nice and brighter and shinier we get some nice Reflections and here we get some really ill which is really really cool so yeah and we also have some dark spots that still go away but all in all you can see the difference is not that big compared to the initial transition from the standard values to just setting the glossy to 12 and so really is this your recommendable well it's with one glass object it even rendered faster than previously because it built up the scene faster and probably also just composite it just a little bit faster so with one object it's not that big of a deal cranking everything up to like 10 24 but uh in a large scale scene a large-scale scene where you have a lot of objects with a lot of bounces in a closed setting I wouldn't really recommend setting this to 10 24 12 is also a stretch but it can pass through for a final render but yeah 1024 is definitely way way too big so let me show you what you can do instead so let me see let me see let's set this to the default values and I'm just going to set the glossy to 12 and now I'm going to show you how to get rid of the dark spots in a cheesy cheesy cheesy way so we're going to do this with the material node and we're going to look up the light path we're going to plug it in here get a mix Shader plug it in here and from the light path we're just going to look for the uh for the rate depth which is right here and we plug that into the factor so now we are mixing the light path rate depth with the glass and we're looking for a transparent bstf we're plugging that into the bottom lastly what we're going to need is a math note we're going to set it to greater than which is ready and we're going to set it to greater than 12. so everything that is greater than 12 also enable the clamping if you want so you don't have to but I like to enable it so everything that is more bounces than 12 will automatically get into a transparent bsdf sort of thing now let me render this out one final time for you so you can see what difference that makes now you can see comparing this here to the to the uh 10 24 one it does look a very very mild bit worse so we get some darker spots but not that much uh we get a few differences here but also not that much and but compared to the to the um one where we just chose 12. this here is actually pretty good as you can see we get some brighter lines here it also fixes some things up the render time went up by just about four seconds but really this is because there is only one object if you had multiple objects objects stacked behind one another this would be a lifesaver because the moment you start adding objects behind your glass object so more objects after each other so imagine you have like glasses stacked one one next to each other you're looking from at it from the side you would get so many dark spots because your renderer or your Cycles renderer wouldn't be able to comprehend that many bounces in order to display the brightness so this is a nice workaround it works slower than just cranking it up to uh to 124 with one object but if you have like 20 of them this will render quite a lot faster and as you can see it still gives you a little bit of a nicer result compared to the 12 bounces one nope so yeah I hope you could use this I hope this is useful information and you found what you were looking for this is this here is the best way to actually get rid of it I would uh write I would greatly recommend changing the velocity if you want you can also update transmission and even the transparent if you wanted to but um if you have multiple glasses in your scene you can use this even for final renders and it will just work fine but this is more of a workaround kind of thing and this is the real deal so yeah I hope you found this useful and I will see you in the next one check out my gumroad if you want if not don't and leave a like comment or don't whatever you want bye
Channel: Philip Kriegel
Views: 19,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, tutorial, english, blender 2.8, blender 3d, blender tutorial, tips, blender modelling, blender cycles, render, rendering, cycles, blender 3.0, glass, dark spots, shiny, black, black spots
Id: 10NWElFmZms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 49sec (529 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 31 2022
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